Don’t Come Over

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Chenxi was thrilled, and was very satisfied with his awakened body.

The moist gust of wind poured in from the corridor of the courtyard, and caused Chenxi to take a fight with Chen Xi, who was watching the reflection in the puddle.

The kitten who was not familiar with the new body was blown into a ball of tumbleweed, and rolled halfway from the end of the porch.

Then he was picked up by Lou Shi.

Chenxi’s face was dumbfounded.

He looked down at his four claws and big tail in disbelief.

Just this gust of wind!

Just this gust of wind? ? ?

Just this gust of wind blows me away? !

Chenxi’s whole cat was stupid.

Lou Shi was also a little unresponsive.

It was the first time he saw an awakened person who could be blown away by the wind.

Chenxi was carried by him, and even swayed by the wind.

Lou Shi: “…”

Chenxi: “?!”


This is not the awakening I imagined!

Chenxi was stunned.

The dignified awakened one was blown away by the wind!

Tell me where to put the face of Chen Xixi, the little prince of basketball from Haicheng University!

Chenxi turned to look at Lou Shi, trying to judge from Lou Shi’s expression whether this situation is normal.

Lou Shi’s brow jumped, and his voice stretched: “In your case—”

Chenxi has anticipation in his eyes.

Lou Shi laughed: “It’s quite rare.”

Chenxi: “…”

You smile!

Chenxi felt that he was so ambitious!

It’s awesome!

He dared to scold Lou Shi in his heart!

Lou Shi looked at Chen Xi who was kicking frantically in his hand, opened the door and put him on the ground.

Chenxi walked into the house in unfamiliar steps, and stepped a paw on the soft carpet.

The house was much bigger than he thought.

Chenxi remembered the introduction in the projection that the house could accommodate at least a dozen people.

Lou Shi looked at the bodyguard next to him: “His terminal.”

Chenxi saw that the bodyguard took out his terminal and plugged in a data cable.

Then, after a few operations with a technique that Chenxi couldn’t understand, he cracked his terminal that could not be authenticated because of the fingerprint lock.

Chenxi:? ? ?

Lou Shi took Chenxi’s terminal from the bodyguard, confirmed it, and then looked at Chenxi.

Why are you so skilled!

Chenxi meowed, looking very anxious.

Lou Shi: “You can’t use fingerprint authentication now, so I’ll help you crack it.”

He used to confuse the dark, and he always talked about the results, not about the means. Now that it’s whitewashed, it doesn’t necessarily have to be more particular.

It was that Chen Xi’s anxious appearance made him find it very interesting.

Lou Shi shook the terminal in his hand: “So anxious?”

Chenxi nodded, straightened up and stretched out his front paws to hook the terminal: “Meow!”

Lou Shi raised the terminal slightly and teased the cat: “Have a secret?”

Chenxi, who was stabbed in his mind, froze, and then meowed louder.

Lou Shi’s brows twitched: “There are really secrets.”



There is a big secret in my terminal!

Speak out and scare you to death!

There are hundreds of thousands of Yun Lianyi making your idea every day!

Are you afraid!

Lou Shi didn’t feel scared at all.

He amused the cat and returned the terminal to Chenxi.

The terminal was hung on the cat’s neck.

Fortunately, the current terminal is as light as a wristband, otherwise Chenxi would not be able to handle it.

Lou Shi looked down at the time and said to Chen Xi: “Go and pick a room.”

Chenxi unceremoniously chose the room with a large terrace on the second floor.

The bodyguard took the cat and the backpack to the second floor.

Lou Shi retracted his gaze, lowered his head and opened his terminal, letting his AI search the information in Chenxi’s terminal.

The bodyguard is very proficient in business. When he just cracked Chenxi’s terminal, he installed a gadget by the way.

It is a gadget that monitors information and calls, but it is not a complete monitor.

The key words that trigger the alarm are nothing more than Lou Shi’s name and some of his little secrets.

For the current Star Citizen, a terminal data is bound for a lifetime, and it couldn’t be easier to check a person deliberately.

Lou Shi has a special identity, and people who have something to do with him must be checked.

Lou Shi saw that in the statistics, the data in recent years was almost zero, but when Chenxi was fourteen years old, the keyword appearance rate suddenly showed a peak.

Lou Shi looked at the number of words such as “lou lion” and “lion heart star thief group”, his face darkened, and he reached out to open the details.

Then he discovered that he was not the most special one.

Because Chenxi also checked the names of a lot of top awakened people at the same time.

At the age of fourteen, it is time to prepare for awakening.

And Chenxi’s resume…

Lou Shi turned his gaze to the resume screen displayed on the side.

It says that when Chenxi was fourteen years old, his awakening failed.

It seems that they are just ordinary awakening teenagers, longing for those who are awakened.

I am not a special one.

Lou Shi breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time was slightly unhappy.

He frowned, buried the subtle unhappiness, and stood up.

The driver waiting on the side hurried forward: “Boss?”

Lou Shi glanced at the bodyguard coming down from the stairs: “Go to the new headquarters.”

The driver should be, trot out and drive quickly.

Lou Shi walked to the porch, paused, turned his head and glanced at the closed door.

The bodyguard brother is keen on thinking: “Boss, have a problem?”

“Move my things to…” Lou Shi said here, paused, and changed his words, “Move to the manor in the eastern suburbs.”

“Okay, boss.”

really weird.

Lou Shi got into the car.

He just wanted to move here directly and live with that kid.

Intuition tells him that this will be very pleasant.

—But his fault does not allow him to do so.

This kid is so fragile that it can be blown away by a gust of wind. It is estimated that Chenxi will corpse him on the spot when he becomes ill.

Lou Shi took off his expensive suit jacket annoyed, rubbed it and threw it aside.

Chen Xi, who was dancing on the soft big bed on the second floor, had no idea that she had just escaped many calamities.

He bounced on the bed for a good time, only to find out that the bodyguard did not know when he disappeared.

Chenxi suddenly became nervous.

He doesn’t have permission to this house yet!

Chenxi hurriedly got out of bed and walked to the door of the room. As soon as he wanted to scratch the door, it opened.

This means that he is already in the owner’s list of this house.

Chenxi poked his head out of the room and looked downstairs, and found that the whole house was quiet, except for the sound of rain outside. There was no sound.

Chenxi was stunned.

Lou Shi is gone now?


What kind of person is Lou Shi, how can he waste time for a nameless man?

Chenxi muttered a few words in his heart, and then he was overjoyed!

Lou Shi is gone!

Isn’t that better!

This big house!

This soft carpet!

This big big yard!

It’s all my cat climbing frame!

Chenxi was so happy to fly.

He bounced to adapt to his new body, rummaging around for the control panel of the house.

A manor is basically equipped with many fully functional robots.

Can’t expect him to be a cat to weed, clean, tidy and cook!

Chenxi spent two hours practicing walking and running, and the results were gratifying.

Although when he got up in a hurry, he couldn’t help but throw a cat and eat **** with a two-legged beast, but he finally got out of the rolling stage.

As expected of Lao Tzu!

Chenxi jumped onto the desk proudly, and finally touched the control panel chip on the desk.

The robots that should be in this manor are all available.

Chenxi fumbled around on the control panel, and finally found out his dinner.

Then he grabbed his terminal and clicked on the search engine.

He found a sharing post from the Awakened on a website.

What is shared is the daily life and training content of Awakening School.

Coincidentally, this post is also a cat.

In itself, Chenxi was planning to rent a cheap small room to survive the period of instability that lasted three months to six months.

As for how to boil, how to learn?

Of course, it depends on an extremely developed network.

Chenxi squatted on the desk and opened the post with a serious face.

—This is his first step as an awakened!

[Share Life] Feline Awakening, Life Record of the Imperial Capital Junior Awakening School

Lesson 1: The social life of cats starts from licking their fur

The teacher said that as an awakened person, one has to adapt to all the behaviors of one’s awakened body race.

In the social life of cats, the boss needs to lick the fur for all the younger brothers.

Then their group of big and small pocket cats rolled together and licked each other’s fur for a lesson.


Chenxi:? ?

Chenxi:? ? ?

What the **** am I? ? ?


What garbage course!

Chenxi showed an expression that shocked my mother.

Do you learn these things in awakening school? !

Shouldn’t it be that Nanshan Nursing Home and Beihai Kindergarten are all learned? !

In the survey of the whereabouts of the awakened, the appearance rate of military and political affairs is clearly as high as 98%!

Chenxi dragged down for a while, and found that the course content in this post was summed up, and it was completely “Teach You How to Become a Cat”.

Chenxi’s shock gradually changed from his mother to his family.

Chenxi was silent for a long time.

No, this is impossible!

I must have found the wrong post!

Chenxi regrouped and searched for the sharing posts of other types of awakened.

Then the sad discoveries are all about “teaching you how to be a dog/goose/elephant/cheetah” and so on.

The basic courses are all these, but the advanced courses searched all over the network and no one shared them.

Chenxi closed the post, feeling so tired.

This is completely different from the awakened one I imagined!

With a disillusioned fantasy, Chenxi closed himself for three full seconds, and then opened his social account.

He can’t play missing, he has to say hello to his roommates, report his safety, and then make up a reason to tell them that he moved out.

As a result, as soon as Chenxi opened the social account, he saw an additional friend named Lou Shi in his account.

He looked suspiciously at the extra social account.

The avatar of this number is the LOGO of Lou’s Clean Energy.

Chenxi thought for a while and sent a question mark over.

Lou Shi sat in the car, his impatience intensified.

The traffic jam caused by Yun Lianyi’s concert today is too serious.

Especially from the city center, the waterway is densely blocked from the sky to the ground.

The bodyguard and the driver sitting in front were silent, afraid to say more than a word, for fear that if they made a little more noise, Lou Shi’s fragile spirit would explode.

At this time, I miss the kid who has been typing and chatting with the boss on the way just now.

At least someone diverted his attention to make him pay less attention to things like traffic jams.

Just when they thought so, Lou Shi’s terminal flickered.

The bodyguard who saw movement through the rearview mirror lit a candle to the colleague who sent the message.

The boss is in a bad mood.

Ask yourself for more blessings.

But unexpectedly, Lou Shi, with an impatient face, raised his brow when he saw the news, but he did not show the anger of being provoked.

He even showed an interesting smile, and the accumulated irritation disappeared instantly.

Lou Shi: [? ]

Chen Xixi: [Mr. Lou Lion? Me? ]

Lou Shi: [Someone pretended to be me? ]

Oh, Lou Shi himself.

It should have been added a social account by the way when helping him hack the terminal.

Chen Xixi: [No, just confirm it. ]

After Chenxi replied, he rummaged through his address book, but did not find anyone who could answer his doubts about the awakened.

Except Lou Shi.

Chenxi hesitated.

He felt that Lou Shi had a good attitude towards him, and he spoke very well.

If he didn’t know what the other party was doing before, and had a crazy illness, he would have been recruited by Lou Shi on the spot.

Chenxi hesitated for a while, and finally sent a message to Lou Shi.

Chen Xixi: [Mr. Lou Shi, this is the case. The basic courses of the Awakening School I searched on the Internet are all like this. ]

Chen Xixi: [Share this page]

Chen Xixi: [Share this page]

Chen Xixi: [I can’t find advanced courses, I don’t know if this is true…? ]

Lou Shi glanced at those web pages roughly.

Lou Shi: [This is true for the elementary courses. The advanced courses are confidential courses and are not allowed to be released to the public. ]

Chenxi:? ? ?

No, it really is like this? ?

Are you awakened, not only physically, but even thinking? ?

Chen Xixi: [These basic courses…are they really useful? ]

Do I really want to learn?

In Chenxi’s heart, heaven and man are at war.

Lou Shi replied very simply: [It’s useless. The essence is to be familiar with bodily functions, but the current educational philosophy is to teach and play. ]

Chenxi breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he questioned Lou Shi’s soul.

Chen Xixi: [Then have you also studied these elementary courses? ]

Lou Shi paused slightly, and then closed the terminal expressionlessly.

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