Doctor Player

Chapter 81:

Chapter 81

[Social Art]

It teaches you the skills necessary for social life!

Doctors do not only see patients in hospitals.

Of course, it is only during the lower years of residency that one is confined to a hospital. But as one moves uo the ladder, academic exchanges, academic activities, collaboration between medical staff, consultations with policy decision-makes, and encounters with avrious other social classes ought to happen.

There will be a lot of external activities.

It was like a kind of skill for such external activities.

‘But what social skills do I need to learn?’

Raymond struggled.

Looking at the market, he realized that there was not just one type of social skill.

[List of social skills]

  • Elegant speaking skills
  • Attractiveness enhancing fashion techniques
  • Royal Palace etiquette
  • Aristocratic social dance

There were a few more besides these.

All of these skills were necessary in aristocratic society.

“The points aren’t cheap, but I can’t buy them all.”

Each one scored close to 100 points.

The problem is that it is not something that can be solved by purchasing only one skill.

‘I need to speak, practice, dance, and everything. I can’t buy all of this.’

While Raymond was thinking about it, he noticed a skill.

[The Banquet’s Fashionable Guy!]

Type: Auxiliary (Social arts) skill

Rating: Rare

Proficiency: D

-You will master the social culture (talk, etiquette, social dance, etc.) necessary for the banquet at the level of ‘general aristocracy’!

-Note: Applicable only at banquets!

‘Oh! Isn’t that great?’

But the moment Raymond saw the next message, his face hardened.

[Side effect (handicap): If you wear a soft coat, your charm will increase!]

[Beware of accidentally seducing the opposite sex! It is a sin to make a lady cry!]

[100p consumption point (It’s cheaper to use skills due to the side effects)]


Raymond looked puzzled.

It’s just a necessary skill, but the system is reluctant to explain more about it.

‘……It’ll be okay, right?’


Soon, the day of the founding banquet came.

While King Oden and Chancellor Galman were busy preparing to welcome the Peninsula Kingdom’s envoy, the 4th prince Seytil and Count Garinson also prepared to welcome Raymond.

‘Look forward to it, Raymond. I’ll let you suffer the greatest humiliation.’

Seytil raved back to his plan.

“Haha! Perfect! Be prepared, Raymond!”

Seeing Seytil burst into laughter alone, the attendants quietly took a step back.

He seemed like a crazy person wh was lacking something.

But they weren’t the only ones preparing for the banquet.

Christine and Lao were also preparing.

Ready to protect Raymond at the big banquet!

“Are you ready, Lao?”

“Yes, princess!”

“There must be a conspiracy against the master. That’s why we have to keep him safe.”

Christine was well aware.

What a vile aristocratic society is. When a foolish weak person appears, they try their very best to bite them.

‘That tendency is especially strong for easy-going nobles. I’m going to bite that person somehow, so it can’t set foot here again.’

Christine bit her nails.

‘No matter how well prepared you are, you are not paying attention to the situation. You have to not only look out for your patients, but also take care of yourself.’

Christine sighed.

Raymond kept refusing even if she offered to teach him social skills.

The reason for his doing so was obvious.

Because he is a fool who only thinks about his patients.

‘I know the master’s great heart, but the aristocratic society is a jungle of weak flesh. You can’t get through it with a pure heart.’

In the end, there was only one way.

She had to protect him.

‘I can’t help it. I’m going to have to protect him, especially today. Anyway, he is a master who always works hard- this is just right.’

Then came the voice they were waiting for.

“I’m sorry I’m late. It was my first time dressing like this, so it took longer than I thought.”

At that moment.

The sound of shoes rang out on the wooden floor.

It was a sound of disciplined footsteps. At the same time, it was not excessive, so they felt the cheerfulness that was good to listen to.

You can only ask what kind of theft and cheerfulness it was by the sound of shoes, but it was actually the sound of footsteps that felt like that.

Soon Raymond appeared, and Lao and Christine’s eyes widened to tears.

“Is that you, brother?”


He’s handsome.

It was an idea in their head.

‘I knew he was handsome, but was he that handsome?’

Lao blinked his eyes.

From the beginning Raymond was a handsome young man with a soft impression that pleased the viewer.

But it wasn’t that much now.

From the neatly decorated appearance, sophistication and intense charm that captivated the viewer came out.

‘They say that the clothes are people’s wings, but how can he be so cool?’


The same was true for Christine as well.

She even opened her mouth in surprise.

‘No, they say the transformation of a man is innocent? How on earth did he get so handsome?’

As the first princess of a duke’s family, she grew up seeing many good-looking men and women since the very young age.

However, there were few who could compare to what Raymond look like right now.

It was that overwhelming. An inexplicable charm flowed throughout the body.

“……What is it, my student?”

“Because you’re handsome.”


“……He’s really handsome. My eyes are really high, and I want to kidnap him and lock him up somewhere…… I want to tie him up and see him every day. No, should I wear a soft coat for future treatments…….”

Raymond broke into sweat as he saw her blankly muttering gibberishly.

  • ……Is this skill too much?’

The reason why his charm has skyrocketed!

It was because of the skill.

[The Banquet’s Fashionable Guy!]

Type: Auxiliary (Social arts) skill

Rating: Rare

Proficiency: D → A

Raymond purchased the “The Banquet’s Fashionable Guy” skill after much consideration and also used items that increased its skill proficiency.

‘I used the item with that in mind, and I wondered if I did well.’

[Skill level went up to A! (limited to 24 hours)]

[You will be able to master the social culture (talk, etiquette, social dance, etc.)]

It was good up to this point.

But the problem is.

[Side effects increase as skill increases! Your charm will increase even more! Be careful of seducing the opposite sex!]

[Caution: You can get into an unwanted duel due to a problem with the opposite sex.]


Raymond was sweating profoundly.

‘There is no way. That is probably an exaggeration. Who would want to ask a healer for a duel.’

Raymond asked Hanson. “Hanson, do I look handsome now?”

“Yes, I think you’re shining.”

Hanson nodded bluntly as usual.

“I think the senior’s noble inner self has been revealed on the surface. Of course, that wouldn’t be comparable to the senior’s feelings for his patient. Compared to his respect, his gorgeous appearance is just a shell. I’m afraid that people will not be able to see his brilliant inner side as they are fascinated by the appearance of his senior already.”

As expected for stupid leader Hanson. He is eloquent.

‘When on earth did he change like this?’

‘He seemed fine when I first saw him, but he has turned into a serious idiot.’

Meanwhile, Lindon shouted like a parrot.

“That’s right. You’re handsome, Master!”

“Hmm. I don’t know.”

Raymond shook his head.

‘I decided to put aside unnecessary worries and do my best.’

It just so happened that a message came to his mind.

[A quest will occur ahead of an important event!]

[The Star of the Banquet]

(Personal Quest)

Preceding Degree: Traditional Chinese Medicine Level

Difficulty level: Medium

Quest Description: Many people are still ignoring you! This is a clear obstacle to the spread of medical science! Become the star of the banquet, break people’s prejudices, and spread the art if medicine!

Clear conditions: Gaining great reputation at the banquet

Reward: Bonus level up x2, additional 30 skill points

Privilege: Revision of title

‘I’m not confident about being the star of the banquet.’

Raymond clenched his fist.

‘Now that it’s like this, I’ll show you my best side at the banquet and promote my perfect medicine! As of today, I am going to be rich!’


The National Foundation Banquet is held over two days.

Today was the eve.

To commemorate the founding of the nation, they must enjoy a banquet all night long.

It was a place for pure enjoyment, so most of the seats were occupied by young aristocrats.

“Will Baron Penin come today?”

“I guess so?”

“I’m looking forward to seeing what he’ll do when he comes.”

The nobles burst out laughing.

“Maybe he’s going to show a funny side like the countryside.”

“It may smell. Keep him away from me.”

Seytil looked pleased when he heard the story.

The atmosphere was flowing as he intended.

‘Come quickly, Raymond. I’ll make it the best banquet.’ The waiting time for Raymond felt like an infinite amount of time.

Fortunately, it didn’t take long for this sound to resonate.

“It’s Baron Penin!”

Everyone’s eyes turned to the entrance of the banquet hall.

They could see a young man coming through the other side of the door. There was no clear appearance yet as he was still hidden by the shadow of the door.

“You’re finally here.”

“What kind of look did he come to?”

“He didn’t come back with his look when he is dealing with the common people, right?”

And the moment they saw Raymond entering, the whole banquet hall was silent.

A young man with a soft impression, who exudes overwhelming charm, was coming in.

It was Raymond.

Everyone, regardless of gender, looked at Raymond in surprise.

So the air in the banquet hall began to flow in an unexpected direction.


‘Yuck! What’s going on? How did he do that?’

Seytil’s plan was simple.

If Raymond shows a sloppy appearance, he would step up and give him a dog’s hat.

Since he didn’t learn the proper etiquette, he expected him to make all kinds of mistakes even if he was left it alone.

But why?

Far from making a mistake, a near-perfect etiquette was unfolding in Raymond’s body.

The nobles admired Raymond when they saw him.

“More than he thought…… Raymond seems to be very familiar with the etiquette.”

“That’s right. I think he made a lot of efforts separately.”

“That’s acceptable.”

Courtesy was a very important factor in a face-conscious aristocratic society.

No matter how rich or powerful you are, if you do not know the etiquette, you will not be treated properly. Conversely, if you are good at etiquette, you will be recognized accordingly.

‘Why does he look so handsome today? Damn it! ‘

Raymond’s appearance shone today, as even Seytil, full of bad feelings, thought so.

‘I don’t know why.’

‘He’s handsome.’

‘He looked cool.’

Seytil also noticed that all the ladies attending the banquet are stealing glances at him.

‘Damn it!’

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