Dominator In Naruto

Vol 1 – Chapter 42 – To the Past

"Jay, are you sure you want to do this?"

While Naruto wasn't that worried, "Don't worry about it!! Uncle is strong!"

Jay chuckled, watching them stand against him, "Nagato, I want to see all the changes. I think it would be better through combat, and don't worry about me. I can handle it. I wonder if you can handle it."

A katana appeared in his hand, and scarlet chakra covered him, swirling around him, causing a tornado of sand to form around him, "Hakka no Togame."

The scarlet chakra turned white, a white shihakusho with lined patterns. The robe has an attached ornate collar, edges, and shoulder design with long, wide sleeves. There were long, flowing ribbons tied at Jay's back, forming numerous large loops. He has a small ice flower formation at the center of his chest and a half-crown of ice that extends around the back of his head. His hair becomes white, and his blade becomes transparent ice.

He let out a cold breath, feeling the temperature of his body. The owner of this sword had trouble bringing out the power of this Bankai because of the body temperature. But that wasn't a problem with him. His body could stand a temperature of Absolute Zero. So there was much more that he could do with this sword.

He glanced towards the freezing sand, smiling at a surprised Nagato and Naruto, "I have a few versions of makeovers too."

Nagato smiled when Jay abruptly appeared beside him, teleporting, slashing towards Nagato.

Nagato's orange Rinnegan moved with it, and a repulsive pressure came towards him. But the sword froze that repulsive, breaking it as it continued to move towards Nagato.

Nagato used almighty push again, shooting his body backward. But the ice followed the trail, shooting towards Nagato, following the trail.

Nagato let out a laugh, "Almighty Push!" This time he created a much larger repulsive field that collided against the ice, creating a wall of ice, stopping his attack, and creating a large crater under him.

"Forgetting about me, Uncle!!" Naruto punched at him when a pink shield appeared all around him.

Naruto's punch collided against the pink shield, breaking it apart.

(Damn, that boy packs a punch!)

Jay chuckled at Miroku's comment. He raised his hand, grasping Naruto's face, freezing it.

Two more arms appeared from Naruto's face, gripping the land in the distance, trying to pull Naruto's body away.

But Jay didn't let go of the hold, freezing more and more of Naruto when more arms appeared trying to punch Jay.

But Miroku created more pink hands of light to hold them back, but these hands froze, breaking down. Even hands from Kyuubi that touched Jay started freezing before they reached him.

(Your ability is more troublesome!)

Jay curled his lips, "Sorry."

Abruptly, Nagato appeared between him and Naruto, "Almighty Push!"

He pushed the two of them away, causing Jay's leg to touch against the air, causing the air to freeze, creating more of a wall of ice behind him.

He held his body down, looking towards Nagato, who smirked, "You should be paying attention to me."

Jay curled his lips into a smile, "Right, but if all you got are new clothes, you won't be able to lay a finger on me."

Naruto grinned, landing, "I managed to land a punch."

(Naruto, be careful and don't hit him with your actual hands; he froze your face and mine. I am still trying to get rid of it.)

Naruto's lips twitched when Jay teleported beside him with the pommel, causing his body and Kurama's body to shoot backward, "You two are still slow. Focus more."

Even as he said, he dodged the lasers coming towards him, shifting his eyes towards Nagato with a mechanical laser hand.

He raised his other hand, and a pulling force acted towards him, which he froze before it reached him.

Nagato looked up at the sky, seeing the cloud. He watched the snowfall down, the sand freeze, "area of effect is expanding. Well, a good thing that I can do this."

His body floated up in the air, raising when he spread his hands towards the side, "Yes, that is taking too much time."

Nagato widened his eyes, feeling a hand on his back, "let me return the favor."

Laser shot through his stomach, creating numerous holes as he fell downwards.

His Rinnegan flickered, and a large head with Rinnegan in its eyes appeared, swallowing him. When it disappeared, the damage to his body was healed.

Nagato glanced up when a snowflake fell on his arm. He shifted his gaze towards Naruto, using tens of Rasengan to barrage Jay.

Jets appeared in place of his legs, and his body shot upwards before he raised his hand, "Almighty Push!!!"

His orange Rinnegan turned Purple, and his tomoes disappeared. But at the same time, there was a massive field of repulsive energy.

Both Jay and Naruto shot in two different directions, hit by the massive field. But more than that, the clouds broke apart, and the land under him came in.

He created a crater that was ten times larger than Konoha. Maybe even more.

Jay was lying in the sand, feeling the pain in his body. Which was healing at a rapid pace, "that was some hit."

Miroku chuckled, her voice echoed in his head, "that guy figured it out."

Jay raised his body, "And he didn't seem to hesitate." He looked at the massive destruction that Nagato caused to get rid of the snow, which he was using to travel at light speed.

"Oh, well. Naruto is more disappointing than I thought, but Nagato is a nice surprise."

"Uncle! You said my name!!"

Jay looked up, seeing a massive rasenshuriken approaching him, "Maybe, not that disappointing."

He shot beams of pink light. And the ice of absolute zero temperature followed after it, creating the beams of absolute zero. It collided against the tailed beast rasenshuriken that Naruto made.

The two collided against each other, creating two areas of destruction and ice.

Jay moved his scarlet eyes in the other direction, watching the land covered in darkness, with enormous mountain-sized snakes attacking Nagato, keeping him busy.

It was sudden when Jay stopped, Enryakyoten disappeared from his hand. The darkness attacking Nagato also disappeared.

Nagato and Naruto stopped, "Is that all?"

Nagato came over, landing before him, when Jay said, "Yes, for now. I think I made the wrong choice. The power was too deadly."

Naruto walked over, grinning, removing his cloak, "it wasn't that deadly."

Jay winced, looking at him, "About that."

Nagato raised his eyebrow, looking at Naruto's face, with skin burned off his face, "Let me heal you."


Jay raised his hand, and the Yang energy started healing Naruto's face, which was destroyed by Ice at Absolute Zero.

The fire disappeared, and Naruto's face was healed, "Kushina can't hear about this."

Nagato nodded. He had seen Kushina, met her, and she was very kind to him. Even though he destroyed Konoha, she was like him, an Uzumaki, maybe that's why.

But if she learned that Jay peeled her son's face off. Even he shivered at that thought.

Jay rubbed his chin, "Your powers have been enhanced. But I was hoping for more."

Nagato touched his eyes, "Yes. I have a feeling that I can take it a step further. But there is something that I need."

Jay hesitated, "I think I might have the idea." He raised Enryakyoten, "Kyoka Suigetsu."

Naruto glanced towards Nagato, standing in a daze, "What happened to him?"

Jay put his hand around Naruto's shoulder, "Nothing. Why don't you come with me? I want to try something, which can make you stronger, want to try?"

"What?" Naruto curiously looked up when Jay deviously smiled, "Are you scared of needles?"

Naruto trembled, puffing his chest out, "No!"

"Good, then you won't be scared of a sword."

"What?" Naruto glanced down at the bookmarked-shaped tsuba, pierced his body, even Kurama's body.

Jay closed his eyes when he opened them. He was standing in front of Sage of Six Paths, who was playing with the nine-tailed beasts.

He looked up at Jay, narrowing his eyes when another person appeared beside him. He smiled, "now it makes more sense. There wasn't one, but two. One from whom the Uchiha, Senju, and Uzumaki branch out, and the other from whom the two Hyuga clans branch out."

Hagoromo looked at him, "Hm, you are not from our time. Is it the power of that blade?"

Jay nodded, smiling, "Yes, it is what allowed me to travel the past of Kurama."

Jay folded his legs, floating in the air like Hagoromo, "I need you to teach me."

"You have my bloodline? And yet, there is something else you carry. Yin and Yang, there is the blood not of this world. Who are you?"

Jay stroked his cheek, "it's a long story. How much time do you have?"

Hamura shared a look with Hagoromo, "why are you here?"

Jay pointed at the sky, the moon, "a thousand years from now. She is going to come out. Someone has collected eight tailed beasts, and the only one left is Kurama. Inside a boy that carries your bloodline, sharing their powers. He is protected by another who shares your eyes; in a fight against someone who wants to become Jyuubi's Jinchuriki and possesses Rinnegan."

Jay paused, seeing Hagoromo and Hamura frown. Waiting for him to finish, "And I helped the two awaken their power and reach higher levels, but they are still there. It's like I am missing something. They are still far weaker than the woman inside the moon. I think you were the one to seal her, and I want to know-how. Genetics aren't enough to reach that level. I want knowledge."

"I left behind a warning. Why would someone try to even gain that power?" Hagoromo believed him, but he still didn't understand the reasoning.

"About that, she left behind a creature made of her willpower. That thing might have changed the warning you left behind."

Hagoromo sighed, "That is something that mother would have done. I was too careless."

Homura glanced at his brother, "Now that we know it. We can change it, right?"

Jay was about to explain when Hagoromo shook his head, "No, this is a strange situation. We are a part of the timeline, but we are also a figment. Even if we know it, we can't change anything."

Hamura glanced towards Jay, "You are an outsider. What do you get out of this?"

Jay sighed, "Frankly, back home, the things got too tiring, there was constant war, so I came here to relax. I settled down, found a woman, married her, had a child. Although people back home took the child with them. But my wife and I can still see her. Anyway, in the future, there will be these superpowers, Ninja Villages. And my wife's grandfather."

Jay glanced towards Hagoromo, "Your descendent created it for peace. That thing that the woman on the moon created has been causing chaos for the past thousand years. So, my wife, kids would get involved in this war and be killed. So I need to make sure that the four kids are ready when the time comes. Strong enough to seal her, just in case."

"You don't have enough power to stop them?" Hamura looked at him suspiciously.

Jay looked at him, "I can stop them in a heartbeat. But then, the chaos that thing created. With this guy, with her, there is finally a chance that a divided party comes together. As you said, I am an outsider...I shouldn't be interfering so much. It's just that I can't see them dying."

Hagoromo looked down at the tailed beasts, smiling, "Can you tell me about the future?"

Jay created a fire in his hand, which unfurled, turning into the old image of Konoha, "I can show you everything."

Hagoromo and Hamura walked on the streets of Konoha as they looked around.

Hagoromo glanced at a young boy passing by them, holding his little brother on his back, smiling, "Itachi and Sasuke. Sasuke reminds me of my older son. It seems like he is a reincarnation of Ashura. And then there is Itachi. I would have liked to meet that boy."

Homura nodded, smiling as he watched the little girl with a light blush on her face, walking past them, hiding behind her mother, "Yes. That boy is something else. The hard choices that he made. Suppose Minato is the bright light that shines on the village to protect them. Then Itachi is the shadow which protects it from the darkness."

Hagoromo nodded, "it's amazing what they have built. I wonder what they could have done if Mother's will wasn't messing with everything."

"There were bound to be wars before there was peace. Although, it shouldn't have been for this long," Jay smiled, having walked them through everything.

He stopped, and everything broke apart, disappearing, and they were back where the three started. He looked at them, "are they enough to beat your mother?"

Hagoromo shook his head, "No. They are nowhere near; you would need it. The knowledge of Yin-Yang."

"And, will you teach me?"

Hagoromo smiled, "how much time do you have?"

"How long can you live?"

Hagoromo smiled, "Ha, well, good enough. I will teach you."


Jay pulled out Book of the End from Naruto, making him jump back, "What the hell! Uncle! Are you teasing me again?!"

Jay warmly laughed, "Nothing. Kid, remember all the time that we spent all that time together. With me feeding you all that information on the five elements and Yin-Yang? It's about time that I held you take your powers a bit further."

There was a thumping sound,

Jay and Naruto look back at Nagato on his knees, holding both eyes. He walked over, "Kyoka Suigetsu." He touched the sword on Nagato's cheek.

Suddenly, Nagato removed his hand, opening his eyes with six tomoes in his eyes, "What was that?"

"Illusion," Jay knelt before him, "to push you a step further. Although it seems like yours is like Hagoromo's, it doesn't need another pair of eyes."

"Illusion? But my eyes would have seen through it."

"Not this one. It's the same class as Infinite Tsukiyomi. Oh, wait, you don't know what that is," Jay smiled, patting his head, "Sorry about that."

Nagato raised his hand, and abruptly, Jay could feel immense pressure all over his body, as if crushing him.

Nagato looked at him with bleeding eyes, "Don't ever...make me see that again."

Jay smiled, wincing, "You have enough strength to ensure no one else can do that."

Nagato put down his hand, letting go of Jay, "You are right...thank you...sorry."

Jay patted his shoulder, "I understand. Suppose you made me see my wife and friends getting killed. I wouldn't have asked the question. I would have crushed you."

Nagato let out a breath, falling on the sand, smiling as he fell asleep.

Naruto confusedly looked between the two, "What happened between you?"

"Nothing," Jay shook his head, "let's go to your place, and I will teach you. Now that I think about it and take Nagato to your place. And I will bring Sasuke and Hinata too. The two of them have to learn this as well."

Naruto slumped his shoulders, "Is it because we couldn't defeat you?"

"Yes, precisely." Jay created a scarlet portal, appearing in the lava dimension.

He was on top of the mountain, his gaze fell on the young boy, standing at the edge, looking down, "Where are the others?"

Sasuke glanced back, "Rock Lee and Guy Sensei are exercising. Neji and Tenten are at the house in the safe zone."

"And what are you doing here?" Jay walked over, standing beside him.

"I am still weak."

Jay patted his back, opening a scarlet portal behind him, "Then step inside. I have something to make you stronger. I'll make sure that you are strong enough to take on the world."

Sasuke turned his mangekyo sharing towards Jay nodded as he stepped inside.

Jay closed the portal, making another one as he stepped inside, appearing in front of Hinata and Konan, "Hey."

He looked at them sitting on the ground, in the lotus position, meditating, "what are you doing?"

Hinata opened her eyes, glancing back at him. The calm of her face disappeared, turning into a blush, "I was teaching teacher, what Mikumo-sensei taught me."

Jay squatted beside her, patting her head, "Good job. But there is something that I want to teach you too."

Hinata held onto his sleeves, "'s been weeks... since we last saw you."

Jay smiled, raising her chin to kiss her lips, "T time here is the same as in another dimension. We can't take the risk, or others will find out."

Hinata pressed her lips, nodding, "Then later?"

"For sure. Later."

Konan rose on her feet, glancing down, "I'll pack our things."



Tsunade was standing outside their bedroom door, about to enter, when she felt something.

She cautiously opened the door, looking inside, seeing a structure made with solid, virtual fire.

She was about to speak when she noticed the pattern, "This is inside DNA?"

Jay stood at the center, reforming the whole DNA, "Yes, I am creating one for you and one for me."

"From what?"

"From Sage of Six Path's and his brother's DNA structure. The one closest to an Otsutsuki's DNA, I read a book on Otsusuki's in the Library. I have an action plan that would help in the short-term."

Tsunade walked up to him, putting her hand on his shoulder, resting her face on his back, "I want to know all about how you got to know their DNA structure, but Jay...I asked you, and I mean it."

Jay chuckled, putting his hands together, and all the fire got sucked in between his hands. When he separated them, there were two drops of blood in his hand.

He turned around, kissing Tsunade's forehead, putting his forearms on her shoulders, "I know, and it's not like I am saying know. This physique comes with many good things, upgraded strength, durability, healing power, speed, reflexes. Even the chakra recovery speed is so much that it makes chakra infinite. But if you want to fight against that level, you need weapons too, and I have a perfect idea."

Tsunade kissed him back, "What idea?"

Jay put his hand, with one drop of blood on her forehead, while he put his other hand on his forehead.

The drop of blood touched their forehead when he put his forehead on hers, smiling, "This might sting a little."

Tsunade held onto his body, quivering as she felt the marking spread out from the violet diamond mark. It almost seemed that they were changing everything about her body, overwriting her genetics, using up all the chakra that she stored for such a long time.

She peeked from between her eyelids, looking at scarlet markings on Jay's body, differing from her own.

Tsunade felt his hands on her waist, resting her hands on top of him. Even though there was a part of her - that was against any modification to her body. But then she did decide to become something else, so this shouldn't mean anything. And yet, it did.

She cleared out her thought. Even when her chakra ran out, Jay gave some of his to her to keep up.

By the time the marking went back to the diamond mark. She raised her eyelids, looking at the scarlet diamond mark on Jay's forehead, "It makes you look more handsome."

Jay softly kissed her lips, "Still want to go through it?"

Tsunade closed her eyes, tilting her neck, "Yes, please."

"Hm," Jay whispered, diving in, sucking on her neck, closing his eyes, "You will die first."

Tsunade stroked his head, running her fingers through his hair, "Yes, I don't mind."

Next day,

Jay was sitting in the living room, reading a novel. It was a draft of Jiraiya's recent addition that he wrote after meeting with his students again.

He raised his eyes, looking towards the bedroom door, when a smile appeared on his lips. Tsunade was wearing nothing but a teal-colored kimono, revealing most of her tight body, plump, firm breasts, and shapely thick thighs.

Tsunade looked different, younger, more beautiful, more life, and relaxed, Morning."

Jay stood up, walking up to her, stroking her cheek, "Welcome to your new, much longer life."

Tsunade leaned forward, pressing her firm breasts against his chest, stroking the back on his neck, "Jay...I am hungry..."

Jay stroked her head, pulling her close, "I'd love to be your first."

Tsunade took a deep breath, opening her mouth, and fangs appeared that sank in his neck. She rubbed her leg against his, grinding her body against his, climbing on her body, wrapping her legs around his waist, swaying her hips.

Jay put his hand on her ass, kneading it, before taking off his pants and underwear, putting her back against the wall, plunging inside her without worry.

Now that she could heal rapidly, he didn't have to worry about using all his strength without holding back.

Tsunade held onto him, clutched onto his upper arm, drinking his blood as she swung her hips, her rhythm matching his.

Her whole body rubbed against Jay's as he plunged his cock into the deepest part of her body, crazily fucking her until he loaded all his cum inside her.

Tsunade pulled out her fangs, her eyes filled with hunger, "More...fuck me more..."

Jay sucked on her breasts, swinging his hips, making Tsunade arch her back as she orgasmed, holding onto his head, feeling his fang inside her body.

Her body shivered, her breath shuddered, and a blissful expression appeared on her face, "Fuck!!!!!!!!!!"

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