Domestic car manufacturing is weak, what does it have to do with our land tanks?

Chapter 33

“Our super hybrid system can be driven by the motor alone, or it can directly use the engine to intervene in the wheel power at high speed. Of course, everyone must be familiar with the operation of the hybrid system.……”

“The biggest feature of our Hongqi super hybrid system is the extreme energy consumption level, the ultimate power improvement, and the most accurate vector control in the world. There will be no stickiness or setbacks when switching power, and it can truly achieve light-speed senseless switching!!”

“Even if it is turned on at full power for 2.6 seconds, in hybrid mode, it only consumes 3-4 kilowatts of fuel per 100 kilometers, and consumes 9 kilowatts of electricity per 100 kilometers. It can run 2,000 kilometers with full power and full fuel!!”

Many people are familiar with the hybrid system of new energy vehicles.

Because there is a car company present here, which has carried forward this technology and achieved a very high level.

At the same time, many car companies have also participated in the research and development of this technology.

But when Lu Yan said the parameters of this super hybrid technology, everyone present couldn’t help but gasp!

Very shocked!!

“Wow, this is actually a hybrid car?!”

“Hiss… Such a big car only needs three or four liters of gas for 100 kilometers?!”

“Holy shit, I can run 2,000 kilometers in one breath!!!”

“Isn’t this even more abnormal than BYD’s hybrid technology?!”

The car reviewers on the scene widened their eyes.

At this time, the BYD team in the crowd was also shocked!

Wang Chuanfu stared at the”Hongqi S9″ on the field, with a glimmer of disbelief in his eyes.

As the car company with the deepest research on hybrid systems of new energy vehicles and the highest sales of hybrid vehicles at present, he certainly knows how exaggerated it is to achieve such a level of hybrid system!

You know, this is a car that seems to weigh three tons, and it still maintains such a strong power level.

Their”dmp model” (performance version of hybrid car) , it only takes more than three seconds to accelerate from 0 to 100 km/h. The wind resistance of the car is much lower than this car, but the energy consumption performance is far inferior!! This is enough to show how amazing the system that Hongqi has come up with is!!

The heads of the car companies present were all shocked!!

If this is true, Tesla has hit a wall this time!!

They are not qualified to mock them for having no technology in Chinese cars!!

From the performance just now, they have basically believed what Lu Yan said from the bottom of their hearts.

Because Hongqi, the car company, is really not cheating.

The measured acceleration level is even faster than the marked one!!

This is terrifying!

“What?! A hybrid car can achieve this kind of acceleration and a range of 2,000 kilometers?!!”

Mr. Zhu was so shocked that he couldn’t speak!

At this moment, Mr. Zhu’s heart had already developed a sense of absurdity.

Their global CEO Musk had publicly ridiculed how backward and low-end China’s car manufacturing technology was a few days ago, far inferior to their Tesla.

But at today’s auto show, such a car appeared!!

It surpassed their proud flagship model of Tesla.

What’s going on?

What about the domestically made cars??

He originally wanted to find some turning points, but now… this……

“Mr. Zhu, if you don’t believe me, you can get in the car and see our power system and endurance level.”

Lu Yan said politely.

“This car… I……”

Mr. Zhu was at a loss, not knowing what to say.

He only had one thought in his mind.

The car crashed…

It really crashed!

Is this really a domestic car? ?

Doubt… Shock…

In this situation, it is already a bit embarrassing.

Mr. Zhu would not respond of course. The young man in front of him actually invited him to get in the car to see it, which shows that he is very confident, but if he really gets in the car to see it, how will the news spread?

Saying that their Tesla’s performance was defeated by others at the auto show, and the person in charge also got in the car to observe and learn about the power system of other car companies? ?

“I suddenly remembered that I have something else to do in the exhibition hall, so I won’t talk about it for now.……”

Mr. Zhu’s face changed for a while, and he found an excuse to lead the team away from the crowd.

If they continue to compare like this, Tesla will lose face.

We must investigate what is going on with this car company!!

Live broadcast room.

The number of people has now increased to an explosion

“Hahaha, I don’t want to play anymore, I’m leaving!”

“Hongqi’s new car actually beats Tesla’s flagship car!”

“Who dares to say that domestically made cars are not good now? Domestic cars are really on the rise!!”

“I can’t believe this is still the same red flag as before?!”

“Some time ago, Musk publicly mocked the quality of domestically made cars. If he saw this car, he would have to swallow his words.”



The comments were so exciting!

Everyone who had watched the livestream from the beginning to now was excited!

Domestic cars…actually stood up?!

The facts were right in front of us.

The media at the scene were all excited!

They surrounded the car company. It was completely different from the past when they ignored Hongqi.

“Mr. Lu, do you have time for a private interview?”

“How did you make this car? You were so immersed in it before. Were you concentrating on developing technology?”

“Wasn’t Hongqi in trouble before?!”

“How much will this car cost? Will it be announced today?”


Some excited self-media people were about to buy up Lu Yan.

Fortunately, the Red Flag employees at the scene came over in time to stop them and told them not to be so excited!

Facing the excited crowd,

Lu Yan quickly said:

“Everyone, don’t get excited yet.”

“In fact, in addition to the top-notch design and power system, there are many highlights on this car that have not been announced.……”


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