Doctor Player

Chapter 64

Chapter 64

“Soln is the worst usurer. In particular, he had approached patients who lack medical expenses and lent them money with a hook to exploit them.” 

It was the so-called “patient loan business.”

Worst loan shark to exploit desperate patients!

It was an open secret of the kingdom’s healing community that the Soln guy joined hands with Baron Canton of Maple Treatment Center and helped each other. 

“The Master is thinking about how to use this opportunity to relieve the injustice of those who have suffered due to Soln.” Hanson clenched his fist.

“The master wants to go beyond curing disease. He wants to go beyond that and make their lives happy.”

The atmosphere became solemn.

Lao, who also suspected Raymond, reflected on himself. Meanwhile, Christine admired him once again.

On the other hand, Raymond was thinking,  ‘……It’s nothing like that at all, you idiots.’

There’s a bitter look on his face.

It felt like there were only more idiots in the treatment center.

At that time, a message that comes to his mind came at a good time!

[A quest has occurred!]

[Wipe Off The Patients’ Tears!]

(Personal Questt)

Precedence: Medium grade

Difficulty level: Medium

Quest Description: There’s a villain who uses the patient’s desperate situation to make them shed bloody tears.

Punish the wicked and wipe the blood and tears of the patients. Please bring back happiness to them!

Clear condition: Soln’s bankruptcy. patients’ debt relief

Reward: Bonus level up x2, 30 skill points

Bonus: Soln’s property, a high reputation

[To solve the problem, you can temporarily raise the proficiency of your skill level to grade A.]

‘···· What kind of nonsense is this?’

Raymond had an absurd face.

‘What do you mean make lead a debt-free life?!’

‘I can’t even pay my debts!’

And the bankruptcy of Soln?

It was impossible.

“But why is the difficulty level medium?” It’s the most impossible quest description so far. 

From my experience so far, ‘easy’ is a difficulty that can be successful without much difficulty.

‘Medium’ is not easy, but it’s a difficult level that can be achieved.

‘Hard’ is a difficult level that makes your mouth open.

‘Medium difficulty doesn’t mean it’s impossible, but is that possible? By making a skill level of A?’ 

Raymond was troubled.

‘I don’t know if I’ll be able to accomplish this quest, but Soln’s property is the bonus!’

‘Even if it’s difficult, this is a quest I must be able to accomplish!’

How much is Soln’s fortune? 

‘Oh, my heart is pounding.’

He was not at the level of ordinary rich people.

‘He is super rich!’

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Raymond’s heart pounded like thunder, imagining himself as a super rich person after this quest.

It’s big enough to wonder what if it breaks down,

‘This quest must be done unconditionally, even if I have to risk my life!’

Raymond’s eyes burned with great determination, and the others who saw it nodded too.

“As expected, senior. You don’t care about water and fire for your patients.”

“Master is awesome!”

“My brother is a man who knows the cause. I’ll help out too.”

“…… Now that it’s like this, it can’t be helped, it’s for the patient, so I have no choice but to help. If Soln does something, I, Christine Raven, will protect you.”

That’s how the “Break Soln” operation began.


The fateful day has finally arrived.

Raymond boarded a carriage bound for Soln’s casino. It is located in a suburb of the capital.

“Be careful. Soln is not a pushover.” 

It was Christine.

For some reason, she was dressed in extraordinary splendor from usual.

Christine is naturally pretty, but when she dresses up like that, she is more than shining.

“If you get the feeling that something is wrong, don’t talk further and just leave. Also, you must never sign a strange contract!” 

She was the one who kept asking and reminding Raymond to check if he was uncomfortable.

For reference, she was basically used to taking care of others because she lived cleaning up shit wrapped up by her stupid older brothers and immature younger brothers.

In other words, there was a lot of nagging on her part.

“Yes. I understand, my student.”

“Answering like that makes me even more anxious! Keep this in mind. First of all, don’t sigh! You can’t swear on a contract magic tool, especially when you’re drunk!”


Christine put her arms around her waist and sulkked with her eyes.

‘Will I be able to do well with this plan?” I’m nervous.’

Of course, she recognizes Raymond.

His treatment and his heart for his patients which originated from ancient knowledge were superior to anyone else.

However, Christine couldn’t believe that he could cope with this situation well.

But then.

Raymond cleared his voice and said with a firm face.

“Don’t worry. I’ll be sure to do my best.”

‘It’s a chance to become super rich. I’m sure I’ll succeed.’

‘To be honest, I was nervous to carry out the “operation.”’

Basically, since he has a timid personality.

‘But I’m going to overcome these tremors like this. To become the richest I could possibly be at the moment.’

“Don’t worry, Princess.”

Lao said.

Lao was also wearing a neat suit unlike usual.

“The sense of the Academy’s chief is telling that my brother will do well.”

So Raymond set out for Soln’s casino.

Then Lao and Christine looked at each other significantly.

They also took part in some kind of operation.


“What should we be doing, Hanson?”

“Let’s prepare a beef party according to the master’s command. At the highest level.”


That’s how the operation began.


The carriage soon reached its destination.

“Welcome! It’s a great honor to meet Baron Penin, the new star of the Kingdom of Houston!” 

It was Soln.

He had the dapper look of being a successful bad businessman.

“Why did you ask me to see you?” Raymond asked.

“Haha, let’s talk over a meal first. Hey, what are you doing? Without guiding a precious guest?”

Raymond was guided to a fancy drawing room, and likewise a fancy meal came out. Lobsters, finest calves, sturgeon eggs, goose liver from the far northern kingdom…… And so on.

There was nothing less expensive than one.

‘Hey, everything looks delicious.’

Raymond swallowed his saliva.

It was his dream course meals.

‘If you work well today, it would not be a dream to eat this kind of meal anymore. Let’s work hard and do well,’ Raymond said in his mind, strengthening his will.

Fortunately, a message came to his mind.

[You are currently undergoing the quest to wipe the patients’ bloody tears!]

[The heart of steel is being manifested!]

[Have a firm will and planting!]

This time, he hadn’t raised the heart of steel to grade A, but another one. 

That is why, it wasn’t able to completely calm him down, but another message came to mind.

[We confirm the other person’s ‘truth’!]

[The other person’s true danger is very high!]

[The truth countermeasures are revealed!]

Is it because he’s so dark-hearted?

Soln was also classified as a ‘true opponent’.

Raymond entered the conversation with a more stable mind.

“I received a valuable guest, but I’m embarrassed because I didn’t prepare anything.”

“No, it’s great.”

Raymond took a bite of the steak and made a deliberate look of admiration.

“I’ve never tasted such soft meat in my life. I think it melts in my mouth.”

‘It’s like a vulgar illegitimate child to make such shallow admiration. That’s how it is since you haven’t experienced it before.’

Of course, he hid all of those innermost thoughts and squeezed his waist to please Raymond.

“It’s a relief that the food suits your taste. I paid a lot of attention to the idea of picking this for the precious baronet. Try this wine here, too. As for this wine…….”

Alcohol came and went in a good atmosphere.

So after some time, Soln opened his mouth.

“In fact, I’ve arranged this meeting to make a suggestion.”

“What is it?”

“Don’t you have a lot of financial difficulties while running Penin Treatment Center?”

“That’s probably the case.”

Raymond nodded coolly, and Soln opened his mouth in a loud voice.

“I will lend you the money you lack. Far beyond the Healerons. It’s almost interest-free.”

“How come? Of course, it’s something we’re grateful for from our point of view.”

“That’s because I’m touched by the noble meaning you put in your work, baron.”

Soln spread his hands on both sides.

“Isn’t there a saying that you should earn like a dog and use it like a saint?” I want to spend my hard-earned money on good things.”

Of course, Raymond was not deceived.

It’s a story that the dog next door will laugh about.

‘What a saint. You’re trying to cheat in some way and make them lose money, making them slaves for debt.’ 

It was a common repertoire of Soln.

Soln often cheated like this against an opponent who seemed to be a pushover.

‘I mean, I looked like a pushover.’

Raymond clenched his fist.

“It’s going to be hard to decide right now.”

“I will do so.”


“Even if it wasn’t so, money matters are urgent.”

Soln opened his eyes wide.

“Can you lend me 100,000 pence for now?” 

100,000 pence!

It was a huge amount of money.

More money than all of Raymond’s debts to Devil Ron.

But Soln said willingly.

“Ha ha! I see. I’ll lend you a hundred thousand pence right now! Then cheers to the Penin Clinic!”


Alcohol circulated several times more in a friendlier atmosphere than before.

“Wow. This liquor tastes great too.”

“It’s a very precious drink. It’s a drink that comes out every time I meet someone I respect.”

Soln again poured Raymond a drink and laughed.

You drink well because you like it, kiddo. I don’t know what I’ll be like soon,’ Soln thought coldly.

‘I can’t lend you 100,000 pence. You’re about to be kicked out first.’

When Raymond looked sordid, Soln secretly brought up the story.

“You’re having a lot of fun today. Why don’t you come all the way here and enjoy the casino for a while?”

“Are you talking about the casino?”

“Yes, games are the best entertainment for aristocrats. You must be under a lot of stress watching the patients, so enjoy yourself today and go.” A deep smile hung around Soln’s lips as he said so.

Making a huge debt, then letting it blow into the casino!

It was a technique used for the most easy-going households.

For your information, Archduke Alfred, the young master of Raven, also lost a lot of money due to this trick.

‘It’s a principle to work hard and carefully, but apparently there’s no problem if you peel it off at once in a day. It’s a perfect match all the time. Hehe.’

Raymond hiccuped and exclaimed, whether he knew or not what was on Soln’s mind. “Casino? Let’s go. Let’s go!”

Seeing Raymond like that, Soln laughed out loud.

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