Don’t Covet the Beautiful System!!

Chapter 18

Chapter 17

He Shiwen acted very quickly. After signing the contract, he called Pei Qingyuan to make an appointment for the health certificate medical examination package at a nearby hospital in the afternoon. He also insisted on giving him the medical examination fee in advance, and then pushed Pei Qingyuan out of the door, telling him to go to the hospital quickly , for fear that he would refuse.

“After the physical examination, go home and rest. Come to work tomorrow and Sunday. When the certificate office comes out, just give me a copy and keep it on file.”

After He Shiwen finished exhorting, he stood in the store and waved to him: “See you tomorrow, Xiao Pei!”

Then he turned his head and went to greet the guests.

The business in the store is good. At present, there are only two people, the pastry chef and the owner He Shiwen. They are usually busy, but they are a little busy during holidays. That’s why he thought of hiring a part-time job on weekends. He can help the pastry chef and also cashier for him. and greet guests.

This job is not tiring, and the hourly salary is also very reasonable. He Shiwen could have recruited people a long time ago, but since he noticed the high school student who was often in a daze outside the store at night the other night, he refused for some reason. Those who come to apply.

Fortunately, this high school student really came.

Pei Qingyuan stood outside the store door, in addition to the cash that He Shiwen gave him, there was also a bag of freshly baked pastries in his hand. The fragrance was sweet, and Ji Tong in the conscious space couldn’t help swallowing.

“Uncle He is really a good man.” Ji Tong looked at this small and warm shop with emotion, “His daughter must be very cute too.”

The signboard at the entrance of the store reads Xingyue Bakery in crooked characters. According to He Shiwen’s enthusiastic introduction just now, this is the name of the store given by his daughter in kindergarten.

“Yeah.” Pei Qingyuan shook the bag in his hand and asked him, “Do you want some bread?”

It’s best to be on an empty stomach before the physical examination, so Pei Qingyuan, who hasn’t had lunch yet, plans to eat after the physical examination, but considering that his system will be greedy, he plans to find a place for Ji Tong to come out and eat first.

Unexpectedly, Ji Tong quietly refused.

“I won’t eat, the host should go to the hospital quickly, go back early.”

Pei Qingyuan was a little surprised. He thought it was because Ji Tong was used to the fried chicken and crayfish hot pot that the basketball team contributed at night, and wanted to save time for more hearty food.

He didn’t ask much, and quickly rode his bicycle and went straight to the hospital.

Pei Qingyuan parked the car, walked through the shade of no one, and when he was about to walk into the hospital alone, he suddenly felt his clothes being ripped.

He looked back in astonishment, and saw the kid in short-sleeved overalls looking at him with sparkling eyes.

“Ruan Ruan, I’ll accompany you to the hospital.”

How can the underage host go to the hospital alone?

Even if it’s just a medical checkup.

This is Ji Tong’s professional ethics as a professional system.

For this reason, he reluctantly sacrificed the rest of today’s doll-eating time.

Pei Qingyuan stared blankly at the little boy who became familiar with him day by day, and he didn’t come back to his senses until Ji Tong tugged at the corner of his clothes again.

He subconsciously stretched out his hand to hold Ji Tong.

“… There are a lot of people in the hospital, don’t get separated.”

The child’s hands were soft and warm.

“Okay.” Ji Tong happily held hands with the handsome guy, and secretly checked his new look on the body of the car next to him.

Today’s overalls that he carefully selected are also very cute.

Pei Qingyuan was dressed in a simple T-shirt and trousers. The two of them walked together, like a pair of brothers with the cutest height difference who came out of comics, and the rate of turning heads was extremely high.

At the same time, in the stream of people who were about to enter the gate of the hospital, a young man wearing a hat with sunglasses also saw this scene. He took off his sunglasses suddenly, thinking that he had made a mistake.

“Fuck, isn’t that Pei Qingyuan?” Qin Yujie said to himself with a vain face, “He already has a son? So soon?”

After he realized it, he hurriedly took back his sunglasses, looked around for a moment, and followed.

Ji Tong held the host’s hand tightly the whole time, and followed him step by step. Pei Qingyuan deliberately slowed down his pace to match his short legs.

As he walked, the straps on Ji Tong’s shoulders slipped off from time to time, and he slipped back solemnly, many patients passing by stared at him with smiles.

After entering the physical examination area, Pei Qingyuan did the items with less queues first, while Ji Tong looked around the queues, walked up and asked in a childish voice: “Big sister, is the electrocardiogram done here?”

When the middle-aged woman heard this, she nodded repeatedly. Seeing that it was two children coming for an examination, she enthusiastically asked them to do it first.

After a while, Ji Tong received the loving gazes of big brothers and sisters of all ages in the entire physical examination area.

Pei Qingyuan, who quickly completed all the physical examination items, was inexplicably blessed and enjoyed the group pet treatment, smiling and rubbing his head.

During this process, Ji Tong was keenly aware of a strange sight.

A young man in a famous brand has been following the host furtively.

He secretly asked Pei Qingyuan in his heart: “Ruan Ruan, you quietly look at the man next to the potted plant in front left, he is always staring at you.”

Although he is not in the host’s consciousness space now, the two can still communicate without language.

Pei Qingyuan glanced in the direction Ji Tong described calmly, his expression unchanged.

“That was someone I knew before, but we didn’t know each other well.”

Ji Tong immediately understood.

It turned out to be the rich second generation who the host used to be acquainted with in Pei’s family.

Why did the rich second generation come to the hospital to squeeze out the clinic?

Judging by the other party’s flamboyant complexion and the frequency of going to the toilet, there is probably something unspeakable hidden, and he doesn’t want to be exposed to the hospital that the wealthy circle often visits.

“Is he suffering from kidney deficiency?” Ji Tong whispered gossip.

“…” Pei Qingyuan thought seriously for a few seconds, “Maybe, I seem to have heard similar rumors.”

Afraid that Ji Tong would be worried about Qin Yujie’s purpose, he deliberately explained: “I don’t have much contact with him, and the relationship is average. Maybe I met me who left Pei’s house by chance, so I’m curious.”

Ji Tong nodded in understanding, and the loose straps slid down crookedly again.

He habitually picked up his straps, caught a glimpse of himself reflected in the smooth glass door, suddenly his eyes lit up, and said excitedly: “Master, I found a set of situational templates that are very suitable for the current situation in the database…”

Qin Yujie, who was hiding behind the potted plant, was typing quickly on his mobile phone.

Just now he found a circle of cronies, and asked about Pei Qingyuan’s relationship history on the sidelines, but no one knew about it. Instead, he got a lot of ridicule, asking him why he cared about a guy who had been removed from the circle.

I don’t know if Pei Qingyuan hid it too well, or if he really didn’t talk about it.

If not his son, who is this child?

The urge to urinate again interrupted Qin Yujie’s desire to gossip. He sighed and got up to go to the toilet.

However, just when he deliberately ran into the cubicle for convenience in order to avoid people’s eyes and ears, he heard a childish voice from outside, with a faint cry.

“Brother, does Dad really not want us?”

Responding to him was a clear youthful voice.

“do not Cry.”

The three words are slightly cold, with the iconic Pei Qingyuan style.

It’s Pei Qingyuan and that kid outside!

Qin Yujie held his breath for an instant, his eyes widened in shock, wishing he could grow a pair of windward ears and stick them out.

There was a splashing sound of water in front of the sink, as if Pei Qingyuan was washing his brother’s face.

Amidst the sobbing and crying, the little boy’s aggrieved voice was very clear.

“Dad drove you away, and I don’t want me anymore…I want Dad.”

Qin Yujie’s brain, which is always used to spend time and drink, is running fast.

It is known that Pei Qingyuan’s biological father died shortly after his birth, so it is impossible to give him such a small brother.

It is also known that another person who was once called father by Pei Qingyuan and then drove him away is Pei Minghong.

It is also known that Ye Lanting, Pei Minghong’s legal wife, has only one child, who used to be Pei Qingyuan and later became Pei Yan.

If Pei Minghong and his wife later gave birth to such a cute son, it would be impossible to hide it from the public.

So this child is Pei Minghong’s illegitimate child!

Qin Yujie, who figured out this logic, almost jumped up in the cubicle.

Fortunately, after Pei Qingyuan washed his brother’s face, he took him away. The voices of the two became farther and farther away, and they didn’t notice any changes in the men’s room.

Qin Yujie, who broke through this astonishing secret, didn’t even want to be sick. He squatted in the toilet and took out his mobile phone, opened the chat interface, and typed.

[Fuck, guess who I saw just now! ! ]

Although there were only two minutes left in the human form today, Ji Tong didn’t feel sad at all, with a smile on his face, and hummed a strange tune after walking out of the hospital.

Pei Qingyuan looked at him helplessly: “What song is this?”

Ji Tong answered fluently: “This is a common BGM marked in the database that expresses complicated emotions after learning about her husband’s derailment.”

Pei Qingyuan was dumb.

He has no objection to the system’s approach, but he can’t help feeling that the situational templates that Ji Tong can call are really smart.

“My dad…Pei Minghong spends all day at work, and it seems that he has no time to cheat. They probably won’t believe it in the end.”

“It doesn’t matter whether you believe it or not.” Ji Tong shook his head and said, “The host said that they were not happy in Pei’s house before, so let them have a taste of being unhappy for a few days.”

As he spoke, he stretched out his fleshy fingers, and gestured a small distance seriously.

“Even if it’s only a few days of trouble, it’s a little interest for the host.”

Pei Qingyuan stared at this short figure under the sun, and his heart was gradually filled with complex emotions.

Before he had time to say anything, he heard Ji Tong courteously say: “Brother, I will accompany you to the hospital next time~”

He wanted to experience a few more fun things like meeting the rich second generation with kidney deficiency today.

Pei Qingyuan gave him a subtle look.

His system changed his words politely, blinked his eyes, and broke into a big smile: “Of course, except for the physical examination, it’s best not to have the opportunity to come to the hospital.”

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