Doctor Player

Chapter 208

Doctor Player Chapter 208

The contents of the book are divided into two parts.

The first part was a treatment with heel as the main.

I wrote a method to maximize the effect of healing by combining simple medical treatment.

And the second part was the treatment side using heel as an assistant.

It is recommended that heels be used as an aid after first medically necessary treatment.

‘Of course, I only wrote down very simple treatments.'

Anyway, difficult treatment cannot be read and applied even if written in a paper like this. You won't even understand.

Therefore, only simple treatments that can be followed even by non-medical experts have been described.

remove pus.

Hemostasis in an emergency.

Including CPR.

‘Because I'll be able to increase the survival rate a lot if I use a heal after taking that kind of treatment first.'

CPR for example.

Originally, when he collapsed from a heart attack, he used Hillman's long cloth day and night, and the patient died because the brain was not supplied with oxygen.

But what if you use heels while doing a heart massage?

It will greatly increase your survival rate.

Part 2 was mostly about that.

Raymond sighed.

‘Although the reaction of the tower of healing is scary.'

It was obvious that there would be a strong backlash.

‘But I'm a marquis now. They won't punish me carelessly.'

If he had been a mediocre therapist, he would not have dared to make such a presentation.

They might try to excommunicate him from the Tower of Healing Anger.

But he had the power now.

Even if you protest and criticize, you won't be able to do a ridiculous trick.

‘It's a necessary announcement even at the cost of a backlash.'

Raymond didn't prepare this announcement simply for a class promotion.

There was a reason it was necessary.

‘We need to spread medicine far and wide. Only then can the medical industry spread more widely.'

Raymond wasn't just aiming for the Drowton Kingdom and the Houston Kingdom.

It is aiming for the whole continent in the future.

To do so, it was essential to spread positive awareness about medicine.

In other words, this announcement was the first step towards expanding the medical industry market.

At that time, Hanson, who saw what Raymond had written, said, moved.

“… … Master too. You care about patients all over the continent.”


“I understand the Master’s nervousness for the patient. He must have hoped that the touch of medicine would be extended to the people of the whole continent as soon as possible.”

Raymond nodded bewildered.

‘If this information spreads, it will surely help patients.'

So I couldn't really say that Hanson was wrong.

Hanson listened to the writings as if handling the most valuable treasure.

“You hope that this content will help patients as soon as possible, so I will submit this writing to the Tower of Healing through the magic tower’s image transmission magic tool.”

A video transmission magic tool.

A magic tool similar to a communication crystal ball can be used to capture images and transmit them to the other side.

Documents requesting an hourly wage were sent directly through magic tools like this.

‘… … Actually, it is a problem that can be conveyed in person. Because of his academic performance evaluation.'

The probationary period is just around the corner.

I had to submit right now.

The problem was the price.

The cost of using communication magic tools was quite expensive.

A whopping 200 pennies per sheet!

At least Raymond was able to receive a special discount on the Magic Tower, and the price was discounted when there were a lot of purchases, so he was able to use up to 50 pena per piece.

However, since the writing is over 100 pages in total, the transmission fee alone costs more than 5,000 pennies.

‘… … Five thousand pennies is nothing compared to the debt I owe.'

I tried so hard to think about it, but I didn't.

‘… … Five thousand pennies is too expensive for me. Big.'

My stomach hurts so much!

Even though it felt like tears were flowing from my chest!

I decided to go boldly.

After all, he's the biggest debtor right now.

* * *

The Tower of Light located in the capital of the Peninsula Kingdom.

A handsome young man was yawning bored.

“Saint Mars. This is the paper you need to review today.”

The healer of the Tower of Light carefully put down the papers and said.

The young man frowned.

“A thesis review. Should I be doing this noble thing?”

“I’m sorry.”


The healer who brought the papers was stumped by the young man.

It had to be.

That's because the young man was a great existence.

St. Mars.

He was a first-class saint (S-class).

Of course, it wasn't just that he was embarrassed by being a first-class saint.

Because here in the Peninsula Kingdom, S-class healers were not uncommon.

Because talented people flocked from all over the continent in search of golden wealth, the Peninsula Kingdom had an overwhelming majority of Sword Master Arch Mage Saints.

The young man Mars is highly regarded because he was Blesser.


If the knights had the gift of a congenital mage to the innate wizards, the healers had the talent of the Blesser.

It means a healer who has received the blessings of heaven, and their healing ability grows naturally as time goes by.

It's like an innate magician.

In particular, it was very difficult for healers to raise the level of healers, unlike knight mages. It was almost dependent on innate talent, and no matter how hard I tried, I could only raise it by two levels at most.

However, Blesser had no such limitations.

Those born with Blesser's talent will one day become the best healers.

You will grow up to triple S-class and Ex-class.

In other words, the young man Mars in front of him will one day become an Ex-class healer and stand at the top of the tower of healing.

It was natural that Healer was at a loss.

“Sorry for bothering you. It is what the tower lord ordered.”


Mars clicked his tongue.

Reviewing papers was, in fact, an honored task.

Only the most recognized healers could take on this task.

Gwangmyeong Tower Topju gave Mars the job to give him a career, but he was just a nuisance.

‘Anyway, it's a set order for me to become a top owner. I don't bother doing this.'

Mars frowned.

Just as all born mages were destined to become mage masters, so was Blesser. Most of them also became tower owners of the healing tower.

‘No one dares to doubt that I am Blesser.'

Blesser's judgment was simple.

It is to grow more than 4 steps from the existing natural heel.

A healer's growth limit is usually seen as two levels. It is also the second level that requires luck, and most healers cannot raise the level of their natural healer at all.

Even if a miracle happens, the limit is up to level 3.

However, Mars was born with a B-grade heel, passed A AA AAA, and grew up to S-class, proving that he is a Blesser.

‘I have to go to a banquet today and burn a hot night. I can't help it. I have no choice but to deal with it as soon as possible.'



“Did you not hear me? Bring me some whiskey.”

“yes yes!”

Drinking whiskey, Mars began to look at the submitted papers at high speed.

He had an arrogant disposition, but he possessed great skills. Like other high-level healers, his knowledge did not drop.

Rather, he possessed abundant knowledge comparable to that of a scholar, manners and culture, and even swordsmanship skills comparable to those of a formal knight.

It had all aspects.

His ability to handle work was also excellent, and thanks to this, the number of papers submitted quickly decreased.

“This is unqualified. leaving out. Unable to publish.”

“This will be announced in the Gwangmyeong Tower publication next month.”

“leaving out.”

By the time the whiskey was halfway empty, most papers had been processed.

When Mars stretches with a pleasant expression,

“That Saint Mars. I have this too.”

Healer brought a thick book.

Mars frowned.

“what? This? It's almost a book who posted this? Page 113? Do it next time.”

“that is… … It was received by express mail, so today is the deadline.”


This means paying extra for expedited review.

‘Ah bother. What is it about?'

The title was also grandiose.

< Hill and the New Paradigm of Patient Care >.

Mars sneered.

‘A new paradigm? It must be insignificant.'

There were few cases where the content was good for a grandiose title.

The moment you look at it roughly and try to get eliminated.

Mars' eyes widened.

‘This?' fгeewebnovё

It hardened and kept flipping through the paper.

The glass I was holding fell on the table and I didn't notice it at all.

I was so surprised.

“Three Saints? Are you okay?”

“no it's okay. Bring more water than that... … no.”

Mars heeled himself.

With a brilliant glow, drunkenness was pushed away, and the red complexion returned to normal.

He read the thesis again with a clear mind.


There were truly astonishing things written in the thesis.

Mars' eyebrows quivered.

‘… … It's something that will cause a great upheaval.'

If it had been any other healer, I would not have been able to see through the value of this thesis.

I would have laughed at it as a nonsensical story.

But not Mars.

In order to become the best, he studied the principles of the human body as much as the bio-specialized alchemists of the Mage Tower.

So I was able to see through the value of this thesis.

‘What is this? These are all actionable stories. Certainly, at this rate, I will be able to use the heel more effectively.'

Mars' mouth was dry and he drank a glass of water.

‘Who is the author of the book? Raymond de Penin? I don't think I've ever heard of that name before.'

Mars stuttered the name Raymond.

‘Ah, the reaper of death.'

He was a healer who had put an end to the reaper of death that was popular in the Droton Kingdom not too long ago.

I thought it was a mere happening, not a death reaper, and moved on?

‘Looking at this thesis, could it be that the Reaper of Death was real?'

Mars swallowed his saliva.

‘What can I do? If this thesis is made public, there will be a big upheaval.'

Mars' eyes grew cold.

‘Should I discard it?'

From the point of view of the Tower of Healing, this thesis was more fatal than any criticism.

This is because it was a thesis that denied Hill's absolute uniqueness as a treatment.

If this thesis is published under the name of the Tower of Healing, there will be cases where it is actually applied to patient treatment and healers will realize it.

That Hill isn't all about therapy.

‘That's something that should never happen.'

Even so, the Tower of Healing has recently been on the defensive in the Free Cities Alliance Iron Empire.

In particular, it was no exaggeration to say that the influence of the Tower of Healing had almost disappeared in the Iron Empire.

‘I can't get rid of that. It's not a requirement for elimination.'

It is a perfect thesis in every way.

I couldn't drop out.

‘If I drop it, it might cause more controversy.'

What if someone named Raymond raises an objection? The problem may get worse.

‘The title of Marquis, Great Lord? I can't even hit it with force. damn.'

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