Doctor Player

Chapter 56

Chapter 56

‘If I make a mistake here, it’s over.’

Thump. Thump.

‘My heart is beating like crazy.’

Tension dominated Raymond’s whole body, which would have been a slip of the tongue had it not been for the sensory start, which had risen to 33.

[The heart of steel is being manifested!]

[The heart of steel is being manifested!]

These are the series of messages that came into his mind as if waking him up.

Raymond clenched his teeth.

And then, just like that…

The small intestine, which had been confined to the large intestine, has returned to its original position.

The quest is over!

Fortunately, no complications have occurred.

“Is it over?”

Lindon, who was observing next to him, asked in a trembling voice.

He was in a state of great shock at the first surgery he had ever seen.

‘I can’t believe there’s a cure like this!’

Lindon is a junior healer, but he was a smart boy.

So he could understand the greatness of medicine.

‘To be cured with a heal, you must have poured out tremendous healing power. I never thought that there would a treat so simple.’

Compared to medicine, the existing treatment of hitting heals recklessly was nothing short of ignorant treatment like barbarians.

Lindon had a hunch.

Medicine will hit the continent one day.

“That’s amazing…!”

“It’s not over yet.”

Raymond said in a heavy voice.


“I have to decide whether to cut the intestines or not.”

‘Fortunately, I succeeded in pulling out the intestines, but the intestines are not in good condition. There is still a possibility that it will rot. Thus, it is not over yet.’

There is only one solution and that is to cut off the intestines before they rot.

The problem is that it is difficult to determine whether this part will rot or not.

‘It could be cutting off the intestines for nothing. God, if it were the modern Earth, we could predict it in advance by various tests.’ Raymond bit his lips tightly.

Blaming the lagging environment won’t change anything.

‘I had to think about how I could do it now.’

‘How can I do that?’

At that moment, a skill he saw in the market a while ago came to his mind.

Come to think of it, there was.

The magic that helps the situation right now.

‘Look at the market! Buy skills!’

[Purchased the ‘Hawk’s Eye’ Magic Skill!]

[150 skill points are consumed!]

A whopping 150 points consumed!

It was expensive.

Because it was a high-level skill.

[Hawk Eye]

Classification: Auxiliary (magic) skills

Magic grade: Standard (Basic Applied Magic)

Proficiency: D

Application magic for light properties.

– You can examine narrow areas in detail!

-The more skilled you are, the wider and closer you can observe!

Use hawk eyes!’

Then something surprising happened.

Raymond’s view has changed dramatically.

As if a blackout curtain was suddenly drawn.

Instead, only the target area was clearly visible.

‘It doesn’t just look enlarged. It looks very three-dimensional.’

Raymond swallowed his saliva.

The outlines, color changes, etc. were emphasized and caught his eye.

[The magic level is higher compared to the amount of mana you have!]

[Caution: The mana will be consumed quickly!]

A warning message came to his mind.

Like the applied magic, the mana began to run out at a rapid pace.

I didn’t think I’d be able to use it for a few more seconds.

‘Focus as much as you can! I need to check if the  intestines are showing signs of rotting!’

Raymond bit his lips and examined the swollen intestines.

‘My heart is pounding.’

‘My heart is pounding.’

The beating of his heart spread like his second hand’s impatience.

Before long…

[Caution: Your mana is all used up!]

[‘Hawk’s Eye’ Magic is dispelled!]

With that message, Raymond got an answer.

‘The necrosis is already beginning faintly!’

‘At the end of the intestine, I could find a black rot like a dot.’

At that moment, the magic ended, and the vision suddenly brightened in the dark.


Hanson asked anxiously, and Raymond shook his head.

“Oh, it’s alright. I’ll continue.” Raymond picked up a hand knife, a self-made scalpel.

‘We’ve identified signs of intestinal decay, so we need to cut it off.’

If left alone, he’ll die of severe sepsis.

‘I am glad I checked in advance.’

If Raymond closed it  without checking, this child would definitely be dead.


The scalpel cut the intestines.

The sound of a scalpel moving rang out in the still field.

Meanwhile, Lindon, who was newly introduced as a student, was surprised again to see the surgery that followed.

Raymond cuts off the intestines and reattach them.

‘……Can I learn such a great cure?’

Lindon swallowed his saliva.

He just couldn’t bring himself to follow it.

‘How did they manage to make this kind of treatment without hesitation?’

Surprise filled Lindon’s eyes as he saw Raymond continue the operation as if it was nothing.

‘You’ll soon fall for it too. To Master’s greatness.’

Lindon had no choice but to agree with that.

He has a respectful mind that only cares about patients and even has such skills.

How can you not fall in love?

While Lindon’s eyes were so filled with envy.

Raymond said.

“I’ll finish the surgery.”

It was the sound announcing the success of the operation.

That’s how the child survived.

[Quest accomplishedt!]

[Bonus level up!]

[Bonus level up!]

[20 skill points accumulated!]

[Bonus: “Unexpected luck” works!]


“Are you sure that you handled it perfectly?”

“Of course. Now he’s going to be the quack who killed his patient. He’s going to be ruined.”

Pierre went on confidently.

“We have already focused people’s attention on the Penin Treatment Center. Now, if the patient dies, the rumor will spread immediately.”

“Well done. You are my right-hand man after all! Ha ha!”

Baron Canton burst into a pleasant laugh.

<Fraudster Raymond! Killed a poor child with a botched treatment!>

Soon these rumors will spread throughout the Lyme area.

“Good. Good. I’m looking forward to it.”

“Yes, just a moment, please. The news will come soon.”

Pierre went on with an evil look.

“I’m going to highlight his fault as much as I can and spread the rumor. I’ll make him the killer of the world, so you can look forward to it.” 

Baron Canton looked at him too trustingly. 

“Aren’t you too evil?”

“What do you mean evil? Cleaning up a con artist for a bright future in the treatment world. It’s more just, the polar opposite of evil actually.”

The two smiled uglily as they faced each other.

Just in time, an informant sent to the Penin Treatment Center ran toward them.

“Baron! Mr. Pierre!”

Looking at the urgent face of the informant, they smiled.

“It must be the good news I’ve been waiting for.”

“Yes, it’s ‘showtime’ now, so look forward to it.”

Soon the informant arrived in front of them, looking as if his heart was about to burst.

“The child is alive!”



Baron Canton and Pierre did not understand the meaning of the word for a moment and asked back blankly.

‘What did he just say?’

“He is recovering well after being treated in Baron Penin’s Treatment Center!”


Baron Canton opened his mouth.

It was the moment when “Show Time” started.

It was a showtime for Raymond, of course, completely contrary to their intentions.

<Baron Penin, saves a child who is on the verge of dying with medicine!>

This rumor hits the Lyme area.

Originally, rumors would not have spread so quickly with just one patient being treated.

However, the problem was that Pierre had heated up the underpinnings in advance.

Several eyes were paying attention to the Penin Treatment Center, and thanks to this, the rumor spread as if it were galloping through the open field.

“Stop the rumor from spreading! Now!”

Baron Canton yelled at Pierre.

“Hurry up!”

“Well, that’s… Shi- I’m trying, but to no avail.” Pierre stammered uncharacteristically.

“The patient’s father was a minstrel poet.”


Baron Canton asked back blankly.

Poet of music?

A bard who plays and spreads rumors among people?

“This must have been a pretty famous bard around here. He’s been walking around and talking about this. That’s why rumors of this incident are spreading rapidly.” Pierre replied with a pale face.

Baron Canton’s face turned white.

It’s ruined.

That’s how the quest perks, “unexpected luck,” began to work.


Joseph, the father of the child.

His profession was none other than a minstrel poet.

A bard who is ugly and poor, but knows romance.

People in the Lyme Area liked him quite a bit, even if he didn’t have a great musicality.

‘I thought I’d never be able to touch this instrument again.’

Joseph caressed his harp with faint eyes.

He sold this harp to pay for the child’s treatment.

However, there was already a reason to get his Harp back.

“I won’t charge you for treatment.”

“Huh? Baron Penin?”


The angel-like person who seemed to have come down from the sky refused to be paid for the treatment.

“You can’t do that! It’s not enough grace to give you all my wealth!”

Then he offered Raymond 230 pence, which he had prepared by selling the harp.


Raymond looked at the money and secretly swallowed the lump in his throat.

‘But I’ve worked hard, should I just get half?’

‘I was in a hurry, so when I saw a lot of money, I became greedy.’

But he shook his head soon.

‘If I get this money, his whole family will starve to death. I heard the mother’s health isn’t that good either. I’ll be the richest man soon, so let’s make a big concession. That kind of money, it’ll be nothing for me in the future.’

Raymond tried to be broad-minded.

Instead, Raymond decided to get a ‘more valuable’ price.

“Of course, I’m not saying that you are going to get the treatment for free.”

“Just say it! I will repay you even if I give my life!”

“Please spread some good rumors about me.”


Raymond felt a little embarrassed to make this request himself.

However, he demanded undauntedly.

‘I need to get a reputation. To do that, manipulation of public opinion is essential! It just so happens that Joseph’s job is being a bard.’

The perfect job to manipulate and mislead public opinion!

Of course, Raymond didn’t ask too much out of the blue.

‘I thoroughly made an image.’

“I think there are many people who see me with prejudice for various reasons when I’m just doing it for the patient.”


Raymond touched his forehead with his palm.

Anyone could tell that he felt desperately sorry for the patient.

“I want to help more people, but the wall of prejudice seems to be blocking it. I want you to help me clear their misunderstanding.”

It’s natural that Joseph, who is innocent, fell for that perfect facial expression!

“Don’t worry about that. Even if you don’t, there’s something I’ve been thinking about.”


Joseph had a burning look in his eyes with some resolution.

‘I swore to heaven that I would only do good things for the rest of my life if He saved my child.’

It’s time to follow that oath.

So for the rest of his life, he had decided to become a ward who would sing for Raymond.

“……This is what I’ve been through this time.”

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