Don't Destroy the World

20 - Favors

They didn't go home. The three of them stayed at the temple. It went unsaid that it would be safer. The delegation would leave in the morning, something Priest Beslen decided since tensions were high between everyone and Lord Felis. She also figured they suspected that the noble might try something else to get them to stay. So, she wasn't surprised when her mother and Knight Van went into a room with an acolyte to speak in private.

Throughout it all, Patricia stayed by her side, her hand clinging to her arm. Rowan, on the other hand, kept to Knight Garrick's side while keeping an eye on the door to the room her mother went inside. Ember tried talking to Rowan but he glared at her before ignoring her. There had been an accusation in his eyes that seemed to stab right into her soul. She didn't bother him after that though she kept an eye on him. She wanted to make sure he didn't run off and do something stupid. It was best that he left that to her.

Ember was already making plans. There were a lot of holes in them and some she didn't think she could fill before they left tomorrow. It was frustrating. She knew she could do better but it was like her brain didn't fully work. She wasn't sure if it was due to her brain not being fully mature or the wave of emotions that seemed to surge through her that she barely could control.

She knew she could be hot-headed. A trait she got from her mother. But she always thought she was good at planning things. Either she had misjudged herself or being in a child's body was limiting her. Though there was a third option, that something had changed when she regressed to the past. She really hoped it wasn't the third option but she couldn't dismiss the possibility completely.

"I'll need a horse," she muttered to herself. It would be better if she could use haste but the last time she checked Keeper, she still didn't meet the requirements. It was frustrating.

Patricia stirred beside her. The girl had fallen asleep against her as Ember sat on the floor, leaning against the wall. The priest had prepared a room for Patricia but she had insisted on staying with Ember.

One of the backrooms had been cleared out and straw beds set up for her and her family but they hadn't gone to the rooms yet. Rowan looked determined to stay nearby where Mom had gone and since Rowan stayed, so did Ember. After what happened to father, she didn't blame him for wanting to be near Mom.

She sighed. Her plan was...okay, but there were so many gaps. She rubbed her forehead, wishing she could get her brain to work a little better.

"Maiden Ember," a voice said gently to her.

She looked up to see Priest Beslen. He gave her a soft smile. "Can we talk for a moment?" He gestured to one of the empty backrooms. "Privately."

Ember frowned but she gave a cautious nod. Carefully, she pried herself from the sleeping Patricia and as she did an acolyte went to the girl and carefully lifted her from the ground. He gave Priest Beslen a nod and then walked away with her.

"Take her to her room," Priest Beslen explained.

Ember watched him go, feeling a little strange about letting Patricia be taken away but she knew the girl was safer with the acolytes. The priest of the Akashic Order weren't as weak as some may think.

She glanced back at her brother before turning to Priest Beslen. "Can someone keep an eye on my brother. I don't want him to wander off."

The priest nodded and called over another acolyte who moved closer to her brother, but not close enough to interrupt Rowan's conversation with Knight Garrick. Knowing that someone was keeping an eye on Rowan, Ember turned to follow Priest Beslen down the hall to an empty backroom. As she did, she could feel someone watching her. She turned around to see Rowan looking at her but he looked away when she caught his eye.

She sighed. She would have to figure things out with him but that would come later. For now, she wondered what exactly Priest Beslen wanted to talk with her about.

Once they were inside the room, the priest sat in front of her looking at her curiously. "Well, Maiden Ember, you are a very interesting child. I have to say you certainly have been keeping things interesting. Though I must insist on an explanation."

"Explanation?" Ember asked, confused.

"Yes." Priest Beslen steepled his fingers and tucked them under his chin as he looked at her. "You have a high level curse in your right eye, you have a soul weapon bound to you from the Hungry Lands, and a mage has given you enough money to get your family out of debt and let you live a normal life in Heklar if you choose. I hope you don't expect me to accept all these things as mere happenchance."

"What if they are?" Ember asked cautiously.

"Hmm," Priest Beslen said, and then he leaned forward. "Then are you also going to tell me you just happen to awaken as a Seedling?"

Ember felt ice go through her veins. How did he know? Did he have the inspect skill? No, that can't be it because she would have seen it on Finder when she asked it to find the ability. It could be the Blessing ability though it required physical contact. Did he use it on her when he touched her shoulder before? It was possible but she didn't think she gave him a reason to. She frowned, though what he listed- the soul weapon, the mage teacher, the curse. All of those provided lots of suspicions.

"Don't look so worried," Priest Beslen said. "I kept your secret this long."

"How long have you known?" Ember asked quietly as her mind raced. She could kill the priest but then the entire temple would be after her. If she knocked him out and took her family and ran then that could work. She could hide them in the woods and then loop around to get her father.

"I've known since that day you passed out from magic drain," Priest Beslen said with a happy smile.

Ember stared at him stunned. "You knew that long. Even during the Choosing?"

Priest Beslen grinned in answer.

"Then why did you let me go through with the Choosing?" Ember was confused.

"I would have stopped you if you had tried to go through with it," Priest Beslen said with a dismissive wave of his hand. "A person could only be awakened once. It would have been a waste of a Blessing."

Ember's brow scrunched up. "You didn't answer my question. You basically allowed me to manipulate the Choosing."

Priest Beslen looked thoughtful. "I suppose I did."

Ember scowled. "What do you want?"

The priest smiled brightly. "How wonderful! I appreciate you offering to repay my generosity. I suppose I wouldn't be able to convince you to turn down Oracle Patricia's request to stay with you."

Ember crossed her arms. "No. I won't manipulate Patricia."

Priest Beslen narrowed his eyes. "And this has nothing to do with having a healer at your beck and call."

"I won't deny that would be beneficial but if Patricia told me she wanted to stay at the temple I wouldn't try to stop her as long as it was what she wished."

"Hmm." The priest drummed his finger against the table. "Then I will ask you for three favors."

"Three?" Ember said, scrunching up her nose. "One favor is more than enough."

"Three," the priest insisted. "One for allowing you to manipulate the Choosing, one for refusing the favor I really wanted, and the third for keeping your awakening a secret."

"My manipulating the Choosing got you an Oracle," Ember pointed out. "Don't think I didn't realize just how important that seems to be to the Akashic Order."

"True," Priest Beslen said, rubbing his chin. "Then two favors and you'll have to answer some questions I have."

"Agreed, but there are certain things I can't talk about."

Priest Beslen nodded. "Who is the mage that has claimed you as her student?"

"Her name is Bloom Larisel but I doubt that's her real name." She added that last part in case the Priest tried to look her up.

Priest Beslen frowned. "Is she unregistered?"

"I don't know," Ember said.

"That could be problematic," Priest Beslen said. "Are you planning to register?"

Ember hesitated. "I haven't decided."

"Is it because of your teacher?" Priest Beslen said, his frown deepening.

"No," Ember said. "It's because I would have to explain how I was awakened."

"How were you awakened?" he asked.

"A priest awakened me," Ember said.

Priest Beslen's eyes widened. "Are you sure a priest did it?"

"Yes," Ember said firmly.

"Who was the priest?"

I'm looking at him, Ember silently thought.

"I can't say."

It looked like the mention of a priest awakening her agitated the man. She knew if they had priest going around blessing people illegally the Akashic Order would have a real problem on their hands. That did bring up something curious.

"Why are you allowing Patricia to leave." Ember asked, "She has the Blessing ability. I thought those with that ability weren't allowed to be traveling acolytes."

"That's usually the case but Patricia is an Oracle," Priest Beslen.

"Which means what exactly?" Ember pushed.

"It means she can travel," Priest Beslen said simply. "Did the mage curse you?"

"No," Ember said, huffing. She was growing more and more curious about the whole Oracle business. "I really don't know how I was cursed."

"Then how can you be sure the mage didn't do it," Priest Beslen pointed out.

"I know it for a fact. My teacher and I have a bond that proves it. I can't explain further than that." Ember crossed her arms. She wasn't sure if the priest would believe her but she didn't really feel it was necessary to convince him. Though, if he believed her, it would make things a bit easier.

"Did your soul weapon really come from the Hungry Lands?" Priest Beslen asked.

"Didn't Knight Van already confirmed that I spoke the truth?" Ember asked, slightly annoyed.

"Then how did you get it? Did you teacher give it to you?"

Ember leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms. "Did you see what my ability is?"

Priest Beslen's eyebrow rose. "Yes, Finder's Keepers. I have never seen such an ability before. The ability to find and keep things. I didn't think it would let you find something like a soul weapon."

Ember peered at the man. It didn't seem like he knew about the levels her ability had, just the general name and description. She knew inspect could go deeper into the levels of an ability. It was what made it so hard to deal with Lord Felis in her prisoner life. He always knew what she was capable of doing. Of course, back then she hadn't unlocked the ability to collect powers.

"But if it's from the Hungry Lands but you found it on Lord Felis's land-"

"I didn't find it on Lord Felis's land," Ember cut in. "Knight Van confirmed it as well."

"But you said-"

"I said I used my ability. I did. That's all I can say on the subject, but I didn't find this on Lord Felis's lands."

Priest Beslen leaned back in his chair and stared at her. "You really are filled with secrets."

"They're my secrets and I prefer if you didn't pry into them," Ember said boldly.

The priest looked amused and made a noncommittal sound. Ember wondered if she would really have to kill him. At least she could wait a bit. Since the priest hadn't told anyone about her manipulation of the Choosing, she expected he would keep her secret, at least in the short-term or until she completed his favors. By then she would have already moved out of the kingdom's grasp or registered with the help of a sponsor she chose as a cover.

"What are these favors that you want?" Ember asked.

Priest Beslen smiled. "I'm not sure yet but I'll inform you when I'm ready."

Ember didn't like that. "If you ask me for something ridiculous, I will refuse."

"Anything I ask you will be within your power. I promise that," Priest Beslen said, standing up and leading her to the door.

"That doesn't make me feel better."

Priest Beslen only smiled.

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