Don't Destroy the World

11 - Visitors

Ember had expected that someone would recognize that Mally was a soul weapon she just didn't expect them to act on it so soon. Maybe that had been naive of her to think. Soul weapons were extremely rare, rare enough for people to kill for them. Clearly, an ordinary commoner child would be at a disadvantage if they bonded with such a weapon. Luckily, she wasn't ordinary. Still, she had to be careful what she did next. While Welks was dangerous she wasn't afraid of him but the knight was different.

She had never met Knight Vantosia Moze in either of her past life despite him being part of the Choosing delegation in both her lives. But she knew of him. He was a knight that was a beacon to all. A man who was known for his honorable spirit. He had sacrificed his life for his kingdom in the fight against the Dawneater. And her enemy, the Vantosia Crusaders, hunted her down in his name.

She wasn't sure how to feel about him. Was he a good man? Or had legends countered truth to make him an icon of justice and benevolence? She was leaning towards the second one, especially since he was here with Welks.

"Did you hear me girl?" Welks growled, shoving up from his chair.

"That's enough," Knight Vantosia stated, clamping his hand on Welks's shoulder and forcing him back into his chair.

Welks glared at the knight. "This is Goros business, Knight Vantosia. You don't need to get involved."

"True," Knight Vantosia said. "But monsters are the kingdom's business and therefore mine. I thought that was why you were here."

Welks crossed his arms. "Let's not play dumb, Knight Vantosia. You're just as interested as me in a soul weapon but Lord Felis has right of it since it was found on his land."

"It wasn't found on his land," Ember said, cutting through their argument.

Both men looked surprised but Welks quickly recovered.

"You lying piece of shit! Where else could it have come from?"

"Don't you dare to talk to my daughter like that?" Her mother snapped, stepping in front of Ember. "And why are you here anyway, Welks? I doubt Lord Felis sent you here without him."

"If you think just because Lord Felis is sweet on you that I'll put up with-"

"Enough," Knight Vantosia said, slamming his fist down on the table. He looked coldly at Welks and then turned his gaze to her mother, before turning his eyes on Ember.

"What is your name, child?" the knight asked and as he did his eyes began to glow faintly.

"Maiden Ember, daughter of Mister Zeris and Matron Camila."

Knight Vantosia nodded, clearly pleased at her formal introduction. "And you said that the weapon wasn't found on Lord Felis's land?"


"How can you be sure?" Knight Vantosia asked.

Ember hesitated. She knew what she said next would cause issues later but as soon as she used Mally she was already headlong Into a mess. Still, it was one she might be able to detangle herself from if she played her cards right.

"It was found in the Hungry Lands," Ember stated, meeting the knight's gaze.

His glowing blue eyes narrowed and then widened. "True."

"Bullshit!" Welks said. "You little liar."

"She's telling the truth or are you doubting my ability?" Knight Vantosia asked, and his voice sent a chill through the room.

Welks opened his mouth then quickly shut it when he saw Knight Vantosia's hand tighten on the grip of his mace.

Welks gritted his teeth and next when he spoke his voice was strained. "Got it. It's from the Hungry Lands. So how did she get it?"

Ember looked at the knight and then at Welks. She met the guard captain's eyes and grinned. "That's a secret."

With a growl, Welks leapt from his chair and threw himself towards Ember. She took a step back but Knight Vantosia was already moving. His mace was in his hand and he swung, slamming it into Welks stomach. The man flew through the air and crashed against the wall, knocking over the shelf that hung there.

Besides her, her mother gasped, covering her mouth as she stared at Welks in disbelief. The knight glanced at the guard captain before his attention turned back to Ember and then her mother.

"I apologize for the mess, Matron Camila. I think this discussion would be better had at the temple, but first I believe I should return the captain to his home. Please bring Ember to the temple in an hour."

"Yes, Knight Vantosia."

He gave her a clip nod and then walked over to Welks. Welks groaned as the knight grabbed his arm, pulling him to his feet. That he could still walk showed that Welks was indeed a Seedling, probably a physical type if he was able to walk away from such a hit.

The two men walked out of the house. Her mother rushed to the door, peering out at it before latching it shut. She immediately turned to Ember.

"That weapon you it really a soul weapon?" her mother asked.

Ember nodded.

Her mother rushed over to her and gently put her hands on Ember's shoulder. "I know you want to keep it Ember but we'll need to give it to Knight Vantosia. Keeping it will be too dangerous."

Ember shook her head. "I can't."

"Why?" Then her eyes widened. "Did Bloom Larisel give it to you?"

Ember hesitated. That would be a perfect excuse but in the end she shook her head. "It's soulbound to me."

Her mother's eyes widened and she dropped her hand from Ember's shoulder. She stumbled to one of the kitchen chairs and sagged into it. "What are we going to do?"

She knew what her mother was worried about. Since the weapon was soulbound it meant only death would separate her from it. To her, Ember was walking around with a death sentence hanging over her head.

Ember walked over to her mother, squeezing her hand. "It'll be fine, Mom."

Her mother gave her a tight smile. "Yes, it will." It was clear her mother was just trying to reassure her and possibly herself.

"Bloom Larisel will protect me," Ember said, trying again.

"Bloom Larisel," her mother said and then nodded. Her mood lifting slightly. "I doubt she would leave you to fend for yourself after giving you such a gift. And if that doesn't work, we'll just have to run."

"We'll go with the delegation that way we'll be safe."

Her mother looked unsure. After her experiences with Lord Felis, a group of powerful people didn't exactly equate safety. She was right too. While it was likely they would be safe with the Akashic Order it was a different story when it came to the knights. Fortunately, there should only be two knights in the delegation though that certainly wasn't a small thing.

Still, it was strange that the delegation was here early. It should've been at least another 4-5 days before they arrived. What changed? Was it tied to the Blood Leech attack? Why was everything changing? She didn't know and that bothered her. She obviously didn't want everything to stay the same but she wanted to be the one changing things.

She sighed and pushed it aside. She would look into it when she could but right now, she needed to focus on her family. As soon as her family was safe, she could start working on building up her power and finding answers to her questions.

Feeling a bit better, Ember focused on her mother who was staring worriedly at the door. "I'm going to check on Rowan."

Her mother nodded absently and then turned sharply to look at her. "Get ready to go to the temple." She hesitated. "Are you bringing the weapon with you?"

"I've hidden it in a place no one will be able to find," Ember said.

Her mother looked doubtful but she nodded and glanced back at the door. "Hopefully, your father will be back soon."

When her mother didn't say anything further, Ember went into the room she shared with her brother. As soon as she went inside her brother and Patricia rushed to her side.

"Are you okay?" Patricia asked.

"Was there really a knight out there?"

"Yes and yes." She squinted her eyes at Rowan. "You cared more about the knight than me?"

"Well, the knight was there so you would be fine."

Ember blinked and she was sharply aware that her brother was indeed ten. He didn't understand that all knights weren't good.

"I suppose he did protect me," Ember said thoughtfully.

"He did? What happened? Did he have a sword?"

"A mace," Ember said and then she began to tell the pair what happened.

"That was great! I wish I could have been there to see it," Rowan exclaimed while swinging his arm like he was fighting imaginary foes. "Though it would've been better if he had a sword."

"Then you can tell him that when you see him," Ember said.

Rowan's eyes widened. "Am I going to meet him?"

"Probably," Ember said.

Rowan jumped in the air, excited. "I can't wait. Maybe I can see him fight. What abilities do you think he has?"

"He can tell if you are lying," Ember answered.

Rowan froze and turned to Ember. A flicker of fear went through his eyes. "Will he-" Then he abruptly stopped, his eyes going to Patricia.

"I'll be fine," Ember said quickly. "But I need you both to do me a favor."

They pair nodded their heads.

"You can't mention Bloom Larisel and what you've seen me do or what I taught you. If you can, avoid talking to Knight Vantosia. Rowan, you might not be able to avoid it but if you do meet him just don't say anything about me or at all."

She paused, rethinking that. "But if you feel you are in danger, come to me and if you can't you can tell them what you know. I don't want you to get hurt."

Rowan's lip curled. "You're telling us not to tell and then to tell. You're not making any sense."

"I don't want you to put yourself in danger to keep my secrets."

Rowan crossed his arms. "Well, I'm not telling anyone, not the knights, not even the king. I'll protect you."

"What a great brother I have," Ember said. "But don't push yourself. I mean it."

"Me too!" Patricia piped up. "I'll keep your secret."

"Thank you, Patricia," Ember said and then she couldn't help herself and pulled the pair into a tight hug.

"Ugh," her brother said, immediately pushing her away.

Patricia stiffened and then relaxed, cautiously hugging her back.

When she released them, Patricia's face was red while Rowan just looked disgusted.

She started laughing and her brother glared at her.

Patricia looked quizzically a her but then her face set in one of determination, even as she started to fidget.

"Um, can you tell me how you made that gray ball disappear?"

Ember blinked and then groaned. She had been in a rush and had to open Keeper's Hold to hide Mally. Since they couldn't see Keeper's Hold it must have looked like she had simply made it vanished.

"It's a secret," Ember said.

Patricia looked disappointed at her answer but didn't push.

"You sure have a lot of secrets," Rowan grumbled.

"I do and the best way to keep them is not to tell anyone."

Rowan huffed but didn't say anything more about it. She figured he would ask her about it when they left Goros like she promised.

There was a knock on the bedroom door and then her mother opened it. "Come into the kitchen you two." Her attention turned to Patricia, looking at the girl in surprise. It was clear she forgotten Patricia was still here.

"Patricia, it's time for you to head home." She frowned. "No, I wouldn't want you walking home alone after the attack. Why don't you wait in here while I have a talk with Rowan and Ember then we'll walk you home."

"You don't need to," Patricia said quickly. "I can leave."

Ember's mother shook her head, giving Patricia a gentle smile. "Nonsense. We're not going to have you walking alone with monsters about. Now just stay here until I call for you."

Patricia looked desperately at Ember.

"We'll walk you to the same spot like we always do," Ember stated.

Patricia looked relieved at that and then she sat down in the room.

Ember's mother gave Patricia a worried look before closing the door. Rowan and Ember followed her into the kitchen and immediately a wave of relief engulfed her.

Her father stood in the kitchen, whole and well. He looked at Ember and sighed.

"It looks like you've already gotten yourself into some trouble."

She nodded. "Yeah."

He shook his head. "We'll just have to get you out of it."

Ember rubbed her cheek. "Sorry."

Her father shook his head. "What you did back there was brave so there is no need to apologize."

"There certainly is a need," her mother stated. "It was brave and I am proud of you but I don't want you doing that ever again. We're your parents. We're the ones that should protect you."

"We should protect each other, not just you protecting us," Rowan interjected, straightening his shoulders. "We're a family. That's what we're supposed to do."

Her mother sighed. Her father didn't say anything but he could tell from the way his lips twitched, trying to hold back a smile, that he was proud.

Yeah, they were a family and Ember would try her hardest to make sure they survive. No, not only survive. They would thrive.

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