Don’t Covet the Beautiful System!!

Chapter 8

Chapter 7

After Pei Qingyuan’s voice fell, the classroom was so quiet that a needle could be heard, as if the sound of leaves being blown by the wind outside the window could be heard.

Zhou Fang was also very surprised. She calmed down and said, “That’s fine, then welcome Pei Qingyuan to be the monitor of our third class. After the semester starts, everyone is already in the third year of high school, and the studies are very stressful, so I hope the students can Cooperate with the monitor’s work and make progress together.”

After the head teacher finished speaking, there was finally sparse applause in the classroom, and many people still looked at Pei Qingyuan suspiciously.

A girl quietly whispered to her deskmate: “Just now I really wanted to take out my phone to take pictures, what should I do, I don’t want to target him anymore, no matter what his grades are, at least our class monitor is now the most handsome monitor in the school, What a face…”

Lin Zihai listened to a large group of murmurs behind him, and he clenched the pen in his hand unwillingly.

Why is Pei Qingyuan so calm when being targeted in this way?

He thought, this person really has a deep scheming mind.

Lin Zihai, who was always serious in class, didn’t even bother to listen to the teacher’s math class today. He waited until the bell rang for the end of get out of class, and immediately ran to the toilet, took out his mobile phone and sent a message.

His fingers landed on the touch screen, hesitated, typed and deleted, and it took a long time before he could utter a complete sentence.

[Xiaoyan, it’s not easy for you, that Pei Qingyuan is really annoying. ]

Lin Zihai and Pei Yan had a very good relationship. Pei Yan was the class monitor before, and he was the study committee member. They were responsible for many things in the class, and their grades were among the best.

After learning about the absurd thing that happened at his good friend’s house this time, he wanted to avenge Pei Yan.

Originally, he couldn’t understand Pei Qingyuan, who had just transferred this semester. He had inquired that Pei Qingyuan had no entrance test results at all, and was directly parachuted into their class.

At that time, he didn’t know about the replacement of the civet cat for the prince, but looking at Pei Qingyuan’s appearance, he thought without hesitation that this must be someone who didn’t care about his studies at all. He was either busy dating girls or messing around with other things. It will definitely lower the enrollment rate of their class.

As a study committee member, what he hates the most is this kind of time-wasting ignorant person who can win the favor of others with just a face.

And after hearing this shocking news from Pei Yan, he directly judged Pei Qingyuan as a sinister scum, so Lin Zihai had a flash of inspiration and thought of a good way to recommend Pei Qingyuan as the squad leader.

Except for some cowards in the whole class, there are not many people who have a good impression of the transfer student Pei Qingyuan. For such a person who has neither popularity nor grades, it must be a kind of torture for him to be the monitor, and no one will listen to him. , I might make a lot of fools.

So Lin Zihai decided on this sudden election after discussing with a few students he was familiar with in the class. There were only so many people in the class, and the question of who to vote for had been spread to everyone’s ears along with the gossip about Master True and False. .

He originally planned to tell Pei Yan after he succeeded, to give him a surprise, but unexpectedly, although Pei Qingyuan ignored Mr. Zhou’s persuasion and accepted the matter, his goal was achieved, but Lin Zihai looked at Pei Qingyuan’s expression when he spoke. Expression, how can not be happy.

There was not even a trace of fear on Pei Qingyuan’s face.

He squatted in the toilet cubicle holding his mobile phone and waited. Pei Yan quickly replied to the message.

[what happens? Why did you say that suddenly? ]

Lin Zihai gritted his teeth, typed quickly, and passed on what happened just now.

[Pei Qingyuan was elected as the class monitor, Teacher Zhou seems to like him quite a bit. ]

Of course, he couldn’t say that choosing Pei Qingyuan as the squad leader was originally planned by him, because this plan did not achieve the expected effect, and it would be embarrassing to say it.

But after the news spread, Pei Yan did not reply for a long time.

When the class bell rang, Lin Zihai couldn’t wait any longer, he hurriedly left the toilet and returned to the classroom.

Pei Qingyuan watched this thin study committee member walk in, and stared at himself intentionally or unintentionally.

He was also the one who took the lead in raising his hand to propose the election just now, and he seemed to hold a lot of hostility towards him.

He didn’t know the reason, but in the face of a total of forty-two hostility, the reason became no longer important.

Pei Qingyuan wrote down the name in his heart, and then looked out the window calmly.

The campus of No. 2 Middle School is not big. He sat by the window and could see the school gate from a distance. At this time, the campus was quiet, there were no people coming and going at the school gate, and the guard room was closed, so he could not see clearly movement.

Will Luo Zhichang sit there now?

His current situation is worse than yesterday in the hotel. His mother Luo Xiuyun, who has no idea, agreed to let Luo Zhichang come to No. 2 Middle School as a security guard, and used him as an excuse to persuade Pei Minghong to help. The parents who had been together for seventeen years did not seem to be happy either. There was no objection, after all the procedures were completed overnight.

His life experience was exposed and spread on this campus, and everyone was talking about it. Pei Yan’s former classmates and friends hated him with the same hatred, and even came up with a bad way to make him the monitor. There will probably be more in the future. Many targets are waiting for him.

If it was him yesterday, he would have been shrouded in deeper and deeper despair and unwillingness, and he didn’t understand why he was the one who suffered all this.

But now, Pei Qingyuan was extremely calm.

His fate has deviated from the once peaceful track, and he will either let it fall or try to hold it in his own hands.

He wants to choose the second option.

The AI that thinks pancakes are delicious wants him to do the same.

Thinking of this, Pei Qingyuan glanced at the knowledge in the textbook that he was already familiar with, and instead of learning more difficult knowledge by himself like a few days ago, he became distracted in a rare way.

What does a system meeting look like?

In a pure white space, many systems of various shapes are sitting upright below, motionless.

And in these gaudy looking systems, Ji Tong, who still maintains the original green robot form, quietly lowered his head, two robotic hands were brought together, and a small virtual screen emerged in the middle.

On the screen is the classroom of Class No. 2, No. 2, No. 3, No. 3, No. 3, No. 3, No. 3, No. 3, and No. 3 in the back row by the window. That sentence seemed particularly deterrent.

Before I knew it, it ended again, and the screen automatically jumped back to the moment when Mr. Zhou announced the election results, ready to play again.

Before pressing the play button, Ji Tong carefully adjusted the viewing angle of the screen, and then watched happily again.

This is a function that all systems have to remotely check the status of the host. It is used for regular system meetings or in various special situations to avoid temporary unexpected accidents between the host and the plot line.

The built-in functions such as rewinding, fast forwarding, switching angles, and individual selections were originally used for the system to review a certain plot and details, but in the eyes of Ji Tong at the moment, this is simply a big part of appreciating handsome guys from all angles. Artifact.

The host is really good-looking, worthy of being the protagonist of this novel.

It would be great if I didn’t use it for the meeting today, maybe the feeling of watching it live would be better.

While admiring it, Ji Tong thought that after returning to Pei Qingyuan’s consciousness space, he would make a special electronic photo album, put it on the bedside table, and record all his favorite clips in it, which could be named as the host’s precious moments.

He couldn’t help feeling a sense of satisfaction from a novice mother making a growth photo album for her newborn son.

Because he couldn’t control his expression for a while, the representative of the mastermind who was talking on stage noticed the giggling system in the audience, and said dissatisfiedly, “Number 0587, what are you doing?”

The other gimmicky systems turned their heads in unison, the uniform strength and the ruthless gaze of real artificial intelligence, which made Ji Tong hiccup in fright.

Speaking of hiccups, when can we have lunch?

Ji Tong quickly restrained his expression, and reflexively admitted: “Teacher, I am sorry for my mistake.”

He was looking forward to this regular meeting of the system, thinking that there would be a cool exchange of various data and code flows, but he did not expect that the system world was also contaminated with the bad atmosphere of human beings, and the way of holding meetings was exactly the same as that of human beings. Let the leader briefly talk about it first, but an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

Fortunately, he has a handsome guy to watch.

The mastermind representative had nothing to do with such a self-conscious human system, so he glared at him and continued talking.

“In short, we must pay attention to the problem of deviating from the plot line. This month, two projection worlds have collapsed, causing considerable losses. The systems responsible for these worlds have been deducted high year-end bonuses, and will be distributed next time. Increase the probability of difficulty in the world time as a punishment.”

“Everyone must complete the plot strictly according to the content given in the main mission. This is the best route and method given by the mastermind after complicated calculations. Please follow it word for word.”

“At the monthly system meeting, the mastermind will evaluate and score the task completion and completion quality of each projected world, and the system with the lowest score needs to receive special incentives…”

While imagining what delicious food Pei Qingyuan would have for lunch, Ji Tong listened with a straight expression to the representative of the mastermind repeating the words for the third time.

At this regular meeting, Ji Tong finally figured out the answer to the soul-torturing question of “since the novel has already been born, why should the characters in the book act out the plot again”.

To be exact, this world is not a complete novel, but just a prototype, so Ji Tong still doesn’t know the name of this novel, because it doesn’t have a title yet.

The world Pei Qingyuan lives in is one of the projection worlds of the popular theme “Master True and False”. The main line of the story of these projection worlds will start from a behavior commonly known as the exchange of a civet cat for a prince. , but the specific development of different worlds will be determined by the influence of various subtle factors, and there will be various trends, rather than stereotypes.

For example, Luo Xiuyun’s guilt in this world, coupled with the factors of a single-parent family, caused her to be very kind to her unrelated son Pei Yan. After Pei Yan returned to the Pei family, the difference was only from being doted on to being doubly doted on The real young master Pei Yan obviously lost the drama that the protagonist should have. On the contrary, the experience of the false young master Pei Qingyuan who fell from the clouds was even more ups and downs, so the mastermind chose Pei Qingyuan as the protagonist of this world.

The content of the projection world will become a literary novel in another dimension. If the novel is not good-looking or the content is too old-fashioned, it will lead to the loss of readers, that is, the loss of people’s attention.

Being forgotten is tantamount to complete demise, and the world will collapse step by step, so the mastermind sent cheats like the system to upgrade and optimize the main storyline, meet the changing tastes of readers, and keep the world running stably.

The main task that Ji Tong and Pei Qingyuan want to complete is actually a standard preset plot calculated by the mastermind through big data, which is in line with the tastes of most people. Even if it is not special enough, at least it will not make mistakes and cause the world to collapse.

From this point of view, Ji Tong finally understands the logic behind the task requirement of “having a harmonious and happy family”. , Let the host bear the grievances first, and pay silently, until Luo Xiuyun realizes what the host has suffered, and then regretfully changes her attitude, tries to get along well with her son, and strives to make up and repair the relationship.

Ji Tong can understand this idea, if it is put in other novels, he will also like to read such a plot, but when it is put on his host, he subconsciously does not want the host to go through this slightly hypocritical link.

He always believed in one sentence, late affection is cheaper than grass.

How should this task be accomplished?

The representative of the mastermind finally announced a five-minute temporary break to allow the systems to process the accumulated data. Ji Tong immediately stretched his waist to relax, and then tried to strike up a conversation with his colleagues around him.

The system colleague next to him is very delicate, a doll with blue eyes and blond hair. It looks sweet and cute, but the cold and inorganic gaze shows that it is just a real AI, and there is no human soul in its body.

“Hello, beauty, I’m No. 0587.” Lu Yingying’s little robot was very polite, with two crooked smiling eyes appearing on his head, “Do I need to change clothes in advance to participate in the system conference? It seems that I am the only one or Lu Yingying of.”

Looking around, this seems to be the scene of an animation exhibition, with all kinds of weird shapes.

“Hello, I’m number 0361.” The doll’s voice is also very cute, “No need, this is the shape chosen by the host.”

It turns out that the host can also specify the daily form for the system.

Ji Tong wrote it down silently, and asked curiously, “What subject are you working on?”

“The group pet is three and a half years old.”

Ji Tong imagined the relationship between the three-and-a-half-year-old host and the doll system, which was quite visual.

“Can I ask, have you done the task of happy family? How did you complete it?”

Ji Tong reckons that this link exists in all novels. It just so happens that this colleague works in Tuan Chong’s three-and-a-half-year-old world, and the way he completes the task should not cause the host to suffer too much grievance.

“I’ve done it.” The doll nodded, blinking her jewel-like eyes, “Three and a half years old, as long as they are cute.”

“…” Makes sense.

In fact, he thinks that as a host, he only needs to be handsome.

The blind Luo Xiuyun.

The little robot sighed and tried to figure out the problem.

The Mastermind says it must be followed word for word, “Harmony” means the host cannot be alone, “Happiness” means a harmonious relationship, “Family” means at least one house to live in together…

Ji Tong thought about it, and suddenly he had a flash of inspiration, patted his robotic thigh, turned his head and excitedly asked the cute doll next to him: “What do you think of me starting a family with the host?”

The doll colleague was shocked when he heard the words. It was just about to answer, but then it started to tremble again. There were electronic particles faintly emitting from its body, accompanied by a burst of yayyyyy ending sounds.

Under Ji Tong’s horrified gaze, several strands of the doll’s blond hair were shaken off, until finally a mechanical prompt sounded: “Data overload, please stop computing—dangerous, please clear virus data immediately—”

The author has something to say:

False Virus: Compiled by Ji Tong

The real virus: Ji Tong himself

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