Dominator In Naruto

Vol 1 – Chapter 44 – New After life

"Minato is the Supreme Leader, A (Fourth Raikage) is Regimental Commander and First Division Commander. With Darui being the Proxy Commander. Kitsuchi is Second Division Commander, Itachi is the Third Division Commander, Garra is the Fourth Division's Commander, Mifune is Fifth Division Commander. Shizune is Captain of Logistical Support and Medical Division. Kankuro is Captain of Suprise Attack Division; Ao is Captain of Sensor Division; Inoichi Yamanaka is Captain of Intelligence Division. Mei Terumi is Captain of Daimyo Protection Squad, and Shikaku Nara is Chief Strategist."

Jay leaned back against the chair. He looked at a group of people before him, "now, there is a reason you are here and not part of those units. Who can tell me what?"

"Yo, Yo, Because we have crazy mad strength, bro?"

Jay glanced towards Killer B, "no, you don't get to talk after you pulled that idiotic prank of the five nations, acting like you were captured and running away."

Sakura raised her hand, answering before asking, "to deal with Edo Tensei. We are the ones that will be responsible for fighting and sealing the people brought back by Edo Tensei."

Jay nodded, "exactly."

He looked from left to right, "Hinata, Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Nagato, Konan, Kakashi, Might Guy, Shisui, and Killer B."

"Kakashi would be the team leader, and Nagato will be the sub. Other than Sakura and Konan, who will also sub as the healer for this team. And Kakashi, who will use recently mastered Flying Raijin Jutsu to keep teleporting you. Also, Nagato will be making communication rings for you so you can send information or ask for help when needed."

Yahiko stood beside Jay, looking at ten people, "Almost feels like Akatsuki."

Jay rolled his eyes, "That name has been dragged through the mud."

Nagato and Konan shamefully looked down, trying not to meet Yahiko's eyes.

"Why isn't Itachi here?"

Jay glanced towards Sasuke, "Frankly, with his abilities, Itachi could, and maybe should be with Shikaku Nara, protecting the strategist parties. But he had been undercover for too long. Like this, everyone will only know him for being a part of a Terrorist Organization. So, he needs to be on the front lines. To connect with others and leave a new name for himself."

He looked up, seeing Sasuke on the verge of sulking because his big brother wasn't with him, sighing, "you really should have been born a girl. Big brothers loving little sister is a better sound.

Naruto laughed aloud while others started secretly tittering, making Sasuke's face flush.

Jay pointed towards Kushina, hiding her laughter, "now, watch her. She is the master when it comes to sealing Jutsu's. She will teach you all the Jutsu's that you would need to seal these people."

Karin blinked, "what about me? I feel awkward being left out."

Kushina stroked her head, "you and I will be the extra support if needed. With our chains, we should be able to hold back some of the strong ones that were revived."

Jay narrowed his eyes, "now, we are on Turtle Island, so do your best to learn as much as possible and as fast as possible. The number of casualties in this war? It depends on you."

Yahiko blinked, "what about me?"

"You are the nanny. All the cooking and stuff is on you. Want an apron?" Jay tried to hold back his smile, asking.


Jay appeared inside a house, looking at a woman with black hair and red eyes sitting on a recliner chair.

Kurenai opened her eyes, glancing at him, "Sensei? Why are you here? You shouldn't be here!"

Jay squatted in front of her, stroking her stomach, making Kurenai smile softly when Jay said, "yeah. I know. There is so much security around you. Anyway, I find it dangerous as well. So, I was thinking about taking you to one of the dimensions, and we can spend the next eight months together before the child is born. And only a day would have passed outside, even less."

Kurenai stroked his hair, "that sounds like a good idea. But you know that they would never let me spend nine months with a man as well as I do. Let alone someone like you...who's so tempting."

Jay looked up, chuckling, "I am flattered, but there are different ways. I can create absolute hypnosis, making them believe that a duplicate of me is you."

"Really? You can keep that up for eight months?"

Jay kissed her hand, "yes, I can. That's the easy part."

Kurenai hesitated, "will Tsunade-sama be upset?"

Jay kissed her forehead, "No, she won't be. Even if I ask her to come, she won't. Eighth months, thinking about what all could go wrong, would be torture."

Kurenai stood up, hugging him, kissing his neck, "Sensei...take me."

Jay hugged her back, "stop calling me Sensei..."

Kurenai closed her eyes, "I call because I like to."


Jay was standing in front of Konoha, looking at the massive number of people entering.

"It still feels a bit unreal," Mikoto muttered, looking at all these people.

Fugaku and other Uchihas were in charge of security, so Fugaku stood here, watching for any security risks.

He was like sunglasses, making Mikoto chuckle, "I also never thought I would see Fugaku wear something like this."

"These are useless," Fugaku said, almost embarrassed.

Mikoto stroked Jay's upper arm, "Don't worry about it. He's just saying it. He likes it."

Jay chuckled, "I know, these are for those white creatures, Zetsu. I understand that they can hide transform completely. But they are soulless. These glasses can read more than physical or mental fluctuation. You will be able to tell if one of those things is hiding within."

Fugaku glanced towards him, "These should be with the army."

"And they are."

Fugaku glanced at him, hesitating, "How long have you been preparing for this war?"

"Hmm, it was just for by chance," Jay scratched his cheek when Kurenai walked over, holding Mirai in her hand.

He was just saying when he saw Kurenai stand in the distance with a child in her hand.

Jay waved his hand up in the air, calling for her, making Kurenai look and walk over. He pointed towards Mirai, "Can I?"

Kurenai smiled, but Mikoto took Mirai from her before Jay could, "She is so cute!"

Jay rolled his eyes, smiling at Mirai, making Mirai giggle, and raise her hand as if she recognized him, "Yes, that she is."

Mirai held his finger, shaking it, giggling, "She's growing so fast."

Kurenai curled her lips, "She's barely two days old."

Jay pointed at his finger, "She can be a gazillion day old, but she's still my daughter."

Mikoto chuckled, placing Mirai in his hand, "Here, I won't tease you anymore."

Jay held Mirai in his hand, raising her in the air, smiling, kissing her cheek, "Mirai is the best!"

Kurenai stroked Mirai's head, "Shouldn't you be in the way too?"

Jay glanced up, shaking his head, "If we were weak? Maybe. But our forces are strong. They are strong enough that the enemy might try something underhanded. So, I am here, and a few other places. I don't even know if they need my help. Tsunade should handle it. Probably?"


"Probably," Jay whispered, looking into the distance.

Mountain Graveyard,

Scarlet energy appeared behind Anko, taking the form of Jay, making others in the Infiltration and Reconnaissance Party step back.

Anko glanced back, wearing the Reconnacence goggles, "Sensei!" She almost seemed happy and relieved.

Jay stroked her head, "Go; I'll buy you enough time to leave."

Muta glanced towards Jay, bowning in respect before asking Anko, "what happened?"

Anko gave her goggles to Muta, making him put them on top of his own, frowning. There were being around them, but his insect didn't notice, "we are evacuating."

He had seen the army, and they had enough information with this.

Jay watched them leave as he raised his hand, causing the fire to create a large circle, stopping everyone trying to go after them.

His eyes turned to the red-haired man, walking out from behind the tree, "Sasori."

Sasori touched the wall of fire without feeling the pain or burn. It was pure resistance, "You are always full of surprises."

Jay scratched the back of his head, "that I am. I am surprised as well. I could have stopped this war, but I didn't."

Sasori looked towards Jay when Obito appeared beside him, curious like Sasori, "why?"

Jay looked at the sky with a troubled look, seeing the moon, "let's just say that I knew this war is a good thing for the future of this world. But when the first person was about to be killed. I just couldn't stay back and watch. Really...what was I thinking."

"It's too late to stop the war."

"Not really. I can still do it," Jay whispered, "But I won't."

Obito, behind the mask, tensed up when Jay said he could stop the war but was relieved when he said he won't.

Jay floated in the air, "This war is necessary - pain and death are necessary. And yet, I don't want them to. I just have to make sure they still have a life when they die. Also, I want to see my daughter grow up, know."

"There is no life after death," Obito clenched his fist, thinking about Lin, when Jay smiled, "Not yet."

He rose in the sky, moving outside the planet, looking at it, when he raised his hand, pulling someone towards him.

Out of the green mist, Tsunade appeared in front of him. He held her, putting their forehead together, giving her information before she could ask the questions.

The two of them quietened down, "This is the last chance to stop me."

Tsunade pressed her lips, closing her eyes as a tear dripped down her eyes, "Stop you? I understand the war...I don't like it...I am still mad at you. But you know, I know you can revive people, yet I never asked you to revive, Nawaki, Dan, or the others. Because I know this is not their place, it's not fair to others who lost. I know that they will feel alienated and hunted down by the likes of Orochimaru and so much more. But this? If it's possible...then I want it."

Jay took a deep breath, kissing her lips, That's good. Since I don't like the afterlife here, let me bring a new one. But before that. I need to do something."

He closed his eyes, appearing the great void, and took but one drop of blood, closing his eyes, "The First Blood, my Blood. One should be enough."

He appeared back, in reality, holding the blood above him, on the palm of his hand. The blood destroyed space and time, and every other concept just by being present.


The blood's light, the scarlet, covered this whole Universe and moved to the other.

When he regained his senses, he was about to open his eyes, feeling the presence of souls, strong ones. He heard their voices, talking.

"Kurotsuchi, is there a need to bring this soul over here?"

"Oh, this one is interesting because he is not a soul. From what I have hypothesized, our universe collided with a parallel universe. And the Earths on two universes became a central point of them. The two realities still haven't met, but they are coming closer. I wanted to get some information about the other side, but the time flow differed. It won't settle down until the two sides merge."

An old-aged voice followed after him, "What about the balance? We Shinigami exist for the balance between the worlds, the new souls awakening from the other side. Will they destroy the balance?"

Kurotsuchi Mayuri frowned, "About that...for some reason; I haven't seen any effects."

There was a rush of air behind Jay, and the door was slammed open. He heard the sound of the sandals, and a stick, as someone walked over, standing beside him, "that's because there aren't any."

"Kisuke Urahara!" Jay heard the sound of lots of teeth grinding when this man walked in.

There was pressure around him, making even the man beside him wince, "I know I am not invited. But I got a temporary pardon from the Zero Squad. They felt these world-ending circumstances could use my expertise."

The man seemingly showed something, and all the pressure disappeared, making him pat his chest, making some grind their teeth even more, "I thought I was going to die for sure."

The old-aged voice said, "What do you mean there aren't any?"

"Although Kurotosuchi said that the Universes are on a collision course, that is right and wrong at the same time. The Universes aren't on a collision course. The two of them are merging, with their afterlife as the center and two piles of the earth as the core. Surprisingly, because of that, the fragile balance of our world is improving. It's becoming naturally more stable. Because of that, the restrictions, our leeway for the balance of souls, it's increasing. For now, there is no problem, but we still require close observation."

"You came all the way, just to say that?"

The man opened a fan, laughing, "No, No. I came for the one that was responsible for this. This human, right here."

"Him? You don't suggest that he caused the two universes to merge?"

"Maybe, not purposefully. But then, we won't know until we ask."

Jay tried his best to keep his expression still when there was a shadow over his face. Probably, the man was squatting beside him, looking at him, "if you have heard enough, how about you give us some answers?"

Jay opened one of his eyes, seemingly nervous, looking at the man wearing a green hat. The one they called Kiseku Urahara, "Can we pretend...that I am still sleeping and you throw me back to my universe?"

A grin spread on Kisuke's face, "Hahahaha!! No."

Jay let out a breath, sitting up. He looked at the large, bright, wooden hall, with the rows of men and women wearing black kimono and white haori. He knew he was the one that pulled this world, but at the same time, he removed his memories of this one because of Tsunade's promise.

Now, that didn't seem like a good idea. If Jay had some idea about their powers, it might have been good.

"Soooo, this is an afterlife? But I don't feel dead. Wait, is it because this is the afterlife of another universe?" Jay glanced around, his eyes looking for answers on their face, when he frowned, "No, you are souls, with bodies made of pure energy. My soul is here, but I can feel a connection to my body...even though it's faint. This is more like..."

"An out-of-body experience," Kisuke said, curiously looking at Jay as Jay spoke.

Jay snapped his finger, "Right, exactly."

"Enough!" The old man, the head of these people, spoke, making Jay feel he was standing in a storm, "What is your purpose?!"

Jay raised his hands in defeat, "Short version or a long version?"

"Make it short," Kurotsuchi didn't have much patience for him.

"I tried to stop a war that has been in the making for a thousand years and might have devastated my world or end it."

Kisuke narrowed his eyes, "A little longer, and with a how?"

Jay stood up, "I'll try. I'll make the story short. Thousands of years ago, an alien race planted a seed on our planet that sucked in all the vitality over the next thousand years—living a tiny part of the planet habitable. Thousand years ago, a woman from the family came to pick the fruit. But she fell in love with a man, and the two had children. But something happened, and the man tried to kill her? I don't know, but she was pushed to the corner whatever happened. To protect the children in her belly from humans and her family. She ate the fruit and transformed, becoming a Goddess. She used the moon's reflection to put everyone in infinite illusion, so they have good lives in perfect illusion, and there be peace."

Kurotsuchi nodded, "Sounds like a good idea."

Kisuke rolled his eyes, "It's just an illusion."

Jay shrugged, "Anyway, as her children grew up, she released some people to work for her. And so they could reproduce, and she can use the older ones and turn them into mindless puppets which she could control to fight against her family."

"What does this have to do with what you did?"

"I am telling you, in detail. So you understand who your new enemy is. Didn't you say? Are the universes merging? Otsutsuki Family is as much as your problem as it is mine."


He continued, "After Sage of Six Paths sealed his mother inside the moon, and divided the monster born from the God Tree into tailed beasts. He started spreading chakra, and Ninshu was born. But even the Sage didn't know that his mother had left behind a creature. For the sake of her revival. And after a thousand years, that creature has succeeded in bringing all the keys together. And will most likely succeed in that," Jay took some water that one of the lieutenants offered.

He sighed, "even though strong people are on the side, they used the dead's souls to buy some time. Enough to revive some powerful people, and it's a mess. I wanted to stop this. But she is a Mother of All Chakra, and her powers are immense. So, I thought strength wasn't enough to beat her. Maybe science can. I created a weapon meant to harm her soul in hopes of killing her. And there was nearly or maybe infinite energy in the Pure World. Since the souls of the dead, connected to the afterlife, had seemingly infinite energy. They couldn't be killed, they kept reviving, so sealing was the only way. I harnessed that and killed her.  Or that is how it should have gone. Instead..."

"Infinite Energy from the afterlife? Sounds wonderful," Kurotsuchi's eyes shined.

"More like perfect ingredients from disaster," Kisuke pulled down his hat, narrowing his eyes, "Infinite Energy and afterlife. I can see the common points in this event. Can I have a look at the weapon?"

Jay hesitated, "Frankly, its parts might be floating around where my body is. Other than that, I have a blueprint. But I can't just give such a deadly weapon to you. I don't even know you."

He stood up, smiling, "The only reason I told you all this is so that if we fail to stop her. You'd be ready for her. Since time is moving differently, you would be more prepared than us. Also, this is our new afterlife, so treat my people well."

Yamamoto narrowed his eyes, "Until there is a decision from Central 46, you can't leave."

Jay scratched his cheek when the scarlet diamond mark on his head shined, and the marking spread all over his body.

Kisuke was thrown back, and some of the other men in white haori moved to attack. They struck the repulsive force, breaking repulsive force apart, "Damn, you people are strong. That's a good thing. As I said, be ready next time. Also, find Hashirama Senju."

Jay smiled as his body got drawn backward when his eyes fell on a man with the glasses. He held up his sword. But when Jay was about to see it, Kisuke appeared in between, and Jay's body submerged inside the portal, disappearing.

Kisuke rubbed his chin, "That one learned to use Reitsu quite fast. It makes sense since he researched soul-related technology, don't you think so, Aizen-san?"

The man adjusted his glasses, "Yes; there will be opportunities in the future. If he survives."

Yamamoto frowned, "What is the time ratio between the two universes?"

Kurotsuchi was staring towards where the portal was, "From what I can tell. The day over there is about 25 days over here."

"I want all eyes on them. I want to know everything that is happening and more than that. I want every squad to find the new souls coming from that world, look for answers, confirm the story that the boy told."

A Captain with white hair, and a sick face, sickly coughed, "Are we going to help them settle?"

Yamamoto thought, "This is another world, and there must be some strong people who will learn to use reiatsu as he did. I want you to recruit them."

Kisuke smiled, "Maybe you should find this Hashirama Senju. He might be the key to peacefully recruiting them."

Yamamoto glanced towards him, thinking, nodding, "Maybe. You have your orders. Go."

He just said when someone rushed over, making Kurotsuchi frown because it was in his department, "what?"

He just said when massive spiritual pressure spread over them. Making all of them look in that direction.

The man with three horns on his forehead, Akon pointed in that direction, "That."

Kenpachi laughed, "This one is mine!!! Hahahaha!!! This couldn't get any more interesting."

Kisuke Urahara held on his hat, twinkling in his eyes, "Who wants to bet with me that is Hashirama Senju?"

Kenpachi took out his sword, "I can't care less who it is. It's my prey!"

He rushed out of the room, before anyone else could, to reach the source, looking for a fight.

Retsu Unohana smiled, "I haven't felt this a long time."

Suddenly, most people in the room felt a chill down their spine.

Seireitei was a circular Shiro with four entrances. And on one of such entrances were two people, namely. Hashirama Senju and Tobirama Senju.

Because the Pure Land merged with the Soul Society, most people from Pure Land were nearer.

The two of them were near each other, so they decided to come here. Well, more like Hashirama decided, and Tobirama had to follow. The two of them looked at the guardian in front of them rather than defeating them. Hashirama decided to send an invitation.

And now, the door opened by a man with a bell in his hair. With a sword in his hand and his hand raising the door.

He walked over with growing spiritual pressure, countering Hashirama's, "Hahaha, that spiritual pressure of yours is amazing!!"

Kenpachi had already removed his eyepatch, watching Harshirama stand with his hand folded, "I am not here to fight."

Kenpachi narrowed his eyes, rushing forward, slashing his sword downwards.

Tobirama wanted to move, but Hashirama put his hand on Tobirama's shoulder, holding him down.

The sword came down, stopping a centimeter away from Hashirama's shoulder, who looked up, staring at Kenpachi, "I don't want to fight."

Kenpachi narrowed his eyes, grinning, when someone wrapped bandages around him, pulling him out of the way.

Jushiro Ukitake, the sickly man with long white hair, walked over, smiling, "Hashirama-san, I presume?"

Hashirama put away his pressure, surprised, "You know me?"

"We met a boy with black hair and scarlet eyes. However, we forgot to ask his name. He told us to find you."

"Ha! You saw my grandson-in-law!" Hashirama laughed but soon frowned, "Wait, you saw my grandson-in-law. Does that mean he's dead?"

Jushiro shook his head, "No, it's complicated. Would you like to come over for some tea? I will tell you the whole story."

"Haha! Tea in the afterlife. This will be interesting!"

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