Don’t Be Afraid, the Last Meal Has Not Been Digested

Chapter 90(END) - [Latest] 090 The first chapter of surface civilization

An Yizhen fulfilled Xuanyuan Mi’s wish, and Xiao Hei used magic to fix Xuanyuan Mi’s body on the only way to the inner world.

If Xuanyuandu would return to this world in the future, would he still remember that Xuanyuan Mi was waiting for him?

Xiao Hei also thoughtfully rearranged the guardian formation here, disguised the magic weapon, and said to An Yizhen: “Master, you see I have learned a lot over the past few thousand years, and Yu Haoxuan taught me very patiently. , he always mentions you.”

In An Yizhen’s mind, the appearance of the senior brother Yu Haoxuan appeared, but that person’s face was blurred. For people she doesn’t care about, she has never been too careful with memories. Out of politeness, she asked casually, “Is he okay?”

“He doesn’t have the patience as me, and he forgot about you in only three thousand years, and soared with ruthlessness.”

The two chatted with each other and walked around the island quickly. In the whole island, apart from An Yizhen and Xiao Hei, there are no other creatures. Not even low-level mutant bugs.

Blackie is disappointed.

An Yizhen was relieved.

Xiao Hei said that several great masters in the inner world decided to cover up the truth, and did not want ordinary people to know that there was a surface world, nor did they want others to go to the inner world to disturb their peace. And the virus is rampant in the surface world, and people’s hearts are even more unpredictable during the cataclysm, and the connection with the inner world has been opened hastily. Better calm down.

The Devouring System was forced to eat Xuanyuan Mi, a D-level energy body just now, secretly urging: “Host, don’t waste your time here, I feel another place where high-level energy bodies have exploded, and there are also small ones. What about the mutant bugs that black loves to eat?”

An Yizhen really didn’t want to go on the waves again, so she asked Xiao Xiao: “Can you become the main body and fly me in the air?”

Xiao Hei is very interested in the unfamiliar surface world, and with his master there, he is not afraid at all. He suddenly showed the prototype obediently. At this time, his whole body was covered in dark feathers, with a wingspan of more than ten meters covering the sky and the sun. The tail was fluttering, and the pattern at the end was like golden eyes. In fact, Xiao Hei’s real eyes were golden eyes and golden beaks. He Claw, shining with golden light under the light, is quite majestic and mighty, and has completely gotten rid of the appearance of his childhood.

If An Yi really didn’t know the stupid appearance and cowardly temperament of this guy back then, it would be easy to be confused by the appearance of this huge “bird of prey”.

The Devouring System was immediately stunned, and envied: “Xiao Hei is so beautiful, I want to look like him too, the host quickly go foraging!”

An Yizhen looked at the location map of the monster given by the Devouring System, which was a nuclear power plant on the coast of the Muyi Empire. There were reports in the early years that the nuclear power plant had a leak, and since then it has been discharging nuclear waste water into the sea.

Mitsuyoshi Yumi never regretted returning to the real world in the face of infamy.

The more vicious he is scolded, the more well-known the politician is. As a woman, she is an unprecedented highlight in the political arena of the Muyi Empire, where men are always superior to women. She pushed for wider use of the virus after realizing that it was no longer possible to cure those infected with the virus.

For example, transforming infected people into zombie warriors, or using virus catalysis abilities to transform all kinds of incredible creatures. The Sherfields Group, the US and Benefit military, has taken the initiative to provide a lot of technical support.

Under the guise of the so-called vaccine research and development, a large number of human experiments have been carried out on the soil of Muyi. Nuclear contamination, virus epidemics, and illegal experiments are no longer secrets in the closed country.

The suicide rate on Mu Yi Continent is increasing day by day, and the remains after suicide can be regarded as fresh material.

Relying on her own powerful strength, Yumi Mitsuyoshi suppressed the opposition to the death, and then climbed to a high position of real power step by step with the strength of both beauty and profit. Perhaps becoming the first female prime minister in the history of the Muyi Empire is just around the corner.

However, the mutation of the F island has been out of control. The zombie warriors and the artificial abilities provided by the Shelfis Group were all put in, but they were still unable to prevent the invasion of the nuclear-contaminated secondary mutant animals and plants.

For a time, F Island became a real purgatory on earth, and it was even more tragic than the two atomic bombs that Mei Jianli dropped on Muyi’s land. After all, the explosion of the atomic bomb was only a moment, and many people evaporated into ashes without pain.

And those animals and plants that mutate twice are full of hostility, robbing humans, spreading spores, parasitic or slowly absorbing human nutrients, making people half-human and half-weird, and life is better than death.

Mitsuyoshi Yumi had to go into battle in person, rushing around to help fight those monsters. The size of the monsters is getting bigger and bigger, and there are more and more deformed humans and half-alienated species that speak human words, and they can’t be killed. Colleagues and subordinates collapsed beside them, including Mitsuyoshi Yumi’s lover. She didn’t dare to stop, she didn’t dare to look back. She only kept killing those monsters, and once she stopped, she suspected that she would collapse.

Suddenly the sky turned dark.

A huge bird appeared above people’s heads.

The pitch-black feathers covered the sky and the sun, and the giant golden claws glowed with a cold, cold light.

All the people on the ground were trembling and despairing.

Mitsuyoshi Yumi suddenly laughed, the monsters that appeared in the sky were undoubtedly more powerful, perhaps more powerful than those on land and sea. Can she be completely freed today?

But seeing that huge golden claws grabbed the monsters on the ground all of a sudden, the wings rolled up the wind, and the mutated beetles fled away in fright.

But the bird opened the same golden beak and sucked, and the black insect mist entered its mouth one after another.

Compared with those huge monsters, this mutant beetle caused more serious damage to ordinary people. Most people’s infection variants also come from being bitten by these mutated beetles.

This huge black bird is more like coming to help humans.

A mountain was trapped on the ground, and the mutant beast in the ground woke up.

The black giant bird in the air swooped down with a melodious cry.

Only then did everyone discover that the tail of the black giant bird was like a pair of huge golden eyes. Looking up from the ground, it is like the strange eyes in a nightmare, and it is like the face of a giant beast condensed in the air.

The mutant beasts on the ground were obviously also frightened by this illusion, and did not dare to make any provocations in the air, but devoured the creatures on the ground more violently.

Mitsuyoshi Yumi looked at the huge monster on the ground that was fused with various mutant monsters and zombie stumps, just like the giant fusion monster in the apocalypse dungeon, and her despair grew even greater. Even Zhuang Zimo and An Yizhen would take a long time to kill the giant fusion monster, she couldn’t resist.

She jumped on the giant monster’s head and raised the laser gun into the air. Try to attract the black giant bird down and fight with the fusion monster.

An Yizhen could see clearly, lest Mitsuyoshi Yumi really hurt Xiao Hei, she jumped down, kicked Mitsuyoshi Yumi away, and robbed her of the wooden warehouse. By the way, I touched the monster on the foot.

Fortunately, this is not a giant fusion monster, its outer skin and core are one. The smacking smacking of the engulfing system.

She had been waiting in the air for so long just now, just waiting for this monster to grow into a B-rank or higher energy body. You need to be patient enough to make the Devouring System have a good meal.

The behemoth died silently, and the corpse was dumped on top of the ruins. Mitsuyoshi Yumi struggled to get up, but what he saw was that Dragon Country’s logistics team player An Yizhen was agile, jumping up on the back of the huge black bird.

So this black giant bird is her pet?

The giant bird spread its wings, stirring up the smoke and dust on the ground. The giant bird chirped, causing the mutant monster to flee, but An Yizhen couldn’t escape.

This was a killing with completely unequal strength, and the monsters fell to the ground one after another.

The common people have become extraordinarily small and fragile.

Mitsuyoshi Yumi didn’t know whether she should be grateful to An Yi for not killing her, or she hated her weak self. The motherland she once swore to protect, and her dream of becoming the first female prime minister of the Muyi Empire, all vanished in the dust.

If the country does not exist, the people will become monsters. What is the use of her political reputation?

The strange red light and blood seeped from her eyes, the corners of her mouth twitched, and her limbs began to alienate. She really wanted to have a pair of wings too, free from the shackles of the ground, from the disgusting corpses.

The swallowing system told An Yizhen that another B-level energy body was born.

An Yizhen recognized that it used to be the face of Yumi Mitsuyuki, but it had a body like a moth, and its huge wings shone with a strange red light.

Her limbs fell off and turned into countless tentacles, and those tentacles could instantly stretch and penetrate the body of living creatures to absorb nutrients. She can’t fly too high for the time being, but she has devoured the creatures around her, and her body continues to expand.

The Devouring System said happily: “The energy of this monster is constantly rising, host, do you want to wait for her to become A Grade before eating it?”

At this time, Xiao Hei was happily eating those mutant bugs. To be honest, the demons on Yuanwu Continent were already under control, that is, there was a little food in the extreme north. Xiao Hei hadn’t eaten so well for thousands of years.

Not only the mutant bugs all over the sky, but also some plants that look like animals, like small snakes that can swim, and have the fragrance of fruit trees. In short, they are all rare and delicious.

An Yizhen asked, “Xiao Hei, can you deal with the big moth that person has become?”

Xiao Hei pretended to be calm and said, “With the master here, I must be able to!”

An Yizhen felt that Xiaohei’s feathers were shaking. This cute bird, Bai has grown such a huge body, and I don’t know how it has been around for thousands of years. Does it live by eating insects and plants?

Xiao Hei continued to quibble: “I, I just prefer smaller mutant bugs. Actually, big ones are hard to eat.”

An Yizhen reassured her like a doting old mother: “Then I won’t force you, I’ll take the blame.”

Mitsuyoshi Yumi once again experienced the “fastness” of being killed by An Yizhen without pain. Before the consciousness of being a human has subsided, she saw An Yizhen’s farewell hand at close range.

Those hands were as white as jade, and the fingers were slender. They belonged to human beings.

Mitsuyoshi Yumi suddenly went mad with jealousy, dancing the tentacles all over her body, but she could no longer touch such beauty.

The Muyi Empire began to fall from the island of F, and there were very few living people left. The large monsters were harvested by An Yizhen, but she was too lazy to care about the mutant bugs.

According to the situation monitored by the phagocytosis system, those mutated insects have the shortest lifespan. When they cannot continue to replenish fresh flesh and blood, they die and decay the fastest, and there is no large animal that cannot escape the category of the Mu Yi Empire. And the mutant plants are only fixed on the ground and cannot move.

An Yizhen finished harvesting the mutant monsters that could move to longer distances, and the mutant insects were also eaten by Xiao Hei as snacks, and the chain of mutant creatures broke.

The mutant plants did not eat or drink, relying on the corpses of small mutant creatures to maintain a small amount of nutrients, and in the end it was only the end of death.

The Muyi Empire hanging in the sea is like a larger island, self-sustaining.

An Yizhen took Xiaohei and rushed to the next battlefield.

Miel disappeared in the Kingdom of Golden Fruit, near the mine.

When An Yizhen arrived, he heard that a Dragon Kingdom cargo ship full of ore had set sail, and that ship was also carrying many returning Dragon Kingdom expatriates. This situation is much better than in the apocalypse dungeon. When the sea changes are not so serious, it is more secure to transport people and goods back to the Dragon Kingdom.

Due to the presence of zombie virus infections around the mine, Longguo Enterprise has completely shut down the mine’s production and concentrated on organizing the evacuation of overseas Chinese.

Mielle entered the mining area and greeted Longguo Enterprise in advance, but has since lost contact.

An Yizhen decided to start from that mine.

In the apocalypse dungeon, she and Zhuang Zimo went to the mine together. In reality, the mine is larger. In addition to the production operation area, there are also a large number of civil buildings surrounding it. scale.

The people of Longguo have been evacuated in an orderly manner, but the workers in Ella country are unwilling to leave. They all want to resume production as soon as possible after this wave of “epidemic” passes, and they can still have jobs. Working here, even if you just do unskilled cleaning, is higher than your income in China.

The same is true for the locals of Jinguoguo. Many of them have fully settled here, living in modern houses built by the people of Longguo, enjoying the medical insurance of the company, and seeking medical treatment nearby. Every year, there are places to study in universities and colleges in Longguo.

All the good lives are fulfilled one by one. After obtaining the right to operate the mine, Longguo has brought substantial changes to the local area. Everyone has experienced it first-hand.

Why, at this time, the zombie virus became popular?

Is it really going to be like the dungeon of the apocalypse, will the survivors of the Kingdom of Jinguo and the Kingdom of Ela be forced to leave their homeland and live in a strange place?

When Miel just returned to reality, he spent a lot of experience reporting all the experiences he had learned in the last days, including the methods of national self-help, to the national leaders of his country, hoping that they could plan ahead. Don’t wait for the end of the world to come, and then passively give up the people and territory.

These experiences finally came into play.

The rulers of the Ella country learned from the epidemic prevention measures of the Dragon country and resolutely kept the zombie virus out of the country. However, the mutant creatures are hard to guard against, and they sincerely request the help of the Dragon Kingdom. Whenever there is a chance of survival, they are unwilling to give up their country.

An Yizhen found the unconscious Miel from the bottom of the mine. If she came a step late, Miel would likely be sucked into a mummified corpse by the mutant plants that emerged from the ground.

Fortunately, An Yizhen had all kinds of golden medicines, and Miel’s body recovered quickly.

In the process of saving people, An Yizhen also inspected the bottom layer of the mine, and there were no cracks. However, the ore produced here can indeed absorb spiritual energy. The ashes of the mutant plants here contain a lot of spiritual energy, even purer than the aura of mutant insects.

If the people of Ella and Jinguo can hold their own territory, these ores can continue to be their pillar industries.

For nearly a week, An Yizhen was running around this continent to clean up the monsters with high-level energy, and finally came to an end, and only remembered to contact Zhuang Zimo.

During the apocalypse dungeon, although they sometimes performed tasks in two places, they kept in touch every day. Rarely is it so cold and alienated.

At first, she didn’t think about it, and she was too busy fighting monsters. Later, she felt that this kind of thing was a little shameful. It was Zhuang Zimo who confessed first. If he was very persistent, he should take the initiative to contact her again. But he also seemed to have forgotten what he said before and stopped contacting him.

If he doesn’t contact her, she will never contact him first.

On this day, finally Zhuang Zimo couldn’t stand it any longer and contacted An Yizhen first.

When the satellite phone rang, An Yizhen took a minute to answer the phone.

An Yizhen pretended to be busy and said impatiently, “Who?”

Zhuang Zimo thought to herself that she was very busy, maybe she was fighting monsters, would she have no hands to answer the phone? No, she answered, it means she is not busy, she is invincible even if she has one hand to kill monsters. He hesitated: “Are you busy now?”

“Say something!”

“Can’t I contact you if it’s okay?”

Xiao Hei turned into a human figure and squatted beside An Yizhen and asked, “Who is calling, can you watch the video?”

Xiao Hei, who has been in the surface world for a week, accepts new things very quickly. Not only does he often transform into a human figure, but he also buys a bunch of electronic products and adds the contact numbers of many little girls.

No way, he’s handsome, and although he doesn’t speak the language with the locals, body language communication is enough.

An Yizhen immediately opened the video, dragged Xiao Hei beside him, pointed at Zhuang Zimo, who was standing alone on the sea, and asked, “Do you recognize this person?”

Of course Xiao Hei knew Zi Mo.

However, Zhuang Zimo did not recognize Xiao Hei.

After a handsome young man appeared beside An Yizhen, Zhuang Zimo’s heart suffered a 10,000-point crit! Obviously she went to another continent, didn’t all the foreigners evacuated? There is a huge difference in appearance between the locals and the people of Longguo. Where did this man who looks like the wind in the Yushu tree come out?

Could it be a supernatural person among the diaspora? Or is it a monster that looks like a human?

Zhuang Zimo’s eyes were dark, and he lowered his eyes and asked, “Who is he?”

“The people who have been with me these days.” An Yizhen said with sincerity intentionally, “He missed me for thousands of years, and finally reunited with me.”

Xiao Hei nodded in agreement.

Zhuang Zimo gritted his teeth and said, “My mission is over, can I find you?”

“Would it take a long time? Otherwise, don’t you come?” An Yizhen actually wanted to say that her mission was almost done, and she planned to return to the Dragon Kingdom. It would be good for the two of them to meet in the Dragon Kingdom. Have something to say face to face.

Who would have expected Zhuang Zimo to say, “No, soon, I’ll go with a fighter jet. Wait for me, okay?”

“You’re probably not as fast as me when you drive a fighter jet.” An Yizhen said with a smile, “I really want to see me soon, so you should just wait for me to find you.”

After speaking, An Yizhen sat on Xiao Hei and went straight to the vast sea.

From a distance, there is an aircraft carrier of the Dragon Kingdom, and the most advanced fighter jets independently developed by the Dragon Kingdom are neatly arranged on the deck. This is for the evacuation and **** of overseas Chinese. If the local area has been occupied by zombies, the military of Longguo will rely on the armed forces to evacuate the overseas Chinese to ensure the safe boarding of Chinese citizens and overseas Chinese.

The entire LL star has the strength to use the military to protect the people, and only the Longguo family has been armed to evacuate overseas Chinese in the world. Expatriates from other countries are only envious.

At this time, Longguo passports on the black market have been fired to sky-high prices, but anyone who looks like a native of Longguo and speaks Longguo language, a single person can find a partner immediately, and a multi-generational family can be assembled in an instant without children. Everyone just wanted to leave the fallen country as soon as possible.

Xiao Hei didn’t dare to get close when he was almost 100 kilometers away, and shivered, “There is murderous aura, I think Zimo wants to kill a bird.”

An Yizhen touched the softest fur on Xiao Hei’s neck and said, “Then you’re not afraid that I will attack you first?”

“Master loves me the most, and I won’t send the rest of the way. There are a lot of mutant small sea fish in the sea, so I went to forage myself.” Xiao Hei said it really.

“Sigh.” An Yizhen sighed, seeing Zhuang Zimo waiting at the bow of the boat with a knife, he was really worried about Xiao Hei, and finally let him go, and went into the sea to run the last 100 kilometers.

In less than ten minutes, An Yizhen appeared beside Zhuang Zimo. Dingding

Zhuangzi asked with a dark face, “Did he run from the sea?”

“The handsome guy brought me here.” An Yizhen couldn’t say that he came by “riding” the handsome guy, right?

Zhuang Zimo looked around and didn’t see anyone, and asked, “Where is your friend?” He firmly refused to admit that he was a handsome guy!

“I was scared away by you. You have such a strong murderous aura all over your body, and there is no strange scum in a radius of 100 kilometers. My friend can only fly farther to find food.” An Yizhen felt Zhuang Zimo’s jealous expression. Very cute.

Liver than his stern look.

The words “Fly away to find food” don’t sound like a human being. Zhuang Zimo immediately reacted and asked, “Isn’t the handsome guy in the video just a human?”

“It’s Xiao Hei. Do you remember that stupid bird? Don’t spread his existence out.” An Yi really didn’t dare to tease Zhuang Zimo any more, and quickly explained the matter of Xiao Hei’s emergence from the inner world.

After sending Xuanyuan Mi away before, An Yizhen made a very brief report to the senior officials of Longguo, only saying that the inner world did not want to be disturbed, and Xuanyuan Mi sealed the passage by himself. Everything about the Earth-centered Yuanwu Continent, as well as the possible existence of multiple Earth-centered worlds on the LL star, can be deduced with reference to the copy of the Otherworld Proving Ground.

Thousands of years ago, people in the inner world already possessed such an advanced self-cultivation civilization. Whether the surface world really has enough strength to communicate with them on an equal basis requires the high-level assessment of each country.

Black’s existence is concealed. An Yi really didn’t want this stupid bird to be regarded as a key research object.

Spiritual pets of longevity, human beings who cultivate immortals, the spiritual energy of the inner world, all unknowns will cause drastic changes in the surface civilization system. What’s more, there are viruses, those creatures that are constantly mutating, and there is a high probability that the surface civilization will be completely refreshed if you are not careful.

When Zhuang Zimo was in a daze, An Yizhen suddenly asked, “In the Dragon Kingdom, are there any benefits to getting married?”

“Ah?” Zhuang Zimo’s sluggishness became more serious, and it took a long time to react, “Marriage, who wants to get married, and who do you want to marry?”

“Could it be that the stupid bird wants to get married? You confessed to me 7 days ago, and I have considered it.” An Yizhen deliberately sold off here.

Zhuang Zimo’s face suddenly turned red, red to the base of his ears.

An Yizheng said: “Although I don’t know if I will disappear suddenly, or if I will hurt you when I am in close contact with you, I think we can try it. If Longguo has more protection for the newlyweds , then I don’t mind getting a certificate with you first, and then slowly communicate emotional issues.”

Although it seems, shouldn’t it be the man who should be in love for a period of time and then propose to the man, why did she say it in one step? But she said so, of course what she said was absolutely correct, and of course he did.

So after the two of them split up to perform official duties for a week, they set foot on the territory of Longguo again, and went directly to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the certificate.

With the pandemic of the virus, the supernatural beings have also awakened one after another. The Dragon Kingdom has established a special power user unit, responsible for maintaining regional security and eliminating mutant monsters that will emerge at any time.

Both husband and wife are serving in the army, and the allowance is very high. After all, it is a high-risk industry, and not everyone can have the qualifications. In addition to fixed wages and allowances, tasks such as destroying high-level monsters and acquiring mutant species resources will have generous bonuses.

An Yizhen and Zhuang Zimo, the newlyweds, saved all the money to buy a house in less than three months.

The Dragon Kingdom in the real world is stronger and more stable than the Dragon Kingdom in the Doomsday dungeon. Because of timely virus prevention, rapid vaccine development, and pheromone shielding facilities, most cities are safe and sound. Although zombie virus infected people occasionally appear, they will be cleared soon. Although there are mutated animals and plants in the periphery of the city, they have been suppressed by the power user troops and regular troops.

The side effect, of course, is that housing prices in cities have remained high.

That is, An Yizhen and Zhuang Zimo, a powerful husband and wife team, can make enough money to buy a house in such a short period of time. A lot of power users struggled for a year and they just paid enough for the down payment. There was no way. The powerful monsters corresponding to the high bonuses were all attacked by An Yizhen and Zhuang Zimo.

Following the Muyi Empire, Mei and Li declared that he had abandoned his homeland and traveled to the Xiong Country to establish a government-in-exile. Continent Y civilization collapsed across the board. On another continent, the Kingdom of Jinguo and the Kingdom of Ella, but with the assistance of the Dragon Kingdom, held on to their territory. Following the old traditions, the two countries merged into one country again.

At a time when other countries were plagued by viruses and mutant monsters, the Dragon Kingdom became a paradise that everyone yearned for. Not only are there no large-scale zombies, but even mutant creatures are effectively controlled and even domesticated, forming a new industrial chain for cultivating spiritual energy.

It is said that the Dragon Kingdom is still building star gates and spaceships, and interstellar travel will be realized in three years. The immigrant volunteers of the MX star are already being recruited globally.

The highest peak of surface civilization is obviously the Dragon Kingdom.

An Yizhen touched her increasingly bulging lower abdomen and waved at the swallowing system: “Fly away from you and Xiao Hei, don’t disturb us for a week.”

Under the nourishment of mutant monsters, the devouring system is full of energy, and has been able to leave An Yizhen for a long time and wander around. It likes to transform into the same kind as Xiao Hei, and soar in the sky with him.

It said that it knew where the absorbed energy went, the main **** space. Every time the main **** space opens the otherworld trial field, it needs a lot of energy, and the devouring system is to absorb energy in the main **** space.

LL star’s otherworld proving ground has long been closed, in addition to its own growth needs, it will no longer be so eager for energy.

As a result, An Yizhen had more time to have a more in-depth barrier-free communication with Zhuang Zimo without wearing gloves.

Have a room, have a certificate, and sleep with each other every night.

The sweet two-person world of the two is not yet full moon, and the young life has come.

(End of the book)

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