Doctor Player

Chapter 264

Doctor Player Chapter 264

Stang raised his hand.

“We have to offer them as sacrifices, so catch them all alive.”

“… … !”

Raymond's party gritted their teeth and raised their swords, and a fierce battle soon unfolded.

* * *

The party struggled, but in the end they had no choice but to kneel.

First of all, there was a huge difference in numbers.

But the real problem wasn't outnumbering.

Raymond and the others, although outnumbered, were all the strongest, including Elmud Mien.

The untrained militia had to be able to repulse no matter how numerous they were.

The problem was that among them, there was a mix of knight-level skills.

‘Why are there such talented people?'

Raymond was puzzled as he remembered the time.

In particular, the vigilante captain Steng's skills were much better than expected.

What an expert level!

They pushed with overwhelming numbers, hid behind them, and loaded the arrows with powerful mana to blow them endlessly, so they couldn't defeat them.

‘Damn it! What should I do?'

Raymond contemplated being imprisoned.

‘There must be a way! Let's come up with it.'

But things didn't go as planned.

A crowd of people rushed in and dragged Princess Jude and him out.

And that place was the stake.

‘What is this?'

Raymond blinked.

I looked again, but it was clearly burned at the stake.

‘What's wrong? It's going so fast! I'm suddenly burned at the stake!'

I just wanted to cure my younger brother and live a happy life sucking honey, but I was in danger of being burned to death out of nowhere!

Then the quest came to mind.


(Ninjutsu Quest)

Priority: Medium

Difficulty: Medium

Quest Description: We are in danger of death! Your death is a great loss to medicine! Get out of the crisis and survive!

Clear Condition: Survival

Reward: Bonus level up x 2 Skill Points 70

Bonuses: Depends on survival method

‘Are you kidding me? I have to teach you how to survive!'

To live without bottom and end.

What should I do in this situation where my hands and feet are tied to the stake?

Jude, who was tied up then, shouted.

“Wait a minute!”

Stan frowned.

“What is it?”

“I’m fine, so please save me at least Master!”


Jude made a desperate face.

‘It is also my responsibility as the Crown Princess of the Catal Kingdom for the people to do this. But Master has to survive somehow.'

Raymond was just trying to help her and serve the people of Catal Kingdom.

So, at the cost of her life, only Raymond had to be saved.

“… … My disciple, Crown Princess.”

Raymond gritted his teeth slightly moved.

‘I can't die like this. I must find a way.'

But it didn't come easily.

What can I do when my hands and feet are tied and I can only play with my mouth?

‘No wait. mouth.'

Raymond had an idea.

All I can write now is my three tongues.


I had to get out of this crisis using my tongue!

Raymond swallowed.

‘With my words, I might be able to turn their minds around.'

Raymond looked at the faces of the vigilantes.

Not everyone was mired in Stang's madness.

Most of them were ordinary people.

It seemed that he, as a common citizen, took part in this incident due to incitement.

‘Is there any skill that can be helpful?'

Raymond opened the market and luckily found the perfect skill.

‘Skill purchase speech proficiency increase!'

[Skill points are consumed by 150 points!]

[Speech proficiency is permanently raised to C grade!]


Classification: Auxiliary skill

level: General

Proficiency: C

-The heart for the patient is stronger in your speech Loaded!

Raymond noticed the change in skill.

A stronger heart for patients.

It was just the effect I needed right now.

‘Agitation is not something only you guys can do.'

Raymond clenched his fists.

Or rather, Raymond could be said to be an expert in agitation.

How many people has he deceived?

It is Raymond who deceived the people of the national level.

So, it was enough to seduce and incite such innocent people.

Resolving, Raymond changed his gaze.

It goes to ‘work'.

He gave up his obsession with life, especially his greed for the movie he couldn't achieve, and put on a sad and lonely expression.

People noticed the change.


It was an important moment.

Raymond looked up at the sky.

And he made a sad expression as if he was carrying all the worries of the world.

A gruesome figure that could not help but shake anyone's heart!


But Raymond didn't open his mouth right away.

‘I can't give it the feeling of hanging here.'

I just looked at people with bitter eyes.

The crowd grew more and more doubtful, and eventually Stang asked.

“What do you have to say?”

“It’s because my heart hurts.”

“… … what?”

“You are suffering and dying under the curse.”

“… … !”

[The effect of the skill speech is manifested!]

[The heart for the patient is more strongly reflected in the speech!]

Is it because of the effect of the skill?

His voice echoed deeper than usual.

It was felt that people were greatly agitated.

“Even though I have come to this situation, I will not resent you even if I die. Because I understand your desperate feelings. How scared and tormented are you because of the curse? I fully understand your desire to grasp at straws.”

“… … !”

Words of love and forgiveness!

Of course, this is a blatant lie.

When I die, I will become a ghost and curse it.

But no matter who heard it, it was heard in a sincere voice, and people began to hum.

Jude, who was tied up next to him, was also fooled and shouted inwardly.

‘Ah Master! How on earth are you such a light?'

Raymond, who had tricked even his ally, continued his words.

“It's just unfortunate. With the ability I have, I should be able to cure the curse that has been placed on you. No one can be saved because of a misunderstanding. ha.”

A sigh full of pity!

People started talking about the desperate facial expression acting that anyone could help but be fooled by.

“You worry about us when you're about to die?”

“Does the author become a saint?”

People here had no idea who Raymond was.

However, even with death in front of their eyes, the holy image of them now was enough to shake their hearts.

Stang frowned and hurriedly extinguished it.

“You don't have to worry about that. If we offer you guys as a sacrifice, the Black Darkness will turn away its wrath.”

“Are you sure?”

Raymond looked straight at Stang.

‘It's not enough to just have a holy look. I have to show a strong side too.'

Originally, when a doctor treats a patient, he must give both benevolence and strong trust!

Raymond raised his voice as if scolding him according to that principle.

“The question is, can you say with certainty that the curse will disappear if you offer us as a sacrifice?”

“… … !”

“I can speak with my life. I can solve your curse. Can you risk your life for what you just said?”

Since he was in danger of dying anyway, he could risk his life a hundred times.

Stang, on the other hand, did not.

because I wasn't sure

Then the hall began to hum.

“You say you can solve the curse, but shouldn’t you try to free it instead of offering it as a sacrifice?”

“I know. What if you could really break our curse?”

Stang bit his lip.

‘Damn it.'

In fact, Stang had a reason to sacrifice Raymond and Jude.

‘I have to follow his orders.'

It's because I received a secret message from the black darkness!

Stang is a limb left in Loktar by the Black Darkness, and he was expected to receive a great reward when the Black Darkness later became the master of Loktar.

Not only Stang, but all other knight-level fighters were limbs left behind by the black darkness.

By the way, the fact that the knights of Sarrance Castle were massacred just in time for Raymond's party to come was also their work under the command of the Black Darkness.

‘I must kill them for him.'

Stang thought with mad eyes.

“Everyone, don’t be fooled! All of that is a lie!”

Stang shouted harshly.

People slowed down.

But at that moment, unexpected help appeared to Raymond.

“for a moment! stop! You can't kill him!”

Raymond's eyes widened.

It was a familiar face!

“He saved my family! He is our benefactor! Never kill!”

These were the families of patients Raymond had saved during the contest!

‘You've come just in time!'

Raymond clenched his fists.

He healed their families and sent them to Loktar in a fast carriage.

The purpose was to win the public opinion of Loktar by spreading the good story that Raymond had bestowed upon them, but in this way they were helped.

“Senin? what is that?”

“You said there was a saint who saved us! That's who he is!”

They climbed the stake and blocked Raymond's way.

“You must never kill this man!”

“You'd better kill us first!”

People groaned loudly.

The Senin family disappeared after being led away by the punitive force, and lived a life of death not too long ago. After they returned, they talked about a ‘saint'.

A saint who stood up resolutely for those who were destined to be killed like insects and saved their lives!

The story shook the hearts of the people of Loktar so much that everyone knew it.

“Is that him?”

“Then isn't everything you've said so far true?”

“Can't it really break our curse?”

That's how the atmosphere completely went over to Raymond's side.

When this happened, it was unreasonable to proceed with the burning.

The Senin family quickly cut Raymond's rope and freed him.

Raymond put on a face that had endured for ten years.

‘Ahhh. I almost died, but to get help like this. I did well to live a good life.'

However, although he was spared from being burned to death, the crisis was not over.

Stang That bastard remained.

“if… … What are you going to do if you can't solve the curse?”

Stang gritted his teeth and said coolly.

“If you can't resolve the curse, I will offer you as a sacrifice to the black darkness, as originally planned. Would you agree?”

Raymond frowned.

It was an absurd condition.

But Raymond said.

“All right. Instead, please do not interfere in solving the curse.”

“… … !”

Stang made a puzzled face. I felt uncomfortable.

However, other ordinary citizens are also watching.

I couldn't refuse this request.

“i get it. Instead, don't think of fooling around.”

After threatening him like that, he disappeared, and the remaining Raymond made a meaningful face. ‘There's no need to play nonsense. If you solve the curse, you will be finished.'

The reason was simple.

Will people still follow Stang if Raymond clears the curse?


From then on, the common people will be on Raymond's side.

When the people who depended on it turned around, the charter turned. Catching Stang was a piece of cake.

‘We have to catch him and figure out his ulterior motive.'

Raymond thought Stang had something dark.

‘It's not just an intention to offer it as a sacrifice. Stang is obsessed with killing me and Crown Princess Jude.'


I had to catch him and find out his true intentions.

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