Domestic car manufacturing is weak, what does it have to do with our land tanks?

Chapter 56

The next day.

Hongqi headquarters.

At nine in the morning.

Lu Yan had already completed the preparations for the expansion of the new plant and the delivery of the first batch of cars. He also posted an announcement on the official website and Weibo.

Faced with the surge in orders, he decided to hold a live broadcast to announce the delivery date of the first batch of 100 cars.

After all, he had promised before that the cars would be delivered as soon as they were released, but he didn’t expect that something unexpected would happen in the middle…

Fortunately, there are still 100 cars to complete the first batch of deliveries, so it is not a complete disappointment to consumers and those first batch of car owners.

“Hello everyone, I am Lu Yan. I see that everyone is very concerned about the recent situation of our Hongqi.……”

It was still the familiar office. The Red Flag logo behind Lu Yan was very conspicuous.

Unlike before when no one was interested, the number of people paying attention to Red Flag has increased many times.

In addition, the announcement was made in advance.

As soon as the live broadcast was turned on, the number of people and the comments soared.

“Wow, Red Flag is on air!!”

“I was shallow for not using Hongqi before. It was only after the official announcement that I realized how conscientious Hongqi is. Are they really putting tank materials on civilian vehicles?”

“Compared with Hongqi S9, other cars worth one million yuan are just rubbish!!”

“Mr. Lu, can you tell me if your factory is really supplying the military? I heard that it is used in the next generation of outer armor, so does Hongqi count as participating in tank manufacturing? ?”

“Mr. Lu, when will the car be delivered? I have already paid the deposit and locked the order. Please deliver it quickly!!”


Many netizens flooded into the live broadcast room.

A lot of comments popped up.

You can see that many people’s questions are urgent.

And most people are very curious and want to know more details.

There are also some car owners among them.

Now Lu Yan has started a live broadcast.

It means that countless eyes are watching, so of course he can’t say anything nonsense

“Don’t worry, we did encounter some special production situations, which led to the delay in delivery. As for the information related to tank manufacturing, to be honest, I don’t know it. Even if I know it, I can’t disclose it. After all, everyone knows that our Hongqi has always been a law-abiding civilian car manufacturing company.”

Lu Yan answered

“Even if you know, you can’t reveal it? Does that mean you know it?”

“It’s already on the National Defense Science and Technology Network, but it’s still a private enterprise. Mr. Lu, you’ve kept it a secret from us!”

Faced with this kind of barrage,

Lu Yan didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. He brought the topic back to the point and directly announced a good news.

“Don’t get excited yet. Even if there are some problems in production, we at Hongqi still haven’t forgotten the promise we made at the auto show press conference. So in three days, 100 Hongqi S9s will be delivered nationwide in the first batch according to the number of orders.”

“For other car owners whose orders are ranked later, don’t worry. The efficiency of adjusting the production line within Hongqi is extremely high. After a month, the remaining batches of cars will be delivered one after another.……”

Lu Yan announced.

Hongqi is a car manufacturing company after all!

Although it is valued by the military bosses and is not short of money for the time being, he will feel uncomfortable if the car cannot be delivered!

So he promised the prospective car owners who trust Hongqi that Hongqi will definitely deliver the car in a month! As soon as this was said, the barrage was ecstatic!

“Good good good!!!”

“I just placed an order on the official website, and I feel relieved to hear what Mr. Lu said!”

“I have never been so excited about a car. I want to pick it up early every day!”

“You won’t be able to drive a tank in this lifetime, but spending a million to drive a car as strong as a tank is also a huge profit!”


You can see that there are many people who support Hongqi now, and many people really compare Hongqi to tanks.

Lu Yan wanted to say a few more words.

At this moment, Wang Youwei suddenly pushed the door open.

“Boss, stop live streaming. Something’s going on.……”

Lu Yan was stunned

“What’s going on?”

I didn’t watch the live broadcast.

But I saw Wang Youwei blinking desperately, as if he wanted to hint something to him.

Then Lu Yan saw that behind Wang Youwei, a man in a gray-blue military uniform appeared.

Lu Yan was stunned.

What the hell?

Why is he here again?

“Please pause the live broadcast for a moment. I may have something to deal with right now.……”

Faced with this situation,

Lu Yan obviously could not continue live streaming.

He stood up from his desk and left the camera’s sight, leaving netizens confused.


“what’s going on?”

“Why are you leaving just like that?”

“Is there something the company needs to deal with? It is normal for such a large car manufacturing company to have emergencies.”

“But looking at Mr. Lu’s expression, something seems wrong.……”


Let’s not talk about the live broadcast room.

Lu Yan found that the man in military uniform standing outside the door was not Zhou Guoan who represented the army last time, but a stranger, younger than Zhou Guoan, with a different uniform and temperament.

As expected, the outside of the office was already”guarded” by a row of soldiers in gray-blue uniforms.

“Hello, who are you?……”

Lu Yan tentatively extended his hand.

The man in the gray-blue military uniform smiled and shook hands with Lu Yan.

“Hello, Mr. Lu. I am Wang Chaojun, the Air Force Major General of the Qinglong Theater. This time I am here on behalf of the Air Force.”


Lu Yan’s head was buzzing!

Air Force? Major General??

This rank is even higher than Zhou Guoan’s!

“The test report found that your company’s polymer glass has excellent performance and is very suitable for the new generation of fighter jets and other aviation purposes. I also heard that your company has expanded two new production lines, so I came here specifically to cooperate with you and book three years of production capacity first.”

“In addition, we have also reserved the production capacity of special steel for one year.”

Wang Chaojun said straight to the point.

Although the application of special steel in aviation is not so extensive, there is also a certain demand, and it can be brought back to develop more uses.

Hearing this,

Lu Yan was dumbfounded!

His two production lines are still in the construction stage, and someone cuts it off again?

To be honest.

The mass production process of polymer glass is much more difficult than special steel, and the output is not high, but fortunately, only a few pieces of glass are consumed on a car, and the demand is not large.

There are only two newly expanded production lines, and Lu Yan thinks it is enough, and this is still taking into account the possibility of other uses and consumption.

But now.

You are doing this to me?

“But… our production line is not finished yet.……”

“And we just promised to deliver the car to them in a month.……”

Lu Yan said in a very”distressed” tone.

How could he explain this to the first batch of car owners?

Wang Chaojun spoke up:

“The money will be fully paid as soon as I return.”

“In addition, the money for Hongqi to expand several more production lines was also paid by our Air Force. Of course, the condition is that if our Air Force has any needs, we must be given priority in supply.”

The Air Force has always been a big spender.

The R&D funding for fighter jets is more than ten times that of armored tanks. Even a combat helmet specially designed for H-20 pilots costs 100 million yuan for R&D, so these are nothing to the Air Force.

Full payment?

And give money to build a few more production lines??

Upon hearing this, Lu Yan’s eyes lit up!

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