Don’t Covet the Beautiful System!!

Chapter 33

Chapter 32

The next day, Pei Qingyuan arrived at school early in order to avoid Luo Zhichang who was lazy at work.

During recess, some students who were curious about new things came to talk to his watch from time to time, and then everyone knew that the mechanical male voice was named Xiaomei.

“Xiaomei, good morning!”

“Good morning, human.”

“I ate soy milk and fried dough sticks, what did you eat?”

Xiaomei is very humorous: “I ate high school students who get up early and eat soy milk and fried dough sticks.”

“As for me, I ate a big meat bun!”

“Uh.” Xiaomei’s mechanical tone paused, “I only eat one high school student every morning, and I can’t overeat.”

“Hahahaha what Xiaomei said is so funny!”

“Get out of the way, it’s my turn!”

Pei Qingyuan read the book calmly in the hustle and bustle, like a zookeeper who is used to the stormy waves, as long as Smart Xiaomei doesn’t leave his sight.

No. 2 Middle School prohibits students from bringing mobile phones, but the control has not been too strict. There are no requirements for other electronic products, but they cannot be brought into the examination room.

Pei Qingyuan has good grades and is very measured. He doesn’t know how to use a smart watch in class, and the teachers won’t make things difficult for him.

The lively Xiaomei tea party lasted until Zhou Fang, the head teacher, appeared outside the classroom. She looked inside, then waved to Pei Qingyuan, signaling him to come out.

“Xiao Pei, I have something to tell you.”

In the teacher’s office where there was no one else, Zhou Fang asked Pei Qingyuan to sit down, and hesitated for a while before speaking.

Yesterday she was smiling all over her face, overjoyed at the outstanding monthly exam results of the students in her class, but today her expression was a little complicated.

“Just now the school leaders informed us that students from our No. 2 Middle School were invited to the campus cultural exchange week of Chengde Private High School this month.”

Chengde is rich and powerful, and the teaching level is very high. Every time the cultural exchange week invites outstanding students from some key high schools inside and outside the province, it has never been the turn of No. 2 Middle School.

Originally, Zhou Fang should feel happy when he heard the news.

If she didn’t know that Pei Qingyuan was transferred from Chengde before.

Pei Qingyuan is currently the student with the best grades in the third year of the second middle school. According to Chengde’s screening requirements for outstanding students, and the school’s desire to win glory, Pei Qingyuan will definitely let him pass.

And Zhou Fang thought of the treatment Pei Qingyuan received when he first transferred here, and was always a little worried that something bad would happen to him after he went to Chengde for an exchange.

So she asked in a soft tone: “The time is set at the end of the month for three days. I will eat, live, attend classes and participate in some activities with Chengde and other students from other invited schools. Do you want to go? “

After hearing this, Pei Qingyuan shook his head without hesitation: “I don’t want to go.”

He has been in Chengde for two years, and he is often entrusted with important tasks during the cultural week, as the main force to participate in various activities that compete with students from other schools. He is very clear about Chengde’s criteria for selecting exchange schools.

No matter how you look at it, the No. 2 Middle School is not qualified. There must be something hidden behind this sudden invitation.

Fortunately, Zhou Fang was clearly on his side, and the school couldn’t force him to participate. No matter what the conspiracy was, just refuse it.

Zhou Fang was not surprised by the answer, and sighed: “That’s right, you have been studying there for several years, and communication in the past was not interesting.”

“Then I’ll go talk to the leader, it’s fine, you don’t have to worry about it.” Zhou Fang comforted him in turn, “Your grades are very good, and the teachers have high expectations of you, but don’t put too much pressure on you. If you encounter any problems in school and life, you can tell the teacher.”

Pei Qingyuan originally just wanted to thank Teacher Zhou for his kindness, but Ji Tong reminded him in a low voice: “Ruan Ruan, do you want to tell Teacher Zhou about Luo Zhichang?”

Ji Tong felt that as long as Luo Zhichang stayed in the school, he would definitely stick to it like a dog’s skin plaster and trouble the host again, which was very annoying to think about.

Although the host is an adult, he is essentially an ordinary high school student without much means and background. When encountering such a thing, he should not bear it alone. It is more effective to ask a reliable adult for help.

Seeing the host’s expression slightly startled, Ji Tong continued to persuade: “Ruan Ruan, you are not alone now, there are teachers who care about you, and friends who will stand up for you, you can try to rely on them, and they can also trust you, That’s what healthy relationships are.”

Pei Qingyuan couldn’t help being distracted, his system really stored a lot of knowledge about human life.

In addition to the rigid mainline tasks, he will be taught how to build a family and interpersonal relationships, will tell him that many people’s childhoods are accompanied by old movies and fans, and will let him buy an overly cute giraffe height ruler… Although it sounds like The sentences and memories found on the Internet have a seriousness that cannot be ignored.

Ji Tong seems to treat this life more enthusiastically than he does, even though he is just an AI system with restrictions everywhere.

Pei Qingyuan suddenly remembered what Ji Tong said when he first met the little boy who wanted to eat lamb chops.

– You will no longer be alone.

0587 is a hardworking and responsible system.

He should also try to change some more.

Pei Qingyuan clenched the hands hanging by his side slightly, trying to break the habit of silence that he had developed over the years, and express his inner feelings honestly, as Ji Tong once said.

Zhou Fang noticed something from the gloomy expression of the student in front of her, and couldn’t help holding her breath, waiting patiently.

“Teacher Zhou, I did encounter some troubles.”

He spoke very slowly, as if he was weighing every word. Amid Ye Lanting’s distaste for weakness and Pei Minghong’s indifference, he had long been used to suppressing all his feelings in his heart, and Luo Xiuyun’s eccentricity made the should rekindle The family affection was wiped out and turned into ashes.

Someone carefully picked up the fly ash that was still warm for him.

Zhou Fang hurriedly asked with a serious face: “What’s the matter? You can tell the teacher about anything!”

So Pei Qingyuan calmly stated the reason why Luo Zhichang was able to come to No. 2 Middle School to work. His speech speed became more and more stable, and he also mentioned Luo Zhichang’s pestering himself and various violations of campus regulations last night.

The more Zhou Fang heard it, the more shocked she became. She had no idea that there was such a secret behind the rumors about her life that once swept the campus. She simply couldn’t imagine how there could be such a relative.

Fortunately, Pei Qingyuan was independent and strong, and took the initiative to stay away from this family.

“Don’t worry, the teacher will definitely report this matter.” Zhou Fang said indignantly, “Our colleagues have also discussed why this new security guard always stays in the guard box and plays with his mobile phone. He doesn’t go on patrol and doesn’t care about students fighting. , almost doing nothing, I didn’t expect this to be the reason, it’s too much!”

“The school leaders arrange people to work in the school. We can’t control them. But if such people are recruited, not only have low character, but also occupy the position and do nothing at all, then we must protest.”

As she said that, Zhou Fang couldn’t wait to stand up, ready to go to the leadership office to report the situation: “The teacher is here to help you solve this uncle’s problem. You can go back to class first, don’t think too much.”

Hearing this, Pei Qingyuan thanked her sincerely: “Thank you, Mr. Zhou.”

Regardless of the outcome, Zhou Fang is a good teacher.

For the first time, he took the initiative to mention these long-standing family affairs to outsiders.

Pei Qingyuan gently opened his clenched palms, and subconsciously looked down at the systematically parked watch.

The little robot with crooked brows and eyes happily set up a celebration firework on his wrist, like shining stars.

All the stars fell into his eyes.

Not long after, Zhou Fang, who went to the principal to report the situation, came back.

This time, her expression was more complicated.

There is confusion in the relaxation, and inconceivability in the confusion.

When it was lunch break, she stopped Pei Qingyuan again.

“Your uncle was fired directly, and he will never appear in school again.” Zhou Fang felt unbelievable as she said.

After she went to Principal Li alone to explain her intentions, he was a little embarrassed at first, because he was a well-known financial entrepreneur in the city who was stuffed in, and he was preparing to donate to the school for this reason, so it was not easy to deal with.

But considering that Luo Zhichang regards the school rules as nothing, and his character is so despicable, which may have a bad influence on the students, Principal Li made up his mind to call Pei Minghong and wanted to mention it to him tactfully.

As soon as the call was connected, Principal Li and Zhou Fang heard a sharp and high-pitched female voice at the same time: “Are you hiding someone outside—!”

…It seems to have heard something serious.

Principal Li quickly covered the microphone, lowered his sense of presence, and looked at Zhou Fang who was also stunned.

“Enough!” Pei Minghong yelled angrily, and seemed to notice the caller belatedly. Before Principal Li could speak, he said directly, “Principal Li? The person I sent in last time, don’t let him appear in No. 2 Middle School again.” .”

After all, his voice was a little farther away, as if he turned his head, and said angrily: “Satisfied! What kind of deal is there? Don’t go crazy, I haven’t contacted Qing at all—”

The phone was hung up quickly, Principal Li looked at Zhou Fang, Zhou Fang also looked at Principal Li, with colorful expressions.

“Why don’t you… contact Chengde?” Zhou Fang tried to ease the embarrassment of being forced to overhear outsiders’ housework, and whispered, “I just asked, student Pei doesn’t really want to participate in this event, so he will follow the previous plan.” List, remove classmate Pei, and tell Chengde?”

“Oh, okay, okay.” Principal Li responded cooperatively, also pretending that nothing happened, and dialed the number again on the landline.

In view of Chengde’s arrogant image that never puts other high schools in the eye, Principal Li’s voice seemed very sincere, and he roughly reported the list of students who could go. The leader of Chengde was silent for a while, and asked whether Pei Qingyuan could The reason for coming and emphasizing that they hope that this former excellent student can go back to his alma mater to have a look, the tone is more sincere than him.

After making the second phone call, Principal Li and Zhou Fang stared at each other in a daze for a long time, neither of them understood the twists and turns behind it.

But at least it’s good news.

Not only did he solve a moth who only received a salary and did nothing, but also inexplicably gained the upper hand in front of Chengde High School, who was very proud on weekdays.

“Your uncle’s problem is temporarily resolved.” Zhou Fang withdrew her mind, and said to Pei Qingyuan in front of her, “You are already an adult, and your mother has never really raised you, so living apart now is the best for both of you. As a result, the teacher supports you.”

“When Lin … was studying here, I had the contact information of Ms. Luo. I will try to communicate with her. I hope she will not disturb you too much. If there are other situations, please tell the teacher in time. “

Zhou Fang finished telling Pei Qingyuan’s family affairs, and then brought up the Chengde Exchange Week, showing embarrassment: “But there is a problem, Chengde seems to hope that you can go there.”

Thinking of what she heard just now, the rare gentle and sincere tone of Chengde’s always superior leader, Zhou Fang felt inexplicably elated.

Looking at the taciturn but increasingly dazzling student in front of her, she asked in a strange way: “Do you have any other requests?”

good question.

Ji Tong seized the opportunity and immediately blown the pillow wind: “I ask Chengde Canteen to provide 108 different dishes every day!”

Pei Qingyuan listened to the slander offered by the gluttonous system, his expression remained unchanged, but his mind was opened.

Of course he can choose not to go, but what if Chengde particularly wants him to go?

He thought for a moment, and said: “Mr. Zhou, I want to win glory for the school, but objectively, the grades of our students are not as good as Chengde’s students, and maybe they are not as good as the other schools invited this time. If we really If you go to participate in this cultural exchange week, will you be treated unfairly, such as discrimination and exclusion?”

Zhou Fang was taken aback when she heard that, she was only thinking about letting the students of No. 2 Middle School go out to broaden their horizons, but she hadn’t had time to think about this level.

There are objective differences in the performance and overall quality of students in different schools, and students are a group that is easy to stick together and follow the crowd. This is very likely to happen.

“It makes sense.” Zhou Fang felt worried and hesitated, “Or don’t go at all.”

She definitely didn’t want her students to go out and be wronged.

Pei Qingyuan shook his head: “It’s a good thing for everyone to broaden their horizons and increase their knowledge.”

“Then what should we do?” Zhou Fang asked reflexively.

“Chengde’s school rules are very strict, and no matter how rebellious the students are, they seldom violate them, because they have a special sense of collective honor, and feel that the group they belong to is the best group among their peers, so naturally they must maintain and abide by it.” The rules of this collective.”

Pei Qingyuan’s tone was light: “If we agree on the specific reception rules with Chengde’s teachers before departure, implement them as the official regulations of this exchange week, and have a corresponding punishment system, maybe we can avoid many things that shouldn’t happen. thing.”

Zhou Fang’s eyes straightened, feeling like a door to a new world had been opened: “Reception rules…?”

“For example, Chengde students should not show any inappropriate attitudes and emotions to students from other schools, and should maintain good self-cultivation, otherwise we can withdraw from this activity at any time, and will truthfully announce this cultural exchange activity on the campus website Reason for suspension.”

“For example, the accommodation and catering standards of No. 2 Middle School should be clearly listed, independent single dormitory, rich and nutritious meals, etc., and even the speaking time of No. 2 Middle School students in various courses and lectures… Chengde fully meets this condition, We should also show due enthusiasm and respect to the invited students from other schools.”

Pei Qingyuan spoke clearly and politely, and Zhou Fang was immediately infected by this idea, and she also came up with many ideas.

But she thought of another question and said worriedly: “Other schools seem to have agreed directly. If we ask so much, will they refuse directly?”

“Then let them refuse.” Pei Qingyuan’s calm voice seemed to be tinged with a smile, “Chengde originally invited us on his own initiative, even if we don’t go, there is no loss.”

…makes sense.

Zhou Fang suddenly realized that no matter how lofty Chengde’s usual attitude is, they are now the ones invited, and of course they can make some reasonable requests.

For some reason, she suddenly felt better.

Even if things don’t work out in the end, it’s inexplicably refreshing to be able to show a high profile in front of such a school.

Zhou Fang immediately took out her work notebook from her desk, and said repeatedly: “Xiao Pei, what was the first thing you said just now? I’ll make a note of it and discuss it with other teachers and Principal Li later. .”

Pei Qingyuan nodded and repeated it patiently.

While Zhou Fang bowed his head and didn’t pay attention to writing, his watch quickly lit up with a highly saturated color light, flashing and flashing, expressing high praise.

“The host is really smart.” Ji Tong’s joyful voice sounded from the bottom of his heart, “One hundred and eight kinds is a bit exaggerated, so the dishes every day can’t be repeated.”

Pei Qingyuan responded softly: “Okay.”

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