Don’t Be Afraid, the Last Meal Has Not Been Digested

Chapter 8: 008 has too many eyes, and it will kill you if you touch it. ...

Zhuang Zimo said first, “Captain, I’m a little tired, why don’t we rest for a while before leaving?”

“Captain, I also ask for a rest.” An Yizhen cast a grateful look at Zhuang Zimo, no matter whether the man was really tired or whether he helped him, she could still feel the kindness.

Although the devouring system has just eaten 3 D-level energy bodies, it is still slowly absorbing the energy from her body. Traveling in the jungle consumes a lot of physical strength. Her physique is too poor, and she will definitely not be able to support her for long if she has the speed. If she loses the chain at a critical moment, it will not benefit herself or the team. Don’t be stubborn, you should be cowardly, you should run away, and take care of yourself first. Some living habits developed in the last days are difficult to change.

Two people said they were tired, and the audience in the barrage also had this tendency. Ai Xiangying could only stop first. In fact, she has just compared the speed of the sun setting in this dungeon. It is basically the same as that of Blue Star, and there are almost 24 hours in a day. If there were no accidents at the speed of their previous journey, even if they rested for half an hour now, they would be able to arrive near the cliff before sunset.

“We rush to the bottom of the cliff before sunset. If we can’t find the mission target, we will camp for the night. Birds and beasts return to their nests at night, and we may be able to find more clues by staying there.” Ai Xiangying quickly adjusted her plan.

Zhuang Zimo and An Yizhen had no objection, and took the time to take out something to eat. The way the two of them are eating is inexplicably similar.

Ai Xiangying looked at her two teammates and frowned slightly. Both seem to have experienced extreme food deprivation, and their frailty is unlikely to be faked. If you are full and return to the heyday, will you be able to explode into a stronger battle?

Suddenly, the swallowing system was silent for a while and warned: Host, there are D++ energy body fluctuations nearby, at least two, in the air, hurry up and touch it! So delicious.

After An Yizhen swallowed the last mouthful of bread, she thought to herself: If you touch a bird’s feather, it is said that it is in the air, and she can’t fly, so how do you touch it? Look up and see what it is.

At the same time, Zhuang Zimo and Ai Xiangying also seemed to have noticed something. Following An Yizhen’s movements, they all looked up at the sky above their heads.

A large black shadow obscured the light in the sky, like a black cloud, and with a shrill cry, huge feathers fell from the sky.

Ai Xiangying picked up the binoculars and looked closely, her face inevitably showing surprise: “It’s a three-eyed giant bird, in addition to the normal eyes, there is an eye on the stomach. It is holding a giant python, the giant python But they are entangled in birds, they are fighting, maybe they will fall off soon. Let’s go up the tree and hide.”

Zhuang Zimo quickly packed up his food, picked up his weapon, and raised an objection: “There may be other dangerous creatures on the tree, such as the wasp encountered by the Oba player. I suggest you spread out your positions.”

Ai Xiangying wore protective clothing and shoes, and did not force others to be as thoughtful as her. She nodded in agreement, “Everyone, be careful and spread out. I’ll stand up and see the situation.”

Zhuang Zimo reminded again: “The barrage says that the monsters in this dungeon may be immune to heat weapons. This is not the goal of the mission. If it is difficult, we can avoid it.”

However, Ai Xiangying thought that the scales of the one-eyed earthworm are already a rare and special material in the real world. If the monsters in the sky fall, they can fall to their death or suffer both, so it is not impossible for them to find out. Stop and look at the situation first, it’s still time to rest anyway. She leaped into the distance and climbed a coniferous tree. That kind of tree exudes an aroma that the common pest, snake, and plague do not like to approach.

Zhuang Zimo hid behind a huge tree whose trunk was more than two meters in diameter, and a few people hiding behind it could not see it.

However, An Yizhen didn’t go as far as the other players. He roughly estimated where the monster would fall, found a place where he couldn’t hit the tree and leaned against the tree, and took out a bag to eat.

Don’t ask, even if she wants to find out. She didn’t pick up things that fell from the sky, and she didn’t care whether they died or not when they fell, she rushed over and touched them and finished work. Two D++ energy bodies are enough to devour the system for a while.

The barrage was everywhere, and the audience speculated:

[An Yizhen from the logistics team looks calmer than the other two main players, she didn’t hide away. ]

[Didn’t you just scream tired? Probably really can’t move. It’s so pitiful, Miss Sister has issued a copy, and I will support you. ]

[Upstairs, she eats so much, can your family afford it? ]

[In the face of danger, chewing a packet of crispy noodles, are you brave or really hungry? ]

[Have you noticed that An Yizhen has eaten a lot since entering the dungeon. Is this the legendary physique of not getting fat? ]

[Interstitial ad: Meal replacement for losing weight every day, no money if you don’t lose weight. ]

[The one upstairs is a liar, I ate his meal replacement for a month and gained another ten pounds! ]

Afterwards, the building became more and more crooked, and Zhuang Zimo was no longer distracted.

The giant bird with a wingspan of nearly 10 meters rolled and fell from the air. A giant python as thick as a human torso wrapped around the giant bird’s body, twisting it hard, and the giant bird screamed constantly.

Ai Xiangying used the contactor to whisper, “It seems that the giant python has more than three eyes, and it is estimated that it is more powerful than the giant bird.”

The cry of the giant bird became more and more shrill, and the movement gradually lost its balance, showing an uncontrolled falling trend. However, its claws still firmly grasped the python, and it seemed to want to press the python to the ground first.

The giant python was not a vegetarian either. The trunk hooked on the trunk of a large branch that towered into the clouds. Using his body as the axis, he swung the giant bird into the dense coniferous tree canopy next to it.

The giant bird was at a disadvantage from the beginning, and the feathers that were as long as human arms fell one after another. They finally let go of their claws, but they could not fly again immediately, but continued to fall.

At this time, Ai Xiangying pulled the trigger of the sniper gun in her hand, and what she fired out was a bullet containing a high level of anesthesia.

An Yizhen looked up and sighed, how did the giant bird and python fall farther than she estimated, as if they fell towards Xiaomo. She ate the bread in her hands in two or three bites, put down the bag, took off her gloves, opened her legs and ran towards the giant bird.

Zhuang Zimo did not expect these two monsters to fall towards him. In the shrill screams of the giant bird, he heard the sound of sniping. It should be Ai Xiangying who shot. Whether it’s **** or something else, plus the attack of the giant python, the probability of the giant bird being injured is definitely not small.

He took out a military thorn in his left hand, which was the weapon that Ai Xiangying had just given. Against huge monsters, such short weapons are generally useless. However, some people in the barrage said that when Oba encountered other monsters in this dungeon before, the damage caused by cold weapons was more obvious, so be prepared.

As soon as he looked up, he saw that An Yizhen had already run towards him.

She didn’t have a backpack, and her running posture was a bit difficult. She held a long dagger in her hand, and she couldn’t clearly see the posture of a professional assassin from top to bottom. However, her expression was so focused and she did not turn back, as if she was not running towards those unknown terrifying monsters.

An Yizhen chose to touch the giant bird first. Because that thing fell right in front of him, with his stomach turned upside down and his back hanging on a branch, he looked half-dead and didn’t even have the strength to flutter. She just had to jump as high as she could to reach the tips of its wings.

But in addition to the three people, the giant python apparently coveted the meat of this giant bird, and silently circled down the tree.

Ai Xiangying could only call out a word of caution in the contactor and pulled the trigger to shoot the eyes on the python’s head. The shot is still high anesthesia.

It’s a pity that the eyelids of the giant python can be closed, and the bullet was bounced off by the eyelids, which can’t cause damage to the giant snake at all. Its **** mouth has been opened, and it is heading towards An Yizhen.

The audience of Longguo can only sigh in the barrage:

[The beauty of the logistics group will be buried in Shekou this time. ]

[This python appears to have four eyes, and the other eyes are on the back. ]

[When is this, you still have time to count your eyes. ]

[The giant bird has three eyes, but it can’t handle the four-eyed giant python, which means that the more eyes, the more powerful it is. This speculation is valid. ]

[Does anyone know where An Yizhen was selected into the Otherworld Proving Ground? I flew to pick her up. ]

[Upstairs, how do you know she will die? Maybe the python hangs up. ]

[You are swallowed by such a thick snake and try to see who dies first? ]

An Yizhen just felt chills down her spine and creepy.

The system also panicked: “Host, run, that D++ energy body is about to swallow you up. According to your current physical fitness and mobility, you can’t escape.”

An Yi really couldn’t pretend to be a lady, and scolded in her mind: “Fuck, what do you need to do if you can’t run away, or I’ll try to touch it?”

The giant python was proudly spitting out its letter, looking at the comatose giant bird showing a pair of fangs ready to feast on it, but suddenly something stuck between his upper and lower jaws, and his mouth couldn’t close.

If the python had hands and feet, it would definitely slap the two-legged beast in front of him with a slap.

However, Zhuang Zimo didn’t give it a chance. A metal rod was stuck between the upper and lower jaws of the giant python. He opened the safety with one hand, and shot with the gun in his right hand. Soft meat. Using this dagger as a fulcrum, he turned his arm with force, and his body had already jumped over the python’s head.

One of the giant python’s fangs was gouged out by Zhuang Zimo, and the snake’s head trembled violently, but it couldn’t close its mouth.

Zhuang Zimo’s series of movements are like flowing water, as if facing a **** mouth that is not exposed by fangs, but an ordinary crack in the rock. He calmly retracted the dagger, and when he stabbed it again, he aimed at the gap in the python’s eyelid.

Ai Xiangying also aimed at the python’s open mouth and injected a high-power anesthesia bullet.

An Yizhen finished touching the giant bird, and when she turned her head, the mouth of the giant python was close at hand. Fortunately, with Zhuang Zimo’s gun holding back, she was not swallowed whole. When the opportune moment did not come again, she dared to touch the python’s mouth.

A clear reminder sound appeared in the minds of all Longguo staff on and off the field:

The logistics group player An Yizhen killed 1 three-eyed flying beast and 1 four-eyed Kunmang. All the surviving players in the Dragon Kingdom received +2 points of freely assignable physical attributes, and An Yizhen received 2 D-level reward chests.

Barrage screen:

[This time I stared at it, An Yizhen didn’t even use a dagger! ]

[I don’t know how the bird died, but she seems to have touched the python’s head with her hand. ]

[She is a master of poison! Touching it will kill you. ]

[You guys upstairs are the truth! ]

[Shh, keep it a secret, in case…]

[What’s this secret? Talent is different, and others can’t learn it. ]

[Can you talk about some science, what high-tech weapons she may have used. ]

[How come no one guessed that she has the unique skills of the Dragon Kingdom and has deep internal strength? ]

The audience who fled to the live broadcast room of Longguo said sourly: [It must be that Longguo stole the high-tech weapons of the United States and the United States! ]

The audience of Mu Yi Empire could not help but question: [Could it be some kind of lost art from the Dragon Kingdom? ]

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