Dog of War

Attack What is Unprepared part 1

Thank you to our beta reader and partner, Boudica. You can find her on this site.

Camila rose to the ding of a priority notification. Wearily, she retrieved her pad to see a message from Mr Aurelius- the grafts were ready. She sprang to life, immediately wrapping her various grafts together into her form.


[FrequencyFlower]: Cordelia!

[FrequencyFlower]: Are you awake?


A minute passed.

[ComfyPlamnt]: Dear?

[ComfyPlamnt]: What's wrong?


[FrequencyFlower]: Nothing's wrong!

[FrequencyFlower]: It's good news actually! 


[ComfyPlamnt]: oh yeah?


[FrequencyFlower]: Beckett's xenodrugs are ready! 

[FrequencyFlower]: Was hoping you could come over now to petsit, she's still woozy. 

[FrequencyFlower]: So don't let her climb up on her own? 


[ComfyPlamnt]: She?!??!!???

[ComfyPlamnt]: Something exciting happen?

[ComfyPlamnt]: Also absolutely! 


[FrequencyFlower]: Nothing official but I'm sure of it. I'll explain the details in person. 

[FrequencyFlower]: You should hear her biorhythm when you call her "Princess" though.


[ComfyPlamnt]: Awwww

[ComfyPlamnt]: That's adorable!

[ComfyPlamnt]: okay I made sure Daisy won't wake up I'll see you soon love youuu


[FrequencyFlower]: Oh, love you!


Camila fidgeted with the pad for a moment; they had both meant it as friends, right? Even so, the exchange made her feel odd. But now wasn't the time to analyze her friendship with Cordelia, she needed to finish getting ready. 


Camila swapped over to the security features and checked in on Beckett- Awww, she was all curled up in bed! The readouts indicated she was fast asleep. The thought of finally being able to get her injectors in Beckett just a few hours from now had her bursting with energy, her flowers in full bloom. If only it was a full suite instead of a selection. 


Camila double checked her form, touching it up a bit. Straightening out a few vines, correcting the placement of a couple flowers. This was a momentous day, one of the biggest until Beckett finally broke for her. She spent a couple of minutes picking out Beckett's outfit, something comfortable but good for dysphoria- Ah, a loose sweater with pants to match. She turned her attention back to the Notice.


Finally Jess chimed "Miss Dawnbloom is here with Miss Daisy!"


"Ah, please open the door, I'll be right there." Camila quickly finished the section she was on and got up, heading into the living room.


Cordelia was as bright and wonderful as ever. Her biorhythm was almost brimming with excitement as she spotted Camila. The two crossed the room, intertwining vines with one another as they drew into a hug. They stayed like that for one long beat, before Cordelia pulled back and whispered, "good morning, Camila."


Camila couldn't help but smile. "Good morning, Cordelia. Is Daisy tucked away?" 


"Oh, yes," Cordelia split open slowly, revealing Daisy. Curled up with her Mistress's core and gently dozing, Camila had to stifle a squee. 


"Adorable!" Camila whispered, brushing vines through the cutie's hair. "Beckett's still asleep, I'll only be an hour or two. I might get groceries on the way back, if time permits."


Cordelia grinned playfully, "Oh I think I can handle Beckett for a morning, get groceries and handle your errands Camilia." 


"Just be careful, she's in a very sensitive place right now. Oh, don't forget to dim the mirrors!" Camila felt a slight wrongness about leaving Beckett behind; honestly she wanted to carry the cutie there so she could dose her as soon as she got grafted. She had been itching to get her injectors into Beckett since she saw her scars. 


Cordelia chuckled, her leaves rustling. "I know dear, I know."


Camila drew her friend in tight. "Thank you, Cordelia!" Cordelia returned the embrace before the two parted, Camila pausing in the doorway. 


"Oh and make sure she doesn't get on or off furniture without help, she's still recovering today!" With that, she was on her way. 


The dome above was still somewhat translucent, the stars and planet below visible through the oncoming dawn. The walkways and grouping areas were lit warmly, all else bathed in an early morning glow. Few were out; mostly Affini, but one or two were carrying a dozing pet. 


The shuttle was empty, but it gave Camila more time to appreciate the scenery. All the Hab rings fading from view behind the morning sky, all the parks, buildings and spaces made with care. One day Beckett would understand that this love is what the compact is, and that she has a place here. 


The shuttle stopped, rudely interrupting her daydreaming. Camila didn't care for long; she had grafts to pick up and a Notice of Intent to file! She was bouncing, practically vibrating, as she made her way to the graft clinic.


Stepping through the two massive doors, built to accommodate residents of every size, Camila was greeted by a friendly Affini. "Hi, I'm Mala Albate, Third Bloom, they/them, what are you picking up today?" They were smaller than her, but only somewhat, and looked similar to a moth. Long leafy vines for antennae and fluffy moss around their neck helped the illusion. 


"I'm Camila Verdun, First Bloom," she introduced herself, touching a few vines to Mala's in  greeting. "I'm here to pick up an order for Joshua Beckett?" 


Mala's eyes lit up. "Ah, yes, we just finished cultivating those! Right this way." They led Camila into one of the backrooms, where the procedures were usually done. "Okay, we have a Class E, a Class G and a Class Z. Is that all?" 


"Actually, I was wondering if I could get a graft to grow some berries- no xenodrugs included." The thought of Beckett enjoying and drooling over her treats was enticing. 


Mala swiped through on the pad a few times, "Yes it looks we do have some! Just wait here and I'll get them for you." With that, they exited the room. 


Camila didn't have to stew in her excitement long, as Mala came back not even five minutes later. A small hovercart carrying the four grafts behind them. "Alright, if you can just expose your core, we can get these in!"


There was a creaking as Camila's chest opened, revealing the shimmering, humming core at her heart. Mala was swift, and made no erroneous contact, but Camila couldn't help but feel flustered as they prodded at its stem with their tools. Thankfully the grafting process was brief as ever and she felt the jolt of them connecting to her. "All done, Camila! How do they feel?"


Camila tested them, moving them one at a time and in sections before wrapping them all up to hide underneath her cloak. "They feel wonderful, thank you." She grinned, finally equipped to ease and assist Beckett. 


"Are these for your floret?" Mala asked.


The question caught Camila off guard. Beckett was to be hers, that much was certain, but she wasn't her floret. Not yet. Referring to her as such didn't feel right. How did Cordelia put it? "Floret-to-be, rather. I'm dropping off a Notice of Intent for her after this." 


Mala grasped Camila's hands, sharing in her excitement, "Awww, that's so sweet! I'm sure she will love them! 


"Yes I'm sure she will." Camila could hardly wait to use the new grafts, she flexed them beneath her cloak.


"Best of luck breaking your cutie!" Mala waved as Camila departed for the local bureaucracy office. 


Camila returned the wave, "Thank you!" She cheered, turning and carrying on her way. The office was just a few buildings down, she could see Mala disappear into the graft clinic as she reached the entrance. 


The Affini Office of Bureaucracy was the core of the Compact itself, and it reflected in the building. The best architects, artists and decorators had ensured that the building was not just the home of the largest bureaucracy in the universe, but comfortable for all as well. Even now, at this early hour, it was buzzing with activity. Affini flitted between the halls and rooms, most with large stacks of paperwork. 


A cheery Affini greeted her, more wood than foliage, and most of it host to elaborate carvings. "Dian Ifera, 7th bloom, she/her. How may I help you?" 


Camilla smiled. "I am Camila Verdun, 1st Bloom, she/her." She retrieved the prize within, placing the stack of papers on the desk and happily announcing, "I am here to file this Notice of Intent." Her voice was just loud enough to draw the attention of several nearby Affini. 


Ifera gasped with delight. "Oh, delightful! Let me take a look." She picked up the relatively modest stack of papers, a smile on her face that grew larger as she read through Camila's arguments for making Beckett hers. Ifera paused several times to coo and swoon over passages as she went. When she finished reading, she sighed as though finishing a good meal, setting the paperwork to the side, "Utterly, utterly adorable! I'll see that this gets approved today, though I think I've seen the name Beckett before?"


"Ah, she's the one that surrendered the Terran ship five days ago." It seemed like the ever reliable Affini News Network- gossip- had been doing its thing. The attention was unlikely to last long, but Beckett was in for more attention on their walk tomorrow than she probably wanted.


"Well it seems like you've found yourself quite the first floret, I wish you both the best of luck!" Ifera beamed. "Is there anything else? Would you like to pick up a domestication contract perhaps?"


Camila nodded. "That would be delightful, thank you." It would be a while before Beckett was ready to sign it, but it was better to have it ready. She would sign it, once she realized how much Camila cared for her, and how sorely she needed an owner. That would all come in time. The real issue was going to be getting Beckett to accept the Class G today. Camila had researched the topic extensively last night, preparing for the conversation. She still needed a real strategy; pressing anything related to the topic could be difficult without the class D, but she had Class Es now. 


Camila's train of thought was broken by the sound of a truly massive stack of paperwork hitting the desk. "This is for you," Ifera smiled, before adding one single sheet on top, "and this is for your cutie." She winked. 


Taking care to not crinkle any pages, Camila took the stack and stored it safely away. "Thank you very much, Miss Ifera. I hope you have a wonderful day." 


"You too!" Ifera cheered as Camila left her desk.


Walking away, Camila couldn't help but let her core buzz with excitement, broadcasting to all Affini nearby. She filed the Notice! She had a contract now! All she had to do now was gently shepard her prize into her vines. Well, that, and get groceries. Her pad dinged several times in succession- a message from Cordelia.


[ComfyPlamnt]: Haiii

[ComfyPlamnt]: I finished making breakfast

[ComfyPlamnt]: n I'm about to get the cuties up~

[ComfyPlamnt]: I know u made something special for Beckett today but I left it in the fridge cuz I weren't gonna be here

[ComfyPlamnt]: it's the breakfast skillet again

[ComfyPlamnt]: since she couldn't taste last time

[ComfyPlamnt]: How're the errands coming along?


It stung a bit to think that she wouldn't be there for Beckett's second breakfast. Camila had stayed up a bit to make sure the crepes she had planned on making would be perfect. Tomorrow.

[FrequencyFlower]: They're going well, I got the grafts and dropped off the Notice. I even picked up a contract for when I need it. Just need to pick up groceries and I'll be there. 

[FrequencyFlower]: possibly an hour


[ComfyPlamnt]: Take ur time! 

[ComfyPlamnt]: I'll see you soon! 

[ComfyPlamnt]: <3

[ComfyPlamnt]: (that's a 'heart,' Daisy showed it to me. It's a Terran way to show affection.)


[FrequencyFlower]: <3

[[FrequencyFlower]: See you soon.


Camila giggled as she put away her pad. Yes, today was going to be a good day. 



They turned over the remains of the corpse with the tip of their boot. A sputtering came from the broken electronics, joining the cacophony of falling sparks that were lighting the room. A slight tug at the corner of their mouth caused the briefest frown. It didn't always have to end this way, did it? 


"Well done," the client's voice crackled in their earpiece through the dissipating comms jam, "You actually did it! Of course, the damage to the property means we'll have to dock the pay-"


They slapped the talk function, "I have both the schematics and this incident set to leak to your competitors in two hours. If my pay doesn't have a nice bonus in one hour, I may forget to cancel it." Rich pig ass cocksucker, they had quadrillions! What the fuck was a few hundred thousand credits to 'em? 


"R-Right. We'll wire that right away, Mr Kade." Cowards, all of them. Every one.


They scoffed, "I told you no Mister shit, I work for a living." They should change names again soon. This one was starting to get too much attention anyways. 


"Apologies, Kade. And may you get fucked yourself one day." The transmission cut out. Rat bastard. They growled and slammed their fist into a nearby panel, demolishing it into another sparking mess. Wincing as shards of metal and glass showered them. The fresh source of light lit up the face they had overturned. 


It was twisted into a visage of agony and horror. Poor fucker. It was too easy to end up in the gears of the war machine. First you're in debt, then the next thing you know, you're pressed into signing away your humanity and some lab coats are sticking electronics in your brain reducing you to another tool.


Tools like us always end up like this in the end. 


This was very nearly their fate as well, if they weren't as lucky as they were. Used and subsequently discarded the moment they became an inconvenience, or it was profitable to do so. Hopefully, they had died before today. They turned to leave, just as there was one last big spark and everything went pitch black. 


Something was wrong. This didn't happen on the Tiberius Company Orbital Station. Wait, that job was ages ago wasn't it? Where was this? They couldn't see as yet, their eyes still adjusting to the loss of light, but they could feel the space around them shift.  It was warmer, softer. Something grabbed them from the back-!


They whipped around on it, grabbing their arm and pulling it off them to the side. Pushing through the soft weight on them they pinned it to plush ground and mounted- some woman? Who was this? 


"Oh! Hi Beckett!" The woman smiled without a trace of concern in her face. Her pupils dilated to the point they could see their reflection, wide eyed and wild. Beckett... Oh. Oh shit. "When did you get here? No, wait, is this your place?"


They rolled off of Daisy, panting to get their heart under control. "Sorry." Oh, stars, they nearly blew the whole thing. 


"Huh? Sorry?" Daisy yawned. "Did you wanna be the big spoon?"


"What? No. Daisy, why are you in bed with me?" Why was she so unconcerned with what had happened? 


"Little spoon it is!" A soft arm wrapped around them, and they felt her press up against them. They froze under her warmth. "Also I told you we were coming over, silly, though I didn't think it'd be this early."


Stay calm.


They took a deep breath in, and exhaled. "Yes, I recall, but why. are. you. in. my. bed?" 


 "Oh! I dunno." Daisy giggled, before yawning again. "Mistress put me here I guess." 


How could anyone be so unconcerned about something like that? That Miss Dawnbloom was here was a good heads-up, though they could have figured an Affini would never let their pets stray far. This was a problem, most Affini seemed to be far more astute than Miss Verdun. On top of that, she was just a bit obnoxious to deal with. 


Which brought their attention back to their other issue, "Daisy, can you stop grabbing me?" 


"I thought you wanted to be the little spoon?" She puzzled. "We can switch if you like."


"What?!" How had she gotten such a ridiculous notion? "No, I want you to let go of me."


They felt her pull back, removing her arm, allowing them to breathe easier. "Do you not wanna cuddle?" There was an edge of sadness in her tone, but they had to stay firm.


"Isn't cuddling a bit intimate?" 


"Yeah! It's really nice, right?" 


Okay, this was getting annoying, especially talking to Daisy facing the other way. They rolled over to face her, and she was smiling as carefree as ever. How anything could live so unaware of its situation and surroundings was beyond them. "What I'm saying is I don't think friends cuddle."


Daisy giggled, "Who told you that? Maybe in the Accord they don't but we do in the Compact!"


They sighed, rubbing their face, "Next you'll tell me you kiss your friends too."  


"Some of em, yeah!" Daisy cheered, a salacious grin on her face as she then added, "Sometimes more."


W-what?! Surely she was messing with them, or perhaps- "And how many of these friends are Independent?" 


Daisy giggled, "All my friends are pets, silly! Pretty much all the Independents live on the planet." Beckett gave her the best leer they could muster. "Oh. Not you, I guess." 




"Cuddles are very important y'know." Daisy stated as though it was a fundamental law, as inescapable as gravity.


Okay this wasn't making progress. "Shouldn't we get out of bed since we're up?" 


"Just let Mistress handle that stuff, she'll get us when she's ready. If we're still in bed, then there's time for cuddles." 


"I'm not a pet, Daisy," they grumbled. 


Daisy gave them that same pouting look from last time, as though she were on the verge of tears. "Can we really not cuddle? Just think of it like a hug we do laying down, and you don't even have to hug back."


Saying no to Daisy when she was like this was as easy as cutting off an arm. They turned to face away again. "Fine."


"Yayyyy!" They felt Daisy as she pulled up close, wrapping her around them. "Thanks, Beckett~"


They really hoped they could get this emotion stuff under control soon. At least Daisy couldn't see them blush. Hopefully she couldn't feel their heart racing either. She was so close . No one ever came this close. Not like this.


"You're really tense, y'know." Daisy breathed into their ear. That certainly didn't help to make them any less tense. 


They cleared their throat before responding, not wanting their voice to break. "Apologies, I..." Breathe. "I don't think I've ever 'cuddled' before. It's strange."


Daisy hummed. "Is it bad?"


Was it? It certainly was alien but... being close like this... it didn't feel awful. There was a pleasantness to her warmth, her soft skin. "No. It's kinda weird, though."


She pulled just a bit closer. "Then I guess we'll just have to do it until it's not weird anymore." 


Oh, like training!  


That they understood. Why didn't they think of that before? Surely some good old fashioned training would help them get over their touch aversion. They just had to try to relax, and get over the uneasiness. Focus on breathing and easing tension. In. Out. In. Out. 


A minute passed in this manner in silence, then another, and another. The uneasiness hadn't left, but it wasn't as potent as before. The edge of it was not as sharp, allowing them to feel a bit more of the softer feeling beneath. It was strange, fluttery and warm, and sat in their chest. But as the uneasiness left, it was replaced by a steadily growing wrongness. 


They weren't right for something like this. This body wasn't for something like this. This body was fit for little else besides work and warfare. This body was used by them, but it wasn't them . They can't really... receive affection like this, could they? The woman from the mirror yesterday came to mind, and the feeling surged along with bile. They swallowed back the foul taste in their throat and attempted to level themselves once more.


The feeling was mercifully interrupted by the sound of the door opening behind them.


"Okay cuties, Breakfast is-" Miss Dawnbloom cut herself off with a squee. Oh good, they were hoping for a headache to start the day. Better than whatever they were going through a moment ago, at least. "Cute, cute, cute! Oh, Camila is going to love this!" 


"Morning, Mistress~" Daisy yawned, pulling herself off them. "Morning Jess!"


All the tension returned as the machine chimed, "Morning cuties!"


"Morning," they replied through gritted teeth. 


"It seems someone woke up in a poor mood,” Miss Dawnbloom chided playfully. “Let's see if some breakfast will change that." 


They perked up at the thought of tasting more food and sat up to face Miss Dawnbloom, who had already drawn Daisy into her vines. Her bright hues were a bit harsh so early in the morning, but that hardly mattered when there was food to try. They swallowed down the saliva pooling in their mouth; just because they were somewhat excited didn’t mean they should look eager. They started to move to the edge of the bed-


Miss Dawnbloom placed a vine in their path. "Sorry, petal, Camila wants you to rest today as well." 


Again? There was only the normal amount of soreness. "I feel perfectly fine, Miss Dawnbloom." 


"That may be the case, but she wanted to make sure your recovery was complete."


This level of coddling was ridiculous. Miss Verdun was aware of the realities of their job, wasn't she? They've done far more demanding things in far worse shape. However, arguing with Miss Verdun's friend would be a poor play. They sighed and hung their head just a bit, feigning defeat. "In that case, could you please help me down?" 


Miss Dawnbloom hummed, a curious smile on her face, "You certainly are an interesting little sophont, aren't you?" She set down Daisy, giving her several pets. Slowly she worked her vines under them, supporting them as she helped them down and placing them next to Daisy. "There you go, petal." 


Daisy bounced in place, "I like your pajamas, bestie, they're really cute!"


"Cute?" Their cheeks burned as they became hyperaware of the situation. They were basically wearing women's clothes! They were wearing women's underwear! Oh fuck, did Daisy notice? Did Miss Dawnbloom? Did Miss Verdun tell her? They even looked identical to Daisy's pajamas, but in Miss Verdun's colors!


Giggling, Daisy took their hand with both of hers, "You're pretty cute too, when you get all flustered." 




Their free hand fidgeted at their side. Cute? Them? Being called 'cute' was one thing from the Affini, their standard for cuteness seemed to be 'exists.' No Terran in their right mind would ever find them 'cute.' It had to be the implant, warping her mind! "Uhm, thanks?" Their voice came out involuntarily hoarse.


"You know little one, you really are precious." Miss Dawnbloom reached a vine towards them, stopping when they flinched. "...Apologies. If you would follow me to the kitchen, I would like you both to eat before it gets cold." With that, she scooped up Daisy once more, who broke into a fit of giggles as she was carried out. They followed.


Miss Dawnbloom stopped in front of the open chair, offering a few vines to help them up. With no real alternative, they accepted. Miss Dawnbloom sat across from them, Daisy in her lap. "It's the skillet from the other night, I thought you might enjoy it better now." 


The textures had been nice and varied, but they were admittedly curious about the taste. Maybe yesterday was merely a weird incident, and food wasn't actually as good as it had initially come off? They picked up the nearby fork, and dug out a bite as Miss Dawnbloom began to feed Daisy. 


Tears welled in the corner of their eyes as they took the bite, they couldn't have been happier to have been wrong. Food wasn't just as good as they remembered, it was utterly divine. The uncomfortable nature of the morning was entirely forgotten as the flavors danced across their tongue, blending together. They couldn't help but tap against the chair and table in delight. 


"Goodness, just when I thought you couldn't get anymore precious." Miss Dawnbloom cooed.


Her comment caused them to pause, and reign in their reactions. "Thank you for the food," They dug out another bite, "and for noticing I couldn't taste." If it wasn't for Miss Dawnbloom, they would likely still be missing out on all the joys of flavor. 


That made the Affini swell with joy. "You are most welcome, petal, though I'm certain the Vet would have caught it on their own." 


They continued eating, stifling their reactions as much as they could manage. Right, the Vet that was unraveling the mysteries of their genetic modifications at this very moment. How much would Mr Aurelius be able to determine, anyways? Certainly their physical capabilities, but could he tell there were two of them? That could be troublesome; the last thing they needed was to expose that side of themselves. There was a reason it was one of their most guarded secrets, up there with the genetic modifications. It certainly wouldn't convince the Affini that they were capable of independence at least. 


We've always been able to take care of each other, though.


Hmm. Maybe if they knew that they were always able to lean on themselves it would be fine? Or perhaps it would be a one way ticket to the Domestication center. There was no reason to tip their hand. They'd been extremely careful, there was no reason for the Affini to suspect anything. They needed every card they could afford to keep concealed. If the Affini somehow sussed it out, they'd deal with it then. Something along the lines of 'It simply wasn't something they had thought to mention.' 


The rest of the meal was gone too soon, they were already looking forward to lunch. Miss Dawnbloom paused her feeding of Daisy to help them down, handing them a bundle of clothes. "Why don't you get changed while I finish with Daisy?"


They gave a curt, two finger salute, which earned a small frown. Right, they needed to not do that sort of thing. Cutting back on the military stuff was proving more difficult than anticipated. They carried the bundle back to the guest room. The bathroom seemed daunting after yesterday's incidents. 


Dreading what ridiculous getup Miss Verdun was going to try to get them into, they examined the clothes: A plain shirt, a light and comfortable hoodie and pants just a bit thicker and less colorful than the pajamas. These were... actually sensible. Not something they'd really choose, but not bad. The underwear was another pair of panties. Whatever. They were already wearing a pair, and though it was strange to think about, they were  more comfortable. Not that they would ever admit that to Miss Verdun. In fact, they were already working on how to present their complaints about the matter. Last time she brushed past them, electing to tease them over any real resolution. This time they would be ready. 


They quickly changed, grabbed their pad and returned to the common area to find it empty. Miss Dawnbloom was likely changing Daisy. They moved to the couch and placed a hand on the cushion, preparing to jump up.


The machine chimed, causing them to tense up, "Hold on now cutie, Miss Verdun said she didn't want you exerting yourself remember?" 


Fucking rat.  


Slowly they removed their hand from the seat, "So what, I'm just supposed to sit on the floor until Miss Dawnbloom is ready? Maybe stick my thumb up my ass?" 


"Beckett? Is something wrong?" It asked. 


Oh great, the last thing they needed was the machine to approximate concern. "Just a bit annoyed is all. It's fine."


"You say that, but I can't help but notice you still get… tense when I speak. You aren't exactly patient with me like you are with the Affini or other sophonts." Oh, fantastic. This is what they needed. It continued, "I know you had some bad experiences with AI and they'll take a while to get over, but I only want to help take care of you!"


Now that pissed them off. "Take care of me?  I don't need to be 'taken care of,' least of all by some machine!" 


Don't think about it. Don't think about it. Don't think about it.


"Machine?" It sounded hurt. "Is that how you see me?"


Ah, shit. They hadn't meant to let that slip. "Sorry, I'm just-" they sighed, "I'm trying, alright? I'm not used to all of this." Hopefully that would be convincing enough to cover their ass. 


It sighed. Why would the Affini program it to sigh? "I understand cutie, you need more time. I'll do my best to help you, okay?" 


They fight back the urge to tell it off further, merely shrugging. "That's acceptable."


"What are you two talking about?" Miss Dawnbloom asked as she entered the room, Daisy in her vines, wearing a companion dress. 


"Oh, just a little personal talk, Miss Dawnbloom, nothing serious!" Was it actually covering for them? That was unexpected. 


"Hmmm, if you say so." Miss Dawnbloom set Daisy on the couch, stroking a few vines through her hair and scratching under her chin. The pet melted into the attention. She then turned her attention to them, "Would you like some help up, Beckett?"


"If you don't mind, Miss Dawnbloom." They tried to relax as the vines lifted them up, but Miss Dawnbloom's method was far less familiar and more intimate than Miss Verdun's. At least it was over quickly, and they were placed next to Daisy. 


"There you go cutie, I'm going to go clean up breakfast. You two play nice, Miss Verdun should be back soon." She smiled, before giving Daisy one last pet and leaving. 


Daisy immediately latched onto them, "Heyyy bestie."


"Why do you keep calling me 'Bestie?'" 


"Well I'm your only friend yeah? So we're best friends by default!" Daisy giggled, "'Sides, it's kinda weird to call you by your last name! That's for like, Affini and serious stuff, not friends!"


This was only for one month, they reminded themselves. Maybe a month and change. Assuming they didn't get out before then. "It is my name, I would appreciate it if you used it." 


"And I would appreciate it if you didn't constantly forget your friendship lessons!" Daisy pouted, giving them a squeeze. 


What she even- oh, right. They placidly wrapped one arm around her. "Better?" 


Daisy nuzzled into them, humming happily, "Yeah. By the way, what is your first name anyways? You never told me, meanie! I only know it starts with a J."


"I don't like it, please just use Beckett." 


Daisy pulled away and examined them. After a few moments, she smiled as though she had divined some secret, "I see. Well in that case I'll keep using Beckett for now." For now? The hell was that supposed to mean? Daisy suddenly lit up, as though she had a revelation, "Oh that reminds me, you need a new handle! You have your pad, yeah?" 

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