Don’t Be Afraid, the Last Meal Has Not Been Digested

Chapter 15: 015 Hidden Attributes Open Ai Xiangying\'s hidden...

As the captain, Ai Xiangying asked first: “How should I address you? Will we not be perceived by the outside world when we speak here?”

This question actually has a deeper meaning. Everyone in the Dragon Kingdom has heard in their minds that the players will not be broadcast live during the 24-hour break, but it does not rule out that there are other ways to see them, such as certain items obtained by other countries. Ai Xiangying asked for a more stable environment to carry out the follow-up plan more safely.

The humanoid figure said: “You can call me 086, I am the intelligent steward of this main **** space. You are completely private in the main **** space, and you cannot be perceived by others with abilities or props.”

“Then we can’t get in touch with the outside world either?” Zhuang Zimo asked.

086 replied: “Yes, the main **** space, like the proving ground, cannot directly communicate with the outside world. Your Dragon Kingdom barrage player is still valid, but it is only unilaterally receiving information from the outside world.”

An Yizhen asked: “Can the meat and wild fruits stored in my parcel bar be eaten here?”

Zhuang Zimo praised An Yizhen in his heart, and he actually wanted to ask this.

086 replied: “Of course, the resources obtained in the trial field can be used in the main **** space, and can also be exchanged for other materials, but the value of the items in the primary difficulty trial field is not high, it is recommended to use it yourself. Come next time everyone. When you get here, you can view the exchange interface.”

After careful consideration, Ai Xiangying asked, “Can we know in advance what the next dungeon will be?”

086 replied: “Sorry, it can’t be done. Everyone, please hurry up and rest. In addition, I remind you that once the spatial pattern in the private domain is confirmed, it can only be modified after the next customs clearance copy, please consider carefully.”

After saying this, as soon as 086 waved his hand, three circular apertures appeared in the void: “You can enter your own private domain through the aperture, and after completing the initial creation, you can also return to your current position. The flow of time in the main god’s space. As in the real world, your communication and timing tools will work.”

Ai Xiangying looked at the time display on the smart contactor and said to everyone, “Let’s use a few minutes to report on the attribute points, and then divide the food. Come out and gather in 12 hours, okay?”

Zhuang Zimo asked, “There are still nearly 12 hours after the meeting, what are you doing?”

“Visit each other’s private areas? Or should we exchange tactics and fighting skills? Teammates are more familiar with each other, spend more time with each other, train and cultivate feelings together, and the cooperation in the next dungeon will be more tacit.” Ai Xiangying is righteous. After his explanation, he looked at An Yizhen again, “What do you think?”

Of course, An Yizhen wanted these two masters to guide her on her life-saving skills, and replied, “I have no opinion. 12 hours should be about the same, and a few hours of rest will be added to the construction of a private domain. When that time comes, I will ask the two of you to take care of me. survival skills training.”

Ai Xiangying said in her heart that this girl was much more easy-going than she looked, and she didn’t know if she really needed “training”, she just said it casually. My two teammates competed one by one, and I hoped that after 12 hours, they would be willing to reveal some secrets.

She tentatively said: “Then can I talk about their attributes now? Since I mentioned it, I’ll start: After all attributes +3 and the other 3 points of free distribution attributes are added, my current intelligence, constitution, strength and agility Both are 19, and the hidden attribute is lucky +2.”

An Yi was really envious. The four attributes were 19 points, which was nearly double the average of 10 points for the people of the Dragon Kingdom, and the luck value was +2. Is this a sign of red hands? She decided to give Ai Xiangying the C-level treasure box she had obtained by killing the six-eyed flying beast just now.

Since the captain started, this space can also be protected from outside prying eyes, Zhuang Zimo continued: “I only have a physique of 19, the rest are all 20, and the hidden attribute is break defense +4.”

The comprehensive attribute of the handsome guy is higher, and the hidden attribute is also good for breaking defense. Is it the ability to break the defense that the attack power is instant, and can directly blow up the defense that ordinary people can’t take down? It’s really suitable for someone with such a skill as him.

When it was An Yizhen’s turn to speak, she had nothing to hide: “Intelligence 20, Constitution 8, Strength 9, Agility 22, Hidden Attribute Dodge +1.”

In fact, this hidden attribute is very practical for her. She has such a scumbag physical strength, of course, it is an attribute that needs to save her life more. Look at the word “dodge”, the monster can’t hit her, it can be used to escape or rush to touch the monster. Although it’s only +1 point, it’s better than nothing. She has always been quite satisfied with this hidden attribute.

Ai Xiangying was surprised: “You didn’t add agility to the attribute points you got before, did you?”

An Yizhen nodded: “That’s right. I just want to be more agile in the future.”

Zhuang Zimo thought to himself, no wonder that An Yizhen was only selected for the logistics group at that time, and his physical strength was really down, and so far he has not reached the average level of the people of Longguo. Where is this starving like this? However, she is more agile, and can take action before the monster, touch the monster and die, and it is true that she can’t use other attributes.

Ai Xiangying did not object to An Yizhen’s plan, she only reminded politely: “Physical strength should be added when appropriate, otherwise the difference in attribute points is too large, which may slow down the speed.”

An Yi responded obediently, but did not intend to do so. Since the proving ground has a bonus of +1 to all attributes or mandatory addition of a certain attribute, she does not need to use additional attribute points that can be allocated to add agility. In the early stage, the agility is higher than others, and it is advantageous to be one step ahead.

Now An Yizhen is the most agile in the team, 3 points higher than Ai Xiangying and 2 points higher than Zhuang Zimo. In theory, she wants to touch these two people, and the odds of winning are quite high. It made her feel more secure.

“Captain, since you are lucky, why don’t you open the C-level treasure chest for me.” An Yizhen took out the treasure chest and handed it to Ai Xiangying.

With the foreshadowing of opening the D-level treasure chest before, Ai Xiangying did not refuse, and gently opened the lid of the box.

All three present heard a clear prompt tone: low-level [Shenyin] skill remnant page 1/2, description: Collect two remnants to synthesize the low-level [Shenyin] skill book, this skill will reduce the user’s HP Automatically activate after 50%, with a 30% chance to block the perception of most monsters in the test field for 30 seconds.

An Yizhen almost laughed out loud, this is a skill tailored for her. Her health bar is definitely shorter than those of the two main players. As long as she doesn’t die, she can definitely meet the conditions for skill stimulation. If the skill is successfully activated for 30 seconds without being discovered by the monster, maybe she will be able to rush over and touch the monster.

Ai Xiangying and Zhuang Zimo’s eyes really focused on An Yizhen.

An Yizhen said: “Otherwise, let me put this here, find another scrap page, how about I learned this skill after synthesizing the skill book?”

Ai Xiangying’s expression was a little unnatural, but she still handed the scrap page to An Yizhen and said, “It’s the treasure chest you got, so you can control it.”

Compared with An Yizhen’s mysteriousness, Zhuang Zimo understands the thoughts of a famous lady like Ai Xiangying better.

The Ai family has always pursued an elite education model and encouraged competition. Regardless of men and women, the one who inherits the family business and becomes the helm of the family must be the strongest, and the others will surrender willingly.

From the moment they are sensible, they have to face great competitive pressure from the outside world and within the family. Ai Xiangying’s approachability and natural leadership qualities now come from her education. Make her more precocious and better at disguise, but more controlling than ordinary people. Such a person is pretentious and will have a strong sense of frustration after being compared by others.

Fortunately, An Yizhen’s current attribute value is relatively low, and the scrap page obtained from opening the box is not a ready-made skill; although he has a secret, he knows how to cater to the team, and is not as arrogant and arrogant as the outside audience imagined, at least now everyone is saving face. All pass.

In order to break the subtle embarrassment, Zhuang Zimo asked the question instead of Ai Xiangying: “An Yizhen, are you using equipment or something else to kill monsters, can you tell me?”

Ai Xiangying had always wanted to ask this, but she couldn’t save her face and be so straightforward. Now that Xiao Mo is doing the work for her, she can’t help but feel happy, and the vague unhappiness just now dissipated for the time being.

An Yizhen didn’t plan to tell others about the devouring of the system. Even if the handsome guy asked, she would not answer, she just smiled and said carelessly: “It’s not the equipment, it’s the hands. I’m sorry for the rest.”

Ai Xiangying touched a soft nail, but her face was still calm: “Sorry, since you don’t want to say it, we won’t ask too much. If you encounter a monster that can’t be killed in the future, you should say something in time, otherwise we will acquiesce to you. can kill.”

Being classified as “we” by Ai Xiangying made Zhuang Zimo feel slightly uncomfortable, but he did not correct it. Ai Xiangying’s mentality is best to keep steady, don’t be greatly stimulated, otherwise it will be cheaper for players from other countries if there is internal friction.

“Okay.” An Yi could really feel Ai Xiangying’s hidden anger. However, Ai Xiangying’s self-control ability is very strong. At present, everyone is fighting for the Dragon Kingdom. Under the premise of taking the overall situation into consideration, Ai Xiangying can probably hold back.

Zhuang Zimo glanced at An Yizhen, and guessed that she was also a sensible person, so there was no need to warn her.

An Yizhen took out the meat of the flying beast and the sweet and sour wild fruits in the parcel, and after sharing it with everyone, the three separated into their own private areas.

An Yizhen immediately constructed the home she had been dreaming about. Detail to the clothes in the cabinet and all kinds of delicious food stored in the refrigerator. In the apocalypse, she recalled these beautiful things more than once, and now she can finally reproduce them again.

Three bedrooms and one living room, open windows to the sun, and have a spacious balcony. Outside the window is the landscape belt of the community.

She can grow many flowers on the balcony and has nine small fish. She used to be a house girl, and her ultimate dream is nothing more than the freedom to order 20 yuan for takeout, to be able to sleep until she wakes up naturally, to have nothing to do in her spare time, raising flowers, feeding fish, and reading online dramas and articles.

It’s just that on Earth, the end times are coming. Her parents turned into zombies in order to protect her. In the blink of an eye, relatives and friends were gone, and the big city had no place to live.

When her parents were there, she didn’t feel anything. No matter how late you work overtime, when you get home, someone will always light a light for you and keep a hot meal. She stayed in bed and was greedy, her schedule was irregular and she refused to make a boyfriend. There was always someone nagging in her ear, and she was still annoying. But when her parents were gone, she suddenly realized that that was the taste of home, the care of each other’s relatives.

Now there is a spacious house full of things that she couldn’t afford to buy before, but she is alone and alone. No matter how comfortable this place is, it is not home.

After taking a bath, putting on clean clothes, and setting the alarm clock, she lay on the bed and couldn’t fall asleep for a long time, so she had to ask Void: “086 Is there any way to consume energy?”

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