Don’t Covet the Beautiful System!!

Chapter 16

Chapter 15

A week of busy study and life came to an end soon, and the weekend that the students were looking forward to was coming.

The city strictly stipulates that middle and high school students are not allowed to come to school to make up classes during holidays, so Pei Qingyuan has two days off to relax a little.

On weekdays, he leaves early and returns late, and he doesn’t want to have too much contact with Luo Xiuyun. Now that it’s weekends, Luo Zhichang, who doesn’t have to go to work, spends all day watching TV in the living room, and Pei Qingyuan is even more reluctant to stay at home.

In the morning, he still got up on time, didn’t miss the warm bed at all, and took Ji Tong out for breakfast before his family woke up.

Unexpectedly, the host doesn’t even sleep in on weekends, what a ruthless person.

Ji Tong sat on the side of the flower bed unresponsively with his hair upturned, watching Pei Qingyuan waiting in front of the steaming breakfast stall.

He didn’t have time to make a handsome look today, because he was called up by Pei Qingyuan because he didn’t get enough sleep.

The host already knew that he loved to eat delicacies in the world, but he didn’t expect that he also liked to sleep.

Yes, he is such a maverick artificial intelligence.

Pei Qingyuan came back with several bags, first stuffed the soy milk cup with just the right temperature into Ji Tong’s hand, then put a paper towel on the stone pier beside him, put a bag of hot egg burgers on it, and told him: “Just now It’s very hot out of the oven, so I’ll eat it later.”

The kid nodded obediently, took a paper cup to drink soy milk, and his hair was swayed by the wind.

Sitting next to them was a bearded man wearing big pants and flip-flops, eating rice rolls from a plastic lunch box, and striking up a conversation with them curiously.

“Liangzi, do you know the students from the middle school next door?”

Pei Qingyuan was also holding a cup of soy milk, and after a while he reflected who the other party was talking to, and was about to answer, Ji Tongxian beside him nodded like a chicken pecking at rice: “Thin, thin.”

The uncle was amused by his imitative tone, and laughed loudly: “I see you two beauties eating breakfast together every morning, and they look delicious and tasteful!”

He spoke strange Mandarin, and gave the two people who were next to each other a thumbs up, admiring: “The relationship between the two brothers is so good!”

The cool autumn wind in the morning brought the daily fireworks, Pei Qingyuan smiled at the strange uncle, and thanked him politely.

Ji Tong, who was eating an egg hamburger, suddenly tugged at his sleeves excitedly, even his eyes glowed.

Pei Qingyuan asked him, “What’s wrong?”

Just after the strange uncle said that the two brothers had such a good relationship, Ji Tong suddenly sensed a change in the task panel, and a faint green light lit up on the electronic display screen that he had trampled on before.

As explained in the workbook, the flashing green light of the task panel means that the task is on the right track and has progressed.

During the days when Pei Qingyuan and Luo Xiuyun got along indifferently, the task panel never responded, because the family was obviously discordant and unhappy.

The stranger thought that the two of them were brothers, so he felt that the two had a good relationship, which actually met the standard of a happy family in the task requirements.

So the road he came up with on a whim is feasible.

Ji Tong suddenly felt that the whole world was bright. He took a big bite of the breakfast in his hand, and excitedly answered Pei Qingyuan’s question: “The egg burger is so delicious!”

He has to think of a set of rhetoric that is in line with AI logic, and then tell the host.

As long as the host no longer has expectations for Luo Xiuyun, there is no need to feel wronged by staying in that home.

Pei Qingyuan didn’t know what he was happy about, but seeing his shining eyes, he couldn’t help feeling that the breakfast in his hand seemed to be a little more delicious.

The egg burger was really delicious.

After breakfast, Ji Tong found a hidden place to disappear as usual, returned to Pei Qingyuan’s consciousness space, and accompanied him to the library for self-study.

A quiet library is much better than the Luo’s house, which is always echoing with the noise of the TV.

Throughout the morning, Pei Qingyuan was reading a book seriously. At the same time, Ji Tong was also sitting at the stone table in the center of the garden and drawing drawings seriously.

He had already begun to conceive the furnishings and arrangements of the happy home.

Ji Tong is going to ask the host what kind of form he likes. For example, the three-and-a-half-year-old host likes the doll system, and Pei Qingyuan can also designate him a non-human daily form. This form is less restricted, and he can often appear in the host around.

He prefers to become a big bowl that can hold it well.

If the host is asked to put food in the bowl, does rounding up mean eating something? Will there be a feeling of fullness?

But how does the bowl walk? Can the bottom of the bowl grow legs?

Before Ji Tong rested his chin and thought about it for a long time, he saw several calls from Luo Xiuyun on Pei Qingyuan’s mobile phone.

Pei Qingyuan kept the phone on silent, and when he took it out to search for information, he saw a row of missed calls. When he was stunned, Luo Xiuyun called again.

He hesitated for a moment, but went to the corridor outside the study room to answer the phone.

“Qing Yuan, why didn’t you answer the phone? Where did you go?”

Although it took many calls to get through, Luo Xiuyun’s voice didn’t sound angry, but rather soft: “I’m going home for lunch soon. I cooked a table of delicious dishes. If I don’t come back, the dishes will be cold.”

Pei Qingyuan rarely heard such a concerned tone from Luo Xiuyun. He tightened his fingertips on the phone, remained silent for a moment, and finally agreed: “I’m in the library, come back now.”

Luo Xiuyun responded repeatedly: “Okay, okay, pay attention to safety on the way back!”

The little robot in the garden held the gaudy drawings, not daring to say anything, and quietly suppressed the words that had been brewing all morning.

Why did Luo Xiuyun suddenly realize that she wanted to treat the host better?

I always feel that this matter is more outrageous than his wanting to become a bowl.

On the way back, Pei Qingyuan didn’t speak, only Ji Tong keenly noticed that he was cycling much faster than usual to go home.

The host is still longing for the love of the biological mother.

Ji Tong sighed silently, looking melancholy at the white butterflies lingering in the flowers.

I hope Luo Xiuyun will not disappoint the host’s expectations.

Walking into the gray corridor and approaching the door of the house, Pei Qingyuan gradually smelled a strong aroma of vegetables, which made people’s index fingers move. Ji Tong judged that there were at least braised pork and sweet and sour pork ribs in it.

What a delicious table, Ji Tong thought in surprise.

Pei Qingyuan stood outside the door, his slender fingers landed on the doorknob hesitantly, and it took him a while to get ready, and he pressed it lightly.

Pushing open the door, he first saw a table of delicious dishes in the living room, and then heard countless noises pouring into his ears.

The sofas and chairs of Luo’s house were full of people he didn’t know, and they were chatting with each other with a smile.

“…They are all very polite to me! Knowing that I have a background, this class is really comfortable…”

Luo Xiuyun, who was wearing an apron around her waist, just came out of the kitchen with the dishes, wiped the sweat from her forehead, saw Pei Qingyuan came back, and waved to him quickly: “Qingyuan, you are finally back, come in and wash your hands and eat, today’s relatives We are here as guests, I want to meet you, remember to call someone, this is your aunt, uncle, second uncle…”

The strange relatives who were named showed him very attentive smiles.

“This is Qingyuan, what a talent! That family is well-raised!”

“Although Lao Lin left early, Xiuyun is blessed. Both sons are decent, and they can respect her in the future. Hey, we don’t have such a good life!”

Luo Xiuyun’s face was flushed by the praise, and she repeatedly said: “Everywhere, we are a family, taking care of each other…”

So someone climbed up: “Is there any job as comfortable as Zhichang’s job? My family has been idle at home for several years, and I am so annoyed that my head hurts to death every day.”

Luo Xiuyun was indulging in the enthusiastic compliments from her relatives, so she agreed casually: “I’ll find a chance to ask for you when the time comes.”

“Hey, Xiuyun, help my Huanhuan to find out…”

The news that Luo Zhichang took advantage of Pei Minghong’s relationship to work as a security guard at No. 2 Middle School has already spread among his relatives, and everyone is very envious.

So they visited the Luo family, wanting to meet this nephew who had never met.

Not really to see him, but for the good he can bring.

The warmth and hope that emerged for a short time, shattered into powder like foam.

Pei Qingyuan was still standing at the door of his house, the subtle emotions on his face had disappeared, leaving only a calm and cold look.

“You are late.”

His voice was not loud, but it miraculously made the group of noisy relatives stop talking.

Luo Xiuyun was a little uneasy: “What are you talking about, kid, don’t talk nonsense…”

However, she only saw the palpitating coldness in the child’s eyes.

Pei Qingyuan looked directly at this woman who had been separated from him for many years, no longer had any extravagant hopes, and the anger that had been hidden for a long time burst out in his heart.

He mocked: “It’s too late, I had to send my own son to someone else’s home more than ten years earlier, and now I can find such a good job.”

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