Dominator In Naruto

Chapter 3 – From Cloud

Jay walked around in the crowded area, looking at the long line of people waiting to get some water for the river. Their clothes were ragged, and probably that was why they were giving him a piercing glare. Not only he was wearing a white t-shirt, black pants, and a long black coat over black boots. His condition was much better than theirs.

But from where he stood, he wasn't the only one that stood out. There were others. He could discern in the middle of the crowd that there were people with good clothes. Even cleaner feet that had put mud on the face, feet, arms, neck to appear the same way as the others.

There was a chance that these were new people from this world. But there was a sharp air around them, which was well hidden. Moreover, it would be too much of a coincidence that they all learned to do the same thing. It was evident that these were trained people with similar methods.

Jay looked towards the empty, broken huts nearby, peeking inside, before entering one. This one seemed like it had been vacant for months, broken, torn up, and a single room.

He let out a breath, lying down on the cold floor, closing his eyes. He was relaxing, breathing, waiting. This was a region where anarch was ever-present, and chaos didn't begin to explain it. But that also made this predictable, to the point that it could be called a cliche.

It didn't take long when he heard the footsteps of three to four people entering the room.

Jay opened his eyes, with a smile on his lips, looking towards the door. There were three people on the door, one in front and two were standing a step behind him. There was a yellowish look on their skin, an evil grin spread over their lips, making Jay hold his nose, "Gosh, you smell."

The man in the front didn't falter, holding a wooden stick in his hand, patting it on the other hand's palm, "Pretty boy, give me those clothes, and I might not skin you alive."

Jay narrowed his eyes, staring at the wooden stick, "Say, don't you have a Zanpakuto?"

From what he knew, the Shinigami had Zanpakuto, and these were the weapons that brought out the power of a Shinigami's soul or any soul for that matter.

"Zanpakuto?" The man in the front widened his eyes. Before all three of them started laughing at the top of their voices.

"Did he just ask us about Zanpakuto?!"

"Where did this idiot come from?"

The man in the front started walking closer to him, lifting him with his collar, "Start stipping."

Jay held his wrist, pinching it to make him lose his grip on the collar, causing the man to scream, "Aghhhhh!!!!"

Jay dragged him out of the house, causing the other two-step back in fear before Jay dropped the man, "Please don't disturb me...I am already feeling annoyed because of the hunger."

He dragged his legs back in the house, shooting a look toward two men, rolling his eyes, "Just get out."

"Y-yes!!" The two ran out, leaving his new room.

Jay fell down on the floor, yawning, "Damn it...I feel so tired."

"You aren't alone."

Jay turned on his back, looking at the dark-skinned woman with dark silver hair and green eyes, wearing a suit and tube skirt, " you died."

Mabui got down on her knee, taking bread out from between her breasts, giving it to him, "It's a bit hard, but it's something."

Jay shrugged, taking a whiff, "At least it has a good topping."

Mabui screwed her eyebrows, trying to take the bread back, but Jay hastily turned away, taking a bite, "No way I am giving this back to you."

He chuckled, "I guess the sweat does give it some taste."

Mabui's cheeks were covered in a light blush while she tried to act calm, glaring at him, "You are nothing like the reports."

"Oh, what does my file says?" Jay curiously looked at her, sitting up as he ate the bread.

Mabui sat down in front of him, in a seiza, "It doesn't say that sir is a flirt or a womanizer, shameless and ungrateful one at that."

Jay chuckled with interest, thinking about all the women he had slept with, married, unmarried. But he worked hard to keep it a secret, "Well, I am. So, what did you find out?"

"I'll tell you...but can Jay-dono tell me something first?" Mabui hesitantly asked.

Jay stopped eating, hesitating, smiling, "Hmm, we won."

Mabui looked up in surprise, letting out a relieved smile, "Thank you."

"Your turn."

Mabui nodded, "The place we are at is-"

"I know all that, and I might even know more about this place than you. That's not what I am asking. Tell me the situation of people from our world?"

"From those that I met, we are mostly hiding in the plain sight, collecting information, trying to gather food. But people here go as far as a century, and there are many with enmity. So they are making small groups without trusting anyone."

"Oh," Jay frowned when Mabui spoke again, "But there are some that are coming together to work together. They are coming under one man."

"Hah," Jay narrowed his eyes, "I want to see him and his followers. Can you ask him?"

Mabui hesitated, "I can...but he might not come since he lived before your time. I'd suggest that you come with me."

Jay shook his head, "I can't...I am going to stay here and try to find a way to use ninjutsu with this energy."

As someone who had moved from world to world, he had used many energies, some similar in nature.

"I am confident that by the time you come back...I should be able to make something useable. Just bring me more food because I'd need it."

Mabui stared at him for a few moments, letting out a breath, "Ok. I'll do it...but can you really?"

"Yeah...I should be able to."

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