Dominator In Naruto

Chapter 50 – Beginning

Jun was sitting at the dinner table, eating, hearing the ruckus around him, but he was lost somewhere else.

"Jun!!! Jun!!!"

"Mm? Yuzu?" Jun looked towards Yuzu, seeing her lips move, but the question didn't register in his brain. This was when he could process thousands of different situations at the same time.

"Jun!! Jun!!"

"Hmm?" Jun looked up, seeing Isshin, "Yeah? What?"

"What is going on with you? It's not like you to be...this?" Isshin frowned. He didn't usually take things seriously, but when his son, who had been nothing but perfect his whole life, was acting so lost. It did fill him with worry.

Jun put down the chopsticks, "It's Ichigo."

"What? What did I do?" Ichigo blinked, confused.

"You killed the hollows, and now there is a Shinigami poking around," Jun took a deep breath, "Don't tell me you can't feel it."

"No, I can. We can. But it's nothing to worry about," Isshin gently said, patting his shoulder.

"Ugh, that's the problem. You spoil him! You do know that sooner or later they are going to find out?" Jun pointed at Ichigo, "I told you not to kill the hollows!"

"It was chasing after a little girl. I couldn't leave it alone," Ichigo silently ate the food without arguing.

"Aw, is she safe? Did you help her cross over?" Yuzu expectantly looked at Ichigo.

"No, tell me you did not help her cross over?" Jun widened his eyes, glaring at Ichigo.

Ichigo's shoulder twitched; he could feel the cold sweat on the back of his neck until he knew he couldn't hide it. He let out a sigh, slumping his head, "Yeah. I did."

"H-He...he...! Grrhhhh!" Jun clenched his fist in frustration, raising his head, letting out a heavy breath, "You!"

"Ok," Isshin put his hand on Jun's shoulder, "That's ok. The shinigami will come and leave."

Ichigo stood up, looking down at Jun, "It's not like you don't help soul pass over and kill the hollows!"

"I do it cleanly," Jun raised his eyebrow, "You are the one that left behind the spiritual pressure that made Soul Society commence an investigation."

"Jun-Nii," Yuzu held his hand, "Don't fight."

Ichigo sat back down, sulking, "I didn't. I made sure to clean up after myself. It must be...ok, not you. But someone else."

"Oh, please," Karin kept eating food, ignoring them, "You are the only one who has the wost control over spiritual pressure."

Ichigo's face got red when Jun blinked, "Ok, not you. It wasn't your fault."

"Jun, you shouldn't taunt your brother," Isshin gave Jun a look when Masaki nodded, agreeing with him.

"No, I am serious. If Ichigo says that it wasn't him, then it wasn't him. We might keep saying that he has the worst control, but he's being compared with Quincy, who is naturally talented when it comes to control, and you, who has learned to control for a hundred years or more. Still, if he remembers cleaning up, then I believe him," Jun rubbed his face, "Which is worse."

Ichigo blinked, leaning forward towards Jun, checking him for fever, when Masaki slapped his hand, "Your brother is right. It's worse."

"What?" Ichigo rubbed his hand, a bit surprised, seeing his father's grave expression, "You too, old man?"

Isshin hesitantly looked at him, "Think, Ichigo. If you cleaned up...then someone must have planted your spiritual pressure. Someone...who has been keeping an eye on you and wants to use the Soul Society to draw you out."

"Me? Why? Wait, Aizen?"

"The guy because of whom you had to train Ichigo and Jun? The one they train to defeat?" Karin put down her bowl, frowning.

Isshin stood up, "This is not good. It means...Hogyoku is ready. Aizen is ready to come out."

"No, this is much worse," Jun shook his head, crossing his leg, "If he wanted to just come out, then so be it. But now, he wants to test waters, and he plans to use our family to do that. Mm...if it was me, then I would even...let's say, test my own army and cut the useless ones. After all, he has had time to collect an army, right?"

Isshin took a deep breath, "I am going to talk to Kisuke, don't go out tonight."

Jun scratched his head, "You do's not any use, Dad. We are bound to be pulled in this war. It was always meant to be."

"Just stay at home and don't go finding that Shinigami, whoever came down."

"Yeah," Ichigo stood up, going to his room.

Masaki was standing up to go after him, but Jun stopped her, "Let me."

Masaki nodded as Jun got up, walking up the stairs, going to Ichigo's room, "What happened to you." 

Ichigo took a deep breath, standing in the darkroom, touching his table, "It's time, isn't it? Nothing will ever be the same again."

Jun walked over, sitting down on Ichigo's bed, "Regretting? Getting these powers?"

"No, I vowed to myself all those years ago. I would...never let her get hurt again. I will protect Mom...Yuzu..Karin...Dad...even you."


Ichigo closed his eyes, holding back his smile, "You might be a sadist, but you are my brother. But for a long time, I never felt there was anything that could hurt our family...until now. And...I am sure...if I am ready."

"You are not."


"What? You are not. Aizen is a God-like entity...even without something as crazy as the Hogyokyu. There is no way you can beat him the way you are."

Ichigo's mouth twitched, "Thank you for the motivation."

Jun chuckled, "No, I am serious. You can't...but that doesn't mean he can't be defeated. We have a chance...Aizen wants someone to vet the army...and it might be your chance...our chance to get stronger. It might not all turn out like what Aizen hopes."

"I won't let it," Ichigo said with a new zeal in his eyes when Jun cleared his throat, "If you are done. Can we go eat?"

Ichigo tripped where he was standing, "Yeah. Sorry. Let's go before Mom gets angry."

Jun chuckled, "Ok, let's go."

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