Domestic car manufacturing is weak, what does it have to do with our land tanks?

Chapter 225

“Hello everyone, I am Yan Chuang”

“As a car reviewer, I must condemn Hongqi’s behavior today. It is clearly discriminatory treatment. We car reviewers are also consumers. Why are car reviewers only allowed to sit on both sides of this auto show? We go to a press conference and have to sit on the bench. Isn’t this a new type of discrimination in treating the media?”

“I’m going to call Hongqi customer service and ask them!”

Soon, a car reviewer stood up and started to criticize.

Yan Chuang is also a car reviewer with a large flow of traffic, and he has a long career and is quite influential in the car review industry.

At this time, he was broadcasting live, and his face was very angry!

There were also many people in the live broadcast room, all of whom came to watch the fun.

The natural characteristic of Chinese people is to eat melons, especially the melons of public figures.~

“Oh, Teacher Yan is angry!”

“It seems that Hongqi has angered the car reviewers this time. Many of them are so angry that they can’t sit still anymore!”

“How can they not be anxious? Other car companies booked planes and hotels for car reviewers, but now Hongqi is doing the opposite, booking planes and tickets for car owners, leaving these car reviewers who are used to enjoying themselves sitting on the bench. Of course, they think it is unfair!!”

“That’s not the case. There are also car reviewers who don’t do this for a living. Don’t car reviewers have fair rights?”

“Let’s first see what Hongqi says!”


As we all know, Hongqi has been”disrespecting” the car review group for a long time.

Because now the car review program has completely become a business.

In the early days of the Internet, people’s understanding of cars was still very superficial and unfamiliar. Even if the chassis was opened and people were asked to lie down, they might not be able to recognize which was the engine, which was the fuel tank, and which was the gearbox…

During that period, there was a group of enthusiasts who were willing to share knowledge and conduct industrial analysis, and established the prototype of the car model website.

But now, everything has changed.

When it comes to car reviewers, what comes to mind is a bunch of cheating people who recite repetitive words, flatter when they have money, and curse when they don’t.

There are even more unethical ones who treat some viewers who watch car reviews as fools and sell some cheap goods. Not only do they not maintain the car, but they also destroy the car.

Yan Chuang answered the phone.

Hongqi’s customer service is not only online 24 hours a day, but also divided into three modules: pre-sales, after-sales, and insurance reporting, to ensure that as long as the car owner group has needs, they can get answers all day long.

“Hello, I am Yan Chuang Auto Review. I want to ask you a question about Hongqi. It is about the new car launch conference.……”

Yan Chuang said.

The customer service lady over there said:”Dear Mr. Yan, you mentioned the new car launch conference. Do you want to sign up as a car owner? Now we have an event at Hongqi. If the car owner can reimburse the round-trip travel for free to attend our new car launch conference, do you have this intention, sir?”

After the announcement of Hongqi, many car owners called and were very interested!

After all, those who can afford to buy Hongqi are quite strong in terms of economy.

Moreover, Hongqi’s various actions have turned 90% of its car owners into loyal fans. The remaining 10% don’t usually pay attention to the Internet, but when it comes to cars, they definitely give good reviews.

When this was mentioned, Yan Chuang couldn’t hold it back. He came here today to question this.

“No, I am not one of your Hongqi car owners. I am here today to ask for an explanation. Why should you treat us differently in the central part of the grandstand and only let us car reviewers sit in the core area?……”

“You, Hongqi, always claim to serve consumers, but aren’t we, the car reviewers, potential consumers, aren’t we human beings?”

“Or do you think that the current self-media is not worthy of participating in Hongqi’s press conference?”

Yan Chuang is indeed a veteran car reviewer. He stuck to the theme right from the start and gave Hongqi a big hat.

If this kind of question is not answered well, it will also have a bad impact on Hongqi.

The customer service lady over there was obviously stunned when she heard such an aggressive tone.

“Oh… sir, you said you are a car reviewer, right?”

The customer service lady pondered and said,”That’s right. This press conference is a gratitude and feedback event for Hongqi car owners, because we Hongqi respect consumers and car owners in the market very much. If you are a car reviewer, you are indeed not included in this event.”

Yan Chuang was a little angry:”That’s not right. Since we respect consumers, why treat them differently!”

Customer service lady:”Excuse me, sir, are you the owner of our Hongqi?”

Yan Chuang:”No, but our car reviewers are also potential consumers, and it is possible to buy a car?”

Customer service lady:”Are you saying that you are interested in buying a Hongqi model recently?”

Yan Chuang:”No, I have no intention recently!”

Customer service lady:”In this case, you can only participate as a car reviewer.”

Yan Chuang changed his words:”What if I say that I am interested in buying a car recently?”

Customer service lady:”If you are interested, you can pay a deposit now, so that I can declare it for you and participate as a prospective car owner.”

0 Asking for flowers

Yan Chuang:”……”

Of course he couldn’t pay the deposit!

Everyone knows that the deposit for Hongqi is 20,000 yuan, and later because of the large number of people who ordered the car, it was changed to a non-refundable one.

The veins on Yan Chuang’s forehead began to throb:”I mean, as car reviewers, can’t we sit in the seats of car owners and consumers? I don’t ask you Hongqi to reimburse the tickets, but I think the different seats in the venue are discriminatory against you!”

Obviously he was really angry!

The customer service lady couldn’t help but fall silent:”Please wait a moment, I will ask for instructions on this issue.……”

After a while, the customer service lady’s voice sounded again:”Hello, Mr. Yan, I just finished asking for instructions. Our leader said that Hongqi does not discriminate against car reviewers and consumers. On the contrary, it treats everyone equally. If you promise not to use any mobile phones or cameras to shoot live broadcasts after arriving at the venue, you can sign up now to participate in the middle area seating arrangement.”….0

“Otherwise, if you enter the venue as a consumer and start live broadcasting, it will inevitably affect other car owners, so you should participate as a car reviewer.”As soon as these words came out. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Yan Chuang was immediately defeated!


“You guys!”

Yan Chuang stared at his phone!

He was asked to attend the press conference but couldn’t broadcast live or use his phone?

Then he might as well not attend?!

Car reviewers attend press conferences just to get attention. If they don’t, what’s the difference between not going and not attending??

The live broadcast room exploded instantly.

“666! The logic loop is closed!!”

“This explanation and approach is great!”

“Hahaha, this is so funny. He pretended to be a potential consumer and wanted to enjoy double rights, but he was exposed!”

“Hongqi’s approach is absolutely perfect. It fully respects car owners and consumers. It is obvious that these car reviewers are enjoying too many rights, and they will pass them on to us consumers. So who are the real consumers?”

“I love seeing this double-standard car reviewer’s defense broken!!!”


Everyone was amused.

Logically, there is nothing wrong with it.

On the contrary, these car reviewers always like to use the righteousness and the identity of consumers to talk about things, but in fact, they are still trying to win different treatment from car companies. Once the live clip was leaked, it caused heated discussions and broke the defense of many double-standard car reviewers!.

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