Doctor Player

Chapter 59

Chapter 59

Raymond’s credo is strong and weak.

To be honest, he was intimidated because the other person’s status is high.

Because if she goes to Duke the Duke of Raburn, he can crush him with a single finger.

Still, Raymond tried to show his determination as much as possible.

[‘Heart of Steel’ is manifested!]

[‘True Countermeasures’ creates a synergy effect with ‘Heart of Steel’]

He calmed himself down with the help of his skills.

“Greetings, princess. I’m sorry to have kept you waiting for a long time. I am Baron Penin.”

“That’s alright. But I didn’t come as a princess, so you don’t have to be so polite.”

Christine slammed the book she was reading and looked straight at Raymond.

“I’m here to talk to you.”

She has soft eyes and a soft voice.

But why?

Raymond could not help but feel a powerful force.

As befits the eldest daughter of a ducal family, a subtle charisma flowed through her.

It was a soft but invisible charisma that can pressure people.

If it wasn’t for the help of the heart of steel, even just a few words seemed to be able to kill him.

 “I’ll be straightforward. I’m very concerned about your treatment of medicine.”

“What concerns do you mean?”

“Fear that it will harm the patient!”

Christine spoke in a shrill voice.

“Slicing the patient’s stomach with a knife or injecting blood… I’ve heard you use bizarre treatment methods. I don’t think such a weird cure can benefit the patients.”

‘Hmmm. As expected’

Raymond thought to himself.

“Don’t you have any idea what kind of treatment medicine is? Are you saying that just by guessing?”

Christine closed her mouth for a moment.

“Yes. I don’t know anything exactly about medicine. So just give me three days.”

“Three days?”

“I’ll watch from the side what kind of treatment medicine is. I’ll check with my eyes to see if it’s an acceptable treatment.” 

She was not a person full of stubbornness who only insisted on her thoughts.

‘First of all, I thought the first thing to do was to know exactly what kind of treatment medicine is before opposing it.’

‘If I can confirm it with my own eyes and my worries turned out to be correct, I’ll even tell His Highness, the King to ban medicine.’

However, Raymond gave an unexpected answer.

“I refuse that request.”


“Just seeing the patients alone already makes me busy and overwhelmed. I can’t afford to take care of the princess next to me.”

‘What’s so pretty that he’d do her a favor that doesn’t cost money?’

I don’t know if she’d even pay for a field trip.

She’s the truth that comes and fights recklessly.

She’s even the unofficial fiancee of Kairn, the person he hates the most.

“I can’t give you three days. But I can only show you once. I’ll show you how to treat a patient who can’t be treated with the healing power.” 

Christine looked bewildered. 

“There’s no way that’s possible…….” 

But it was that moment!

There was an unexpected situation that occurred.

Suddenly, Christine’s face turned white.

“Oh, my!”

Pit-a-pat. Pit-a-pat. Pit-a-pat.

Her heart began to beat like crazy.

‘It’s her chronic disease right about now!

It’s a secret only the family knows, but she had a chronic disease for as far as she can remember.

It was a disease in which her heart beats like crazy.

At times like this, she needs to calm down right away.


“Oh, I’m sorry. I’ve been overdoing it lately. I’ll sit down for a moment.”

But Raymond soon recognized her ideal.

I couldn’t help but notice it as I sweated coldly.

“What’s wrong with you?”

“It’s just heart palpitations. It’ll improve if I stay still, so don’t worry about it.” 

Heart-pounding disease!

It was a different expression of arrhythmia.

‘What kind of arrhythmia is it? Atrial fibrillation? Or ventricular tachycardia?’

Arrhythmia varies widely.

Seeing that it occurred frequently, it seemed to be either atrial fibrillation or ventricular tachycardia.

‘I usually get better if I stay still. Should I just wait?’

However, even when they waited a little, there was no sign of it subsiding.

Christine drew her eyes.”Oh, I’m sorry to trouble you. It’ll get better soon.”

“No.” Raymond sighed.

He felt like she needed to get treated.

‘Honestly, I don’t feel like treating someone who’s been picking a fight.’

Still, I changed my mind.

‘It is better to think of this as an opportunity to push the true countermeasure. Plus, the extortion of money will be a bonus!”

She’s the duke’s princess!

They ought to have a lot of money. It won’t be a problem to overcharge their treatment.

Thinking so, it was Raymond who suddenly developed a sudden affinity for her.

A rich man is always loved.

“I’ll treat you.”

“Thanks for saying that, but heart palpitations are incurable.” Christine shook her head. 

“That is because you are using heals.”


“Anything can be treated with medicine.”

Raymond continued, looking her in the eye.

“In return, you will pay for the treatment.  It will be a bit expensive.”


Raymond first pointed his finger at her wrist, to be exact, the area of the radial artery.

Since there is no EKG that analyzes the rhythm of the heart, it was inevitable to guess through the pulse of the artery.

‘I’ll have to save for an EKG one day. Damn it, dwarves. I can’t believe it’s such a huge amount of money to build a current meter.’

Raymond spat abuse out inside.

‘Pulse 180 times. Rhythm is all regular.’

‘I feel this every time I ask for medical tools, but Dwarves, the Magic Tower guys were really bad.’

There was typically one arrhythmia representing this pattern.

‘It’s a paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia (PSVT)!’

The treatment was simple.

“Excuse me? What are you doing?”

“Please bend your neck back.”

“What, what?”

“Excuse me for a moment.”

Raymond puts his finger on the back of her neck.

He placed pressure directly above the carotid artery.

‘Gee, are you trying to kill me now?’

Christine was stiffened by a sudden strangulation.

It wasn’t even a gentle push.

‘Squeeze. He pressed it pretty hard.’

‘Don’t tell me you’re trying to assassinate me!’

‘Oh, no! I can’t die like this!’

‘It was time to wake up and scream!’

“How dare you…!”

“Are you okay now?”


Raymond removed his finger from her neck and asked calmly as if nothing had happened.

“I meant, your heart. Is it pounding still? Are you okay now?”


It went fine.

It disappeared like a lie!

‘What is this……?’

Christine looked as if she had seen a ghost.

‘I got strangled, but my heart palpitations got better?’

“H-how the hell did you do it?”

“Your carotid artery was compressed, and it activated the vagus nerve..”

She didn’t seem to understand, so Raymond explained it easily.

Short but impactful.

In other words, as arrogant as possible.

In the voice of what you know.

“This is the ancient treatment, medicine.”

Raymond noticed that she had lost her fighting spirit and smiled inwardly.

“You seem tired. I think you’d better go back and rest.”

Christine pursed her lips a few times as if she wanted to say something, but then closed them.

In the end, she couldn’t say anything and turned her back.

Raymond finished the most critical business before she left.

“Oh, Princess! You forgot one thing!”

“……What is it?”

“You have to pay for the treatment.”

“It’s five hundred pence.”

Five hundred. It was a special fee for princesses as a rip-off fee.


After leaving the Penin Treatment Center, someone crept up beside her, who was trudging helplessly.

“Are you alright, miss?”



A woman who appeared to be in her early thirties was her private escort.

“Did he commit any rudeness? Should I kill him?”

“·…to kill. You are no longer an assassin, so don’t talk like that.”

Lero was a former assassin who was originally trying to assassinate Christine and was saved.

She later changed her mind with a story that could only come from a and devoted her blind loyalty to Christine.

“The Baron Penin has not committed any disrespectful.”

“But why?”

Christine couldn’t answer.

‘Why is she doing this now?’

It was because of the shock.

‘What the hell is medicine?’

‘The stranglehold cured me of my illness.’

That’s not all.

‘He cuts his patient’s stomach with a knife to cure the disease.’

‘This treatment, what the hell is it?’

‘I want to see from the side, but I’ve been rejected.’

Christine bit her lips tightly.

‘I couldn’t leave like this.’

“Lady? Where are you going?”

“Penin Treatment Center.”

Christine tied her hair tightly again.

It was her habit before the big deal.

“I’ll negotiate again.”


Meanwhile, after she left, Raymond had a happy face, throwing 500 pence into the air.

’Haha! I can’t believe I got this much money.’

 As soon as he thought so,

“Senior, Princess Christine is here again.”


Raymond looked out in surprise.

Christine stood with a grim face.

“What’s the matter? Did your heart palpitations recur? But you can’t get a refund.”


Raymond felt sorry for himself.

‘I said too much in advance because I was afraid I’d have to pay for it.’

Fortunately, Christine didn’t seem to care much.

“I’m here to finish what I was talking about earlier.”

“Isn’t it all over? No field trips.”

Unless it was a refund, there was no business.

In the car that was about to be sent back in moderation, Christine brought up a statement that she didn’t even think of.

“If you find it difficult for my request, please accept me as a temporary pupil.”


Raymond’s eyes grew bigger.

That doesn’t make sense.

“Are you serious?”


Raymond realized that she meant what she said.

Then a message came into his mind.

[Christine has asked for instructions!]

[Will you accept her as your student?]

‘No way!’

Who is Christine?

Regardless of her status as a princess, she is a healer with a B+ rating.

As a true healer of patients, she received overwhelming support from the common people.

“You can’t.”


Christine quipped in a calm tone.

“Aren’t you publishing a student recruitment notice in the newspaper a while ago? It said that anyone can apply if they buy treatment. I’ll apply.” 

Raymond shook his head.

It was a hundred times more burdensome.

He didn’t want to take it.

“Why is someone like you offering this ridiculous support? If you’re worried about medicine, didn’t I show it to you earlier? Medicine is not a remedy that harms people.”

“I know that now.”

Christine shook her head.

‘I don’t know the exact principle, but when I experienced it in person, it didn’t seem to be a treatment that harms the patient.’

“I want to experience medicine.”

“Why on earth?”

“Maybe it can be a way to break my limits.”

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