Don’t Be Afraid, the Last Meal Has Not Been Digested

Chapter 66: 066 The mouthparts of the legendary **** tree are as thick as steel needles

Zhuang Zimo said, “I’ll go out and take a look. You are optimistic about those five people.”

Under the restriction of not being able to kill monsters and kill people, An Yizhen felt that he was basically useless, so he nodded obediently and looked at a few sleeping people. She believed in Zhuang Zimo’s ability.

After a while, Zhuang Zimo escorted a ragged man back here with a sniper gun in his hand.

“This is what I saw in my dream, the wanted criminal Zheng Mifu in the news.” An Yizhen confirmed the identity of this person, and asked in the United States and Lizhong language, “Mr. Zheng, the virus you said has been leaked, we Doubt there’s a lab around here. Do you know what’s going on, maybe we can work together.”

Zhuang Zimo sighed and said, “He can speak Longguo language. After the massacre, he spoke in American language so that more people can know the truth. Unfortunately, now, his spirit is not stable, he may have been hypnotized, and he can’t remember the original I only remember Tu Cun. When I caught him, he said that there were monsters chasing him, and he shot back when he could see it. I also felt that there were inhuman beings staring at me, but I didn’t find it, nor did I find it. feel threatened.”

“You also have viruses here, I can smell it, and there are monsters, more than one! Animals will become monsters, and people will also change. AZ Labs, they are all there, they are out of control.” The wanted criminal Zheng Mifu looked panicked, and his words were incoherent.

“The arrest warrant says that this person is of DM nationality. He spoke in such a fluent Longguo language when he was delirious. He may have immigrated or grew up in the Longguo language environment. This is his native language. Have you searched his whole body? , is there any clue? Could he be hypnotized to kill the village and say those words?” An Yizhen raised a series of questions.

“I suspect he is a staff member of the AZ laboratory, but whether he voluntarily escaped or left before, whether he did it on purpose or after being hypnotized, I can’t tell.” Zhuang Zimo didn’t explain too much, just avoided Zheng Mifu. Quickly said in An Yizhen’s ear: “I used a mobile phone to contact someone before. The real world and this place exist, and he sent me a message.”

This is a detail that Zhuang Zimo didn’t talk about at the beginning, but now he suddenly mentions it at this time, it must have some connection with the current matter.

“It was a well-known archaeologist, and his contact information here is exactly the same as in reality. In fact, I contacted several people, and only he replied to me. Maybe the contact information of others does not exist, or they Don’t reply to strangers easily.”

Zhuang Zimo continued, “Mr. Q, he used to explore in this mountain forest and verified an ancient legend. A thousand years ago, a man escaped to this place. He was worshipped as the Son of God. But he claimed to be a descendant of the Pingshan people, not a god. He lived for more than a hundred years and benefited the people here. After his death, he became a tree and was worshipped as a sacred tree by the locals. It is said that he The descendants of Mr. Q have been worshipping the tree, and some of them can hear the tree speak and predict disasters. Mr. Q found the descendants of that person, and one of them is Zheng Mifu (transliteration), whose ancestral home is Minsu County , this person immigrated to DM many years ago, and then disappeared.”

“So you suspect that this neurotic Zheng Mifu is the descendant of the Pingshan people, and the sacred tree is also here? Zheng Mifu participated in related research? And these researches have some kind of secret connection with the Pingshan civilization and the virus, right? wrong?”

Zhuang Zimo nodded: “I always feel that the Pingshan civilization is short-lived and more like a visitor from alien civilizations, aliens or other planetary civilizations. If the people of the Shelfis Group study the relics of the Pingshan civilization or other ancient civilizations, it is not appropriate. I will give up the anomaly here in the divine tree. The way I practice in the real world is almost the same as that of Yuanwu Continent, and the characters there are almost the same as those in our Dragon Kingdom, what does this mean?”

“Isn’t Yuanwu Continent inside LL Star? Pingshan Civilization is a civilization established by some of them who left the center of the earth and returned to the surface again?” An Yizhen made a guess.

“Maybe it’s true. Some non-mainstream scientists have always believed that the civilization on the LL star has been destroyed many times. It is also said that there was once a giant dinosaur that dominated the planet. There are traces of human activities in the era of coexistence with dinosaurs. These Confused archaeological finds that have never been recognized by mainstream science. Does this remind you of alien monsters?”

“Yes, and this also reminds me of some things mentioned by Linwu and Chenxi in the Beasts dungeon. They said that many of the creatures on the LL star are homologous ancestors with the first-class citizens of the interstellar space, such as cows and dogs. Maybe that tree with spiritual power is also from LL star?”

“Whether the tree has mental power, or whether the descendants of the Pingshan people have mutated, or whether both have mutated, is hard to say.” Zhuang Zimo pulled the topic back.

“The tree, yes, it’s a very big tree. I saw it in the mountains when I was a child, and then I could always see it in my dreams.” Zheng Mifu said suddenly, seemingly sober, “It’s our ancestral tree, it’s very big, it will Glow can talk. It was it that saved me, its branches killed my pursuers, and I escaped.”

“Where did you escape from?” An Yizhen tried to use the hypnosis ring to ask Zheng Mifu more information.

“I didn’t run away, I’ve always been there.” Zheng Mifu’s voice suddenly changed, different from the panic and confusion just now, and now his voice was heavy and condensed, “I see everything, but I can’t change it. I’m about to die. , you come quickly. Close your eyes, you can see me, and follow my guidance. ”

An Yizhen said: “Let me go, maybe it was just to hypnotize me. I can, you stay and look after them.”

“It’s better for me to go.” Zhuang Zimo said, “My physique is higher than yours. If I encounter a place where the virus leaks, I can hold on for a while longer.”

“According to the rules, the person who dreams next time is likely to be me. And there are other dangers in this place. Someone is watching here, and someone will come to check the outpost at any time. If I suddenly fall asleep, these people to protect will be in danger. Besides, even if I die in an accident, I will return to reality. If you die again, then…” An Yizhen didn’t want to say that kind of unfortunate words. She had to admit that she was actually afraid, afraid that Zhuang Zimo would die again, and his soul would be gone forever.

Zhuang Zimo stared at An Yizhen’s face, and saw the resolute expression in her clear eyes. She is always so assertive and responsible, she never seems to be afraid and never depends on others. She is far more powerful than her appearance. In fact, she is very powerful, and he discovered it at the very beginning of the dungeon.

When he lost his memory and hated her, when he died and only her was left, when he didn’t have her in his nightmare, after being pricked by him… She still didn’t panic, and dealt with all unexpected events calmly and calmly.

If she were against a spiritual powerhouse, there might not be any flaws. Her heart is stronger than his, enough to make him look up. He couldn’t look away, but he would never say frivolous words to her again or do anything out of the ordinary. He didn’t dare, for fear of being rejected by her.

“Okay. Keep in touch.” He didn’t persuade him any further.

“By the way, the first time you went to check the location near Mucangsheng, you didn’t see Zheng Mifu, maybe you were disturbed. If it can interfere with your judgment, the mental power of that thing must be very strong. If I can’t come back or If you lose contact, be careful yourself, I will leave you half of the contents in the bag.” An Yizhen finished and distributed half of the supplies, put the bag on his back, and closed his eyes.

Almost instantly, her body fell softly to the ground, as if she fell asleep in seconds. After a while, she stood up suddenly, her eyes still closed, and left the room at an inhuman speed, and soon disappeared into the jungle.

Zhuang Zimo first tied Zheng Mifu to a place where he would not run around, and glanced at the green dots on the monitor screen representing the hikers. All 6 green dots were in the outpost. An Yizhen should be the one who was going to rescue him. Time to remove the positioning. Now he can only determine each other’s location through the two of them’s liaisons.

The contactor of this idea is a bracelet-like decoration on An Yizhen’s left wrist, and Zhuang Zimo’s is more like a men’s smart watch. He turned on tracking and stared at An Yizhen’s signal.

Suddenly the entire outpost went out of power. All screens turned off, equipment stalled, lights went out, emergency lights at exits flickered, and a plume of smoke seeped from the ventilation ducts.

Zhuang Zimo quickly put on the gas mask that An Yizhen left him. He didn’t hear anyone approaching, and the power outage was remotely controlled. He put the five sleepy people he wanted to protect into the 7-seat commercial vehicle he drove at the fastest speed. He didn’t take Zheng Mifu with him, he just knocked him unconscious and hid him under the bed in the outpost lounge.

This Zheng Mifu is full of doubts, and it may be safer to temporarily separate from the five people they want to protect.

If there is an ordinary person standing nearby at this time, or looking at it through surveillance, it is completely impossible to distinguish Zhuang Zimo’s movement trajectory with the naked eye, and all he can feel is a great change of life. Five sleeping people disappeared from the room, all of them Teleported to the car.

After a while, six people in biochemical suits with guns and live ammunition walked out of the forest. Their biochemical suits also have an exoskeleton power assist system, and their feet are light and fast. Two people came towards his car.

Zhuang Zimo stunned them one by one and threw them into the outpost. Using high speed and fighting skills, people were faster than the wind, and those people were already attacked without any response. He picked a person who was about the same size as himself and changed the person’s clothes. After searching the other people’s materials, he carried the naked person to the co-pilot of the commercial vehicle and tied it with a rope.

The location of his parking is very particular. In the dead corner of the surveillance, if there are people under the ground monitoring everything in the outpost, then those people can only know that his car has come by other means. From the surveillance is to see Not to the location of the car.

He woke the naked man, demonstrated the technique of kneading the dagger into a ball and pulling it back in front of the man, and instantly pulled the problematic tooth in the man’s mouth, and then began to question.

An Yizhen closed his eyes, ran for a while, and saw the divine tree. From the appearance, it really had a lot of similarities with the tree family encountered in the Colosseum.

The branches are like tentacles, the body of the tree will glow, the halo can change, and it can also communicate with people spiritually. Perhaps this is really the homologous ancestor of the tree family.

An Yi really wasn’t sure whether she was awake, whether it was the tree she saw with her eyes closed, or whether she ran and opened her eyes again. All in all, I don’t feel threatened for the time being.

The **** tree said: “My descendants are too thin to save me, and they can’t even understand what I say. Fortunately, you can.”

An Yi really thought that maybe the intelligence level of her and Zhuang Zimo was high enough to expand the upper limit of spiritual power? She asked, “What can I do for you?”

“My roots touched that evil place, and they also discovered the magic of my roots and joined their experiments.” The divine tree said without end.

“Do you want me to stop their experiments, or find a way to save you?”

“They used the technology of Hirayama civilization to create a group of terrifying monsters. This is what I don’t want to see.”

“Then why don’t you disturb them with mental power?” An Yizhen asked curiously.

The **** tree sighed: “They are not my descendants, I can’t influence them. I can only watch and listen. Maybe lucky or unfortunate, evil people use my roots to improve catalysts, and the monsters they make are the same. Some of them can hear me.”

An Yizhen suddenly realized: “So, in the abandoned AM3 base in the forest, you commanded the monsters to rebel and escape, leaking the virus?”

“That was my fault, the children are innocent, they don’t have full control over themselves. Evil technology has nanocontrollers in their blood,” said Kamishu. “Only a small number of children with strong regeneration ability will Eventually they got out of control, but I never asked them to do anything. They had an inhuman appearance, they would be treated as monsters by people outside, and they just didn’t dare to leave.”

“We encountered an invisible monster, and an invisible one hiding in the forest. Why did they attack us and monitor us?”

“Yes, it’s them. There’s a second lab here, making even more evil catalysts. And my children, they need more companions to survive.”

An Yizhen suddenly thought of something and questioned: “So Hu Lihua is in a hurry to collect more qualified people to use as experimental materials. Is it your children’s hands and feet? Can any of them hypnotize others?”

Shenshu said with emotion: “Yes, that child is very special. Her body is weak, but her mental strength is very strong. She can feel the goodwill or evil thoughts of others, and she can also control some human beings.”

An Yizhen suddenly recalled the conversation between the hangar staff in the initial dream. After Liang Shuang’s fiancee disappeared, Liang Shuang could dream that his fiancee was still alive. So, could that even frail monster be Liang Shuang’s fiancee? But why didn’t she communicate directly with Liang Shuang, and instead control Hu Lihua’s actions? Then she carefully concealed her true thoughts and continued to ask, “Am I in a dream?”

“You can perceive me only when you are sleeping, and that child, she can hypnotize you.” The tree of God seemed to answer without any concealment.

“She was near us just now? Is the second laboratory the AZ laboratory? Just under the outpost, or is there access to it?” An Yizhen said seriously, “Your purpose is not for you. Yourself, you actually want to kill those monsters, those evil people, even your children, right?”

There was a bit of panic in the voice of the **** tree: “No, it’s not. I just want them to accompany me to live here quietly, not to provoke humans outside, and I don’t want them to create more of the same kind.”

An Yizhen always felt that something was not logically smooth, and she did not fully believe in Shenshu’s words. Shenshu seems to have deliberately ignored some information, or did not directly answer her question. It conceals something, and it also has a plot, and it is by no means so innocent and harmless on the surface.

“So, how to enter the space below? Is there an AZ laboratory?” An Yizhen asked again.

“Under the outpost, there is the entrance to the laboratory, but I don’t know if that’s the name you said. There are also many evil humans there, and they have advanced weapons. Can you and your boyfriend deal with them?”

This tree is quite understanding of human culture, can even guess the relationship between boyfriends? An Yizhen didn’t correct Shenshu’s misunderstanding of her relationship with Zhuang Zimo, and of course she didn’t say that they couldn’t kill people as a key weakness, she just kept more vigilance and said foolishly: “We just need to determine where It’s AZ Labs, don’t rush in. We won’t act rashly without more support.”

“An Yizhen, wake up!”

There were vibrations and calls in my ears. An Yizhen suddenly opened her eyes and saw a huge tree in front of her. Her legs and feet were already wrapped around the branches, and she almost pressed her body against the trunk.

The tree was bigger than the one she had seen in her dream. The tree body is black, with a faint red halo, which contrasts with the white and bright she saw in her dream. The branches of the tree are dark green, as thick as her arms, and you can faintly see green substances surging under the meridians. The tree was alive, but it made her feel bad.

The sacred tree is surrounded by a strange circle of statues, the statues are too old to blur the specific details, and they are covered with thick moss. Moss is also dark red.

There are unknown small flowers mixed in the grass, and the psychedelic smell overflows.

An Yizhen felt a strong sleepiness again. She hurriedly held her breath, pulled out her dagger and cut off the branches that wrapped around her, looked at the location of the contactor, and quickly ran towards Zhuang Zimo’s direction. She was so fast that the tree had no chance to stop her again.

“I know where the entrance is, but it’s safer for me to go by myself. Come back and look at people.” After Zhuang Zimo said this to An Yizhen, he replaced it with a typing-to-speech prompt, “Be careful of that tree.”

“I was almost eaten by a tree.” An Yizhen joked, jumped over the outpost and headed straight for the commercial car. At this time, the car had already left the outpost and drove to the intersection of the road and the road, still avoiding the nearby camera.

Seeing Zhuang Zimo wearing a biochemical suit, An Yizhen smiled and said, “The underground people couldn’t help but come out and give you equipment?”

Zhuang Zimo nodded, let An Yizhen get into the driving position, and reminded: “Contact once every 15 minutes. If you lose contact, I will come back in time. If I lose contact, you don’t care about me, maybe it is under the ground. The signal is too weak. Watch the five of us, and find me when the protection time expires. I will leave a mark. Zheng Mifu is at the outpost, where there are six people who came down from the ground. ”

At this time, there was no one who was tortured by Zhuang Zimo in the passenger seat. The person was thrown back to the outpost. Zhuang Zimo also thoughtfully found a set of biochemical clothing for An Yizhen to wear, and left two guns. .

An Yizhen didn’t ask much, and only let Zhuang Zimo leave the location information of the entrance. If something really happened, she might still have a chance to fight.

After the first 15 minutes, Zhuang Zimo’s signal disappeared. An Yizhen guessed that he had entered a deep underground.

Immediately afterwards, everyone in the Dragon Kingdom heard the prompt:

[The second mission of the Nightmare dungeon is completed, and the main player Zhuang Zimo finds the AZ biochemical laboratory hidden in the mountains. 】

[Nightmare Dungeon Main Quest 3: Defend Dr. Deng Qiwen of AZ Laboratory within the time limit of Main Quest 1 to complete the research and development of the reversal catalyst. 】

Standing at the entrance of the AZ laboratory, Zhuang Zimo paused for a moment and glanced at the barrage. The first to refresh the screen is the official recommendation.

[Official suggestion: Confluence An Yizhen and gather those who need protection together. Deng Qiwen, a deceased biochemical expert in the real world and a Nobel-nominated scholar, went to the United States and the United Nations to exchange ideas, and then disappeared. Suspected of being kidnapped, the following are his physical characteristics and biographical history. ]

The rest of the public comments were posted after the official suggestion to dominate the screen for 3 seconds:

[Is there a relationship between AZ Lab and Aizhimei Group? Otherwise, an outpost is built on the ground, and this evil laboratory is under the ground…]

[Don’t contact reality, and what’s wrong with the AZ laboratory? ]

[The missing expert is there, which is definitely not normal. ]

[Yeah, isn’t the one who created the monster evil? ]

[Upstairs, An Yizhen has only dreamed that there is a strange virus in the AM3 laboratory. The prompts all say that there is something Dr. Deng in the AZ laboratory that needs to be guarded. They are doing reversal catalysts. ]

[The two laboratories for viruses and antidote are so close to each other, how dare you say that the two laboratories are okay? ]

[Zhuang Zimo suspects that there is something wrong with the divine tree, and I agree that the contestants must not be misled by non-human creatures with spiritual power. ]

[Is the hypnotizing monster the **** tree, or is that other cowardly monster doing tricks? ]

[No matter who it is, if it is to help mankind, why should Hu Lihua’s memory be sealed? ]

[Hu Lihua may really be completely ignorant of it, and is only used to do the physical work of tying people around, so he doesn’t know much about the laboratory. ]

[Hu Lihua is an employee of Aizhimei Group, that group is very problematic. ]

[I think the monsters and sacred trees here are related to the Hirayama civilization. ]

[Do you still remember the copy of the escape, the cultural relics that were taken from the tomb at the bottom of the lake? Those are Pingshan cultural relics. ]

[Why are you suddenly referring to which one? ]

[I also studied the murals that Zhuang Zimo saw when he went to his tomb. One of the paintings depicts people who have somehow merged their soul or memory into a tree after death, believing that that will keep the soul alive forever. ]

[So, is that divine tree really changed by human beings, or that it carries human thinking and memory? ]

Zhuang Zimo frowned slightly, thinking about a man who has lived for a thousand years and who was once worshipped as a **** with advanced technology, would he really be content with the status quo and be a tree that is indifferent to the world? An Yizhen’s casual joke just now, maybe it’s true, that tree wants to swallow An Yizhen?

He quickly retreated to the place where there was a signal, and said to An Yizhen with the contactor: “Bring that car to the entrance, I will wait for you.”

Zhuang Zimo stood near the entrance and listened carefully to the movements around him. There were monsters approaching. The one he could tell was a familiar invisible monster, and the other was a timid monster that never showed up. Let’s call it a peeping monster. They also knew that Zhuang Zimo was not easy to mess with, so the two monsters didn’t dare to act rashly together.

But in addition to those big monsters, there are some buzzing sounds further away, like some kind of flying insects flapping their wings, gradually gathering, and the number is too large, which produces some kind of resonance effect.

Zhuang Zimo’s expression changed, reminding An Yizhen: “Come here, close the window. The entrance here is not too big, and the car backed into it, blocking the entrance, and getting off from the trunk. There are flying insects nearby, which may have mutated. The kind that can’t be burned, stop those bugs. There is also a layer of protective door after the entrance and exit.”

If there were only one or two people, An Yizhen would be able to run in a few minutes with one in one hand. But there are five comatose people in a car, she can only transport them by car, and she doesn’t dare to leave anyone casually.

Fortunately, she was also forced to learn to drive all kinds of cars in the last days. The 7-seat commercial car in her arms could not trouble her, and she did not need to obey the traffic rules when driving in the deep mountains and old forests. When encountering a plant in the way, she got out of the car and destroyed it violently. It took more than half an hour to finally reach the entrance.

This is a carefully camouflaged mountain wall. The original gate is covered with lush climbing vines, and there are no traces of human walking. It’s just that Zhuang Zimo has opened the way just now, destroying the surrounding cameras and clearing the vines at the gate. At this time, the entrance is no longer blocked and clearly visible.

The surrounding sky suddenly darkened, and the humming was deafening.

An Yizhen can’t wait for her vision to be less clear now. If she has intensive phobia, watching such a large group of mosquitoes pounce like a black cloud, she will definitely not be able to bear it.

As far as the eye can see, the size of these mosquitoes has exceeded the size of conventional large poisonous mosquitoes. The biggest one can’t wait to be similar to the dragonfly. The limbs are all patterned, or pure black, and the mouthparts are as thick as steel needles. And they have no interest in regular plant juices. In fact, most male mosquitoes do not **** blood, and now these mosquitoes, whether male or female, have obviously become bloodthirsty creatures. They seem to be only interested in big things moving on the ground.

Is this a series of bad consequences caused by the virus leak at the AM3 base? Insects are the easiest to mutate, and then a series of species in the ecological chain will be affected.

There are still more than ten hours left to protect the five people, and now there are more experts in the laboratory. It seems that it is not just monsters with uncertain alignments or large mutant creatures that need to be guarded against. These non-intelligent mutant bugs that are difficult to communicate with, as well as those invisible things, are a greater threat to themselves.

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