Doctor Player

Chapter 218

Doctor Player Chapter 218

‘First, get 4 million pennies first.'

Four million pennies will pay off the canal construction costs and much of the debt.

You'll finally get out of debt!

It was also more satisfying in that I could rob the warehouse of the ugly King Oden.

Raymond was curious to see how Oden would look when he woke up and heard that he had robbed him of four million pence.

It will definitely be refreshing.

“that… … No matter how much the royal family's treasure is sold, it won't go up to 4 million pennies... … .”

“If things don’t go well, aren’t there treasures from the queen mothers?”

“… … .”

“Certainly it's to save His Highness's life, so you wouldn't spare your own treasure, would you?”

Raymond said calmly.

Come to think of it, it would feel really good to rob not only the treasures of King Oden, but also the treasures of the queens who had bullied him.

‘Let's take out the three queens specially.'

“Anyway, His Excellency and His Highness the King will take care of that part later.”

“… … Got it. As chancellor in charge of the royal family's finances, I will accept that condition.”

In this way, Raymond succeeded in stealing the treasures of the royal family and the queens.

“There is another one.”

“… … Something?”

“Give me full tax exemption in the medical industry that I will be working on in the future.”

Total duty free!

It was a huge benefit, but Galman couldn't help but nod.

“There is another one.”


Galman made a fearful face.

But Raymond did not back down.

“It’s okay if you don’t like it.”

“Oh no.”

Galman sighed heavily.

‘This is all the King's fault. Raymond isn't this kind of kid. How deep the wound is.'

Who is Raymond?

Isn't this one who is even called the light of the angel who came down from the sky if he is very kind?

Seeing a child who cares only for others without any greed made me realize how deeply hurt he is.

‘Moreover, all the requests now are for the sake of the people.'

Galman thought to himself.

4 million pennies? tax free benefits? freewebnøvel.coɱ

I know very well that Raymond is carrying out a great history that will connect the waterways of the Houston Kingdom and the Drowton Kingdom.

I know you're preparing to mass-produce a miracle elixir to stop smallpox.

4 million penas and tax exemption benefits would be a demand for those great achievements.

‘How can you make a request for the sake of the people in this situation? You really admire it.'

Conversely, the sigh towards King Auden deepened.

‘Didn't I advise you right away? Look at Raymond. I ended up making this situation.'

It was like reaping what you sowed.

If he had been kind enough, that kind Raymond wouldn't have made such an unreasonable request.

Galman sighed heavily at King Oden and said.

“Okay, what other requests?”

“Give me the Solvern estate.”

“… … !”

Galman couldn't help but startle again.

Solvern Territory!

It was a small estate with a mine.

It is truly a real manor with a lot of money coming out without hands!

It was the yolk money that Raymond had longed for.

But there was a problem.

The current ownership of this territory belonged to the 2nd Prince, Prince Cairn.

In other words, Raymond's request now was to take away the territory from Cairn.

No, it meant to reject Cairn as a candidate for the throne!

“What do you mean by that?”

“Yes, that's right.”

Raymond nodded.

“Please remove Your Highness Cairn from the throne. Instead, please appoint a successor who will truly be of most help to the Houston Kingdom.”

‘This is the most important.'

Raymond thought to himself.

All he wants is to become the best healer on the continent and enjoy all sorts of riches and honors.

But is that possible in the current situation?

Absolutely impossible.

Only when this complicated succession battle is over can he live a comfortable life as a healer.

‘Especially when Cairn ascends the throne, absolutely no way.'

Fortunately, there was someone to replace him.

‘For me, Princess Sophia must ascend the throne.'

Of course, Raymond didn't directly mention Princess Sophia.

Instead, he used the expression ‘the one who will be most helpful to the kingdom'.

It was political rhetoric.

If you mention Sofia by name, he becomes a political supporter of Sophia. In other words, he unintentionally becomes her back ship.

That was a specification.

He will live the life of a healer who has nothing to do with the power struggle after this job.

“… … .”

Galman did not have an easy answer to this issue.

The previous request was something that could be answered with the chancellor's authority, but this was not the case.

It was only for King Auden to decide.

‘The problem is that I don't know the will of His Highness.'

King Auden did not reveal his intentions about the succession even to Chancellor Galman.

It was clear that all three princes were not to his liking.

That's why no one has named him as his successor so far.

‘Looking at the current situation, I think Princess Sophia is the best.'

The problem was Raymond in front of him.

Sophia was great too, but nothing compared to Raymond.

Raymond was simply ‘perfect'.

class was different.

‘The problem is Raymond's will.'

From what Chancellor Galman had felt so far, Raymond was not particularly interested in power.

‘I'm not interested in any kind of greed, not just power.'

Of course people in the world said.

Raymond has ambition.

Ambition for patients and people.

However, Galman, who had been watching Raymond with interest for a long time, knew him a little more accurately.

… … Of course, I wasn't very precise.

‘Only trying to be noble for the sake of the patient and others. I am not interested in power. Raymond is a saint without greed at all. They said it's a problem if people aren't too greedy.'

Galman lamented.

Also, considering the hatred he showed towards Oden this time, it was difficult to bring up the story of the throne.

‘… … I don't know if it will be possible for Your Highness to convince Raymond.'

Chancellor Galman suddenly had a funny idea.

It was the imagination of King Auden begging and begging Raymond to accept the throne in a stupor.

Otherwise, there seemed to be no chance that Raymond would budge.

‘Even if I do that, it might shake.'

Anyway, that's for later.

At first, I had no choice but to answer.

“I will try to make sure that the things you worry about don’t happen.”

He said he would try to prevent Cairn from inheriting the throne.

“One last thing.”

“… … Something?”

“Please repeal the anti-illegitimate child law.”

Galman's eyes widened.

Anti-illegitimate child law!

It is a special law that exists in the kingdom of Houston, which stipulates discrimination against illegitimate children.

Thanks to this, illegitimate children were discriminated against in all kinds of social aspects as well as inheritance rights.

Raymond's attempt to repeal the law was to vent his anger over the accumulated resentment.

‘What is an illegitimate child? If I'm going to punish you, I'll have to punish my father.'

I said it with that heart.

“Also, in order to prevent an illegitimate child like me from being born and suffering misfortune, please enact a law in which the unfaithful parents are punished if they have a legitimate marriage partner and give birth to an illegitimate child out of an affair. I will definitely take responsibility for the illegitimate child I gave birth to.”

“… … !”

Chancellor Galman made a troubled face.

“But that would be objectionable by the nobles… … .”

“If chivalry must be followed strictly, wouldn't it be right to punish those who abandoned chivalry rather than innocent children?”

Raymond continued.

“I'm not asking for a big punishment. A mere symbolic punishment to dishonor would suffice. Even that would be enough alarm.”

In fact, this was a proposal that snipe King Auden.

When such a law was issued, King Oden was like admitting his wrongdoing in front of everyone.

I will lose face very much.

‘Just imagining it makes me sue.'

Meanwhile, Galman listened to Raymond's proposal and nodded heavily after thinking about it.

‘There may be a backlash, but in fact, that's the right law.'

As Raymond said, if one really pursues chivalry, it is right not to persecute innocent illegitimate children, but to punish erring parents.

‘It's a proposal to abolish the bad habits of the past. Such a great heart.'

Raymond wants to use this opportunity to prevent others from experiencing his pain.

‘It's not called light for nothing. It really seems to shine.'

Galman shook his head.

As chancellor, he had seen many people, but none were as great as Raymond.

there won't be any in the future

“… … Got it. I promise to end the evil law by betting my position as chancellor.”

Raymond nodded.

It seemed like I got everything I could get.

‘After getting ripped off like this, I'll enjoy a comfortable life as a healer!'

* * *

I didn't have time, so I decided to leave immediately.

“But I don't know if Your Highness will hold out until we arrive.”

Chancellor Galman had a dark face.

It is far from Ruin Castle, the capital of Rafalde, to the capital of Houston Kingdom.

Even if you ride a horse and die, it will take five days.


“Don't worry about that. Best show for me... … Because you have a means of transportation. Shutter phone!”

[Good human! Should this great shutter phone step up again? The Great Shutter Phone is tired!]

Galman was frightened when he saw the Shutter Phone appearing in the backyard of the lord's castle.

“Oh no! What kind of beast is in the lord castle!”

“It’s not a beast, it’s the best Shir… … No precious feet. They will give us a ride.”


Galman let out a laugh.

‘You really are a hero. To impress Griffin.'

For reference, in the Rafalde region, the capital of the Houston kingdom was closer than the capital of the Drowton kingdom.

If the capital of the Drowton Kingdom was leaning toward the southern end, the capital of the Houston Kingdom was slightly south of the center.

If you take a shuttle phone, it will arrive in a day.

Raymond contemplated the number of people to accompany him.

‘It's a maximum of 5 people, so who should I take? I'll have to develop a special fixed saddle later. So that more people can be transported.'

Raymond and Chancellor Galman must go, so they could bring three more.

After considering several factors, we decided to bring Christine Lyndon Elmud.

Hanson was excluded.

It was because there were so many things that I couldn't take my hands off right away, such as the progress of the vaccine business and the training of new healers.

First of all, the five of them left first, and Hanson decided to join later when urgent matters were sorted out.

“I want to stay too! I want to help senior Hanson!”

Linden cried out, turning white.

‘Ahh. Griffin is scary! How can I ride that again?'


“Thank you, Linden. You want to help me?”

Hanson asked with a smile.

I was scared to laugh.

Linden broke out in a cold sweat.

Griffon was scary, but Hell Instructor Hanson was even more scary.

‘I hate everything!'

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