Don’t Covet the Beautiful System!!

Chapter 22

Chapter 21

After this weekend filled with the aroma of bread ended, the atmosphere in the whole third year of No. 2 Middle School suddenly became tense.

The first monthly exam of the third year of high school will be held this week.

The autumn at the end of September is getting stronger and stronger. The students are trapped in the small classrooms, and they don’t dare to stop and memorize the papers. Occasionally, they look up to the window, and when they look at the rest, they complain with worried faces.

“The teacher really knows how to pick the time… How can you spend this holiday well? Waiting for the grades in fear.”

“My mother can’t see my report card, so she must not agree to let me go out to play, so I can only do the questions at home. It’s too ruthless!”

There is a seven-day long holiday in early October, so the teachers deliberately choose to take the exam before the holiday, and wait for the holiday to return to school to get the results. The original intention is to hope that these senior high school students will realize their own shortcomings after the exam, and quickly take the initiative during the holiday. Check for omissions and make up for vacancies, and if you fail the exam, you won’t let this rare vacation go to waste, and you can be scolded by your parents later.

However, for most students whose grades are not top-notch, the monthly exam results hanging over their heads are simply too torturous. When they think that they will be unlucky after the holidays, they suddenly feel that even the holidays are not good.

Among the students with different expressions in the third class, two of them looked the most calm and calm.

They are Pei Qingyuan sitting in the last row, and Lin Zihai sitting in the first row.

Lin Zihai, who was fighting at night in the dormitory every day, was very confident in this monthly exam. Needless to say, he must be the first in the class. This time he also wanted to fight for the top five in the grade and win glory for Teacher Zhou.

Class 3 is not a top class, the students with the best grades are in Class 1, and the highest grade that the students of Class 3 have achieved in the past is only the tenth grade.

With two huge dark circles under his eyes, Lin Zihai quickly finished another set of papers, heaved a sigh of relief, and involuntarily glanced at the back row.

Pei Qingyuan was reading a book with his head down, without the anxiety that permeated the class, as if he was flipping through books in the library.

There are smiling classmates who are talking to him next to him.

Today is the fourth one, Lin Zihai made a note in his heart bitterly.

Isn’t it just a croissant, as for that?

All of them are so childish!

…Although the croissant is a bit delicious, what does it have to do with Pei Qingyuan? He didn’t make it!

Pei Qingyuan works part-time in Xingyue Bakery, which has become popular in No. 2 Middle School recently. It is said that the pair of beautiful hands in the photo that attracted customers to imitate are his.

So Pei Qingyuan immediately became famous in the whole school. Unlike those ugly nicknames and rumors before, this time the students all remembered this originally nice name.

The boys found out that Fu Chengze, the school bully, led a group of tall guys from the basketball team, obsessed with croissants every day, and immediately started to follow suit, as if they could match the average height of the basketball team.

The girls quietly took that photo, some with cute children, some with pretty hands, and for this reason, some girls from the school next door ran over and shyly handed him a love letter.

Foodies who are not interested in height and handsome guys want to take advantage of their classmates and try the sold-out milky yellow croissants.

All in all, Pei Qingyuan has now become the most watched student in the whole school. When walking in the school, people will keep getting close to him, and the attitude of the students in class three towards him has also changed drastically.

Lin Zihai who witnessed all this happened was sitting on pins and needles.

He can only comfort himself, even if Pei Qingyuan is handsome and popular, so what?

For students, grades are the most important thing.

The monthly exam is just around the corner. After the results come out, let’s see if everyone will blindly pursue the flashy Pei Qingyuan.

Lin Zihai thought this way, before he cleared his mind and devoted himself to the intense class, there was still a trace of uneasy worry in his heart.

Why does Teacher Zhou like this monitor with bad grades so much…?

In his ups and downs mood, the monthly exam is coming soon.

After the first math test, Lin Zihai completely let go of his doubts, and he was in high spirits.

Fortunately, Pei Qingyuan did not disappoint him.

The math papers this time were difficult, and Pei Qingyuan actually handed in the papers in the middle of the two-hour exam time, which was not enough for most people.

Lin Zihai, who was writing hard at that time, was shocked for a long time when he saw his back leaving the classroom, and couldn’t figure out what kind of operation it was.

When the bell rang, Lin Zihai barely finished writing the last big question, put down his pen, and rubbed his sore fingers.

He heard a student by the window say that Pei Qingyuan seemed to have gone to the canteen to buy something to eat.

The attitude towards the exam is really frivolous.

Lin Zihai couldn’t help but rolled his eyes.

A student sitting near Pei Qingyuan came over curiously and asked him, “Lin Zihai, how many steps did you write in the last question?”

“It’s been half written. This question is difficult, and I’m not sure.” Lin Zihai said modestly, “Have you solved it yet?”

“Of course not. I haven’t even finished the first part, so I don’t have time to look at the last question.” The student shook his head repeatedly and explained, “Didn’t the monitor hand in the test paper early? When he stood up, I accidentally glanced at the test paper. He The last question was written very little, only a few lines, and I thought it was very simple.”

Hearing this, Lin Zihai retorted without hesitation: “It’s impossible to write all the steps with so little, he must have done something wrong.”

At the same time, he was convinced that Pei Qingyuan’s grades were really bad, so he simply broke the jar and scribbled nonsense on the paper before handing it in.

Thinking of this, Lin Zihai tried his best to suppress the smile that was about to emerge, and said disapprovingly: “The squad leader handed in the papers so quickly, I guess he didn’t do a lot of questions well. This kind of attitude is too negative, and it will have a bad influence on everyone.”

The other students who were listening to their chatter looked at each other in blank dismay.

They knew that Lin Zihai had always disliked Pei Qingyuan, but they were also affected by the croissant storm in recent days, so their perception of Pei Qingyuan was very subtle.

However, what Lin Zihai said was not wrong. As the squad leader, it really shouldn’t be like this.

Gossip quickly spread among the students that the monitor’s grades were not good.

I don’t know if Pei Qingyuan learned of everyone’s private discussions, and in the next few exams, he didn’t turn in the papers and leave the exam early.

But he basically only wrote half of the papers, and sat quietly for the rest of the time, as if in a daze.

Ji Tong in his mind flicked his cards like a rainbow: “Three Jacks and two Qs!”

Pei Qingyuan followed the cards calmly: “Three K’s and two 10’s.”

was suppressed again.

Ji Tong shouted in frustration, and then watched the host calmly finish playing the cards.

The host’s memory is also very good.

The consciousness space is not yet open to Pei Qingyuan, so two people can’t really play cards face to face.

Ji Tong sat alone on the grass, dealt out three sets of cards, then reported one set of cards to the host in random order, and honestly cleared the memory of this set of cards in the data, picked up another set of cards, and communicated with the host Played void poker to pass the rest of the exam time.

He thought that Pei Qingyuan would not be able to remember the sizes of so many cards, and he would definitely beat the opponent. Unexpectedly, the host not only remembered it clearly, but also defeated him.

Poker, which was originally a relaxing entertainment, was filled with the horror of intellectual games.

Ji Tong couldn’t help but think of the fear of being dominated by the math paper yesterday.

The host’s math problems were done quickly and well, and he used solutions beyond the framework of high school knowledge on some difficult problems, which directly caused Ji Tong to recall the high-level math problems that tortured him.

At that time, he was hungry as soon as he opened the high-level math textbook, probably because his head was empty, which made his stomach empty, and his whole body exuded an empty atmosphere from the inside out.

After hearing his stomach growling, Pei Qingyuan handed in the paper and went directly to the canteen.

After the math test was not taken, Ji Tong never felt hungry again, but played poker with him on the grounds of helping the host to exercise his memory.

Now it seems that it is obviously the host who helped him exercise his mental endurance.

The little robot who didn’t want to think about it silently turned the poker cards into a pile of stones.

As the bell rang for the end of the last exam, the students who had been nervous for a week collapsed on their seats one by one, and let out a long sigh of relief.

It’s finally time for vacation.

No matter what kind of iron fist you get after the holidays, at least you can sleep in for a while every day.

Of course, sleeping late does not exist for Pei Qingyuan.

He left earlier and returned later than before, stayed in the bakery all day to help, and had almost zero contact with that so-called home.

He and Luo Xiuyun broke up that day, and Luo Xiuyun is still bitter about it, but he couldn’t find a chance to talk to his son.

Pei Qingyuan seems to have eyes behind his back, and he can always avoid her accurately.

Luo Xiuyun learned the news of the end of the senior high school exam from the parent group. Pei Yan’s grades were very good before, and every time after the exam, other parents would come to chat with her, inquire about cram schools or study methods.

But this time it was different. Some parents seemed to be concerned and asked her if she was a little negligent in disciplining her children?

Only then did Luo Xiuyun know that Pei Qingyuan behaved very casually in this monthly exam, handing in all the papers with scribbles.

She was taken aback, and suddenly became nervous. She even thought about the child’s increasingly depraved future, but she couldn’t talk to Pei Qingyuan at all.

Luo Xiuyun didn’t know what to do, so she grabbed Pei Yan, the most obedient top student in the past, and confided in her. Pei Yan comforted her patiently and asked her out to meet her.

This was the first meeting between the two after they separated. Luo Xiuyun was very happy and specially chose the most energetic outfit.

But when she arrived at the place agreed with Pei Yan, she looked at the coffee shop with a quiet atmosphere and melodious music, and felt her hands tied up.

She had never been to such a place with Pei Yan before.

The elegant waiter led her to the reserved seat. Pei Yan had already arrived early. He was sitting by the window, wearing a well-tailored shirt and a British-style sweater vest. Zhang Yuan’s pictorial.

In Luo Xiuyun’s unfamiliar coffee aroma, the child she was very familiar with slowly turned his gaze, with a docile expression, showing her a well-proportioned smile.

“Auntie, you are here.”

The author has something to say:

The story background of this article is fictional, please do not substitute it into reality, and even in reality, different regions and schools have different regulations on holidays/examinations, etc. No matter how you write it, some people will feel that it does not match personal experience, so please Don’t use realistic standards to measure the content of the novel, thank you for your understanding.

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