Doctor Player

Chapter 243

Doctor Player Chapter 243


Raymond felt a little uneasy.

For reference, the five nobles who followed Cairn had already been taken away and disappeared.

So, more than half of the votes were counted, but there was no dissenting vote.

‘… … what? It hasn't come out yet, right?'

Raymond broke out in a cold sweat.

Even if there is a unanimous vote, there is a last resort, but the best is to vote against this resolution.

‘Because I only need one ticket. everyone believes my faith... … .'


“22 votes in favor.”

“… … !”

The conference hall was buzzing.

Still no negative votes!

Raymond's supporters widened their eyes in anticipation, while Raymond's heart sank.

‘What is it? Why?'

Raymond looked again at his opponents.

They are still hardened expressions.

But Raymond noticed one thing.

‘It's not a face that's hostile to me. That... … resolution?'

They had expressions full of unknown determination.

‘Can you stand? Oh no?'

Raymond's face went white.

Eventually, Galman shouted with a high voice.

“Yes again.”

The conference hall roared loudly.

There is now one vote left.

Everyone was surprised and looked at the nobles who had been against Raymond until now.

They made sad faces.

“Of course we didn't like the Marquis of Penin. but… … Today, when I saw the Marquis of Penin willing to give his life for us, who were no different from our enemies, I deeply repented of my mistakes.”

“you're right. How can you be hostile to such a person?”

They were voices of deep emotion and respect.

They said in a trembling voice.

“That person… … A truly great light.”

Everyone made sad faces.

Yes. In fact, Sophia or Duke Leif or whoever. Everyone present here was once an enemy of Raymond.

But Raymond has inspired them all over the past hour.

With only love and devotion.

really light.

There would have been no such brilliant person in the history of Houston Kingdom.

‘Who else would be worthy of being crown prince?'

‘He is the light of Houston! This is the one who will lead Houston to the great light!'

In such a thrill, Chancellor Galman, who counted the last votes, exclaimed in a powerful voice.

“agree! We unanimously declare that a great resolution has been made!”

With that declaration, all nobles rose from their seats.

Then he knelt down towards the pale Raymond.

“I swear an oath of allegiance to His Highness, the new Crown Prince of the Houston Kingdom!”

Such a great history was made... … !

… … The moment I was tired.

“This is unacceptable!”

The party overturned the plate.

* * *

“What do you mean Marquis? No, it's Your Highness now.”

Everyone made puzzled faces, and Raymond's mouth went dry.

‘Damn, this kind of result comes out. It's clear that everyone is insane.'

The problem was that he had to propose a great resolution.

Matters decided with great resolution cannot be overturned even by the king.

‘There's nothing I can do about it anymore. I have no choice but to use the last resort.'

Raymond closed his eyes tightly.

last resort.

It's a method I didn't want to write. But I couldn't help it.

Raymond looked away.

The haughty and intelligent Sophia's face caught my eye.

‘The only one who can save me, Sophia, is you.'

Once the base was laid.

“It is not enough to entrust the former crown prince with a heavy duty.”

“You don’t have to be humble.”

“No, seriously. see I wonder if I will be suitable for the position of king.”

For a moment, the nobles shut their mouths.

I vaguely guessed what Raymond meant.

“I am just a healer. However, the king is not a position suitable for those who simply have good intentions. Sometimes relentless reading is also necessary.”


That's right.

It was a virtue that was difficult to expect from Raymond.

But the nobles soon shook their heads.

“Your Highness is not right. There are plenty of monarchs who have managed to rule with good intentions. I understand your concerns, but Your Highness will do just fine.”

Raymond shook his head desperately.

“It's not like that. Couldn't I ruin the royal family's finances with a heart for the people?”

“… … .”

It was quite possible, so the nobles had no answer.

Raymond now got down to business.

‘Due to the current atmosphere, it wouldn't work to suggest that Sophia be crown princess instead.'

So, an unconventional method beyond imagination was needed.

Raymond brought out a trump plan he had been putting off for the last time.

“So I ask. Please make Princess Sophia the second crown princess so that she can ascend to the throne together with me in the future.”

“… … !”

“Princess Sophia will be able to make up for my shortcomings.”

Everyone rolled their eyes in amazement.

Because it was an unexpected proposal.

joint throne!

One of the brothers ascends the throne together.

As an occasional occurrence in the history of the Crusader Empire, joint succession to the throne was possible under some circumstances.

Of course, the two kings divided the ranks, and the second king was called the Vice King (vice king) and played an auxiliary role to the existing king.

‘This way, I can achieve what I wished for.'

Raymond thought to himself.

‘All I have to do is suck the honey from behind and leave everything to Sophia.'

Actually, there was nothing wrong with being crown prince.

You will be able to enjoy the highest wealth and power in the kingdom.

However, the reason he refused the position of crown prince was because of the hard work he had to do.

‘I'll have to give up my life as a healer.'

However, if Sophia is made her viceroy and she works instead, all of these problems are solved!

‘If Sophia becomes the viceroy and works for me, I can only drink honey! I'll be able to do enough of the healer's work.'

It also had another advantage.

‘I'll be able to practice the path of a healer road's great doctor more easily.'

When he gave up his wish for the throne, the only thing left behind was the road to becoming a healer road doctor for patients.

Because the policy for patients was possible only when they reached a high position.

But this way, he can suck honey and practice policies for patients too!

‘After I finish the work for the patient, I can pass the throne to Sophia secretly later.'

Yes, in this way, it was possible to hand over the throne after a while. Before that, I only enjoyed the authority and sucked honey according to honey.

Come to think of it, it was the best way to benefit him the most!

Raymond's head spun.

‘Anyway, since His Highness is alive and well, there won't be anything to inherit the throne right away, and in the meantime, I'll work hard to raise Sophia. I forgot to drink sweet water from behind.'

As you know, if the king is in good health, the crown prince actually has nothing to do.

So, before ascending to the throne, he was living a life as a healer, boasting of being the crown prince and receiving all sorts of special benefits.

When it's time to ascend the throne, take care of Sophia, who you've raised so hard.

And watch out, if the throne is completely handed over to Sophia, it's a perfect happy ending!

“… … .”

Meanwhile, the nobles did not have an easy answer.

joint throne.

It wasn't common, but it was a very ideal combination.

‘If it was Princess Sophia who is cold-hearted, she would be the perfect fit to assist Her Majesty Penin.'

like light and shadow.

If the well-intentioned Raymond spreads his big intentions and the reading-minded Sophia assists from behind, it will be a truly perfect reign.

However, it was not a common thing, so when everyone was hesitant, Raymond spoke strongly.

“If I don’t recognize Sophia as co-crown princess, there will be no crown prince for me.”

Then King Auden spoke.

“Did you make that choice because you couldn’t give up on being a healer?”

Raymond hesitated, then nodded.

“That's right.”

When you become king, you have to give up the job of healer in effect.

On the other hand, with the method he suggested now, he could have done the job of a healer.

‘I didn't want to become a king, but as a healer, I wanted to become the best on the continent and enjoy a movie of wealth and glory.'

Raymond thought.

His greed is like a hungry ghost. I couldn't be satisfied with just being a king.

‘I want a movie richer than an emperor.'

Unfortunately, comparing the wealth and glory of the continent's best healer and the King of Houston Kingdom, the former was a landslide victory.

‘Honestly, our country is poor and small. I can't even compare to the best healer on the continent.'

The same goes for honor.

Even if it was a little far away, there were many people who did not know what kind of country Houston Kingdom was.

Raymond wanted to have the best reputation on the continent, not just one country.

King Auden pondered and then nodded.

“i get it. If that's what you mean, don't go that way. The appointment of a viceroy requires the permission of His Majesty the Emperor. I will seek the approval of His Majesty the Emperor.”

‘It was great!'

Raymond cheered inwardly.

You got honey without obligation!

‘As a crown prince in name only, let's earn money while receiving all kinds of privileges, then quietly hand over the throne to Sophia. I'm going to become the best healer on the continent!'

I was happy, but I heard unexpected words.

“That is impossible.”


It was Sophia.

She said something unexpected.

“I am a time limit. You don't know when you'll die, so you can't assist your brother, can you?”

* * *

Raymond's face hardened.

What does this mean?

I moved to the seat because of the sudden story.

“Can you elaborate?”

“Don't you remember that time? when i fell down My brother saved me.”

Raymond then remembered.

Shortly after awakening as a player. During a banquet, Sofia collapsed from a heart attack and was saved with CPR.

‘no way?'

Sophia said calmly.

“There have been several other times. Every time I fell down, I was able to live because Count Hellien or another top healer happened to be nearby, but I never know when I will fall down like that again and die.”

Though calm as if she were talking to someone else, Raymond felt pain and fear in the depths of her voice.

His always resolute brother was secretly fighting the fear of death.

‘Repeated falls. Is it a type of arrhythmia? If you look at the cardiac arrest that happened then, it's likely that ventricular fibrillation is happening repeatedly. Like Brugada Syndrome.'

Raymond swallowed.

If Sophia's illness is something like Brugada Syndrome, she will inevitably be short-lived.

But it wasn't that there was no way.

“if… … Sophia If you can be cured, what would you like to do then?”

“That’s right… … .”

Sophia playfully knocked on the table, assuming it was just a casual question.

“I want to be greedy then.”


“You want to be a younger brother who doesn’t fall behind your older brother? Of course it doesn't make any sense... … .”

Having said that, Sophia widened her eyes.

He looked into Raymond's eyes full of determination.

“no way… … Brother?”

“that's right.”

Raymond nodded heavily.

“I will cure your illness.”

“… … !”

Sophia's eyes twitched.

“It is impossible. Since the Tower of Healing was built, there has been no history of patients with repeated ‘sudden collapse' being cured. Even with my older brother’s ‘medicine’, it will be difficult.”

“Of course it won't be easy. But it is possible.”

Raymond thought of a specific method in his mind.

‘I'm implanting an implantable defibrillator.'

An implantable defibrillator (ICD)! It is to insert a defibrillator into the heart of a patient who has repeated heart attacks due to arrhythmias like Sophia.

Then, whenever there was a heart attack, an electric shock was automatically applied and he was able to survive.

‘The problem is that implementing a defibrillator isn't easy. Impossible in Houston Kingdom.'

To be honest, I have no idea how to implement it.

First of all, the understanding of the principle of the implantable defibrillator (ICD) has fallen.

‘Because this is a difficult field even for doctors on the modern Earth. An internal medicine specialist, among them, is something that only a specialist in cardiovascular internal medicine can understand.'

Since it was inserted directly into the heart, it was different from a defibrillator that delivers shock from the outside.

What if it causes a malfunction? It was the end.

In addition, there were countless difficulties such as securing appropriate materials and magical implementation.

But I had to do it.

‘He's my little brother now.'

Raymond looked at Sophia, whose eyes were red with excitement.

To be honest, he's not the kind of cute little brother.

Still, Sophia was now his sister.

I had to live.

‘I will never die. I'll save you and make you a good younger brother who works for me!'

* * *

Raymond immediately contacted the Magic Tower.

Raina appeared beyond the crystal ball.

She must have been to a banquet, and her face was red from drinking.

-Ah, I wanted to see you, sir. Now you are my Highness. How bright is Your Highness. Is it because you are handsome?

“… … I have a question for you.”

Raymond explained the situation.

Ryan's face became serious.

- Hmmm, it won't be easy. There are many difficulties.

“Is it impossible?”

-That's not it. It seems possible to implement lightning magic in response to abnormal currents in the heart. However, the material of the magic tool is a problem.

Raina continued with a troubled tone.

-The capacity of the material must be large because a complicated technique must be engraved, and at the same time, the heart must not malfunction, so it must have tremendous stability. Also, it must have semi-permanent mana power and must not cause rejection in the body.

Raymond kept his mouth shut.

It was not an easy condition either way.

In particular, semi-permanent mana power and no rejection were incompatible conditions.

Originally, the amount of mana and stimulation of the magic stone were proportional.

‘There are magic stones that have semi-permanent mana power by drawing in the surrounding mana. But they are all ingredients with strong stimuli.'

“Is it impossible?”

Raina tapped her hand with a fan.

After thinking for a while, he said.

- I have one. I'm using the fragments of the dragon heart.

“… … !”

- If you mix some of the dragon hearts with the magic crystals, the efficiency of the magic crystals will increase to an extremely high level, and all of the conditions mentioned above can be met.

Raymond's eyes widened.

‘What do you mean? Dragon?'

“Aren’t dragons from legends?”

- No dragons are real. It disappeared in Leyfentaina, but there are still quite a few individuals still roaming the outer continent of Jormund. This is a secret hidden in the Iron Empire, but a while ago, one flew into the Iron Empire's Donggong region and caused a great uproar before leaving?

Raymond broke out in a cold sweat.

To go to a foreign continent and catch a dragon?

This is even more impossible.

Then, Rina said something unexpected.

- Of course, you don't have to go all the way to the outer continent. All you need to do is get a part of the dragon heart.

“So how do you... … ?”

It was after mumbling there.

A fact popped into Raymond's head.

‘Come to think of it, you know! A country that has a dragon heart.'

“no way?”

- Bingo, that's right.

Lina laughed bitterly.

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