Doctor Player

Chapter 235

Doctor Player Chapter 235

Alfred, who was imprisoned, told everything.

He confessed that Cairn gave him the poison and instigated this incident behind the scenes.

‘They abetted the murder of the duke, so even a prince could hang himself.'

In fact, right now in the capital, the Royal Knights were putting Cairn in prison.

Cairn will be hanged on the gallows after going through the formalities.

“By the way, how are we going to punish him since His Highness is still unconscious?”

Under the law of the kingdom, only the king has the right to judge the royal family.

Not even acting king.

Only the king can do it.

‘It's different from when I was in Seytil. Because this time the suspect is a member of the royal family.'

The problem is that we don't know when King Auden will wake up.

I expected to wake up soon, but the duration continued to increase.

You can't wait indefinitely. I had to find another way.

“There is one exception. You can raise an agenda to punish Cairn at the soon-to-be noble convention.”

Christine's eyes widened.

Noble Tournament!

As a tradition passed down from the time of the founding king, it is a grand meeting where the top 30 nobles and royal families of the kingdom gather to decide the big and the small.

The agenda decided at this time cannot be overturned even by the king.

‘It's a system to prevent the royal family from tyranny, so we can propose an agenda to punish the guilty royal family.'

In other words, it was the only way to punish the royal family without a king's judgment.

“If I do that, I can execute Cairn.”

“Yes, that's right.”

Raymond nodded and thought.

‘I'm going to fall behind and leave the job of executing Cairn to Sophia.'

Raymond thought.

‘I have to make Sophia the Crown Princess.'

In fact, Raymond has been feeling a sense of crisis lately.

A sense of crisis that he might become the heir to the throne.

‘I don't think I'll be able to get over it easily by putting it off to Sophia.'

Raymond broke out in a cold sweat.

‘The voices supporting me are too loud.'

In fact, during the Seytil incident not too long ago, Raymond was startled.

How could he stand up with so many people for himself? frёeωebɳ

I originally knew that I was popular, but the heat was too much.

‘It's not just the people. The momentum of the nobles supporting me is unusual.'

Looking back, the forces supporting him had grown without a joke.

First of all, his territory, the Lafalde region.

The faction of the Duke of Gallman in the center.

Duke of Leif in the South.

Marquis of Terne in the West.

And with this incident, even the Duke of Raeburn came to support him.

In fact, except for the northern part, most of the kingdoms were supported by nobles.

‘… … How did it come to this?'

Raymond thought with a puzzled face.

He only tried to treat patients and earn money, but after a while, he became like this.

‘Of course, thinking about making money in the future, it would be nice to have a good relationship with the nobles.'

The problem was succession to the throne.

At this rate, the risk that he, other than Sophia, would become the heir to the throne was considerable.

‘no! I'm just going to become a honey-sucking healer and enjoy a movie of wealth and glory!'

As he thought last time, he had no intention of becoming king.

His goal is to become the best healer on the continent.

That's why you enjoy the continent's greatest wealth and honor.

‘Let's not go out in front of more people. Now I'll leave everything to Sophia.'

In that sense, this noble meeting was very important.

If Sophia killed Cairn in front of the kingdom's nobles, it would make a strong impression.

You will be able to stamp your eyes in front of the nobles as the next king.

‘I have to be quiet for that to happen. Without revealing any presence.'

Raymond clenched his fists.

of the nobility convention.

It was the last hurdle.

If he passes that time well, he will be able to focus on becoming the best healer on the continent.

I shouted inwardly, expecting the path of becoming the continent's best healer and the flower path of wealth and fortune that would unfold.

‘Sophia Fighting!'

Raymond got on the shutter phone with Christine.

He closed his eyes tightly trying to think about how to put Sofia on the throne and enjoy his wealth and glory, and the people of the duchy cheered at his solemn (?) appearance.

“He is the light of our Houston!”

“Thank you, Light!”

“Please shine light on Houston from now on!”

Behind the cheers, the phone flapped its wings.

* * *

The poisoning of the Duke of Raeburn caused a huge stir throughout the kingdom of Houston.

It was an incident in which the highest noble of the kingdom was almost poisoned.

The sound of praise for Raymond who solved the case resonated.

“How much indebtedness do we owe him?”

“What are you going to say? I can't even count.”

“Even this time, he said that he didn’t have any credit, so he humbled himself. What?”

admiration surprise surprise.

All the people of the kingdom called Raymond by name.

“He's no longer Rafalde's light.”

“That’s right, it’s ours! It’s our Houston light!”

In the square, the bard Joseph sang a song in Raymond's praise.

No, it wasn't just Joseph.

The Raymond Hymn was a trend in Houston Kingdom music.

First of all, the audience liked it the most.

Wandering minstrels alike sang of Raymond's achievements, and music giants were busy composing heroic epics about Raymond.

Thanks to that, the message echoed endlessly.

[Number of people praise your achievements!]

[Reputation rises!]

[Reputation rises!]

[Acquire a new title!]

[Title: ‘Houston's benefactor (middle)' to ‘Houston's light' It has evolved!]

[Light of Houston]

Description: A title given to the brilliant light of Houston Title

Rating: Kingdom level

Additional effects:

- + Maintains the previous title effect.

-Houston Kingdom All the people are happy to be with you!

-All the people of the Houston Kingdom strongly support you!

-Houston Kingdom All the people want you intensely!

- Unleash absolute influence on all the people of Houston Kingdom!

-Your enemies in Houston Kingdom will be under intense pressure!

Raymond kept his mouth shut.

There were a lot of title effects, but all of them were useless.

‘… … I don't need anything like this, so stop building up your reputation.'

Dark clouds were gathering over the project to make King Sofia.

The competitor (Raymond) was too strong.

‘no. There is a way.'

Raymond clenched his fists firmly.

In the end, it is not the support of the people that determines the throne.

those who run the kingdom.

kings and high-ranking nobles.

‘All battles depended on the nobility competition.'

It was fortunate that there was a grand meeting of nobles.

‘It's a place where all high-ranking nobles gather, so you can highlight Sophia as much as possible there. Let's think about a specific method.'

Raymond clenched his fists.

* * *

Meanwhile, at that time, Cairn was falling into a miserable situation.

He ran away from the royal castle to the nearby Beecheo, and unlike usual, he was shouting at the communication crystal ball with a completely disheveled appearance.

“damn! Didn't you say help! help me! please!”

But there was no answer from the communication port.

Cairn shouted in a fit of rage.

“If you don't help me, I will expose all of you! I will make everyone in the Crusader Alliance know of your existence!”

Only then did I hear the answer.

-… … wait. Are you looking for a way

A blush appeared on Cairn's face.

Then the door opened violently.

The Royal Knights have finally come this far!

“Your Highness Cairn. I will send you back for abetting the murder of the Duke of Raeburn.”

Cairn did not resist.

There was still hope.

‘Raymond, don't think it's over like this.'

As Cairn was being dragged away, his eyes glowed terrifyingly.

* * *

Beyond the communication orb you shared with Cairn.

At a place where countless buildings were placed, a person laughed coldly.

“bouncer. A guy who has nothing to put forward besides bloodline dares.”

The one who says that is the ‘maestro'.

He had been in conflict with Raymond ever since the magic stone mine!

“I know I can do anything. On the subject of being nothing more than an insignificant hand.”

insignificant loss.

That was how ‘they' looked at Cairn.

‘Anyway, that's a problem. I can't give up the Houston kingdom like this.'

He was working on an important project as the ‘Maestro' of the organization.

‘To complete the project, it is absolutely necessary to obtain the kingdom of Houston. The problem is that the situation is not easy.'

In particular, the biggest stumbling block was Raymond.

His ability was better than expected.


‘Should I appease him?'

Maestro thought.

Accepting him as one of them would be a great help.

But he soon shook his head.

‘He's a pure saint without any greed. I can't be conciliated.'

If he had the greed he wanted like the others, they could provide for it.

A film that is unimaginable. Even the highest honor power.

Because they had enough power.

Unfortunately, however, they figured out that old Raymond was a true saint who cared only for others without any greed.


‘Maestro' clicked his tongue.

People like Raymond were the most difficult to deal with.

Because no compromises work for those who have blindness for the sake of others.

‘There is only one way to do this. I have to get rid of him.'

Actually, it wasn't difficult.

Because their power wasn't just ‘secret art'.

If you mobilize ‘physical' power, you can get rid of Raymond and the like.

‘But it's not a situation that can be solved by eliminating one of them.'

Cairn was too cornered. Even if Raymond is gone, he won't be able to ascend the throne.

The Maestro was lost in thought, but soon smiled darkly.

“I guess we can aim for the grand meeting of nobles. Then we can kill all of Cairn's opponents. In the guise of ‘God's Wrath'.”

It was a terrifying story.

God's Wrath.

A term used to describe a sudden disaster.

In other words, he intends to cause catastrophe by masquerading as ‘God's Wrath' during the aristocratic convention!

‘There is no way for Cairn to ascend the throne if it is not this way.'

Of course, I knew it was an overkill.

If things go wrong, the repercussions will be enormous.

‘I'll have to be careful. You must succeed.'

The problem is, of course, Raymond.

He could have messed things up again.

‘The best thing to do is to prevent him from entering the arena of the noble convention when the wrath of God falls.'

The Maestro devised a nefarious ploy.

‘The next best thing is to not let him use any numbers when he arrives.'

He decided to use both methods.

If this is the case, even Raymond will never be able to prevent this disaster.

‘This will all end.'

He leaned back in his chair with a satisfied expression on his face.

I was relieved to think that the work of the Houston Kingdom, which had been bothering me so far, would be finished.

‘Next is the Katal Kingdom.'

He looked at the map.

Catalan Kingdom.

As an ally of the same Crusader Empire, it was a nation with a national power that was clearly ahead of the Houston Kingdom.

Unlike the other four countries, which are located in the southwestern part of the continent, it was located in the middle of the continent, in an area called the West Triangle.

As befits a country in the middle of the continent, it is a place with the same 4 medicines, but with national power far ahead.

‘More than the Houston Kingdom, it's a place that's important to the achievement of my project. I have to complete the project first before the ‘magician' thing is going on in another part of the continent.'

It was a terrifying story.

It means that someone other than the Maestro is doing something similar somewhere on the continent.

‘If I succeed in the kingdom of Catal after the kingdom of Houston, I will finish a grand project. I will be able to receive a great prize.'

‘Maestro' shuddered as he thought of the moment that would soon come.

* * *

Then, in another unexpected place, there were people talking about Raymond.

The eastern peninsula of the Crusader Empire.

It was the Peninsula Kingdom!

In a small port near Rapentel, the city of water, two figures with emerald eyes identical to Raymond's were conversing.

“Do you have any guesses about the Marquis of Penin, Your Highness?”

The one who spoke was a young man with a familiar face.


He was a prince who had met Raymond the other day and was inquiring about Raymond's identity.


The person in front was an old man.


As one of the oldest elders of the Ristein family, he was the most knowledgeable person in the secret history related to the royal family.

“I have a guess.”

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