Domestic Girlfriend Discord Server Isekai Story

Chapter 21: New Vampire

A seal appears on the back of Rasera's hand. It appears to be a slave mark.

Rasera: Oh. I see. Am I one of you now? Do I have to avoid daylight or something?

Reaver: Is that what you think a vampire is?

Reaver: That's funny.

Rasera: There's only so much to learn from folktales and children's stories.

Rasera: Wait hang on. Can we go back like 400 steps here? What happened?

Rasera: Also, thank you for saving my life.

Reaver: You're mine now.

Reaver: So act like it.

Rasera: What would you like me to call you?

Rasera: You said your name was Reaver, but that was before I became ... yous? So do I refer to you differently?

Reaver: Call me master.

Rasera: Okay, uhh, master.

Reaver: That's more like it.

Rasera: So, uhh, this is a little new to me, Rea --- uhh, sorry, Master. But what just happened?

Reaver: Victor was just a guy I sucked blood from.

Reaver: He may act professional, but I basically controlled him.

Rasera: And Yonny? What about her? She recommended Victor to me.

Reaver: Yonny? Oh that one slut that followed me in my adventuring days.

Rasera: Umm, sure. the slut. Is she actually a guildmarm?

Reaver: She pretends to be.

Rasera: What was with the table? What was it doing to me? Where did my mana go? What is with that bench?

Reaver: The bench is a trap for Victor to take all of the victim's mana and he started to experiment on you.

Reaver: It's best to stay away from Yonny.

Rasera: Alright. I have no intention of disobeying master's wishes.

Rasera: And what did you just give me? I feel a lot better, but this was unexpected to say the least

Reaver: The liquid you drank was vampire mana.

Reaver: It's different from human mana.

Reaver: It allows you to regenerate health faster over time, but you need to drink blood.

Rasera: I ... see. Any particular type of blood?

Rasera: Human only? Or will animal do?

Reaver: Yes. But some blood types are better than others.

Rasera: And I saw you casted spells as well. Will I retain my spell casting as well?

Reaver: You will have more potential for spell casting.

Rasera: Although, I heard he was casting a cure spell at you, and you were blocking it. Is it safe to assume curative spells will hurt me now?

Reaver: He was casting it on himself but he wasn't prepared.

Reaver: Healing spells heal our mana now.

Reaver: So he gave me more mana during that cast.

Rasera: And just what was Victor trying to do to me?

Reaver: He was trying to use you as a test subject.

Rasera: Was it truly just to be your next meal?

Reaver: No. He had nothing in mind when it comes to me. He never does.

Rasera: That is unfortunate, master.

Rasera: Just uhh, what was he trying to test?

Reaver: Viruses and Medicine.

Rasera: Forgive me if I'm asking too many questions. I've yet to ask the most important one.

Rasera: What do you wish for me to do, my master?

Reaver: You need to level up.

Rasera: As you wish, my master.

Reaver: You still need to be stronger. Maybe even as strong as me.

Rasera: I don't wish to disappoint my lady. Tell me what to do, and it will be done. By my word as a holy ... err, I guess I'm unholy now?

Rasera: As an unholy healer.

Reaver: Dingus. You're not unholy because you are a vampire. What do you think vampires are?

Rasera: Legends tell stories of vampires hunting down humans to harvest their blood and organs, having supernatural strength and speed, and able to take on even large groups of hunters.

Rasera: They also mention Vampires being unable to walk openly in sunlight without dying, and being afraid of holy crosses and ... garlic.

Rasera: Unholy beings wholly against humanity. That is what they teach the children.

Reaver: We don't have any real weaknesses except for our lifespan.

Reaver: We usually live up to only sixty years old.

Rasera: That is certainly longer than I thought I had but moments ago.

Reaver: We can cast spells better though.

Reaver: Our mana is more efficient than human mana.

Rasera: Do you think of it as a curse ever?

Rasera: Having to take innocent lives just so I can sustain myself is going to be difficult for me to accept. Although, if I can drink from enemies, that would certainly resolve that.

Reaver: Never. Most humans actually want to become a vampire, but they never could find one.

Rasera: I've heard of people romanticizing the idea, but I never thought I would become one myself.

Reaver: Like I said animal blood counts too.

Reaver: Some humans even eat pig's blood.

Rasera: Have I learned anything new for spells? I'm not sure if you heard what I had told Victor, but I've always wanted to be someone dependable, damn the cost to myself.

Reaver: Some new spells huh?

Reaver: How about some new skills?

Rasera: Sorry, I'm really new to this.

Rasera: Can I learn a new skill, master?

Reaver: What do you think are the differences between skills and spells, Rasera?

Rasera: I've always assumed a spell required something to cast the spell through, a conduit of some sort.

Rasera: Whereas a skill is just something you can do regardless of what's on you.

Reaver: That is very wrong.

Reaver: Skills are like Spells but deal physical attacks.

Rasera: Oh I see. I'm sorry to disappoint you, master, but I'm not physically blessed. Just earlier I tried to lift this block off the table there, and I couldn't bulge it.

Reaver: That is why you need a skill.

Reaver: To make physical strength easier to manage.

Rasera: I won't refuse the help of my master. If this is what you wish, then so be it.

Rasera kneels in front of Reaver, and Reaver pats him on the head.

Reaver: Very good.

Rasera's Inner Dialogue: Holy shit, what am I doing right now?

Rasera's Inner Dialogue: Seriously? I'm a fucking vampire now?

Rasera: Well then, master. You said I need to get stronger. What do you recommend I do first?

Reaver pulls out a skill book for Rasera to read. Rasera opens the book and he instantly learns "Phoenix Dive".

Rasera: Wha -- what? Master? What is this?

Rasera: Thank you for this gift, master. I shall not squander it.

Reaver: Now I know it will look suspicious with that slave mark so I'm giving you a purple glove to cover it up.

Rasera receives a purple glove from Reaver and nods.

Reaver: I'm going to have you walk back to your party and act normal. You can see me every day for training though. Just whisper my name into the mark. I'll come straight to you.

Rasera: Understood master. I do have one more question though.

Reaver: Go ahead.

Rasera: You said for me to not speak with Yonny at the guild. Is there someone you work with directly at the guild that I can speak with?

Reaver: Ah that. Well if you can't avoid her, just insult her afterwards. She'll know not to mess with you.

Reaver: She's never messed with anyone who insults her in the open.

Reaver: And that's because they probably know her enough to insult her.

Rasera: Would you care to walk with me towards the city? Perhaps getting a fresh animal source of blood would work well for both of us?

Rasera: Or would you prefer some of my blood? You mentioned it was a rare blood type I had.

Reaver: Ah. Wait a minute.

Reaver pulls out a stack and a half of plasma packs.

Reaver: These are instant blood packs. If you get thirsty, well you know. Just drink them.

Reaver: Don't do it near people though. They'd get disgusted.

Rasera: Of course.

Rasera: Shall we walk then? I think hunting an animal source for the first time would be best done with supervision?

Reaver: Sure.

Rasera: What should we do about Victor?

Reaver: Just leave him to rot.

Rasera and Reaver start walking through the forest looking for any life signs they can prey on. Reaver spots a rabbit and notifies Rasera to kill it.

Rasera: Alright, unsure of my new skill, I will err on the side of caution and not use it. Instead, I will grab my staff and attempt to club the rabbit. 

Rasera approaches the rabbit with caution but it runs away once it saw Rasera coming with a club preparing to swing.

Rasera: I'm sorry master. I thought it would be easier to hunt than that.

Reaver: A level three rabbit versus a level one healer. What do you think would happen?

Rasera: Not what had happened was my initial thought.

Reaver: That's fine.

Rasera: Is there somewhere I can test this new skill you've given me? Or at least learn how to execute it?

Reaver: Look over there.

Rasera: Understood.

Rasera uses "Phoenix Dive" on top of the squirrel and it dies in one hit.

Rasera: Wait, what? I did it? I did it! Oh, uhh, would you like some squirrel paste, master?

Rasera: You should eat first, if this is acceptable.

Reaver: I'm good. I had some of your blood earlier remember?

Rasera: Ah, okay. 

Rasera randomly bites into the fried squirrel corpse, and tries to slurp as much blood as he can. The mana in his body starts to energize like electricity. The blood pulsates along with his mana through his veins.

Rasera: Oh whoa whoa-whoa-whoa, what is this?

Rasera: Holy shit this is amazing.

Rasera: I feel like I could take on the world right now!

Rasera punches a tree and the tree blows into smithereens.

Reaver: Whoa. Calm down.

Rasera: Holy shit!

Rasera: My apologies, master. That was unexpected.

Rasera's Inner Dialogue: What is this? Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit.

Rasera's Inner Dialogue: How is this possible? How could anyone think this is a curse?

Rasera's Inner Dialogue: Such strength, such power...

Rasera's Inner Dialogue: I can't use this unless the scenario is extreme. Everyone would be instantly suspicious.

Rasera and Reaver continue walking back to the guild hall.

Reaver: This is as far as I can take you.

Rasera: Understood. I shall see you tomorrow then?

Reaver: Yes. Train hard!

Rasera: Absolutely. Rest well master. I shall attend to you again tomorrow.




Rasera (Vampire)
Class: Healer
Level: 1
First Heal
Phoenix Dive
500 Plasma (Blood) Packs

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