Domestic car manufacturing is weak, what does it have to do with our land tanks?

Chapter 36

Industrial transport heavy trucks have another title on the road——”King of the Road”!

“The word”king” is not a good title.

Because the domestic traffic is so complicated now, countless car accidents happen every day.

In a car accident with an ordinary family car, as long as the speed is not too fast, there will be no casualties, and at most the insurance will pay some money.

But it is different when it hits a”big car”.

An ordinary family car weighs less than two tons, and a”big car” weighs dozens of tons at any time. It is completely like an egg hitting a stone.

Whether it is a head-on collision or a side rollover, even if the speed is not fast, an ordinary family car can be directly crushed. Once a crushing and road clamping incident occurs, an ordinary family car can even be crushed into a pile of discus!

It can only be said that the most dangerous on the road Just hit a big truck, drive carefully!!

So veteran drivers often remind novices who are just on the road that it is best to stay away from big trucks on the road.

It is not only advice, but also a bloody experience!

The two trucks in the screen are about to collide with each other at a speed of no less than 50 miles per hour.

Many people exclaimed!


The huge steel collision sound that made people’s teeth ache came from the big screen.

I saw that the Hongqi test car, under the impact of two industrial heavy trucks weighing dozens of tons, relied on the hardness of the body to withstand this horrible collision. The front and rear bodies of the car were deformed where the heavy truck head was in contact, and there were big cracks on the glass, but it did not completely break!


“I lost!!”

“Go north!!!”

“Haha, what the hell……”

“I held on, I actually held on!!”

“Damn, this is too hard, is this still a car? ?”

“It’s simply a land tank, right?!!”

The crowd, who were originally confused, were stunned when they saw the picture on the big screen!

This picture is more shocking than the power that beats Tesla!

Damn it! It actually withstood the impact of two industrial trucks!

Any other car would have been smashed into a discus, right?


Volvo, a second-tier luxury brand that claims to be the world’s most safety-conscious car company, also did a truck rear-end collision test.

But nowhere is it as violent as Hongqi. Volvo only let the car unilaterally hit the rear-end of a stationary truck, and in the end the front of the car was completely destroyed, but the A-pillar did not bend.

Just like that, it is basically hailed as the safest luxury car in the industry.

Now the situation is completely different. Hongqi has actually built a car that can withstand the impact of two trucks at the same time. This is simply amazing!


The picture didn’t stop.

There were also pictures of rollover tests and various collision tests, which appeared in succession.

The most exciting thing was that one of the pictures was actually a poison gas test. The employees were asked to sit in a closed vehicle, and then they started throwing poison gas bombs next to the car, while the staff in the car drove an industrial-grade air detector to check the air quality in the car.

You can see.

In order to do these extremely rigorous tests and obtain the collision damage data of the vehicle in various extremely dangerous situations, Hongqi spent a lot of money and manpower and material resources.


There would be no lack of funds for marketing and publicity.

At this time.

The senior car reviewers present, including professionals in the car manufacturing industry, looked at each other!


Some of them couldn’t help but speak.

“You say… is it possible to fake these tests? This is too damn hard, right? What did Hongqi make? ?”

“Are you kidding? This video is uncut, and the test details are all high-definition magnified. With so many professionals present, if there was any fraud, how could they dare to post it so late?……”

“So, is this car really as tough as a tank?”

“Well… yes, you know, there are metal materials with strong indicators in China, but those top-notch special alloy materials are basically extremely expensive and used for the most advanced scientific research or aerospace industry. The materials used by Hongqi to build cars can reach this hardness. I think it can compete with those materials. This car is only sold for a million!!”

“Hiss… Does this mean that he sold it too cheaply? ?”


“This is the reverse Tiangang!!”

Everyone present, including everyone in the live broadcast room, took a breath of cold air!

When they heard the voices of the professionals present, there were only four words in their minds at this moment – reverse Tiangang!!!

Just now they thought that the price of this car was too expensive!

But now.

After analysis and understanding, they found out… the car in front of them… seemed to be sold cheaply!

How can a car be sold like this??

Materials comparable to special aviation alloys are actually used to make the car body??

The cost of counterfeiting is probably several times higher than that of ordinary cars??

Okay, okay.

You Hongqi is playing like this, right??

The test footage on the big screen was played.

Seeing the faces of the people in the audience, the doubts at the beginning gradually and inevitably turned into dullness and shock!!

Lu Yan also coughed lightly at this moment.

He is really a little nervous now.

After all, this is the first time that Hongqi has challenged the price of one million!

This price is not only for domestic cars, but also for Hongqi. For Hongqi, it is a big challenge.

Those foreign luxury brands can sell at a certain price, but for domestic cars, there are almost no models that have been recognized at this price.

But there is no way.

Who makes the cost of the”Hongqi S9″ so expensive?

Although Lu Yan has a full set of technology and equipment here, he has put aside the factor of research and development costs.

But it is undeniable that the cost of manufacturing super aviation special steel and super aviation special aluminum alloy is far higher than that of ordinary steel and aluminum body materials.

This is a physical property that cannot be violated.

The higher the purity and the more complex the process of the material, the higher the cost.

Of course.

There is also the factor that it is only a small-scale mass production now. If there is sufficient funds to thoroughly expand the production line and realize large-scale mass production, Lu Yan will be able to reduce the cost by half through optimization, and then their cost will be lower.

But now, the only way to price it is this

“Well… then everyone……”

“Do you think this price is reasonable now?”

Lu Yan asked the audience in the room and the live broadcast room tentatively in a slightly nervous tone.

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