Doctor Player

Chapter 274

Doctor Player Chapter 274

Bone Slon fell to Raymond's tricks.

Of course, it wasn't easy to agree.

Bonslon jumped up and down as if it was impossible.

However, Princess Jude played an active part in the middle.

“Can't you stand up for the people of the Catal Kingdom?

“But for me to do that… … .”

“I knew Count Bonslon was the best knight in the Catal Kingdom. But it seems I was mistaken.”

The best knight in the kingdom!

It was a word that stimulated Count Bonslon's vanity and pride at the same time, and Count Bonslon was taken aback.

“Okay, Your Highness! As the best knight in the kingdom, I will do my best for the people!”

Raymond cleared his throat when he saw Jude hit Bon Slon.

‘Disciple Crown Princess. I thought he was kind, but he's not complacent. Is she a crown princess after all?'

But it was because of Raymond that Jude was so strong.

He still carried in his heart the disrespect Boneslon had done to Raymond the other day.

‘It's disrespectful to Master. I can't forgive easily.'

Anyway, Earl Bonslon, who became a hoe, started working with the knights and wizards under his command to take out the monsters buried in the lake.

At the pace of work, it didn't seem like it would take long.

‘If I take out all the buried bodies, the words of the lake will naturally be purified.'

Next it was time to solve the ‘Curse of Madness' and ‘Curse of Grief'.

‘The more terrible of these is the Curse of Grief.'

Raymond narrowed his eyes.

‘The curse of stillbirth.'


In other words, it was the curse of inheritance.

After the curse of sorrow fell, the rate of stillbirths in Lokthar rose tremendously.

Many pregnant mothers lost their children, and the number of new pregnancies declined significantly.

Occasionally, even if a mother became pregnant, there was a high probability that the child would be lost quickly.

The people of Loktar were so desperate.

‘Heaven has abandoned the Loktar region.'

But Raymond shook his head. ƒгeewё

There was no way this could have been possible with a curse.

‘There must be a reason. I have to figure that out.'

It wasn't just the Curse of Grief that had to be resolved.

The curse of madness was also a problem.

‘Many people are showing madness and violence for unknown reasons.'

The curse of madness was literally showing madness.

A maddening madness was spreading like an epidemic.

‘What the hell is the cause?'

Raymond crossed his arms.

Heritage and madness.

I had never heard of an epidemic like this.

‘It's probably not a contagious disease. Now we have to figure out the cause. Let's start an epidemiological investigation.'

Pharmacological research.

It refers to finding out the cause by finding commonalities when a disease of unknown cause is prevalent.

‘Fortunately, everyone is friendly towards us because we saved Serrance Castle. I'll be able to get cooperation easily.'

People's cooperation is essential for a detailed epidemiologic investigation.

That was when I was about to begin my investigation.

Unexpected people appeared in the Loktar region.

It was the healer corps sent by Vermont!

“From now on, our corps will cure the curse.”

A man with a hard impression stepped forward.

It was Sir Maran, the commander of the corps and a triple-A healer.

After that, close to fifty healers were lined up.

“You guys will solve the curse?”

Raymond frowned.

‘A simple heal wouldn't work?'

Heal is the power to amplify life force.

In the case of cholera, it probably won't have much effect on the Curse of Grief and the Curse of Madness.

However, the treatment corps seemed confident.

It had to be.

As many as 50 healers were dispatched.

‘With this number of healers, any contagious disease can be eradicated.'

Officer Maran raised the corner of his mouth.

‘We are the ones who become the main characters.'

Moreover, he brought another trump card to ostracize Raymond.

“And I have something to tell you. These are the words of His Highness, King Rance V.”

“… … !”

Maran recited the information he received from Vermont.

“I'm telling you, Crown Princess Raymond and Crown Princess Jude, that you return to the capital right away and receive your award for defeating the black darkness.”

Raymond's face hardened.

‘It's a ploy to sabotage me.'

There was no way that King Rance V, who was lying in bed, would have given such an order.

That's Vermont's masterpiece.

Raymond refused at once.

“I’m sorry, but treating patients comes first. I will receive the reward later.”

“Are you saying you won’t obey?”

“I'm sorry, but King Rance V is not my lord. I will do my duty as a healer.”

‘I'm a high body now. Where can I come and go?'

Yes, Raymond is the body that became the crown prince.

Now, only King Auden and the Emperor of the Crusader Empire were the only ones who could force him.

Maran frowned and said:

“Then, it is an order for His Highness Jude to return.”

“… … !”

Jude's eyes hardened.

Raymond caught on to Vermont's ulterior motive.

‘They're trying to separate me and Crown Princess Jude.'

It was a ploy to ensure that even if Raymond solved the curse, the credit would not go to Jude.

The problem is that Jude has no choice but to follow this order as long as he names the king.

But Jude did something unexpected.

He said with a determined face.

“No, I will stay here too.”

“Your Highness, Crown Princess? Are you saying you won't obey His Highness' orders now? Think again. It can cause trouble later.”

It was a threat.

In fact, regardless of the reason, disobeying the king's order is a reason for punishment.

But Jude didn't back down.

“It is for the people. If you have to be punished for serving the people... … I will endure everything.”

“… … !”

If it was her before, she would never have thought of rejecting the king's order.

But now she has changed.

Because she was determined to emulate Raymond's noble spirit.

‘You must always engrave Master's spirit in your heart. There is nothing more important than working for patients and people.'

When Jude didn't budge, Maran frowned.

“great. Do as you please. We will be the ones to solve the curse anyway.”

He ordered the healing corps.

“Treat patients right now! Team up and heal the sick who are cursed with the Curse of Grief and the Curse of Madness!”

The treatment corps was divided into 5 groups.

An A-class healer was in charge, and 10 people each gathered to treat patients scattered throughout the Loktar region.

The distribution of patients under the Curse of Grief and the Curse of Madness was somewhat different.

The Curse of Madness occurred concentrated in a specific area, and the Curse of Grief occurred evenly throughout the Loktar region.

The healers led by Maran arrived at a village.

It was a village where both the curse of grief and the curse of madness broke out at the same time.

“Who is it?”


The villagers tilted their heads when they saw the healer corps' pattern.

The Loktar region was so remote that it was difficult to see the shadow of a healer.

In particular, after the curse spread, all the healers who were there ran away, and people had to suffer from the curse without receiving any treatment.

“We will cure you of the curse that has spread to you.”

“… … !”

Maran said confidently.

“All cursed patients come forward.”

The townsfolk looked at them with a frown.

‘You said you'd solve the curse of the black darkness?'

‘Is it really possible?'

It wasn't that they didn't get heels.

I tried healing in the early days of the curse, but it didn't have much effect.

When people hesitated, Maran burst into anger.

“What are you doing? Come forward!”

Eventually some women came forward.

All of them are women who have suffered the pain of stillbirth.

What was unusual, however, was that their skin was covered in mottled spots.

Also, there was hair all over the body, and there was a woman with a beard on her face.


Maran frowned.

And that wasn't all.

Unexpectedly, the men also stepped forward.

“Can we be treated too?”

Maran looked at the men's condition and opened her eyes wide.

Men's breasts were sticking out! Just like a woman!

‘What is this?'

Maran swallowed his saliva.

he is fifty

Although I have been active as a healer for over 30 years, this is the first time I have had a patient with these symptoms.

‘Is it really a curse?'

The thought crossed my mind, but I immediately shook my head.

Wasn't the most terrible death curse also an epidemic after all? This may be one of the unknown epidemics.

‘If it's an epidemic, it will get better if I get healed.'

“Let the treatment begin!”

The healers of the corps came out and healed.

Dig! Dig!

A bright light fell upon the patients.

but… … It was the same.

Nothing improved at all.

“also… … .”

“This will not solve the curse.”

People made faces of disappointment, and Maran gritted his teeth and stepped forward.


A brilliant light that was incomparable to other healers fell on the patients.

but… … It was the same.

There was just no response.

‘How did this happen? why?'

Maran was perplexed.

If this was a disease, it was right to get healed and get better at least a little.

But no response?

When people murmured, Maran burst into anger.

“Everyone be quiet! Bring someone cursed with madness this time!”

It will definitely work against the curse of madness.

However, people's reactions were strange. It was a very reluctant look, as if she was worried about something.

“Come on, bring me!”

However, after repeated urging, he had no choice but to bring patients.

“Ugh… … .”

Seeing the patient cursed with madness, Maran hardened her face.

He was moaning with his eyes wide open in a daze.

‘What is this again?'

It was the first kind of patient I'd ever seen.

For a moment, I felt a sense of uneasiness.

Even if you use a heel, it doesn't seem to be of any use.

However, Maran gritted his teeth and opened the heel again.


Brilliant light fell on the patient.

Surprisingly, there was a response this time.

The vitality returned to the patient's eyes.


It was the moment when Maran made a triumphant face.

A terrible thing happened.

Suddenly, the patient threw herself and bit off Maran's nose!


“Sir Maran!”

Healers and soldiers came running in surprise.

Fortunately, they were soon separated, but the patient continued to behave wildly until he was subdued.

“Ugh… … .”

Maran let out a painful moan as blood dripped.

The healers of the healing corps swallowed their saliva.

Their intuition felt that the curse could not be resolved with Helo.

This wasn't just an epidemic.

* * *

Meanwhile, Raymond was thinking the same thing at the time.

‘This is not an epidemic.'

He had clear substantive convictions.

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