Doctor Player

Chapter 48

Chapter 48

There was a reason why Seytil came forward like this.

‘The damn Raymond.’

Not long ago when Raymond wiped out the Dark Blade Guild.

Among the corrupt nobles involved was Viscount Kesford. He was one of Seytil’s men.

In other words, because of Raymond, he got hit with shit as well.

‘Raymond, how dare that worm put me in trouble!’

Seytil grated his teeth.

Even so, it was Seytil, who was falling behind badly compared to the other princes.

And because it was then revealed that he is connected with the corruption in the kingdom, his position became even more difficult.

‘So I have to take this opportunity to make a contribution.’ Seytil thought bleakly.

‘Raymond, I’ll take care of you one day.’

Seytil has always hated Raymond. He was disgusted with him and wanted nothing more but to step on him like a bug.

“Leave it to me! I’ll be back after eradicating those rats all at once!”

Oden pondered for a moment since Seytil sounded confident.

To be honest, leading a group of soldiers did not seem to be the solution to eradicate the rats.

However, the king nodded because there were no other measures right now.

“I’ll tell Lord Walton of the Royal Guards to go with you.” 


As one of the squad leaders of the Royal Guards, he was a powerful sword expert knight.

“I’ll fix it right away and come back!”

Seytil disappeared valiantly, and King Oden, who dismissed the meeting, asked Galman.

“Do you think we can expect the mobilized soldiers to exterminate Fastin mice?”

“I don’t think it’ll be easy.” Galman shook his head.

Rats couldn’t have been eradicated so easily, especially with this tactic. It’s pretty well-known that this course of action is close to impossible.

“But it’s a problem because I don’t have any other ideas on how to solve this.”

King Oden nodded gravely as well.

“If we leave it like this, rats will spread throughout the capital.” Galman’s face became heavy.

It wasn’t usually a serious thing but this is more than different now.

“I’ll have to come up with a good idea somehow.”


Seytil immediately led the soldiers to the Bay Area. And began to search everywhere with shovels for the Pastin rats as soon as they reached the foot.

However, there has been no significant achievement.

They caught a few, but that was it.

No matter how hard they searched for where they were hiding, the troops couldn’t find it easily.

“Can’t you all do it right?! How can you deal with an enemy when you can’t even catch a damn rat?!”

When what he thought was easy didn’t work out, Seytil’s face heated up, and scolded the soldiers to clean up.

‘No, how do we find a mouse that’s been in hiding?’

‘Do you think we are cats?’

The soldiers complained in their own heads, but they tried not to show it.

The poor were also unhappy.

‘How long are they going to keep digging?’

‘Are they trying to catch the Fastin rats?’

Raymond was also in tears.

‘What are you doing? Like a fool. How can you catch rats if you do it like that way?’

He grumbled.

‘The soldiers are scratching around, and the patient has been cut off as well!’

In the treatment center, unlike usual, flies are now flying around.

‘At this rate, I am going to be in trouble.’ Raymond thought in a fit of rage.

‘If you want to catch a mouse, you should set a mousetrap. Or are you all stupid?!”

Is it because high-ranking people have never caught a mouse before?

Raymond didn’t understand why they couldn’t take this obvious thought.

“Why can’t you solve it even if I’ve already spoon-feed you the answer? I tried to stay still in the back so you can take the lead and solve it.’ 

‘Them solving this seemed to be unlikely now.’

If I wait like this, the number of mice will grow exponentially.

‘If the Bay Area is devastated by an epidemic, the treatment center will also be destroyed.’

Eventually, realizing he had to step in, Raymond frowned.

‘For now, do your best! I do not want to get involved in this conspiracy.’

Sighing heavily, Raymond went to visit Lao.

“Lao, can I borrow the kitchen of the official residence?”


All of a sudden, the response was, “What kind of kitchen is it you are wanting to borrow?”

“Please prepare the ingredients I’m talking about.”

“What are you going to prepare?”

“Fastin cheese pie.”

Lao, who was wondering, soon opened his eyes wide.

He may have noticed Raymond’s intentions.

“Brother, can you?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

Fastin Cheese Pie.

It was a special dish in the southern part of the Free Cities Union.

They make a pie with all kinds of cheese, and it tastes so good…

‘However, it smells terrible.’

Raymond frowned.

Cheese also tasted very different depending on the region and production method.

Among them, Fastin Cheese Pie was a dish made with only a lot of strong and stale cheese.

Even spices use on it only sting the nose at how bad it smells.

‘But the people of the town like it.’

And there was an even more important point.

Fastin rats love this dish!

If anything it is named after them, Fastin Cheese Pie.

It was named before them due to the fact that Fastin rats would immediately appear as soon as you put it on the table.

“With this Fastin pie, the mouses will be eradicated quickly.”


Originally, Raymond was only going to give the recipe and step back.

However, he had no choice but to cook himself.

This is because no one has properly utilized the pie’s flavor. So what did Raymond do to make it taste good?

[Your sense level is high!]

[This makes cooking delicious!]

‘…this sensory start. Does it apply to cooking too?’

Raymond looked puzzled.

Come to think of it, stamina and sensory stats have been applied to self-defense before.

Therefore, it was natural for the sensory stat to be applied to cooking and become proficient in this course as well.

After that, he made a lot of pies and went out into the street.


Seytil, who was shouting and directing the scene, frowned when he saw Raymond.

“What are you doing here?”

When he met Seytil, Raymond’s heart sank.

Seytil is the one who tormented him most severely as a child.

This reminds him of the trauma from the past, which made his heart pound!

[While trying to eradicate the epidemic, you met the ‘truth’!]

[It has been confirmed that the other person’s counterpower is very high!]

[The Heart of Steel is being manifested!]

[The True Countermeasures are revealed!]

Raymond’s heart calmed down, and he came up with a solution.

‘Let’s just do my job.’

“I’m here to exterminate the Fastin rats.”

“The Fastin rats? With that?”

Seytil looked disgusted at Raymond’s monster fecal cheese pie.

“I’m afraid someone is being low-key dumb, so you only brought something like this. No matter how many times a mouse looks at something like that…” As if on cue…

Squeak! Squeak!

Suddenly a small object rushed into the dish! Three rows of black stripes with a white body. It was a Fastin rat! There were two of them, too.

The mice, who took a bite of the cheese pie, trembled and died.


Seytil opened his mouth and stared blankly at the figure.

It was hard to catch a mouse after all the hardships with the soldiers, but how can Raymond catch it so easily?

Raymond held the charges when he saw Seytil’s face, which had turned to look stupid.

“You’re stupid, anyway. You work everyone hard without thinking and ended up producing with no results. All you have in your head are poop and spaghetti sauce!’

“Would you back down your soldiers for a moment? I have to put my cheese pie.”

“Why, what the…….”

In the meantime, another Fastin mouse rushed to the pie and died.

Seytil’s mouth hangs open.


“……I will let the soldiers lay low out of the way, Your Highness.”

Sir Walton, the squad leader, carefully made his soldiers leave their posts, looking at Seytil’s countenance.

Lord Walton looked at Raymond with admiration.

‘How wise you are. How did you come up with that idea?’

His teeth gnashed when he thought about the hardships he had to suffer over the past few days due to Seytil’s orders.

Catching rats as an honorable Royal Knight!

‘Of course, I know it’s for the people, but the problem was that Seytil’s method was extremely inefficient.’

Raymond’s approach, on the other hand, was far from wise.

‘He had done a great job of wiping out the Dark Blade Guild, right? He also did a great job of wiping out corrupt officials. Contrary to the story of him being an illegitimate child, he is very wise.’

In fact, the Royal Knights were not interested in Raymond at all.

They are only loyal to the king.

To them, Raymond was the blood that stained the nobility of the King. It was nothing more and nothing less. But at this very moment, Raymond’s existence came into view for the first time in Walton’s eyes, a superior within the ranks of the top ten Royal Knights.

‘But it’s strange. I heard that he never learned to use the sword. How come his posture is strangely stable?’

Walton tilted his head.

It is a body that doesn’t look like it’s been trained at all, but it feels intact and solid.

‘It must be an illusion.’

Anyway, things went smoothly after that.

Raymond placed the Fastin Cheese Pies throughout the Bay Area.

It didn’t stop there as he even used magic in between.

‘Let’s take root for sure what started all of this. Wind! Let it spread as wide as possible with the gentle wind!’

The wind carried the foul smell of the pie in the distance.

The effect was straightforward.

Squeak! Squeak!

Fastin rats rushed in, took a bite, and died.

People were surprised to hear and witness that.

“How could he use such a method?”

“Oh! It’s coming again!”

Where the hell were they hiding? The mice were in a lot of numbers.

The bodies of the Fastin rats piled up around the plate.

“Oh! As expected of our prince!”

“Is the epidemic over now?”

“I suppose so. As expected of our prince. If it weren’t for the prince, we would all be in trouble.”

“Long live our prince!


Long live Raymond, once again reverberated throughout the Bay Area.


“The real prince…” Seyril thought, grinding his teeth as he heard the sound of hurrah.

‘I personally led the soldiers, but I couldn’t take any credit. And when I see Raymond, who I despised make a contribution, it feels as if my whole world was spinning.’

“Stop! How dare you call an illegitimate child a prince?! You guys are crazy about wanting to die. Will you wake up after being punished for contempt of the royal family?”

When Seytil got angry, the poor who were cheering for Raymond, looked at him.

The poor asked carefully. “Can’t we call him the prince?”

“Calling an illegitimate child a prince?! If you don’t want to die, don’t say that again!”

“Oh, we see! We will obey your orders!”

The poor nodded as if they understood and shouted differently.

“Long live Raymond!”

“Long live Baron Penin!”

“Hooray for our Baron!”

Seytil crumpled his face when the people continued their cheers while only changing Raymond’s oh-so-many great titles.

‘It’s not like that…Damn, it!’

The Bay Area, free from the fear of the epidemic, was in a completely festive mood.

His frowning could not stop the roar of joy.

“Damn! Damn it!”

Seytil gasped and couldn’t control his anger, and people clicked their tongues at his petty appearance.

Especially those soldiers who suffered a lot.

“He is being stingy.”

‘On the subject that only caused us to suffer ignorantly.’

They praised Raymond on the contrary.

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