Doctor Player

Chapter 253

Doctor Player Chapter 253

Depression was different from a melancholy emotional state.

As a clear disease state, the most important treatment principle of depression in modern medicine is ‘drug treatment'.

‘But Princess Jude isn't in a state that will get better with medication alone.'

It was Jude's long-standing hopeless surroundings that brought him to this state.

But will the condition get better with only medication?

‘We need to give trust and belief that the current situation will improve.'

Of course, I didn't mean to cure Princess Jude's mental illness with a few words. that was impossible

All she needs at this moment is to recapture lost hope.

‘The question is whether I can do well.'

He has no deep knowledge of psychiatry.

A surgeon's knowledge of psychiatry is only scratched the surface by modern Earth terms.

It was just that deep.

Instead, Raymond opened his mouth with the utmost sincerity.

Although he may lack delicacy and professionalism, he could sincerely sympathize with Princess Jude's pain.

“Do you know what my past nickname was? Dirty filth, pitiful trash, that's what I was called.”

“… … !”

Raymond watched Jude's reaction for a moment.

Hasty sympathy or consolation can feel rather repulsive, so I had to take it out carefully.

Raymond spoke of his past wounds in a tone as cautious as possible so that Jude could fully sympathize without feeling repulsive.

with the intention of only doing it for her. freewebnøvel.coɱ

Did you feel Raymond's sincerity?

Fortunately, Jude did not show any objection. I just clenched my fists as I listened to Raymond's story.

Jude was still for a moment, then let out a long sigh.

“But I am different from you. I am… … . I can't do it like you.”

“No, it is not different.”

yeah no different

Just like Princess Jude. No, because it was more pathetic than that.

‘Of course I had the help of the system.'

but instead.

“I will be there to help you do that.”

“… … !”

Princess Jude's eyes widened.

‘This is important.'

The key to ‘supportive care' is to give ‘reassurance' that things will get better and ‘trust' to believe in the therapist.

Raymond, with the utmost sincerity.

I spoke with a heart for Princess Jude.

“It's not enough, but I'll be there to help you until you can fly. So you can make it.”

Princess Jude's eyes fluttered.

Raymond repeated.

“Just as I, who was a filthy filth, became like this, the princess will now stand proudly above those she ignores.”

Is it because of emotional fluctuations? Princess Jude couldn't open her mouth for a long time.

Then, out of the blue, I asked this question.

“Why? Why are you trying to help me like that?”

Princess Jude's voice was watery.

“So far… … No one has ever tried to help me. why?”

As the saying goes, Princess Jude had to struggle alone.

There were supporters, but they were literally support for the legitimate heir to the throne, not her support.

All her life she was alone.

But why?

Raymond pondered the answer for a moment.

I realized it was an important moment.

‘What should I say?'

After a moment's thought, he made a decision.

to answer honestly.

‘Trust is important. I can't lie with hasty words.'

“First, because the pain the princess is experiencing is similar to the pain I experienced before. I want to help.”

“… … !”

“But not just for that reason. In fact, the real reason is that I want something from the princess.”

“What is it?”

“There is a patient that I absolutely need to treat, and to treat that patient, I need a portion of the Dragon Heart, the treasure of your country.”

Raymond gave a rough outline.

Princess Jude nodded.

Of course, I didn't think that a crown prince from another country would provide such help out of simple goodwill.

If that was the case, I could fully understand.

‘You want to help me treat a patient? You really were right when you said that only the patient knew.'

Princess Jude knew well.

What a difficult decision it is to try to help yourself.

The trend is already leaning toward Vermont. I would have been prepared for the rough thorny road.

But the reason is because of the patient.

‘It's the same as the rumors I've heard so far.'

In fact, she knew Raymond well.

It was because he heard rumors with interest because he was a person in a similar situation to himself.

really light.

The more I got to know him, the more I envied Raymond.

‘Even though I said it was to get the Dragon Heart, there must have been a point where I couldn't ignore my difficulties. Because that's his strength and weakness.'

strengths and weaknesses.

Princess Jude thought so.

In fact, there was something like this among the expressions that represented Raymond's personality.

strong drug.

It meant that he could not turn a blind eye to the injustice and pain of the weak.

‘Heaven, is this the answer you gave me?'

Jude prayed.

to save yourself

However, at the end of despair, he even made an extreme choice, and this is how he met Raymond.

So she asked for a last meeting with Raymond before choosing death again.

and faced

a light of hope.

‘Can I really do it?'

Princess Jude asked.

Raymond said she was like him, but Jude shook his head.

How could you be the same as that brilliant one?


‘That's the light. If he helps, wouldn't hope shine for me too?'

said Raymond.

that she can too

I wanted to believe that.

It was the words of the miraculous light she had been most coveting, not anyone else.

‘… … I want to do it too.'

That was when she promised.

A message floated in Raymond's ears.

[Succeeded in giving hope to the patient!]

‘It was great!'

I was worried, but it seems to have worked.

Indeed, said Princess Jude.

“All right. to be honest… … I am not confident, but I will try according to your words.”

“Good idea. Even a princess can do it. Do not worry.”

It was the moment Raymond said with a happy face.

Unexpected messages popped up one after another.

[Your inexperienced psychotherapy causes side effects on the patient!]

Raymond was taken aback.

‘Immature? if?'

Raymond realized what he was doing wrong.

In fact, he had just used techniques such as “empathy, reassurance, and trust cycles,” but he hadn’t given proper supportive care.

Because psychotherapy is systematically leading the patient's mind at a certain distance.

On the contrary, he intervened excessively with the patient.

So it seemed that there were side effects.

‘What side effects?'

Raymond anxiously waited for a message.


[Patient has too much respect for you!]

Raymond shut up.

‘What is this?'

He looked into Princess Jude's eyes.

Something different from before.

I felt firm trust and infinite respect.

like Hanson.

yeah so... … like Hanson.

“… … .”

Raymond cleared his throat.

It doesn't seem like a serious side effect, but... … no serious?

‘No problem, right?'

Raymond broke out in a cold sweat.

* * *

After a moment of silence, Princess Jude spoke.

“But I have something to tell you. no matter how you... … No, now you are the master. Even if you ascend the throne with Master's help, it may not be easy to give away part of your dragon heart.”

Princess Jude continued.

“Because it is strictly prohibited by national law to take the kingdom’s treasure, the Dragon Heart, out of the country.”

Raymond made a troubled face.

Because, in principle, Princess Jude was right.

‘What should I do?'

Then Jude said:

“There are exceptions, however. Among the people of the Kingdom of Catal, it is said that if you are successful in saving the kingdom, you will be given a portion of Dragon Hearts as a reward. In fact, I've even lowered part of a dragon heart that way.”

Citizens of Catal Kingdom.

It was a condition that did not apply to Raymond.

Because he, a prince, cannot change his nationality.

However, Jude came up with an unexpected method.

“That's why I'm asking you, when I ascend the throne, Master, please become the cardinal of the Catal Kingdom.”

“… … what did you say?”

Raymond asked blankly.

what now?


“Cardinals don't necessarily have to be citizens of the Catal Kingdom. Even if you are from a foreign country, it is possible if you are a healer who has been active in the Catal Kingdom and left great achievements.”

This was the first time I'd heard of it.

In short, even if you are from a foreign country, it is possible if you are a ‘Healer of the Catal Kingdom'.

‘Originally, a healer is an existence that transcends borders. So, is there such a rule?'

Jude continued.

“If Master becomes the Cardinal of the Katal Kingdom, giving him the Dragon Heart won’t be a big problem.”

“… … .”

Certainly, if he became a cardinal, there would be no problem even if he received a portion of the dragon heart.

But Raymond didn't have an easy answer.

‘Do you want me to become a cardinal?'

What is a cardinal point?

I'm going to be number two in the Catal Kingdom!

It honestly made no sense.

Then Jude said:

“Personally, I would like Master to become a Cardinal of the Catal Kingdom.”

“… … !”

“Of course I know. That Master is the next king of Houston Kingdom. So, it doesn't matter if the cardinal position is just an adjunct position.”

Raymond understood what Princess Jude was saying.

‘If I become a cardinal, Princess Jude must have many advantages.'

Raymond is the Crown Prince of Houston Kingdom.

Of course, he has no intention of ascending the throne properly, but if he becomes a cardinal, Princess Jude can get the Huston kingdom as a strong support.

‘Also, I won't have to worry about trying for power like Vermont.'

In fact, as the king of Catal Kingdom, there were many cases where the cardinal was a thorn in the eye.

Moreover, Princess Jude's heel is D grade. freeweɓnovel.cøm

When a powerful healer became a cardinal, I couldn't help but be concerned.

So, if he, the crown prince of another country, became a cardinal, he would be able to comfortably monopolize power.

‘But this is Princess Jude's position. Even as me... … Um, isn't it surprisingly bad?'

Raymond did a quick calculation.

‘Even if I became a cardinal, wouldn't I have to do something?'

The role of the cardinal was not clearly defined.

So there were times when he wielded kingly power like Vermont now, but on the other hand, when the king's power was strong, there were times when it was close to an honorary position.

‘Princess Jude must have made this proposal to make the position of cardinal an honorary one. Can I just drink sweet water?'

Come to think of it, it was an honorary position with no duties and only authority!

Moreover, Raymond was trying to make Catal Kingdom an outpost for the medical industry to enter the center of the continent.

If you become a cardinal, you will be able to do that easily.


“All right. I will accept the princess' offer.”

“thank you!”

Princess Jude smiled brightly.

It was a more joyful reaction than expected, so Raymond put on a puzzled face.

But now Raymond was misunderstanding something.

Princess Jude didn't make this suggestion simply to make the cardinal a scarecrow.

‘If Master becomes a Cardinal, it will be of great help to the Catal Kingdom.'

Of course, she also knew that Raymond, the crown prince of a foreign country, could not fully care about the kingdom of Katal.

But any little help. Even to the extent of borrowing his wisdom and borrowing his ability in case of emergency, it would be of great help to the Catal Kingdom.

‘More than anything else, I can keep a bond with Master. Master's light will continue to shine in the Catal Kingdom.'

At that moment, Jude and Raymond thought at the same time.

‘With Master's light, the Catal Kingdom will be able to move forward to even greater prosperity.'

‘I have to become a cardinal and drink only sweet water!'

Thus, the two reached a mutually satisfactory agreement.

* * *

“But what exactly is your plan?”

Teach Princess Jude the art of medicine to make a contribution.

This was Raymond's rough idea.

“We are planning a ‘purification'.

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