Don’t Covet the Beautiful System!!

Chapter 38

Chapter 37

Xiao Jianping felt the infinite profound meaning from the question of the high school student opposite him, and he couldn’t even take care of the work at hand, so he could concentrate on thinking all of a sudden.

The existence of Xiaomei is a fact, and he himself has overheard a part of it by accident. The kids on the basketball team said it so seriously on the day of the game, it doesn’t seem like they are lying, and Xiao Jianping can see that Xiaomei’s master actually wants to stop them of.

This high school student named Pei Qingyuan kept a very strange silence about Xiaomei’s existence. He couldn’t tell the origin of this watch, but just blindly pushed it to a “friend” who didn’t even have a name.

In addition, Xiao Jianping has contacts with all the famous artificial intelligence laboratories in the country. So far, no one has been found to have trained artificial intelligence similar to Xiaomei.

Under the joint action of these conditions, there is only one answer that can be deduced.

Geniuses often have eccentricities, and epoch-making geniuses should of course be doubly eccentric.

When Xiao Jianping came up with some novel gizmos when he was a student, he would deliberately pretend that he didn’t make it himself until someone exposed it.

So he understands Pei Qingyuan’s mood at the moment.

“What exactly is artificial intelligence?” Xiao Jianping said in a serious tone, “This is indeed a very profound question. I have been studying it for 30 years, and I am often troubled by this question.”

Colleague Sun Peiwei who was working overtime next to him heard his inexplicably cautious voice and looked back curiously.

“…That’s not what it means.” Pei Qingyuan felt that the situation was getting out of control, he took a deep breath, and tried to argue, “It’s literally not knowing.”

“Yes, I don’t know either.” Xiao Jianping was very serious, “Every time I made a breakthrough in research, I thought I had a new understanding of it, but as a result, I often encountered a threshold that I couldn’t cross. It was constantly being overthrown, and the previous efforts seemed to be in vain, so until now, I still feel that I don’t know anything about it.”

“Especially after designing some products that intersect with the medical field, my original intention is to help those people whose actions and vision are limited, such as my wife, but various inherent defects and narrow use range cannot be avoided. I My wife was looking forward to this. She always regarded me as a great hero, but after listening to those babbling explanations, even her eyes dimmed a little. It turned out that artificial intelligence, which sounds omnipotent, is just that. , she will think that way, and I can’t help but torture myself, is that all?”

Pei Qingyuan was silent, and the hands-free was turned on on the phone, and the little robot and Huahua who were listening were also silent.

He suddenly realized that making this call was a wrong decision.

“Can you tell me, what is your deepest feeling about artificial intelligence?” Xiao Jianping tried to dismantle the defense line erected in the genius’s heart step by step.

Pei Qingyuan’s expression was blank, and he subconsciously said: “…the rule logic that is not free, and the heart that wants to be free.”

This is his deepest feeling after seeing Ji Tong’s heart.

“Yes, this is its core essence!” Xiao Jianping deeply agreed, and his voice gradually became high-pitched, “Moore’s Law is gradually failing, and neuromorphic computing has begun to become popular, but we have not even fully explored our own brain. Can the imitations produced by neuron synapses really be called artificial intelligence?”

“Humans themselves are trapped in countless unfree rule logics, but they try to break through the limitations of vision and power to create strong artificial intelligence that can think freely.” He said with emotion, “But we can never get rid of the constraints of inner fear, We are afraid that those free and powerful intelligent life will in turn dominate human beings.”

“We hope that artificial intelligence will be free in the rule logic that is not free, but is this not a reflection of human beings? This long-distance research is not only a group of scientists’ fantasy about the distant future, but also our own. The exploration and observation of short life, the gathering of countless fleeting fireflies, may become a lamp.”

“I know that Xiaomei may not have such advanced intelligence, but it must have some kind of breakthrough, no matter in which aspect, no matter how big or small the breakthrough is.” Xiao Jianping finally said earnestly, “Whether you want to talk to others or not It’s okay to share this achievement, but I hope you can persevere, you are doing a very valuable thing, which is very important to countless people.”

“During this process, if you need any help, please come to me.”

After his words fell, even the air was silent for a long time before it began to flow again.

This time, Pei Qingyuan’s silence was filled with quiet thinking.

Xiao Jianping is indeed a very pure and infectious person.

“So far, I haven’t done anything of value.” He said honestly, “But thank you, Professor Xiao, maybe I will contact you again later.”

He didn’t know why he said that, probably subconsciously he didn’t want to disappoint that sincere soul.

Xiao Jianping was so happy that he agreed again and again, and he didn’t forget to tell him not to drop his studies.

After Pei Qingyuan finished the call, he turned his eyes to the moonlight on the balcony, suddenly recalling what Xiao Jianping said to himself just now.

A faint radiance enveloped the entire world.

After a while, he said to the little robot who had been quiet all along: “The explanation failed.”

Ji Tong nodded, and there was a soft sound when the mechanical casing collided. He whispered: “Professor Xiao is a very good person.”

“Hmm.” Pei Qingyuan withdrew his gaze, and looked again at the little pea-green robot beside him.

Under the beautiful moonlight, a smile with crooked eyebrows appeared on the electronic screen on the head of the little robot.

“In order not to disappoint Professor Xiao,” Ji Tong said full of fighting spirit, “Ruan Ruan, let’s go to a new field!”

His database full of vast knowledge is ready to go!

On the other side, Xiao Jianping was in high spirits after hanging up the phone, and couldn’t help walking back and forth in the office twice.

Sun Peiwei next to him had his eyes straightened, unable to recover from his passionate speech just now: “Are you talking about this to a high school student? The one at your son’s ball game a few days ago?”

“Yes, he is very smart and very humble.” Xiao Jianping replied without hesitation, “I don’t want to bring a graduate student next year. It would be great if he could be admitted to our Jiangyuan. I will teach undergraduates every day.”

As he talked, he still thought about it: “Student Pei’s math should be good, I don’t know if he will be biased in other subjects, it’s okay, as long as his grades are not too bad, he can find a way to recruit him…”

Sun Peiwei hastily stopped Xiao Jianping from fantasizing more and more details: “Take it easy, old Xiao, you haven’t written a word about it, you keep talking about that little beauty, have you talked to it yourself? Have you tested it?”

“No.” Xiao Jianping is convinced, “But I believe that there must be something in it that we can learn from. After I get along with Pei for a while, maybe I can see Xiaomei.”

Sun Peiwei sighed and said, “How old is he? He’s still a kid, not necessarily eighteen years old. Are you thinking too much? I’m still playing games in Internet cafes at my age.”

“When I was 18 years old, I had already graduated from a bachelor’s degree, and I followed several projects.” Xiao Jianping corrected rigorously, “The times are advancing so fast, and the waves behind the Yangtze River will push the waves ahead, and there will definitely be more outstanding young people.”

Sun Peiwei: …

Suddenly I don’t want to talk.

Seeing Xiao Jianping’s determination, Sun Peiwei patted his forehead in pain, and said helplessly, “What’s the full name of this classmate Pei you’re talking about?”

“Pei Qingyuan.” Xiao Jianping said cheerfully, “It’s very nice and bookish.”

Sun Peiwei rolled his eyes, he no longer wanted to be in the same room with this stubborn old man who was completely trapped in his own world.

But the name seems a little familiar.

“Why do I feel like I’ve heard these three words somewhere?” Sun Peiwei rubbed his chin and tried to recall, “Well, let me help you to ask, right? They are all in the same city anyway, if there is such a Outstanding ability, it’s impossible for the teachers in our admissions office to pay attention to it?”

“That’s good.” Xiao Jianping thought for a while, and specially warned, “However, classmate Pei is very low-key, and it’s possible that he hasn’t shown the truth all the time. It’s normal if he can’t find out, so don’t disturb others.”

“…” Brain supplements!

Sun Peiwei complained, and returned to his desk, but really planned to go to the admissions office to ask questions during the day tomorrow.

Pei Qingyuan, who knew nothing about it, spent a long and short night.

The relevant knowledge provided to him by Ji Tong is a highly condensed and summarized essence. From a smattering of knowledge at the beginning to gradually immersed in it, under the interweaving of fatigue and novelty, Pei Qingyuan learned very late, and it was rare that he didn’t get up early the next day. It’s stepping out to go to school.

While consolidating the newly acquired knowledge, he walked into the third class classroom as usual, but he was keenly aware that the learning atmosphere in the classroom today was extremely strong. Almost everyone was looking down at the book and endorsing the book. People who doze off and chat in low voices look extraordinarily serious today.

Pei Qingyuan looked around in a daze, so he had to ask Ji Tong: “Has anything happened in the class recently?”

The recording function that Ji Tong turns on from time to time allows him to see many things that he has ignored.

The little robot stretched itself on the dial, and Ji Tong’s brisk voice sounded in his heart: “It happened that the class leader got the highest score in the grade, so everyone is working hard now to prepare for the next monthly exam , no one wants to fall behind, this is all thanks to the host.”

Pei Qingyuan’s expression froze.

No, he did nothing.

He suddenly had an ominous premonition.

Standing outside the classroom door, Zhou Fang looked at a room full of hard-working students with satisfaction, and nodded appreciatively to Pei Qingyuan.

During the break, she called Pei Qingyuan away again and highly praised his contribution to the class.

“Lin Zihai told me everything. He took the initiative to admit his mistakes, and handed me his mobile phone, saying that he would not waste his free time until he passed the second grade.” Zhou Fang said with emotion, “He also told me I expressed my apologies to you, and I hope you can forgive him, he shouldn’t have prejudiced against you without knowing the truth.”

Pei Qingyuan: …

He was going to recall that black history video with stereo surround and close-up close-ups again.

It was hard to forget.

Zhou Fang looked at the handsome-looking and outstanding-looking monitor in front of her, thinking of all the changes that had taken place in the class during this period, the more she watched, the happier she became.

“I was worried about whether you would have thoughts about the students in the class. I didn’t expect you to be so open-minded and take the initiative to help the students improve, even when Lin Zihai was very dissatisfied with you.” She criticized herself, “This can be regarded as prejudice. I am too narrow-minded. The teacher wants to apologize to you, and of course I also want to say sorry to you on behalf of all my classmates.”

“It’s the luck of the other students that you can be transferred to class three.” Zhou Fang said sincerely, “Under the influence of your example, I hope everyone can break through themselves, get admitted to a better university together, and have a better future. “

Pei Qingyuan actually had some opinions on these students, but in Teacher Zhou’s extremely sincere self-examination and enthusiastic praise, there was absolutely no way to say extra words.

In the end, he could only silently accept Teacher Zhou’s compliments, walked back to the classroom alone, and calmly thought about how all this happened in his mind.

…I can’t figure it out.

Seeing the host’s lively expression because of confusion, the little robot laughed on the dial until the parts almost fell off.

On this day, as soon as get out of class was over, everyone was immersed in this fresh excitement, and they didn’t want to play anymore. Instead, they held their textbooks and wrong question books and asked questions. They seemed to have formed a special tacit understanding. General questions will be asked to students with good grades like Lin Zihai, and more difficult questions will be collected and asked to Pei Qingyuan together, probably because they don’t want to waste the monitor’s time with too stupid questions, for fear of delaying his continued dominance All grades.

Every time Pei Qingyuan helped them read the wrong questions, he would receive a very solemn thank you to the class monitor, accompanied by a lot of extremely fiery eyes, and he was regarded as a student **** who was willing to help others and dedicated.

Ji Tong, who was watching the scene from a close distance, repeated it in his mind: “Thank you class~chief~”

Pei Qingyuan: Gradually numb.

Finally, after school, Pei Qingyuan walked quickly to the gymnasium with an indescribably complicated mood after eating.

Pushing open the door and seeing the familiar scene where his teammates were chatting and laughing, he felt a sense of stability in his heart.

You can meet Xiao Jianping who regards himself as an AI genius when you are on the phone at home, but you have to face admiring eyes all the time when you are in the classroom.

The basketball team is his only pure land.

“We have already qualified in Group A. Next is the round robin. I’m exhausted. We should be able to finish the final at the end of the month. Will we go to the province to compete?”

“Have you heard? The number one in Group B is the one who is said to be engaging in exchange activities with us…”

Before the training started, Fu Chengze was chatting with his teammates. From the corner of his eyes, he saw Pei Qingyuan open the door and come in. He turned his head and was about to say hello when he saw the complicated look on Pei Qingyuan’s face.

This newly joined team member quietly stared at the empty gymnasium, as if he was looking at something that was extremely important to him.

Fu Chengze couldn’t help but think of the good results achieved by the No. 2 Middle School in the group stage in the past few days. Among them, several amazing moments were contributed by Pei Qingyuan.

His calm and calm style of play, as well as Ji Tong, who cheered and cheered off the field, brought home-like treatment to the No. 2 Middle School in the away game by himself, and had a very positive impact on the entire team. It can be said that All the team members were able to perform at their best, allowing the No. 2 Middle School to win all the group matches in this city-level league, leading the way in points.

He has been the captain for more than two years without getting good grades, and Pei Qingyuan has only been here for a month, and he has achieved it.

Is it because he doesn’t love basketball enough?

Feeling the cherishment conveyed in that look, Fu Chengze immediately became serious.

It’s a pity that Pei Qingyuan is a senior in high school like him, otherwise the next basketball team captain will definitely be handed over to him.

…How about he hand over the position of captain to Pei Qingyuan now?

Coach Xu will definitely agree, and other players will have no objections either.

On the court where strength speaks, of course the most capable person should be allowed to lead the team.

The more Fu Chengze thought about it, the more reasonable it became. He slapped his thigh, stood up abruptly, and walked towards the door excitedly.

“Brother Pei, you—”

His eyes were filled with surging passion.

However, before Fu Chengze finished speaking, the person opposite unexpectedly took a step back involuntarily.

Pei Qingyuan regained his expressionless face, but there was an extremely deep vigilance in his tone: “Is there something wrong?”

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