Dog of War

Interstitial II


The fog in Nick’s head began to part. The first thing he noticed was that he was on the bed he had been sleeping in the last few nights, and his arms were bound above him. His right hand was in a cast- that plantfucker had snapped his wrist and a few other bones. The second thing he noticed as he looked down; his legs were also bound, spread apart, and he was entirely naked, except for one item. Even that infernal monitor she insisted he wear as a collar was gone. One thing that made his face flush and his heart race. Wrapped around his cock was something he had seen many times when he was jacking off. It didn't look like anything from those vids, of course. This one was made of a cluster of brightly colored leaves, but it was impossible to mistake it for anything else. 


A chastity cage. 


"Hey you, you're finally awake." A now-familiar voice purred, dripping with a predatory intent that sank his racing heart. Lydia stepped into view. 


Well, he wasn't just going to let the Affini have her way with him! Not like that traitor; he was a true Terran, through and through! 


"Fuck you, weed," he spat. "I'll never surrender, I'll never- mrrrahh." His voice suddenly died, turning into a pathetic mewl. He opened his mouth to try again. "Mrrrr?" What had the weed done to him?!


"Now, now, none of that cutie." A needled flower pulled away. She had drugged him! "I've given you a Class W. You'll find speaking a bit hard, but feel free to try." Her eyes bore into him. "The noises you make are rather adorable."


Nick swallowed nervously, keeping his mouth shut. Pulling against the vines holding him in place was fruitless, especially with how weak he was after all that time in microgravity. Not like that traitor's fitness schedule would have helped them break free. 


Lydia grabbed his face and forced him to stare into her eyes. "Your behavior before was somewhat lacking, but yesterday you crossed that line. Today, I aim to correct that. Let me explain to you how this is going to go, pet." 


The word smashed into Nick's psyche with all the force of a rail gun. Lydia continued, "I am going to break you. You are going to beg to be my pet and plaything. I will then collar you, and reshape you as I see fit. Have I made myself clear, pet?"


"Rrrrrrrrrr." Nick tried to growl, but what came sounded more like a pathetic whine. It was hard to get truly angry when Lydia's eyes were threatening to swallow him whole. 


All that did was elicit a thorny cheshire grin from the weed. "That's the spirit." She released his face. "I've been thinking over how best to break you, while you recovered from the surgery. Looking through your browsing history, personal files, advertising data, social medias, and more..." Nick felt his heart sink further. Oh God, if she had done all of that... 


"I knew you were likely harboring a latent desire to be a woman, but after seeing what you were looking at, well, I just couldn't resist." 


Nick tried to protest. That wasn't true! He was a man! That stuff was just wank material, nothing else! 


All that came out was a low whine. 


Lydia tapped a vine against the plant cage that trapped his cock. "This 'chastity cage' is a very interesting Terran device, if a bit primitive. It's not as effective as Class Ns of course, but it is a delightful combination of orgasm denial and masochism. Of course, I made a few improvements of my own." 


"Nn-!" Nick bucked against the restraints as the cage suddenly shifted, twisting around his cock. It was soft, far softer than anything that should be capable of restraining his frustrated dick. It reminded him of using an  onahole, but that wasn't remotely as stimulating as the plant teasing him. His cock ached in an unfamiliar way as it tried to swell but had no room to do so, neither turgid nor flaccid. It was accompanied by a faint warmth- fuck, this wasn't turning him on, right?! It just felt good!


Lydia chuckled. "Oh, my poor little pet, we have not even begun yet." A pink flowered vine snaked out, making its way to him, slowly blooming to reveal a needle. "Don't worry." It sank into his thigh, as she leaned in and caught his eyes again. "This will be fun for both of us." 


Fun? That was good, wasn't it? 


No, wait, the plant was fucking with him! Nick bore his teeth in a soundless snarl when he felt it. A growing warmth that was spreading fast . The grimace faded as he felt another prick, and then another. How much was that weed planning on giving him?! Did she really think he was going to beg to be hers just for some release?! 


The warmth had reached every part of him now, and with it a mental fog. Fuckkk the sheets he was tied up on were so soft, even the faint cool breeze in the room felt amazing and the way the cage-


 No! He had to stay focused, he was a Free Terran!


"Hmm, you seem about ready to start now." They still hadn't begun?! Lydia picked up on his panic immediately. "It's okay, I'll make sure you don't break too soon, pet. I did say we would both get to enjoy this." 


She gently traced a vine along his cheek, causing him to fight a whimper. Everything felt so good , and the warmth that had taken hold of him was growing hotter. She injected something in him again, but no heat spread from the site. Something else, then? 


"Let us begin."


A vine suddenly flicked against his right nipple, causing Nick to gasp and another started circling his left one. They had never been particularly sensitive before, but right now they might as well have been his dick. Circle. Flick. Circle. Flick. Each repetition stoked that growing, needy heat that was starting to burn. Circle. Flick. Each one made him bite his tongue back, struggling to not give the weed what she wanted. Flick. Circle. Pinch . "Ahn!" That caught him by surprise, and it took all his strength to not pant in desperation. Lydia let out a pleased rumbling that somehow felt like praise. 


"You seem to be warmed up now," Warmed up was an understatement. He could practically feel his brain beginning to liquefy! "Let's get to the main course." 


Nick had never felt so wrong before in his entire life as the living cage began to stimulate him again. His vision went blurry as tears filled his eyes. He couldn't help but let out a throaty moan as he bucked his hips, trying to get by that last bit of stimulation he needed. If he weren't caged, he surely would have cum then and there. Hell, it was some dark miracle that he didn't cum despite the cage! 


Lydia took advantage of his open mouth, grabbing his jaw and inserting her thumb with a smirk. Nick stared up at her, wide eyed as he reflexively tried to push the insertion out with his tongue. The weed just laughed, her thumb dancing around his tongue as drool trickled down the corners of his mouth. "Good girl," Lydia cooed. 


Nick moaned into the digit at the plant's words. It was disgusting, debasing, and maddeningly hot. No, she needed to be angry! She-She was playing with her! Him! She was a guy! No, wait, he was a girl! Fuck!


Another pinch of her, no, his nipples caused Nick's vision to momentarily go white as he trembled on the edge of orgasm. Fuck, if only she could free her dick! Then he could actually cum! It was doubtlessly the drugs that had heated his blood near to boiling point, but the texture of Lydia's thumb not only felt incredible as she was forced to make out with it, it tasted amazing . The weed's predacious grin as she struggled to remember she was trying to remove the thumb, not suck on it, made him feel weak. She- n-no! He! He needed to focus! 


"You know, I was going to do this gently," Lydia's words caused her whole form to vibrate, and Nick couldn't help but moan needily into her digit as it stimulated his tongue. "Show you how much better life is as a pet, help you realize you're a woman, and that you want this on your own. However, this-" Lydia pinned his tongue in his mouth, and stared into his very being. Nick could feel herself begin to sink into those stunning witch lights, her resistance draining fast. God, this cage was so tight ! She had to cum eventually, right?! It can't be this hard to cum in a cage! "has its own appeal." 


Nick wanted to tell the weed to go fuck herself, squirming the best he could to free his pinned tongue. What happened was Nick basically fellating Lydia's thumb. Her vision went white for several seconds as the cage not only twisted again, but began to vibrate as well. She let out a long moan of blended pleasure and pain into the plant's thumb. She needed to cum she needed to cum she needed to cum she needed to cum she needed to cum she needed-


"Feeling a bit pent up, pet? Sorry, the class N in your system makes it so I could play with you like this forever without you getting off." Lydia's voice sounded so wonderful, she could hear the music beneath it now. "Sorry, only good pets get to cum, and you," vines began to tease and pinch her nipples again, "have been very naughty." The pleasure was too much, Nick could think of little else beyond freeing her trapped dick and getting release. "Perhaps, if you beg for me to make you a good pet, I may show mercy this time." 


A good pet? She could cum and be a good pet? That sounded kind of- No! He! Him! Man! Guy! Free Terran! Not pet! Never pet! She had to stay focused! 


Lydia began playing with her tongue again, and Nick lost control over her voice. Letting out an endless series of moans and mewls. "Maybe I should keep you like this, on the edge, desperate for release. Would you like that? To be nothing but a pent up little mouth slut for me? Always leaking from your locked up clit? Forever at my mercy for your relief?" 


Ohhh fuck that sounded hot! N-no! She couldn't because... because... there was a reason she couldn't, right? 


"It looks like there's still a bit of resistance left in you, pet. Let me help." Lydia removed her thumb from her mouth. Before Nick could protest its absence, the Affini’s lips pressed against hers and a long, slick tongue took its place. It fought with her own, establishing dominance before pressing into her throat. Something inside of her shattered as Lydia's wonderful tongue snaked its way in. Any thoughts besides submission were burnt to nothingness by the heat. What was her name again? She had a name, right? She couldn't remember; every inch of her was alight with white-hot pleasure. 


She couldn't even tell how long she stayed like that, cage vibrating while twisting every so often, her nipples subject to all kinds of abuse, and the sensations of the Affini's soft, slightly cool lips on hers. Despite the thick intrusion she could still breathe, somehow. There was no doubt that she would have cum hard if she could, instead riding just on the edge of orgasm for time untold. 


She felt the sting of another needle, and all the vines and the cage stopped teasing her as the Affini pulled back, removing her wonderful, amazing, incredible tongue and staring into her eyes. The phantom sensations alone were keeping her near orgasm. Those deep pools of swirling colors drew what remained of her in, and dashed her against the rocks of dominance. "I think you are ready now, pet. Speak."


"Please please please please I need to cum I need to cum anything please I'll do anything please please please please pl-" a finger on her lips silenced her, and she greedily tried to take it into her mouth, eliciting another wonderful laugh from the Affini as she lifted it just out of range.


"You're forgetting something important, pet." Her owner's eyes drilled deep into her, and she knew what she had to say. 


"Please Mistress! Please! M-make me your pet, please!" The finger may be out of reach of being in her mouth, but that didn't mean it was completely unreachable. She pulled against the bonds, lifting her head as high as could and stuck her tongue out as far as it would go and just barely was able to lap at the finger. "Please Mistress." Lick. "Please." Lick. "Please break me and make me yours I-I need it!" Lick. "Please. Please. please." Lick, lick, lick.


"Good girl ." She was shaking with joy. She did it! She pleased her owner! Her Mistress was happy with her! She felt a poke as Mistress pushed her thumb back into her mouth. "Now cum."


She had never had such a powerful orgasm in her entire life- not that she could remember any of it. The sensations rocked her body long after her clit had ejaculated, finally relieving the pressure. All the energy was drained from her as the vines holding her in place loosened and lifted her up. She was now cradled in the arms of her Owner, basking in the afterglow as she stared up into her eyes. "Hmm, you need a new name, pet." Did she? Her Owner said she did and she couldn't remember what her name was anymore. A new one sounded nice. "From now on, you are Elle Parmenia, third Floret." 


There was a click as her Owner collared her, and Elle couldn't have been happier. 


"I'm back, Florence!" Ash announced as they entered the Hab. 


Florence Elowynn, 4th bloom, came out of her room and greeted them with a smile. "Welcome back little one, how was your walk?" The Affini stood at twice their own height, towering over them. Florence's form was an approximation of a Terran woman, but distinctly alien, even discounting the whole being-made-of-plant-matter.  There had been a time not long ago where the sight of the xeno would have frightened Ash nearly to tears, but it turned out the Affini were largely giant dorks! 


Ash returned the smile. "It was great; this ship is incredible! I would love to see the engine and get a look at the machinery sometime. I even managed to bump into a few other people from the Valiant and said hi." 


"That's wonderful to hear, Ash. It's nice to see you adapting so well to life in the Compact." It had been strange at first. Hell, in a lot of ways it still was. Ash may have made peace with the whole 'floret' concept, but that didn't stop half-naked Terrans with cat biomods being led around on a leash feeling like something of a spectacle. As far as they could tell, though, the only reason they would be paraded around like that was if they were into exhibition, so it was probably meant to feel that way. They certainly weren't going to complain about a free show, especially when it came with never having to work! 


"Would you like to cook again tonight, or do I mind if I make something?" Florence asked.


"Oh, thank you, but I had something in mind I wanted to make!" Another benefit to life in the Compact- everything was free! Not only could any meal be instantly compiled, but there were grocers with every ingredient imaginable as well as ready-made meals. They'd never have to eat one of those awful synthcubes again! "I was thinking of beef stroganoff tonight."


"That sounds delicious! I know you enjoy cooking, but I'd be glad to help you with any prep if you wish."


Ash laughed, it was such a far cry from life in the Accord she couldn't help it. The Affini on the whole were always eager to help, all you had to do was ask and they'd do everything in their power. "Of course! Can you help me chop the onions and maybe a few other things?"


Florence nodded, "I'd be delighted to, petal." 


"It only takes about an hour to make, so we can start later. Is it fine if I retire to my room until then, or did you have something for me?" Better to check in than to have something dropped on you. 


"Actually," Florence pulled a pad out of her chest in a move that was still weird. "Remember when you asked me if I could keep tabs on your old crewmate who went by the name of 'Beckett?'" 


Ugh, just hearing that guy’s name put a sour taste in their mouth. "Yeah, did you find out what he's up to?" 


The Affini shifted awkwardly. "Ah, well, not exactly. 'Beckett' seems to be using she/her pronouns, and going by Princess now."


"What." Beckett was going by Princess ?! Beckett?! 


"Here, take a look for yourself." Florence offered her pad to them, and Ash accepted it. Sure enough, there was a profile with a picture of a Beckett next to the name Princess. She looked a bit different, softer, more feminine. More pet-like. "Her Affini has been doing some excellent work, I think it's safe to say you won't have to worry about her anymore. I doubt it will be much longer until she's a proper floret."


Huh. They had had their doubts about whether they could handle Beck- Princess, but the Affini were clearly more than capable. It still didn't feel great that such a monster was getting such soft treatment, but that was just the Accord speaking. They had started working on that in therapy. Ash wouldn't even be in the Compact if it wasn't for her, as sour as that fact tasted. 


Still, something didn't sit right. B- Princess was no stranger to the long game. 


"Do you think I could meet her?" If they could look into her eyes and see she's not a threat...


"You're still worried?" Florence saw through them, of course. Apparently the Affini could hear something called a biorhythm in almost all life, and read emotions in it as though it were a book. 


Ash sighed. "It's not that I don't trust you, or her Affini, I just want to confirm for myself is all."


Florence hummed, mulling it over. "I will speak to her Affini about this and let you know. That is the best I can guarantee." 


That was more than Ash had hoped for, really. They gave the Affini a warm smile. "Thank you, Florence, that means a lot to me." 


Florence returned the smile. "Of course, Ash."

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