Dominator In Naruto

Chapter 22 – Meeting Spot

Gin stood at the door to his courtyard. His slitted eyes were open, fixed in one location.

Unlike the other ranked officers, there was one lying under the tree, leisurely enjoying the afternoon. There was a reason why he chose Jay to be his officer. For one, Aizen couldn't keep an eye on him because hundreds of meters around him were a dead zone.

No matter what method they used, they couldn't see it, and the thing that intrigued Aizen was he wasn't doing it consciously. He probably didn't even know that the area around him was a dead zone.

Even so, Aizen didn't mind since he could still figure out the possibilities about what had transpired around him. But a few things left him with wonder when Rukia and Naori awakened their zanpakuto's. They didn't know what the powers of their zanpakuto were. Which made them send hollows during the konso training.

Captain Aizen was alright with leaving him be, but Gin wasn't in the mood to do that.

"At least hide your killing intent. You are disturbing my sleep," Jay yawned, rubbing his eyes, sitting up.

Gin walked out of the shadow, "Heh, what might you be talking about? It hasn't been a month, and you are talking in your sleep?"

Jay sat against the three, putting his arm on his knee, "Hmm. What can I say? This whole place is so deary that it's boring."

Gin softly laughed, looking around with his evil eyes, "deary? I wonder why that might be?"

Jay shot a look at him, "I know you like being sarcastic, but if you stop smiling like that, and looking like that, and sounding like that, then maybe there will be a jubilant atmosphere."

"Now, now, now you are just being harsh on me."

"No," Jay doubtfully shook his head, "I think I am going soft on you."

Gin chuckled without saying anything before he scrutinized Jay, wearing black shihakusho. But what differentiated him was that there wasn't a zanpakuto near him.

"Every shinigami must carry their zanpakuto with them."

Jay lay down on the ground, spreading his hand out, "I am carrying mine. Or could it be you want to try? Captain?"

"You want to challenge me?"

"What can I say? I fully aim to challenge you and defeat you. So that I can change the environment of this deary barracks," Jay smiled, narrowing his scarlet eyes, "I am going to fill this Division with beauties."

Gin turned around, "If you want your dream to come true, then you should start training rather than lying around all day."

Suddenly, Gin's footsteps stopped, feeling bloodthirst enveloping him, raising, wrapping its hands around him, "You want to try?"

Gin released his own spiritual pressure and killing intent, fighting against Jay's. He put his hand on his zanpakuto's hilt, "Pointing your bloodthirst towards a Captain's? Now that is a crime I can punish you for."

Jay sat up, grasping air around him that formed into a spiral hilt, with a crescent moon on its pommel, golden sun on its guard, "You want to try?"

A smile crept up on Gin's lips, widening his slit, emotionlessly looking at Jay, "Hmph, maybe later."

His spiritual pressure disappeared, and he turned to leave. But just when he was about to leave, his footsteps stopped, "Captain Gin."

Rangiku walked towards him, lightly greeting him as she walked past him, waving towards Jay, with a grin on her lips, "Jay!"

Jay waved back at her, looking at the sun that was midway to sunset, "Is it that time already?"

Rangiku grinned, hugging him from the front, pressing her breasts against his chest, "Yeah. It's that time already."

Jay glanced towards Gin, who left without showing any of his feelings. He whispered in her ear, "He's gone."

Rangiku's smile disappeared, becoming sad before she put her head on his shoulder, slumping down, "Ok."

Jay rolled his eyes, "want to go for drinks?"

Rangiku exhaled breath out from between her lips, "Yeah...let's go."

She linked her hand with his, pulling him with her, giving a last glance towards the direction in which Gin left.

Jay put his hand on her waist, walking out with her. His scarlet eyes were watching her as the two walked out. Once they passed out and became members of different Divisions, they were also free to visit most places in the Soul Society.

Tsunade's favorite place was the bar, which she visited every day, and there she met Rangiku. She met with Jay and heard that he was in Gin's Division.

Ever since then, she started visiting him on different occasions on weeks, fawning over him. Especially in front of Gin, until he said out loud that he knew.

Rangiku was surprised for a moment, but she didn't deny it or tell about their history. Even Jay didn't ask about it.

Instead, he agreed to help her out in any way that he could, so she started coming over every day to meet him, making a show of it.

It wasn't a long way till the bar where the five met every day, and by now, the other three were already there. When the two walked over, sitting down on the table at the corner of the room.

"It didn't work?" Tsunade put a sake cup in front of Rangiku, who was sulking.

Jay shook his head, sitting down opposite Tsunade, before Naori, sitting in the middle of him and Rukia. He shook his head, "Nah, the guy knows how to keep his emotions inside. Not even a crack in his persona."

Tsunade patted Rangiku's back, "You really fell hard for this one."

Rangiku drowned the sake, closing her eyes, "Eh...who's in love with whom. I am not!"

Jay rolled his eyes, whispering to Rukia and Naori, "How's it going with you two?"

Naori shrugged, "The same as before, nothing different from yesterday. Division 13 is quite laid back."

Rukia was depressed, "I am still getting the same treatment as before. I am thinking about changing Divisions."

Jay blinked, "Come in Division 3! I was just telling Gin that I plan to fill Division 3 with beautiful women."

Rangiku scoffed, "You want to turn it into your personal harem? This is the first time I have seen someone as daring as you."

Tsunade poured more drink for herself and Rangiku, "Men, they are all the same."

Jay parted his lips, looking hurt when Tsunade shot a look towards him, making him shut his mouth. He instead asked Rukia, "Say, are you sure your brother-in-law will let you change Divisions?"

Rukia hesitated, "If it was any other Division, then probably not...but Division 3...I am not sure."

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