Don’t Come Over

Chapter 15

Chapter 15 [Catch insects]

Damn, why!

Why on earth!

Chenxi thought that after reading a bunch of posts about raising cats, he was already prepared for the situations that might happen to him.

But he never expected it!

Changing teeth will come so tragically, so caught off guard!

He bit the meat during dinner!

The small snacks after a meal even lost his teeth!

Chenxi looked at the baby teeth stuck on the dried fish in shock, and his heart felt like a dam collapsed and the ground was shaking.

Damn you.

Said that idiot awakened ten thousand times.

Now Hee Hee is going to say the ten thousandth time.

Stupid awakening! !

Chenxi licked the blood on the corner of his mouth, lowered his head and pulled the two small canine teeth that had been poked on the dried fish. After discovering that he couldn’t get it off, the aggrieved haw raised his head and rushed towards the lion meowing.

Lou Shi: “…”

Some helplessness rose in his heart.

When I heard the scream, I thought Chenxi had something serious, but it turned out to be a tooth change.

He squatted down and easily broke the hard dried fish. The two teeth poking at the top were picked out at random: “Do you want more teeth?”

Chenxi sniffed and typed: “I’m going to bury it.”


“The upper tooth fell and was buried in the ground, and the lower tooth fell and threw the roof.” Chenxi explained, “feudal superstition.”

After he finished typing, he grabbed a piece of paper and wrapped his two teeth, then bit the paper ball, stepped on his short legs, and ran outside.

Talking about feudal superstition while conducting feudal superstition activities is okay.

Lou Shi watched the kittens slip out of the house, and turned to look at a box of cat snacks of various flavors nearby.

He glanced at the price, and a few subtleties appeared on his face.

A package of 24 grams of dried fish, the group purchase price is only 3 yuan.

Chenxi bought one box, twenty packs.

In addition, there are some freeze-dried, yogurt, cat strips, and nutritional creams.

Without exception, the prices are so low that Lou Shi is refreshing.

Lou Shi threw away the dried fish in his hand, sniffed his fingers, frowning slightly.

It is the smell of food attractant.

How could this poor cat treat himself so harshly.

Lou Shi called the robot and pointed to the big box of things: “Throw it away.”

Then he opened the shopping list and scanned the cat snacks that he had a vague impression of.

He remembers the snacks provided to that puppet cat by Awakening School.

Lou Shi simply paid the payment, heard the cat cub meowing outside the door, and walked to the door to take a look.

Chenxi was looking for the treasured place of Feng Shui where his teeth were buried in the yard, but was still wandering around, and saw the chores robot holding his snack box and walking towards the garbage collection area.

Chenxi was startled and rushed forward with his legs open, stopped in front of the robot, put down the small paper ball in his mouth, and meowed.

What are you doing!

Where do you take the snacks that Hee Hee spent a lot of money on!


Chenxi stopped the robot, and he would stand wherever it turned.

Lou Shi leaned against the door: “What’s the matter?”

Chenxi typed: “Boss, it wants to throw away my snacks!”

Lou Shi: “I let it be thrown.”

“?” Chen Xi was stunned.

He turned his head to look at Lou Shi, disbelieving that his idol collapsed.

what happened?

Boss, how do you throw my things?

Why don’t you ask me to throw away my things!

Why are you doing this QAQ

Lou Shi slowly added: “There is a food attractant in it.”

Chen Xi was dumbfounded for two seconds, and typed in disbelief: “Attractant?”

Lou Shi: “Attractant.”

Chenxi: “The kind of food attractants that are only allowed to be used on farm feeds?”

Lou Shi: “Yeah.”

Chen Xi was struck by lightning.

Knock it in! !

Am I knocking in? !

Xixi bought such a large box for a huge sum of more than two hundred dollars!

Chenxi felt like she was suffocating.

He rarely spends so much money on food.

The cafeteria of Haicheng University is not contracted out, but the school runs its own, so it is very cheap and tastes good.

Two meats and one vegetarian bring a free soup package, and use the student terminal to brush it, and it costs less than ten dollars.

Two hundred yuan spent on food is already a huge sum of money for Chen Xilai, enough for the four people in their dormitory to go to the back door of the school to have a small meal.

With four people in their dormitory, they would go out to rub twice a month, and it would cost them a hundred or so on average to spend a month outside.

It’s not because of poverty. The four people in the dormitory are not poor, but their consumption concepts are quite the same-don’t consume impulsively, spend money with a plan, unnecessary things don’t need to spend wrong money.

Chenxi consumes rationally, so he only saved so much money in three years of university.

He is a student who has not yet left the society. There is no need to socialize. The cost of boarding and lodging is extremely low, and there is not much social necessity. There is really no need to spend a lot of money.

For these cat snacks, Chenxi thought that he had Lou Shi to pay money, and felt that he could be extravagant, so he bought a bunch of snacks to satisfy his curiosity.

The results of it?

The results of it! !

Even if the tooth is broken, he is probably at the stage of tooth replacement, but the food attractant can’t be forgotten!

Food attractant!

Lure! food! Agent!

what! !

Unscrupulous marketing account! !

Dogs force search engines! !

A nest of snakes and rats!

All in one go!

Entrap the good cat! !

Ten thousand deaths are not enough to vent my hatred! !

Chenxi was getting furious. He quickly opened the previous page and clicked to report, but was prompted that this post has been reported and is being processed.


More angry!

Lou Shi looked at Chenxi, whose hair was exploding with anger, and said, “Don’t buy this cheap one next time.”

Chenxi took a deep breath, seeking truth from facts: “I can’t afford the expensive one.”

Lou Shi laughed: “I’ll buy it for you.”

Chenxi heard the words and looked up at Lou Shi, feeling that her tears were about to fall.

Woo woo woo.

Boss, you are such a good person.

Hee Hee loves you.

Xixi will go to the Yunlianyi forum to wash the floor for you later!

“Thank you boss, no need.” Chen Xi typed, “Boss, you bought me so many things, I really can’t afford it.”

Lou Shi didn’t answer, he glanced at Chenxi, and after confirming that the little cat had no other problems, he turned around and went back to the study.

Several captains looked serious: “Is something wrong, boss?”

“It’s okay.” Lou Shi waved his hand indifferently, and while perfunctory the fleet captain’s words to persuade him to return, he opened the search engine and started searching for the tutorial on making cat rice.

“Boss, after we disbanded on the surface, the rabbit next door was arrogant to death!”


“I was frantically laughed at when I met him a few days ago!” The captain of the fleet was aggrieved to death.

Lou Shi conveniently collected a particularly high-level cat rice maker, and turned his attention to the captains of his fleet.

“Is he so boring?” Lou Shi asked.

Several captains nodded one after another.

Lou Shi thought for a while, and said, “Then next time you meet him, suggest him to raise a cat. It will not be so boring to raise a cat.”

Lou Shi waved his hand after speaking, regardless of the question marks of the fleet captains, announcing: “Okay, the meeting is over!”

Chenxi squatted in the yard, looking at the post that had already been reported, getting more and more angry.

He picked up the paper ball that was covering his teeth again, and found a bald tree with a hideous face.

Oh shit.

For a while, Shinobu thinks more and more angry, and takes a step back and thinks more and more losses.

If it weren’t for murder!

Those marketing accounts with no conscience have died seven or eight hundred times!

Say what sharks are not good!

Do I believe in Buddha? I am not a shark!

The crime of unscrupulous marketing is damned to death!

Chenxi finished digging the hole angrily, put the small paper ball in, and buried the soil angrily.

He looked at this little dirt pit and thought of the money he had spent, and couldn’t help but wonder who he or Yun Feiyang was more silly.


This is not bullshit.

Of course it is Yun Feiyang!

Chenxi was so sure that he asked the machine butler to take him into the bathroom and wipe off the mud on his body.

Then he bared his teeth, looked at the two missing canine teeth in the mirror, and sighed faintly.

Life is really ups and downs.

The ghost knows what Hee Hee has experienced in these short days.

But it’s okay.

At least Xixi was not pulled into the hospital for gastric lavage.

it is good.

With Yun Feiyang, Tie Hanhan in charge of the bottom, Xixi can still live strong!

Chenxi regained his energy, and then at lunch the next day, she shut himself down completely.

Two canine teeth on his bottom were broken by the stewed sirloin.

Because it was the time to change teeth, his menu suddenly changed from a big fish to a clear soup.

Even the small snacks that Lou Shi bought for him just arrived, he couldn’t eat anymore.

Lou Shi found that Chenxi closed himself completely.

The whole cat is listless.

The response when teasing him was thin and weak.

Take him in his pocket and walk around without resisting, or even looking at it.

As soon as I get home, I lie in the cat litter and run out only when I eat and groom.

His face was written with no love and no loss.

Although it’s not bad to be quiet like a furball pendant, Lou Shi always feels that something is missing because of the little cat cub who is stunned.

A few days later, even Mr. Bodyguard discovered that something was wrong.

He looked at Lou Shi’s somewhat distressed expression, and on the one hand he found it fresh.

He had never seen Lou Shi’s distressed appearance. The leader of Lionheart is always confident and arrogant, as if nothing could ever stand him up.

On the other hand, he felt a little worried again.

This little cat is a life-saving straw for their leader.

So Mr. Bodyguard asked, “Chenxi is sick?”

“No,” Lou Shi said, “just in a bad mood.”

After the canine teeth collapsed, Chen Xi’s remaining teeth began to falter.

Lou Shi could see that Chenxi was a meatless person, especially like chewy meat.

But he can only drink some broth and minced meat at the moment, and break his teeth when he eats anything else.

Chenxi shrank into Lou Shi’s pocket, pretending to be a cat ball pendant.

It wasn’t until the terminal on his neck shook slightly that he dumbfoundedly poked his head out of Lou Shi’s pocket and touched the terminal.

It was Yun Feiyang who sent the news.

He asked Chenxi if he was free today, Yunjianwu had an reserved seat, and it was just right to go now.

Chenxi was taken aback, but Yun Feiyang didn’t expect Yun Feiyang to take his polite remarks seriously.

Yunjianwu Chenxi knows it. It is said that it is the dream shop of Cobalt Blue Star for hundreds of millions of sweets lovers. The price is high and reservation is required, and the reservation location is very tight.

Yun Feiyang was a native of Haicheng, because almost everyone in Haicheng knew him-so it was very tragic. He had never been to Yunjian House once.

In his plot, after he fell in love with Yun Lianyi, he occasionally went to the last time during a date, under the pretext of taking his girlfriend to eat desserts, and practiced the practice of eating desserts by himself.

Yun Feiyang should look forward to his promise.

I always feel that such rejection is a bit bad.

Chenxi was stunned for a moment, and she didn’t know what to do.

He raised his head, stretched his claws and pulled the back of the lion’s hand twice.

Lou Shi lowered his head, glanced at the message interface, and paused: “When did you exchange social accounts with Yun Feiyang?”

Chenxi: “In fact, Yun Feiyang lives next door to us.”

Lou Shi said “Oh” uninterestedly: “Do you want to go?”

Chenxi looked at Lou Shi, always feeling that his boss seemed a little unhappy.

Lou Shi is indeed not happy.

He felt that the little cat he raised was hooked by the dog next door and left.

Chenxi considered it and typed it: “I didn’t really want to go, but I politely agreed before. I didn’t expect that he would actually ask me.”

To tell the truth, Yun Feiyang is so busy.

How busy are you?

He lives in Haicheng.

But Chenxi studied in Haicheng for three years and never saw him appear at any local commercial social event in Haicheng.

Because of the group industry, this brother is a genuine flying trapeze. He is basically not talking about business, or on a spaceship talking about business.

The rare rest time was used by him to perform “Where is the dessert”.

This person is much more dedicated than Lou Shi, the big boss who fishes all day long.

So Chen Xi really didn’t expect that he would have time to ask him out.

Chenxi didn’t reply yet, Yun Feiyang sent another message.

Yun Feiyang: “Lou Xi? Are you there?”

Lou Shi glanced: “Lou Xi?”


Chenxi wanted to find a place to sew in and get in: “Because the boss said that I was your brother before, so…”

and so…

Fuck me!

What a shame!

Damn you!

It is more ashamed than being called by the teacher and answering one plus one is equal to a few wrong answers!

Lou Shi looked at the two words that Yun Feiyang sent, and the corners of his mouth raised, and his mood suddenly improved: “Go ahead, I can’t stop you from making friends.”

Lou Shi said so.

But he never expected that Chenxi urgently asked him for help less than three hours after Chenxi and Yun Feiyang went out.

The help content is like this.

Chen Xixi: “Boss help! Yun Feiyang ate too much cocoa products and went to the hospital!!”

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