Doctor Player

Chapter 192

Doctor Player Chapter 192

“I’ll ask the Tower of Healing.”

Smallpox epidemic information is shared in the Tower of Healing.

The irony is not for the sake of treatment, but for the safety of the healers.

It was an unofficial rule of the Tower of Healing to withdraw completely when an infectious disease with a high fatality rate, such as the Black Death or smallpox, was prevalent.

Christine got the information right away.

“Currently, it's popular in the East Kong region of the Iron Empire.”

pupil fat.

The eastern province of the Iron Empire was the easternmost point of the continent.

Houston Kingdom is located deep in the west of the continent, so it could be said to be almost the opposite side of the continent.

‘too far. And the Iron Empire is a place I can't go to.'

Raymond shook his head.

The distance was also a distance, and the Iron Empire and the Crusader Empire were always maintaining a state close to quasi-war. It was a place that could not be realistically reached.

“Is there anywhere else?”

“It was popular in the Free Cities Alliance, but thanks to the active role of the ‘Crimson Saint', it is said to be in a lull now. And there's one more place. I'm not sure yet... … .”

Christine told an unexpected story.

“It’s the Drowton Kingdom.”

“… … !”

“Some time ago, there was a suspected case of smallpox in the south of the capital of the Drowton Kingdom.”

Raymond's face hardened.

It was unexpected news.

Then the door suddenly opened.

“Your Excellency, there is an urgent call from the Droton Kingdom!”

When I went to the communications center, I saw a face I hadn't seen in a long time.

Makapell III!

was the boy king.

- Master! I contacted you for help.

The boy king had a pale complexion.

- A smallpox patient has occurred near the capital of our Droton Kingdom! It is on the verge of contagion to the capital, Joseph Castle.

“… … !”

- I will give you any reward, so please save our Droton Kingdom!

* * *

Capital of the Kingdom of Houston.

Instead of King Auden and high-ranking nobles attending, something unexpected was happening at the meeting.

“… … For these merits, I will grant Count Penin the title of Count and Marquess in the Lafalde region.”

King Auden made this declaration.

So far, there has been no major change.

Because everything was expected.

The forces of the princes who were hostile to Raymond had no voice.

The problem was what happened after that.

Remerton made an abrupt remark.

“Would you mind if I said something, Obama?”

For reference, Lemerton was recently released from probation.

The attention of the conference hall was on Remerton.

Everyone knows that Lemerton are cornered.

At this rate, there was no possibility that Lemerton would inherit the throne.

‘In terms of force, he is inferior to Highness Cairn, and in terms of ability, he is inferior to Marquis Pennin.'

Originally, Remerton's strength was the ability to be called a genius.

Even though he was somewhat pushed out of the supporters, he was considered a candidate for the throne due to his outstanding talent.

But no one considered him a genius anymore.

Because there was a true genius named Raymond.

‘It might be more likely that Princess Sophia will ascend the throne than Her Highness Lemerton.'

People glanced at a person sitting in the seat of honor.


Everyone knew that she was smart.

Although he did not receive special attention, he showed outstanding performance by taking on various tasks without saying anything.

Of course, the odds of her succeeding to the throne were extremely low.

Because he was ranked 4th in succession and had no supporters.

However, now Lemerton's situation was precarious enough to make her look even more powerful.

“Let me tell you.”

“I also want to work hard for the kingdom of Houston like the Marquis of Pennin. Please appoint me as the manager of the Tiyu area where the flood occurred this time.”

“… … !”

Teau area.

It was a large area north of the central part of the Houston Kingdom.

Under the direct jurisdiction of the King, the recent water crisis was selecting the right person to send, but Remerton stepped up.

‘His Highness Lemerton, why?'

Everyone made puzzled faces.

Stabilizing a disaster area involves hard work.

Lemerton usually did not show interest in such ‘lower' work, but it was unexpected.

Of course, Lemerton had a reason for doing this.

It was because of a sense of crisis that he was falling behind Raymond.

He had to prove his ability by not being pushed by Raymond.

Remerton gritted it.

‘I'll go to the Tiyu area as a manager and show a better appearance than that guy.'


It was an administrative position equivalent to that of a lord.

Receive orders from the king and rule the province like a lord.

Therefore, it was good to set up achievements because it had high discretion.

‘So I'll prove that this body is better than Raymond.'

In other words, this was a head-to-head match against Raymond.

All held their breath and looked at Lemerton and King Auden.

Everyone knew the meaning of Lemerton's request.

‘This is a huge burden for Her Highness Lemerton as well.'

What if Lemerton looks ugly again?

Then really nobody would consider Lemerton a candidate for the throne.

‘On the other hand, if I show a great figure here, I'll be able to revive the knight.'

In other words, Lemerton is trying to win with everything he has.

Tension flowed in the meeting room, and Oden opened his mouth.

“good night. I will appoint Lemerton as the interim superintendent of the Tireu region.”

“… … !”

“I will give you six months to stabilize the Tiyu area. However, if you show poor performance in the middle, you will be stripped of your position as manager at any time.”

Everyone rolled their eyes in amazement.

King Oden must have known the meaning of Remerton's request just now.

Now that this has happened, the work of Raymond and Lemerton, who have just become feudal lords, can only be compared.

‘You wouldn't know that, right?'

The nobles swallowed their saliva.

‘Could it be that His Highness is trying to gauge the two people's ability to rule with this incident?'

I do not know.

In fact, it was not known at all what King Auden thought of Raymond.

But if.

If King Auden had even the slightest heart to regard Raymond as a candidate for the throne.

‘This is going to be a very important quarter.'

Raymond who became a feudal lord.

Leamerton appointed administrator.

With this incident, the abilities of the two will be clearly compared.

So a decision was made that would have a huge impact on the political world.

* * *

After the meeting, Remerton met a person.



Marquis of Tern!

As the brother of Lemerton's mother, he was the leader of the faction that supported him.

“Are you okay this time?”

The Marquis of Terne was concerned about Lemerton. freewёbnoν

If Raymond loses again this time, Lemerton will be further cornered.

In fact, he might be eliminated from the succession to the throne.

“Do you not believe me?”

Remerton frowned.

Marquis Tern shook his head hastily.

“Of course not. I believe in your ability. But I'm worried that old Raymond is using all sorts of bizarre tricks.”

Remerton was silent.

Actually, he wasn't worried either.

It was because the ability Raymond had shown so far was too great to ignore.

Raymond was definitely a genius.

Maybe it's comparable to Lemerton himself.

But Lemerton was confident.

“Isn’t that why you asked your uncle?”

“… … !”

“Help me, uncle.”

The Marquis of Tern kept his mouth shut.

Remerton's request was a great burden to him as well.

Because there was no easy answer.

‘Severing trade with the Lafalde region.'

The Marquis of Tern let out a drool.

The Lafalde region traditionally traded with the Houston Kingdom rather than the Drowton Kingdom.

This was because it was the land of the Houston Kingdom 100 years ago, and water transportation was on the side of the Houston Kingdom.

The Droton Kingdom side was blocked by a rugged mountain range, so large-scale trade was not easy.

Even though the two countries are hostile, the trade relationship has been going on for a long time because the traders did not block the exchange.

In particular, it had a lot of trade with the western region where the Marquis of Tern was a feudal lord.

‘In exchange for the products of the Lapalde region, we sold wheat and other food.'

The Lafalde region is not a good place for farming.

In addition, there are many monsters appearing, so it is not advantageous for large-scale livestock farming.

Therefore, a significant amount of food is imported from outside.

But Lemerton wants to break the chain of trade.

Then the Lafalde region will fall into great chaos.

“But it is not easy. There will be a lot of resistance within the estate.”

It also has to bear the political burden.

‘There's no way His Highness the King would stand still watching such a glaring trick.'

But Lemerton persisted.

“Many of the food imports in the Lafalde region depend on the uncle's estate. If exports are cut off in such a situation, the Lafalde region will fall into great chaos.”

That was right.

The best granaries of the Houston kingdom are the western provinces, and the central and eastern provinces under the direct control of the king.

Among them, the central and eastern provinces had a bad climate this year, so the harvest was not very good.

Only the western region of the Marquis of Tern had a good harvest, but if the sale was cut off, the Lafalde region would have no way to get food.

The Duke of Leif in the south might provide some support, but in the first place, the south wasn't fertile either, so it was difficult to supply enough.

“But the cause… … .”

“You can make a cause. If that doesn’t work out, can’t we start a massive fire in the food storage warehouse?”

“… … !”

Marquis Tern opened her eyes wide.

Set fire to the stockpile.

It was an impossible story. Then he will do a lot of damage.

“Your Highness, that is… … .”

“Uncle. No Marquis.”

Remerton bit his lip and said.

“Think carefully. Losses right now are not important. We have to trample him somehow. Otherwise, I am finished.”

Marquis Tern clenched his fists.

He understood what Lemerton meant.

‘The fate of our Marquis of Tern rests with Her Highness Lemerton. It's not the time to cover the means.'

This was the last chance given to Lemerton.

If he fell behind Raymond again, there was no chance of Lemerton ascending the throne.

“All right. I will do as you say.”

Marquis Tern closed her eyes tightly.

The thought of burning the food made my heart ache.

‘no. This is an investment for the future. This will come back many times later.'

But suddenly, I was worried.

‘What if he gets food elsewhere?'

In that case, it would have been a huge loss for nothing.

But the Marquis Tern shook his head.

‘Other provinces within the Houston Kingdom are not in a position to supply food. Although the Drowton Kingdom remains.'

However, as mentioned earlier, the transportation from the Drowton Kingdom to the Rafal region is extremely inconvenient.

Therefore, the logistics cost is enormous.

‘Unless the Droton Kingdom side accepts the loss and supplies food, I'll have to pay an exorbitant price.'

If food is obtained at such an expensive price, prices will soar, public sentiment will fluctuate, and Raymond will be in great trouble.

Remerton, on the other hand,

said, “Thank you, uncle. I will prove it this time. That no one like him dares to compare with me.”

He smiled confidently.

“I already have a plan. This time, as a former manager, I will make a contribution that cannot be compared with him.”

* * *

Meanwhile, at that time, a villa outside the capital of the Kingdom of Houston.

Cairn calmed his eyes.

‘You're feeling uncomfortable.'

The escort knight gulped.

It wasn't until after Raymond solved the mysterious situation that Cairn's planting became like that.

“Go away.”

“Oh yes yes!”

The escort knight hastily disappeared.

Left alone, Cairn headed somewhere with a cold face.

It was a secret space in the basement of the villa.

A communication orb was placed.

Surprisingly, it was the same type of communication tool that Berard was trying to connect with ‘them' the other day!


Then, along with a crackling noise, a voice was heard.

-I've been waiting for you, collaborator.

It was different from normal communication channels.

I couldn't see his face as if he was covered by a curtain, and I could only hear his voice.

Also, even the voice was altered, so it was impossible to guess who it was.

-There was an unexpected variable. I never thought that Raymond would demonstrate such ability.

The person on the other side of the communication port was a genuinely surprised voice.

Even ‘they' didn't think that Raymond could solve the disaster.

“Then what are you going to do?”

-We are preparing a plan to deal with Raymond. how soon... … . freeweɓnø

“No, you are wrong.”

Cairn stopped talking.

“It's not Raymond that we should aim for now.”

-What do you mean?

Cairn frowned.

“Isn't your purpose to put me on the throne? So he must be using my power to achieve some purpose.”

The opponent inside the crystal ball was silent.

Cairn continued.

“Can I ascend the throne even if Raymond collapses?”

-That's right... … .

Opponent blurted out.

So it will be.

Because there was no one threatening Cairn's throne right now.

Now that Lemerton was in such a situation, the throne belonged to Cairn, as long as Raymond was not there.

“I will ascend to the throne. But at what age?”

-… … !

Cairn made a terrifying expression.

“You have been very patient before. But I'm not. How long do I have to wait for the day I will ascend the throne?”

The opponent who understood Cairn's words was silent.

It had to be.

That's because the meaning of Cairn's words was enormous.

then after a while

- Ha ha ha ha. indeed. That's great. You are our collaborator.

The opponent in the crystal sphere continued to speak as if it were genuinely pleasant.

-That's right. If you want to ascend the throne, you must kill King Auden, not defeat Raymond.

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