Doctor Player

Chapter 86:

Chapter 86

“……Thank you.”

“I had something to say, so I asked to see you for a while.”


Lemarton had his iron glasses fixed.

And said in a heavy voice.

“Come under me, Raymond.”


“I am the future king. If you serve me, I promise you a great wealth.”

It was an unexpected recruitment offer.

“Why all of a sudden?”

Raymond had surprised eyes.

Then, something more shocking happened.

“Oh, dear. As expected, you’re quick, little brother. Of course, as usual, it will be a futile effort.”

A fair-looking young man.

A dangerous smile.

It was Prince Kairn!

He looked at Raymond.

“I am to say the same thing. Come under me rather than that hopeless fellow. Once I ascend the throne, I will give you great wealth and fame.”

Raymond blinked his eyes.

Two princes offer to recruit him at the same time?

‘Am I dreaming?’

Of course it wasn’t a dream.

Raymond figured out what was going on.

‘That’s how much I’ve grown in value. To the point where two princes have their eyes open of taking me.’

Currently, the second and third prince were in a fierce power struggle.

They are waging war, trying to get any influential aristocrats on their side.

Raymond used to be so insignificant that he didn’t catch their attention, but now he’s starting to get attention.

‘Is this something I should like or not?’

Raymond thought bitterly.

“I think I’ll be more suitable for Raymond than for you. I guess you don’t remember what happened in the past.”

Past events.

It means that in the past, Kairn bullied Raymond.

‘Fortunately, I didn’t bother Raymond.’

But Kairn shrugged his shoulders.”That’s just the past. I think he would serve a man who is most likely to be king. Think about it, Raymond. Between the two of us, who can really give you a halo.”

The two looked directly at Raymond.

As if to force an answer.

‘……What are you talking about now, you damn bastards?’

He didn’t like either prince.

‘I can achieve things like wealth and fame with my own abilities. Even if I don’t open my hands to you.’

‘Bont of you are out of the question!’

Raymond wanted to shout like this.

The problem is that it can’t be done.

Unlike the eight-punches Seytil, the two princes are scary people.

Neither their influence and power are comparable to Seytil.

Neither of them should be enemies.

‘How do I avoid it? How can I do it?’

Then, a message came to his mind.

[You re being forced to give an unfair answer to counter!]

[‘True Countermeasure’ is being revealed!]

Immediately, a way to deal with the truth came to his mind.

“Alright, Your Highness Kairn. I’ll take your word.”

Raymond bowed to Kairn first.

When Lemarton’s face hardened, he also spoke to Remarkon.

“I understand what you said, Your Highness Lemarton, I am accepting it.”

The two looked puzzled.

“What is the meaning of this?”

“It means that I will serve both of you.”

Raymond said with a natural dirty face.

“I’m a healer. Because you are someone who I serve, I will naturally come to your aid. Tell me if either of you is sick. I’ll run and treat you right away.”


Lemarton gave a smirk.

“No, Raymond. I guess you didn’t understand what I meant…….”

“I got it right.”

Raymond spoke in a straight voice.

“Your words. I certainly understood and answered.”

‘It’s you who didn’t understand me.’

Raymond looked at Lemarton with those eyes.

‘I’m a healer, I treat patients. I’m not serving anyone. Don’t let me get involved in your power struggle.’

Did he understand Raymond’s insinuation?

Lemarton shuts up.

Kairn was silent too.

Raymond bowed his head quickly.

“Thank you both for your words. I’ll be on my way. Please feel free to contact me if you have any physical discomfort. I’ll do my best to treat you.”

Raymond, who entered the banquet hall, was relieved.

‘Ah, that’s scary.’

‘My heart leaped with nervousness.’

‘But I think I talked well.’

Having said this much, they will understand.

‘Don’t ever pretend to know me again, you wretches.’

It was then.

Before the tension in his chest could subside, another dismal thing happened.

An emergency patient occurred on the platform.

The Marquis Langham, the great prince of Peninsula, has fallen!


It was at the turn of the distinguished guests’ congratulations that the incident occurred.

“Let us hear the congratulations of the Marquis Langham of the Kingdom of Peninsula, brother of the League of the Cross.”


Cheers and applause reverberated throughout the banquet hall.

But at that moment.

Something unexpected has happened.

The Marquis Langham did not rise from his seat.

“What is it?”

“·…The Marquis?”

A low groan,

A wet cold sweat.

King Oden, who was nearby, was the first to notice the upset.

“Healer! Check the condition of the Marquis!”

“Yes, Your Highness!”

Mason ran off in a fit of range.

He hurriedly examined the condition of the Marquis Langham and said.”I think he is exhausted. I’ll use my heals.”

A brilliant light rose.

A sacred sphere of light.

It was class A heal!

Spheres of light poured over the Marquis’ body like a snowstorm.

Upon heal’s blessing, the countenance of the Marquis of Langham was much better.

“What do you think?”

“……I think I’m feeling better, thank you. As you say, I’ve been exhausted for a while. Is there anything to drink? I want to drink the tear juice from the sun I drank earlier.”

The Marquis Langham drank the strong juice from his servant.

King Oden asked Mason.

“Is he okay now?”

“Yes, he is, Your Highness!”

Mason replied confidently.

However, King Oden asked again if he had any doubts.

“Are you sure? Doesn’t he need to see another healer?”


“……I think he’ll be fine. Count Helien and Viscount Dorian cannot come here because they are concentrating on the treatment of His Highness Seytil…….”

Then, Chancellor Galman stepped in.

“Then there are many other healers here, so why don’t you let them see him?” said Chancellor Galman, looking at Raymond.

“If it’s the medicine of the Baron Penin, he might find something you’re missing.”


The words irresistibly touched Mason’s pride.

“No, do you think that Baron Penin, who uses pseudo-tricks, is evaluated more highly than a A-level healer?”

He bit his lip and barely suppressed his emotions.

“I don’t think he needs to do that.”


“As an A-level healer, I believe Marquis Langhan’s condition is simple exhaustion and will not be a major problem…”

At that moment, when Mason was speaking, Marquis Langham groaned and clutched his chest tightly.


And slowly, he fell down to the side!

“The Marquis!”

“Wake up!”

Mason spread his heals with all his might with a puzzled face.

A more brilliant light than the heals he had just seen leaked into the body of the Marquis.

But it didn’t have much effect.

He only let out a faint groan, but he couldn’t come to consciousness.


“Oh my God!”

Mason’s mind went blank.

‘This isn’t exhaustion, it’s an acute collapse. Why all of a sudden? I can’t save him with a heal.’

Acute collapse.

It was a Laipentaina expression of a heart attack.

Due to the nature of heals that strengthen and treat their vitality, they were vulnerable to heart attacks of this significance.

One or two minutes at the latest.

The heart had to be returned in it, but it was too short a time to revive it with heals.

‘Count Helein must be here! Even Viscout Dorian!’

But it will take at least 10 minutes for them to come.

The Marquis Langham will die in it.


“Please step aside for a moment.”

It was Raymond!

He was looking down at the Marquis Langham with an urgent face.

Mason only blinked.

“The patient needs to be treated. I’ll treat him, so please step aside.”

“What about you? I don’t need your help. Go away…….”

Raymond wriggled his eyebrows to Mason, who was in a hurry to confront him.

[The ‘True Counter’ is interfering with patient care]

[‘How to deal with the true countermeasure’ is revealed!]

[It creates synergy effect with ‘Heart of Steel’ during super emergency situations!]

How to deal with it.

It was simple.

“I’m in a hurry, get out of the way!”

A harsh remark that is hard to imagine considering his usual personality!

“……What are you saying to me right now?!”

Mason, however, could not get angry.

He felt a sharp gaze towards him.

It was Oden.

The stern wrath of the king was directed at Mason.

“Can you cure the Marquis with your heals? If not, get out of the way. Don’t start trouble.”

“……Yes, Your Highness.”

Mason bowed his head with a pale face.

King Oden glared coldly at Mason.

Even though he has no skills, he is showing off his pride in front of the patient. He is the worst healer.

“I can’t they had a guy like that in the royal treatment group.’

That wasn’t the point now, anyway.

The Marquis Langham had to be saved.

“Can you save the Marquis with your powers, Baron Penin?”

Raymond and Oden’s eyes met.

For a moment, Oden throught that it was ironic.

He had never treated Raymond as his child for a moment. And yet, he is asking for his help yet again.

Raymond, on the other hand, replied without much emotion.

The patient’s condition was too urgent to feel personal feelings.

“I’ll do my best.”

‘There’s no time! We need to do first aid right now.’

Raymond immediately pointed to the carotid artery.

Fortunately, he felt a faint pulse.

He haven’t had a heart attack yet.

However, it was too faint and slow.

“It is a bradycardia! ‘


The heart loses its normal function and beats slowly.

It is also a phenomenon that often occurs just before a heart attack.

‘There’s something wrong with his heart and it can’t beat properly. We need to find and solve the problem.’

It was not the time to do CPR recklessly.

What we need to do now is to find the cause and correct it within the golden time.

‘If I don’t solve the cause in time, he’ll end up with a heart attack and die.’

“Hanson, electrocardiogram.”

“Yes, Master!” Hanson quickly attached the electrodes to Marquis Langham.

Thanks to repeated mastery, it was quick.

“It’s working!”


The electrodes glowed.

The artifact has begun to measure the electrical signal of the heart.

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