Don’t Come Over

Chapter 23

Chapter 23


Lou Shi stared at Chen Xi who was fighting the poisonous spider in the surveillance, slightly startled.

The failure notification next to him flicked the screen frantically after a few hours, and the little horn kept dripping, reminding Chenxi that he was killed by a poisonous spider one, two, three, four or five times.

But Chenxi ignored it a little bit, as if he had a deep hatred of the poisonous spider robot, guarding the entrance of the cave and beating the poisonous spider.

When other robots came, he hid in the cave, came out and continued to fight with the poisonous spider.

Lou Shi: “…”

Cats are so…

He remembered the topics he had searched before, and found that cats were indeed so nervous.

Even being scared to fly by his own tail, what a cat does does not seem to be surprising.

Forget it.

Lou Shi thinks about when he first awakened, worked hard for three years, and finally failed to control his instincts and beat all the male predators in the school of Awakening.

Not only that, after completing a round and determined that he was the most powerful one, he still started to enclose the land in the school.

It was his last reason to restrain him from leaving the smell in the most primitive way.

Then he was fired.

This kind of situation that is affected by the awakened body is not uncommon.

In Awakening School, the canine classrooms and teaching aids are changed almost half a day.

Occasionally, I can see Corgi being chased by the teacher behind his buttocks to wipe the baba.

Chenxi’s situation was nothing but drizzle.

At least he hasn’t demolished his home, nor has he fought with others.

Lou Shi was about to mobilize the robot to take the poisonous spider away, and happened to find that it was time for dinner.

The robots in the jungle area gradually go to sleep.

Chenxi patted the spider with a paw, and the spider that had just been flaunted flew out in an instant, and landed on the pile of soft dead leaves below.

Chenxi was taken aback for a moment, then looked up at the sky, suddenly.

He jumped several times, jumping down from the branches layer by layer, his movements were light and ingenious, the tip of his claws lightly touched the branch, and then suddenly took off, the weak and flimsy branch did not even move a little bit.

Lou Shi looked at the white hairballs walking through the shades of green.

The trees in the jungle are tall and clumpy, covering the sky and the sun.

The little white animal lowered its head and couldn’t help but chasing after a few beams of light inserted horizontally between the branches of the forest, and stepped on the mottled light spots on the ground.

He seemed to glow in the soft light of the setting sun, like an elf born in the forest, lively and carefree.

Lou Shi recalled Chenxi’s previous training data and looked at the evaluation summarized above.

Maybe it’s not how talented he is.

It is also possible that his awakened body is naturally very adaptable to the jungle environment.

Lou Shi looked at Chen Xi who was walking outside while playing, thoughtfully.

Exercise in the afternoon-although most of the time was sleeping, Chenxi was still starving.

Lou Shi glanced at Chenxi, who was not close to the pool alive and alive, preferring to lick her fur slowly, and said, “You have a good training effect.”

Chenxi’s movements of licking fur, then slowly recalled what she had done this afternoon, and she suddenly shrank her neck.

“Yes, I didn’t rest well last night…”

“Then you don’t go tonight, take a good rest.” Lou Shi said, “Tomorrow morning, see if you can make it simple, and go to the grassland area in the afternoon. I will teach you some basic hunting skills.”

Chenxi didn’t understand this kind of training, so Lou Shi said what he said.

Chenxi quickly typed: “Good boss! No problem boss!”

When Lou Shi saw that Chenxi left the matter to him without any doubt, the corner of his mouth raised and his mood became much happier.

This kind of trust is a bit different from the sense of obedience given by subordinates.

Where the details are different, Lou Shi can’t taste it either.

He is really not a person with delicate emotions.

“The pet you bought has arrived.”

“Meow ”

Chenxi jumped up and turned to look for his little clothes. After putting on four paws, he dragged the little clothes to the front of Lou Shi and asked him to help close the buckle on his back.

“Actually, it doesn’t need…” Lou Shi said halfway, paused, thinking that he might touch the rabbits here in the past two days, so he stretched out his hand and fastened the buckles of the little clothes, and distinguished Chenxi from ordinary cats. Half of his fluffy tail was hidden.

Most vertebrates need to rely on their tails to maintain their balance.

Cats are one of them, and unfortunately, Chenxi doesn’t need it.

He does not exclude others from touching his tail, nor does he need a tail to control his balance.

Apart from being used as a quilt, toy, clothing and expressing emotions, his tail has almost no legitimate use.

Fortunately, there is no proper use.

Otherwise it won’t cover it.

Lou Shi looked at Chenxi, who was gnawing on ribs and grinding teeth, and took apart the nutritional medicine for him.

This time he took two more pills.

During training, as the degree of control over the body increases, the amount of exercise increases, and the consumption will also increase.

Before Lou Shi had time to explain a few words, Chen Xi didn’t doubt that he was there. He turned around and picked up the pill, and continued to gnaw the ribs and grind his teeth.

Lou Shi was slightly startled, feeling very comfortable with this kind of trust from the heart of the little cat, and he became more and more happy.

Without stopping, he opened the bag of dried fish for Chenxi again.

Chenxi was fed with a round belly before going to bed contentedly.

Early the next morning, Chenxi woke up from the cardboard box containing his little clothes, held the terminal in a daze, and activated the social account.

Steal the energy first.

Feed the chickens again.

Then I took a screenshot and sent a small group to laugh at the slacker who couldn’t get up.

Lou Shi heard Xixi Suosuo’s voice as soon as he came downstairs. He walked to the side of the box and took a look. Chenxi waved his paws and beat other people’s chickens with great momentum.

Then he raised his head and gave him a soft “meow”.

Probably means good morning.

Lou Shi carried Chenxi to the table, and Chenxi took the opportunity to read today’s news again.

When the news started at one o’clock, Chen Xi saw the familiar words.

The former Lionheart Star Pirates Group’s second fleet captain ran into a lone fleet of the Ruby Star Pirates Group. After a blackout, he drove away unscathed.

The picture is the wreckage floating in the universe.

The news is written with eloquence, as if the writer had personally experienced it on the spot.

Lou Shi glanced at the news screen displayed by Chenxi Da Lala, and paused slightly: “Star Pirates?”

Chenxi “meow”.

Lou Shi asked casually: “What do you think of these guys?”

Chenxi was taken aback for a moment, he looked away from the news page and turned to look at Lou Shi.


What do you think?

This is no nonsense.

Of course it is to see with eyes.

Although she thought so in her heart, Chen Xi still hesitated very much.

Hee Hee felt as if he was facing a proposition to deliver.

The kitty cub wanted to linger, and finally decided to stand at a neutral angle and be a non-stick pot with respect and responsibility.

Chenxi typed words carefully: “As far as the situation is concerned, large star thief clusters are better than small star thief clusters.”

Lou Shi took a packet of dried fish and began to tear it. Seeing Chenxi saying this, he became a little interested: “How do you say?”

Chenxi looked at the dried small fish torn into strips in Lou Shi’s hand, feeling a little bit cold, and a little bit cold in his heart.

A former star thief leader asked others what they thought of the star thief, which made the cat very uneasy.

Chenxi is more cautious: “Because the large star thief clusters have their own galaxies and spheres of influence, and the mountains are king, they no longer need to rely on plunder to support themselves. However, the small star thief clusters still rely on plunder, which is beyond the reach of the regular army. The gray area is for evil, which is very bad.”

Chenxi knocked here and stopped.

Lou Shi snorted: “I think deeply.”

That’s not it.

Which boy didn’t dream of Star Pirates when he was a child?

It’s normal to have some thoughts.

Lou Shi is also very aware of this. After all, it is the interstellar era. Although many people may not be able to leave their home planet to see the universe in their lifetime, they are always very longing for it.

Lou Shi tore up the dried fish, and said, “I thought you would talk about those star thief groups.”

In fact, they are not good birds.

Chenxi whispered in his heart.

The medium-sized and large star thief groups basically all started by looting, a nest of snakes and rats.

But unlike ordinary people, Chenxi knows a little more.

That is to meet the various needs of players, among the top three star thief groups, only the ten-thousand-year-old third is truly relying on plunder to start his home.

After all, not everyone can accept a real star thief who does not treat people as people.

But Star Thief is fashionable enough!

So the production team split the star thief side into three aspects.

Lou Shi started his career by eating black and eating black.

RUBI slaughtered the former boss.

Only the third in ten thousand years old is a complete villain.

So you see, Lou Shi just washed white if he wanted to.

Lou Shi patted off the debris on his hands: “You seem to be not opposed to star thief?”

Chenxi wondered, “What good is it for me to reject them?”

Lou Shi raised his eyebrows, this is true.

Unexpectedly, Chenxi looked stupid, but unexpectedly looked away.

He no longer continued the topic: “Eat, after eating, see if you can pass Minimalist.”

When Chenxi heard the words, he bowed his head and ate the breakfast quickly, got into Lou Lion’s pocket, trying to steal a trip.

Lou Shi didn’t mind, but after Chenxi entered the training ground, he thought a little and adjusted the difficulty from minimal to normal.

The difficulty spans two levels. The above recommendation reads: It is recommended to train for the awakened person who is 15-18 years old, has aggressive, omnivorous, medium-sized animals and is proficient in the awakening body.

Lou Shi waited outside the training ground, watching Chen Xi die thirty times at the beginning, and he obviously became handy.

Two hours later, Chenxi successfully passed the normal difficulty, and the evaluation grade he got was poor, because he was always hiding, without showing offensiveness.

Let’s not talk about the grade evaluation-after all, Lou Shi hasn’t had time to teach Chenxi to hunt.

But only a few hours passed?

According to the system records, the awakened person with the best score also took three days from contacting ordinary difficulty to passing ordinary difficulty.

Chenxi ran out happily when he heard the bang of the little horn congratulating him on passing.

Lou Shi didn’t know when he became an awakened body. A big lion lay outside, watching a cat cub trotting towards him.


Hee Hee passed!

Flow batch!

Quickly praise Laozi!

It would be even better if you coaxed more!

Chenxi’s tail curled up and down, ready to go to heaven at any time.

Although the language is unclear, the meaning is indeed conveyed.

Lou Shi lifted his paw and patted Chenxi’s head lightly, looking at the cat cub’s happily cocked tail, got up to pick him up, and walked to the dry season grassland area that had been activated in advance.

Chenxi was held by Lou Lion, and remembered that Lou Lion said last night that he would teach him to hunt.

His eyes were bright, looking at the vast grassland area, his heart was surging.

Such a large grassland!

All are my Chenxi hunting grounds!

It’s my Chenxi territory!

It’s my country of Chenxi!

Chenxi’s surging heart stopped abruptly when he was put down by Lou Shi.

Before the kitten hit the ground, he was instantly submerged in the withered yellow grass.

Chenxi was stunned.

He looked at the withered grass surrounding him, and when he raised his head, even the big lion’s face was blocked by the dense grass spikes, and he could only vaguely see the dark brown and a vague outline.

Chenxi: “…”


how so!

There is one saying that the grass grows at least five or six times taller than him.

No way.

Hee Hee can’t give up at will.

Chenxi meowed, raising her paw to move forward, but she didn’t know where to go.

He is in this place, there is no difference between being blind.

Lou Shi looked down at the grass that had just reached the height of his stomach, and then at the faint white cloud in the grass.

And Chenxi, who didn’t want to give up, turned around in the grass, and hadn’t turned ten meters away for most of the day.

it is good.

Lou Shi determined that Chenxi’s performance in the jungle area was so good because the awakened body itself was adaptable to the environment.

Lou Shi confirmed his thoughts, raised his head, and let out a threatening low growl in his throat, ditching a single hyena robot.

Then he stepped up and walked towards Chenxi.

Chenxi vaguely sensed the danger, but was unable to escape due to his sight, so he could only lower his body and prepare to deal with it at any time, only to find that Lou Shi was here.

Lou Shi grabbed him.

The kitty cub saw the sky again and saw the hyena running away with its tail sandwiched.

Chenxi was stunned for two seconds, realizing that Lou Shi’s low roar could scare the robot back, and he was suddenly yearning.

People will retreat as soon as they roar.

So handsome! !

Chenxi puffed up his face, lowered his throat, learned Lou Shi’s voice just now, and opened his mouth: “Meow! Miao!”

Lou Shi: “…”

Chenxi continued to practice: “Meow!”


“Wow! Aow!”




Damn it flying!

Chenxi cursed in his heart, and then smashed his mouth: “Mi oo ooh -”

Lou Shi looked at a circle of predators attracted by Chenxi’s messy milk cry, and couldn’t help but sigh deeply.

The author has something to say:

Yun Feiyang slowly raised a question mark

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