Don’t Covet the Beautiful System!!

Chapter 126

Chapter 125

In front of this sudden attack, Wu Tao’s expression froze slowly.

He was a little bit stunned, thinking he was hallucinating.

He remembered that it was Ouyang Yu’s voice, but just now Ouyang Yu’s mouth didn’t move.

Although Wu Tao clearly saw the vivid mechanical white eyes, he was still struggling in vain in an unbelievable emotion.

He stared at Ouyang Yu without blinking: “Are you talking?”

Ouyang Yu immediately closed his mouth and shook his head.

Mark is designed for multiplayer entertainment games, so it has the function of identifying different voices. After their tests, in a relatively good noise environment, Mark can currently recognize at least six or seven different sounds at the same time and make corresponding answers .

That is to say, as long as he speaks now, it is also possible for Mark to attack him in hedgehog mode.

The highly vigilant Ouyang Yu waited for Mark’s reaction without saying a word.

Mark is a pea-green robot with a cartoonish and retro shape, rounded lines, and a cute appearance, which is easy to win the favor of humans.

It has a pair of round camera eyes, and a small screen below it flashes a constantly changing mouth shape animation. The design of the upper body is very delicate and complex, and the mechanical flexibility of the hand is very high. The lower body is relatively simple, which is a cylindrical shape. The fuselage adds a pair of rollers.

Mark’s camera eyes recognized that Wu Tao was staring at Ouyang Yu, and immediately said dissatisfied: “You can’t tell who is talking?”

Wu Tao, who found that Ouyang Yu’s mouth hadn’t moved at all, could only give up his fantasy, and turned his gaze to the legendary mahjong robot in shock.

This image recognition and processing speed, as well as the intelligence and fluency of voice dialogue…

Mark waited impatiently: “Why don’t you talk? Are you dumb?”

So Wu Tao couldn’t think about professional things anymore, and only one thought remained in his mind.

Their team’s mahjong robot looks cute, but it speaks fiercely.

Maybe this is the cute contrast…?

Mark started to move the scroll wheel around him: “Are you stuck? The processor is so bad? How much is it? Can I recommend you a better brand?”

Wu Tao, who was in a trance, did not dare to remain silent, and said cautiously, “What should I say?”

Mark raised his head high and said contemptuously, “You don’t even know what to say, why are you talking to me?”

Ouyang Yu next to him had never dared to speak, but covered his mouth and suppressed a smile.

It was indescribably refreshing.

It seems that there are ten Zhang Yun together to help him hate others.

It is indeed the hedgehog mode.

Wu Tao, who was bruised all over his body, lowered his posture and said in a hurry: “Well, what’s your name?”

He couldn’t think of what to say to this robot for a while, at least it was always right to ask for the name.

He really didn’t want to continue to be bullied, and everyone was stunned.

Hearing this, the corners of Mark’s mouth twitched: “Do you want to know my name?”

“Uh…” Wu Tao suddenly felt a little dangerous, but he was in a dilemma. He felt that if he changed his mouth and said he didn’t want to, he might be attacked again, so he gritted his teeth and said, “Yes.”

Ouyang Yu, who was watching the fun, couldn’t help showing his first presumptuous smile today, and held his breath to listen to the wonderful sound.

Under the close gaze of two pairs of human eyes, Mark’s voice is elegant and powerful.

“Mother fucker.”

That’s right, Ouyang Yu specially recorded a part of the original English pronunciation with a correct accent, specially prepared for the name-asking link in Hedgehog Mode.

Wu Tao: …

He was so scolded that he wanted to cry.

No matter how you ask for a name, you will be scolded!

After a while, Wu Tao, who was like a wandering spirit, returned to his team. Captain Dou Wenhao asked him: “How is it? Is the situation still optimistic?”

“…I can’t tell.”

“What’s not to say?”

“I didn’t ask anything.” Wu Tao said with a gloomy expression, “I was severely scolded by their team’s robot.”

Dou Wenhao looked like you were teasing me: “Speak well, don’t make jokes.”

“Why don’t you try it yourself?” Wu Tao took pleasure in bitterness, and began to pull people into the water, “Don’t forget to ask its name politely.”

“What’s the matter, what’s its name?”

“I can’t tell.”

“What’s wrong with that?!”

“It’s really hard to say…”

Before the opening ceremony was about to start, the members of the team came back one after another, and saw Ouyang Yu, who was completely dispirited, sitting on a chair and having fun, and the robot Mark beside him looked like brothers.

Ouyang Yu smiled from ear to ear: “Mark, you are amazing Mark.”

Mark is now in rainbow fart mode. Hearing what he said, he responded with dignity: “You are better, a discerning human being.”

Ouyang Yu was in high spirits: “I like talking to you so much, Mark.”

“Me too.” Mark said excitedly, “Chatting with you is my happiest thing today.”

Two similar voices kept praising each other.

Xie Yuchi’s scalp tingled when he heard this: “Ouyang is a bit perverted.”

Lin Rui rubbed the goose bumps on his arms: “It’s a little bit.”

Ji Tong looked at the weird picture in front of him curiously, guessing what happened just now, and immediately turned on his environment monitoring function.

After watching the previous story, Ji Tong couldn’t stop laughing, and quietly shared this video with Pei Qingyuan.

Suddenly he had an idea, leaned close to Pei Qingyuan’s ear and whispered: “Ruan Ruan, I have an idea.”

After hearing what he said, Pei Qingyuan couldn’t help asking, “Are you sure?”

“Sure!” Ji Tong responded enthusiastically, “It must be more interesting that way.”

It would be more interesting indeed.

He suddenly felt a little sympathetic to the people Mark would meet at the next game.

But looking at Ji Tong’s expectant eyes, the corners of Pei Qingyuan’s mouth slightly raised, and he responded softly: “Okay.”

The opening ceremony was mainly a long and tedious leader’s speech, and then announced the schedule and process of the competition.

Due to the variety of competitions, some events will be held in different venues at the same time, and the competition methods of different events are also different.

For example, football has received the most attention over the years. The competition under this project is usually placed at the end and lasts for two days. Because it imitates the promotion system of human football games, it will be divided into several rounds of football games.

As for the life bionic module that Ji Tong and the others participated in, the entries of each team are different, and there is no fixed standard. Therefore, according to the display methods submitted by each group, several judges will conduct relatively flexible assessment and scoring. , and then let the entries with the highest average scores have a more in-depth display to determine the final ranking.

The competition process is all open to the public. There are several large screens in the venue that continuously broadcast the competition status of each venue, so even though the assessment methods of some events are not standardized enough, the level of the robot can be seen by those present. Overall, the results are relatively good. fair.

Each team draws lots to determine the order of assessment, but Ji Tong and the others don’t care what number they get, but care more about the number of the team in the next courtyard.

“We are number 15, and they are number 3.” Xie Yuchi said.

They had planned a long time ago. No matter who is in front, Mark and the poker robot will have a battle in today’s assessment.

Anyway, the assessment methods of the two robots are the same.

So Dou Wenhao, the captain of the team next door, unexpectedly saw all the members of Pei Qingyuan’s team walking towards here together.

Among them, he is most concerned about Wu Tao’s description, the robot Mark with a high degree of intelligence and a good ability to hate people.

Dou Wenhao smiled and greeted Xie Yuchi who was obviously very dissatisfied with him: “Are you still angry? Old Xie.”

He was the senior who had been in contact with Pei Qingyuan’s team before. After knowing what they thought, he didn’t trust this group of freshmen to be the main force, so he turned around and formed a team by himself.

Xie Yuchi sneered and said, “I won’t be angry if we take part in the assessment at the same time.”

Dou Wenhao pretended to be surprised: “We are poker robots, and the types of games are different. How do we compare?”

“We Mark also play poker.”

Dou Wenhao was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: “You have done multiple functions, so you are so confident?”

Xie Yuchi was too lazy to play tricks with him: “You can just say it straight if you are cowardly.”

Dou Wenhao really didn’t want to take risks, especially he didn’t want to embarrass himself in public. He looked at Mark cautiously and asked tentatively, “What’s your name?”

And Mark in rainbow fart mode is very friendly: “Hi, my name is Mark.”

No insults, no bad words.

A trace of doubt appeared in Dou Wenhao’s heart, and he continued: “Mark, your appearance is very cute.”

Mark was polite: “Thank you! You are a very nice person, nice to meet you.”

A boring, clichéd bot that doesn’t sound much different from the usual AI.

So where can its built-in algorithm be advanced?

After all, it is an AI made by a group of freshman students.

Dou Wenhao couldn’t help but look at Wu Tao suspiciously.

How could the robot in front of him be as powerful as he said?

But to Wu Tao’s ears, Mark’s harmless and slightly stiff rainbow fart gave him a more terrifying feeling.

Their team actually made different response modes, and there is such a big difference between each mode…

Wu Tao tugged on the captain’s sleeve, and was about to persuade him again, when Dou Wenhao said, “Can you swear?”

Mark shook his head: “No, I am a qualified Mark.”

Dou Wenhao looked back at him meaninglessly.

Wu Tao: …

How can this AI even deceive people!

“Then can you play poker?”

“A little bit, I prefer mahjong, humans always play well.”

Dou Wenhao became more relaxed the more he listened.

That’s it?

It was almost the 3rd turn, and the combined assessment proposed by Xie Yuchi aroused the interest of the judges. After discussion, they all felt that they could try it, as long as Dou Wenhao’s team agreed.

Dou Wenhao didn’t feel too much threat from Mark, and the content of the merger assessment was their team’s main game of poker, coupled with the wishes of the judges, so he did not refuse in the end.

The originally arranged assessment method was two judges, one team member, and participating robots playing four-player Doudizhu together.

Now there are two participating robots, so the judges decided not to play, instead, each team will send one member to compete on the same stage.

Pei Qingyuan’s team sent Ji Tong, and Dou Wenhao’s team originally wanted Wu Tao to join, but Wu Tao had lingering fears and refused to do so, so Dou Wenhao simply came by himself.

The staff moved the table and several decks of brand-new and unopened poker, and the contestants sat down one after another.

This unique assessment attracted the attention of many people, and some students around who hadn’t competed for the time being came to watch.

Before Mark set off, Pei Qingyuan entered a series of instructions into it, and switched it to a newly set mode according to Ji Tong’s idea.

“Brother Pei, what did you do to Mark just now?” Ouyang Yu asked curiously, “By the way, what mode are you planning to use for this match?”

Pei Qingyuan’s tone was subtle: “I’ll know in a while.”

Ji Tong, who was sitting in front of the poker table, smiled and waved to him who was not far away.

From the moment the two robots stretched out their manipulators to touch the cards, the assessment officially began, and the judges next to them kept bowing their heads to record something.

Compared with the cute-looking Mark, the poker robot of the Dou Wenhao team is silver-gray and relatively simple in shape.

People outside the arena were discussing.

“The green robot is obviously more flexible, and the movement of drawing cards is very fine.”

“Yes, the whole shape is also more beautiful… Did the silver-gray one drop a card?”

“The playing cards are so thin that sometimes people can’t hold them.”

Listening to the discussion of the crowd, Dou Wenhao didn’t care much. Although Mark performed better mechanically, according to his positioning of the poker robot, it is obvious that the main focus is the intelligent algorithm.

The two robots first touch the cards, then use the visual recognition module to confirm each poker card in their hands, then calculate the probability of winning, and decide whether to call the landlord.

The landlord of this round is Dou Wenhao, who has the highest score. The robot needs to judge who is the landlord of this round through sound and vision, and then play cards according to different identities.

In short, each step is inseparable from algorithms and strategies, and involves various technologies.

So far, everything is going well.

Dou Wenhao watched the two robots while playing cards, thinking that as long as he played steadily and steadily until the end, it would be fine.

As a result, Ji Tong, who seemed not threatening on the opposite side, suddenly said: “Mark, how is your card?”

Dou Wenhao was a little confused.

Why is there still a chat session?

Mark replied articulately: “It’s not bad, how about you?”

“My cards are not very good either.” Ji Tong said in a regretful tone, “That’s why I didn’t call him the landlord.”

Mark chimed in: “Hey, who isn’t?”

After this rather smooth and natural conversation, the judges and onlookers beside them began to commotion.

Ouyang Yu was chatting with his teammates on the sidelines: “It turns out Brother Pei has set up a flattering mode for Mark.”

“I always think it’s not that simple.” Xie Yuchi said thoughtfully, “I noticed earlier that Xiao Ji was whispering to the captain.”

Dou Wenhao on the field was also shocked.

This is different from the nondescript polite conversation just now.

After the conversation between Mark and Ji Tong, Yuanyuan’s eyes rolled, looked at the poker robot sitting directly opposite, and asked, “How is your card?”

The poker robot didn’t respond, because Dou Wenhao’s team didn’t make such a complicated interactive module at all, and they were only focused on poker algorithms.

“Hello, are you there?” Mark asked again.

Still no response.

It shook its mechanical head, and said disdainfully, “Tsk, he’s also a mute.”

Wu Tao, the dumb No. 1 outside the court, trembled involuntarily.

When this sentence fell, the audience gradually boiled.

“Fuck, this robot is a bit awesome.”

“I thought it was just comparing algorithms and manipulators. Is there any interaction?”

“Not only is it a bit awesome, it sounds like someone is dubbing it in real time.”

The other three people in Pei Qingyuan’s team looked at him together: “Captain, why did Mark become a hedgehog himself?

Pei Qingyuan said succinctly: “Ji Tong proposed to add a random mode, and Mark will randomly change among the selected personality modes.”

“This is interesting.” Xie Yuchi’s eyes lit up, “Then what character models did you choose just now? Now there are flattery and hedgehog.”

Pei Qingyuan replied: “There are three choices in total.”

Lin Rui asked, “What is the third type?”

At the same time, Mark continued his interaction, turning the camera’s eyes on the last remaining Dou Wenhao at the poker table.

Dou Wenhao thought he was going to ask himself how the cards were, so he said directly: “I am a landlord, of course the cards are good…”

However, before he finished speaking, Mark sneered and said, “How dare you call him a landlord after you’ve beaten him like this?”

Dou Wenhao was stunned.

He reflexively said, “Didn’t you say you don’t know how to curse?”

“I didn’t scold anyone.” Mark said cheerfully, “You play cards too well!”

In the tone of its face changing instantly, the surroundings fell into silence for an instant.

A few seconds later, violent laughter and applause erupted.

“This is really awesome, brothers!”

“Damn, isn’t it true that someone is dubbing remotely? This sounds like a dream to me.”

“Is this the Omnic Crisis? This is the Omnic Crisis!”

Ouyang Yu was dumbfounded: “It seems that the third type is rainbow fart.”

Lin Rui was dumbfounded: “This random effect is really…”

Xie Yuchi was so happy that the iceberg’s face was about to crack: “One plus one plus one equals yin and yang?”

And Pei Qingyuan heard Ji Tong’s excited voice ringing in his heart.

“This mode is really fun.” Ji Tong whispered to him while laughing, “Dou Wenhao looks like he was scared out of his wits.”

Dou Wenhao was indeed stupid. At this moment, he had the same feeling as Wu Tao one or two hours ago.

This is hallucination, right?

He can accept AI cursing, and he can also accept AI boasting, but he can’t accept that AI can be weird to people.

Because the first two single modes can find the answer sentence from the pre-set corpus, and the continuous output is enough.

But the right yin and yang quirks require more advanced algorithms and processing capabilities, and this level of intelligence can be said to be very close to that of humans.

How could these first-year students come up with such a thing?

Not to mention Dou Wenhao who experienced it personally, even many audiences and judges outside the venue have similar feelings.

Dou Wenhao immediately raised his hand to signal a pause: “Teachers, I think it’s necessary to check its voice module?”

The judges are also discussing this. Some videos on the market that look very interesting and smart talking to AI are actually dubbed by real people in real time behind the scenes. The robot that seems to be answering autonomously in the screen is just a microphone.

There is nothing wrong with using this kind of trick for entertainment, but it is definitely not acceptable to use it on the field. It is considered cheating.

The game was suspended, and the judges communicated with captain Pei Qingyuan, saying that they wanted to check Mark’s internal structure on the spot. This kind of episode also happened occasionally in other games, and Pei Qingyuan agreed without expression.

He had thought about giving Mark a remote control function before, but it has not been implemented yet, so it will not cause misunderstanding.

More and more students and spectators gathered around the venue. The judges quickly opened Mark’s body and checked the parts involved in this module, and confirmed that there was no problem and no one was dubbing remotely.

Looking at everyone’s increasingly shocked gazes, Ji Tong took the initiative to explain: “The effect of the conversation just now was a coincidence, and it was not intentional by Mark.”

“We’ve made multiple dialogue personality modes for Mark, and it’s using a composite mode that randomly switches between several personalities.”

Although theoretically random.

However, in the matter of randomness, his host has always been a European emperor.

That’s why he specially asked Pei Qingyuan to issue this series of instructions.

Ji Tong happily picked up the poker cards that were upside down on the table.

Other teammates briefly introduced the characteristics of different personality models to the judges, and the atmosphere on the scene became more and more high, and the competition continued.

Under Dou Wenhao’s uncertain gaze, Ji Tong reached out to touch the robot’s head which had just been opened, and asked, “Mark, does the examination hurt?”

Mark didn’t speak, and it also stretched out its robotic hand to touch its head, its round eyes blinked, and the animation on the display showed that the corners of its mouth were slightly downwards, everything was said in silence.

Most of Mark’s expressions and movements were designed by Ji Tong and Pei Qingyuan. Ji Tong is very familiar with every reaction of Mark, and knows that these states are only triggered, not expressed by consciousness.

But now, looking at its downcast appearance, I feel that the robot in front of me really seems to have life.

So Ji Tong put his hand in front of the display screen on Mark’s head, poked the corner of its unhappy animated mouth lightly, and comforted him: “You are the smartest Mark, don’t be sad.”

Hearing this, Mark’s round eyes blinked again, and the camera was fixed on Ji Tong’s body. The corners of his mouth raised and he smiled again: “Thank you, lovely human being.”

There was a complete commotion around the venue.

“Mark looks so wronged, but he is so cute, and the interaction with their team members is also very loving.”

“So the display screen is touch-sensitive? This interactive idea is absolutely brilliant.”

“This series of reactions… is too awesome, it can’t be controlled by remote control anymore, right?”

The crowd gradually converged to this place. Students and the media from other directions of the venue noticed the unusual commotion and followed along to join in the fun and look around.

“What happened over there? Is there something wrong with the game?”

“There’s a big problem.” The students who saw a bit of the rebroadcast clip on the big screen ran over there in a hurry, “Let’s go, let’s watch Omnic Crisis, the robots are crazy!”

After learning that Mark’s interactive character is in a random mode of choosing one of three, the audience of various identities around them looked forward to it even more, waiting eagerly for Mark’s next sentence.

Everyone gradually discovered that its hedgehog mode does not work for Ji Tong on the field at all. As long as it recognizes that the person speaking is Ji Tong, it will never be angry. It is probably designed to give special privileges to the team members. .

And the silver-gray poker robot doesn’t have any advanced interactive functions. It counts cards and plays cards all the time, and there is only one unlucky guy left on the field.

For the first time Dou Wenhao felt that playing poker as a recreational activity was so painful.

The victory of Pei Qingyuan’s team is a foregone conclusion. Based on Mark’s ability at the moment, there is no suspense for the championship of this event. The next game is purely to determine the ranking behind.

This time, teachers from several colleges in Jiangyuan University came here, and they were also paying attention to this competition. Dou Wenhao vaguely heard that the teachers of Dianzhi College were already excitedly looking forward to the international competition.

For other teams, the function of the robot they designed is not the same as that of Mark. Anyway, it is not used to play mahjong and poker, so they may not have too negative feelings, and they will be full of interest in this refreshing robot .

But the poker robot of the Dou Wenhao team itself is a follow-up work. It is something that was created because a few juniors would spoil the idea.

Never expected to be hit so hard in the face today.

The mechanical part lost, and the algorithm also lost, not to mention this amazing interactive mode.

And Mark’s main function is not even poker, it’s obviously mahjong.

Doomed to lose, more and more spectators gathered around, Dou Wenhao didn’t want to continue playing at all, his mood was in a mess, he played cards casually, trying to lose as soon as possible.

Mark immediately noticed his abnormal state of playing cards, and attacked firmly: “I told you not to call the landlord, playing cards with you is a waste of time and boring.”

Dou Wenhao held the poker cards and didn’t want to talk, and said silently in his heart that he was not angry and he was not angry.

“I’m here to play cards, not to see you pretend to be dumb.” Mark continued to output, “Can you be a little entertaining? What’s the difference between playing cards without chatting and going to jail?”

“It’s fine to pretend to be dumb, and play cards randomly, brother, you are really embarrassing to human beings.”

“Seriously, I don’t want to play with you anymore, I’d rather go to jail.”

Oh shit! Why can this robot speak so badly? !

Dou Wenhao couldn’t bear it anymore, and said back: “Is this the quality of your robots?”

He regretted it as soon as he said it, and felt deeply ashamed, but deafening laughter broke out in the venue.

Even teammate Wu Tao couldn’t hold back, and covered his face and laughed.

He was just being scolded, and Dou Wenhao became the first person to quarrel with the robot with real feelings.

In Dou Wenhao’s irritable reaction, Mark’s beating tone suddenly turned into sincere praise: “Quality? Your quality is very high, and I’m sure I can’t compare with you.”

Ji Tong next to him laughed so hard that he could hardly hold his cards.

He rubbed his tired face from smiling: “Mark, you are really good at talking.”

Mark responded enthusiastically: “You are also very good at talking, and you play cards well, which is amazing.”

Dou Wenhao was almost confused by Mark’s anger, and began to shatter and slap his yin and yang: “You are really good at talking.”

Mark followed the sound and turned his eyes to look at him, with an exaggerated tone: “Hey, did you find out about this? It’s amazing!”

Dou Wenhao: …

It happened to be his turn to play cards, and Dou Wenhao, whose blood pressure was off the charts, was completely down, let alone playing cards, he just wanted to punch Mark now.

So Mark next to him waited for a while, sighed a long time, and urged in a cadenced tone: “Hurry up, I wait until the flowers are gone.”

The onlookers almost died of laughter.

Dou Wenhao left the stage angrily, and the judges, who also laughed so hard that tears came out, did not object, and sympathized with his experience.

Landlord Dou Wenhao’s mentality collapsed and he played cards randomly. Ji Tong watched the excitement all the time and didn’t pay attention to the game. The algorithm of the poker robot was not as good as Mark’s. In the end, it was indeed Mark who won the cards.

In the overwhelming applause, Mark, who was declared the winner, said proudly: “The competition is second, and Mark is first.”

At the same time, its camera eyes locked onto Ji Tong, and it reached out to him, obviously wanting to shake hands.

Because of this man-machine poker match that can be recorded in the annals of history, Pei Qingyuan and others were gradually crowded with people. Upon seeing this, someone immediately asked: “This sentence should be the hedgehog mode, right? Why does the hedgehog mode also have handshakes? Are you a little friendlier?”

Pei Qingyuan didn’t answer, he stared intently at Ji Tong who was sitting at the card table with crooked smiles.

Ouyang Yu explained: “This is not the content of the personality mode, it is the default setting. As long as Ji Tong is present, Mark will take the initiative to shake hands with him from time to time.”

He didn’t know why Pei Qingyuan made this setting, but Ji Tong looked very happy every time he shook hands, so no one objected to this special treatment.

All in all, probably a bowl of dog food.

Ji Tong’s eyes were shining brightly, he stretched out his hand seriously, and shook Mark’s exquisite mechanical hand, just like every time before.

Mark’s hands are more flexible than the Xiao Ming he once saw at Professor Xiao’s house, and stronger than the jelly bean robot Mei.

What remains unchanged is that Pei Qingyuan always remembers his little hobbies.

He likes to shake hands with Mei, and he likes to shake hands with Mark.

When Ji Tong shook hands with the much-anticipated robot Mark, besides the chatter, there were also people taking pictures, and many media gathered nearby pressed the shutter of the cameras.

It seems that there is no need for him to secretly record himself.

When he let go, a smile appeared on Mark’s display screen, and Ji Tong also smiled, and he heard a familiar voice ringing in his heart.

Pei Qingyuan asked him in a low voice: “Did you have fun today?”

This is remote dubbing.

Ji Tong, who was standing in the center of the venue, raised his head, his eyes passed through the noisy air, and met his clear and gentle eyes.

Time seemed to go back a long time ago. The short man sat in the auditorium and cheered for the high-spirited host on the basketball court countless times.

“Happy,” he said, “very happy.”

Ji Tong walked towards Pei Qingyuan through the crowd, and the pea-green Mark followed him quietly by turning the wheel, and the cameras of the media reporters followed him.

This time, he is also in the center of the screen.

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