Don't Destroy the World

32 - Reunion

It took them three days to catch up with the delegation. During that time, she and Justine made plans for their arrival to Hekral. Mostly, it came down to living arrangements and protection. They agreed that Justine would come stay with her and her family and in exchange she would guard her mother and brother when she wasn't out hunting. It had the added benefit that Justine could stay close to Ember in case this new path the Akashic Tree had promised her open up.

"Couldn't the new path be that you have become a Monster Hunter," Ember pointed out.

Justine shook her head. "That's a return to an old path. I used to be one before settling in Goros."

Ember found herself curious about that. "Why Goros?"

Justine shrugged. "It was where I ended up after I cleared my head. I ended up sticking around."

Ember figured there was more to the story but the woman didn't seem incline to say more than that. Ember decided not to probe. Everyone had their secrets. Which brought her to her own.

"When we get to the delegation don't let on that I'm a Seedling, not even to my family."

Justine cocked an eyebrow. "Your family doesn't know? Why the hell not?"

Ember opened her mouth and then closed it. Honestly, she didn't have a reason not to tell them. Not anymore. They were out of Goros and though that didn't make them completely safe it was safe enough. She already decided to register as a Seedling as soon as the opportunity arose. It would help her in the long run. So why not just tell her family?

Her lips twisted. "I'll tell them when we're in Hekral."

Justine gave her a questioning look but didn't say anything else on the subject.

It was another couple of hours when they saw their first sign of the delegation. Two acolytes were scouting down the road and when they saw them, they hurried over. As the moved closer, Justine's hand went to a hatchet at her waist.

The acolytes slowed down. "Maiden Ember! Are you alright?"

"It's fine," Ember whispered to Justine. She recognized the two men.

Justine nodded and brought the horse to a stop.

Ember climbed off the horse and smiled at the pair. "I'm fine. Justine helped me," she said, gesturing to the woman. "What are you two doing out here? Why are you with the others?"

The men shared a look before one spoke up. "Oracle Patricia said you would be arriving."

Ember blinked. She hadn't been expecting that answer. "She did?"

They both nodded.

"It seems your path must be tied to Oracle Patricia," one of the acolytes said brightly. "She has had multiple visions about you."

Ember shifted uncomfortably. She didn't like the sound of that. Justine and now Patricia. What was actually going on? It was clear the Akashic Tree wanted something from her but she wasn't sure what. No, that wasn't completely true. She had an inkling of what it was tied to.

The Shade.

The Shade wasn't due to arrive for at least a good 10 years. As much as she wanted to avoid them, there was no ignoring the Shade, especially as a Seedling. Still, while in the past, she had done her fighting against the Shade, she hadn't been one of the big players. Why spend attention to her? If anything, Knight Vantosia should be the focus.

She grimaced. Of course, she was not taking into account that the Akashic Tree knew she was time traveling and possibly had a hand in it.

"Are you sure you are alright, Maiden Ember?" One of the acolytes questioned, giving her a worry look.

"As fine as I can be," she said and then quickly changed the subject. "How is my mother and brother?"

They began walking back the road from where the acolytes came from. Justine walked with them, having dismounted from her horse to follow along. She was quieter than she usually was but Ember was too focused on getting information about what to expect when she reached camp.

"They were worried. They...weren't as confident in the Oracle's words despite our reassurance."

Ember winced. She could imagine. A hint of guilt covered her imagining what her mother had been going through this week. For her husband is locked up and then her daughter goes missing after an attack on the acolytes.

"She thought you were kidnapped," the other acolyte added, looking at her curiously.

Ember's guilt grew but she swallowed it down. "Patricia didn't tell her where I went?"

The acolyte shook his head. "She only said you would return. Maiden Ember, what happened to you?"

The dreaded question had been asked. Ember's first inclination was to lie. Even the thought of telling them the truth made her stomach twist. Still, she didn't feel quite right about it, so instead she decided deflection was her best option.

"It's best I talk to my mother first."

The acolytes nodded solemnly and she got the idea that horrible imaginations must've been going through their minds.

I hope I didn't make things worse.

As soon as they were in sight of the wagons, two small figures darted towards her. Halfway to her, one of the figures turned around and abruptly ran back to the camp. Ember blinked, not sure how to take that.

"Ember!" Patricia said with a wide grin. "You're back."

Ember smiled at the girl. "I am but I heard you already knew that."

Patricia flushed and then nodded. "I did's different from seeing it happen in front of me."

Ember couldn't help glancing back at the camp.

"Rowan went to get your mother," Patricia said, calmly.

Ember turned back to the girl. Patricia seemed different. While she wasn't bursting with confidence, her words were less hesitant.

"Thank you," Ember said.

Patricia's eyes widened and then she quickly looked down. "I didn't do anything."

"You waited for me," she nodded to the acolytes. "And sent them for me."

Patricia frowned. "I should've done more."

Ember blinked at that answer but was distracted by a voice.


Ember looked up and she saw her mother. Her hand went to her mouth as if she was physically holding back a cry. Rowan stood awkwardly by her mother's side, looking at her and then looking away.

A wave of relief went through Ember at the sight of her mother and before she knew it, she was running. She didn't stop until she was in her mother's arms. The warm embraced seemed to break a dam inside her and before she knew it tears were streaking down her cheek.

When Ember finally calmed down, they had moved to one of the wagons. Surprisingly, they were alone. It was clear that the rest of the delegation had decided to give them space. She couldn't help glancing around for Justine. She spotted the woman talking with one of the acolytes. She was in-sight but far enough away so she wasn't in listening distance.

"Are you okay?" her mother asked, worried filling her voice. "Can you tell me what happened?"

Ember opened her mouth and then shut it. She wasn't sure what to say but then Rowan said it for her.

"You went back, didn't you?" Rowan asked, his eyes narrowing. "You went to save Dad."

The denial got stuck in her throat and she simply nodded.

"Stupid," her brother said.

"Rowan!" Her mother said sharply, but there was confusion in her eyes. "Ember, what does that mean? Weren't you kidnapped by Welks?"

Ember blinked. "Welks?"

Her mother nodded. "Knight Vantosia found his body in the woods. I thought..."

Ember didn't want to imagine what her mother must've thought. "I met Welks. He tried to take me but I got away."

Her mother looked both relieved and confused. "Why didn't you come back to the camp?"

Ember swallowed. "I-I wanted to save Dad." Then she felt her words flowing from her mouth before she could stop them. "I stole a box from Myron. It wasn't the same as the bag they used to frame Dad, but maybe if I hadn't taken it then they wouldn't have had a way to blame him. It's my fault Dad is locked up back there."

Her mother stared at Ember in shock. "You stole a box from Myron?"

Ember nodded.

Her mother frowned and leaned forward.

Ember flinched.

She expected a smack or something but instead her mother pulled her back into her arms.

"It's not your fault, Ember. That man was searching for any way to keep us there. Like you said, it wasn't even the box you took. Don't blame yourself for the evils of others."

Ember felt tears brimming in her eyes but she managed to hold them back. "I'm sorry."

"You should be," her mother said, pulling her back so she could see her. "You ran off without a word and put yourself in danger. What were you thinking?"

Ember hesitated and looked around to make sure no one was listening, before lowering her voice. "Mom, I'm a Seedling."

Surprise spread across her mother's face, followed by a pensive look, and then her mother nodded.

"Is that why you gave your Blessing to Patricia?"

Ember nodded. "Yes. I was already a Seedling at that time. Priest Beslen already knows but we can't tell anyone else."

Her mother nodded. "Lord Felis would try to use it as leverage."

Ember felt relief at her mother's quick agreement.

"How long have you been a Seedling," her mother asked curious. "And why did you steal from Myron? That was dangerous."

Ember could see a flood of questions rising to her mother's lip but before she could go further, Justine walked over, interrupting them.

"Sorry, but Knight Tight-Ass wants to see you. I could only hold him off for so long."

Her mother glared at Justine.

"I'll go." She paused. "Mom, Justine saved my life."

She then hurried away from the two women, hooping her words would diffuse the tension between the two women.

It didn't take her long to find Knight Vantosia. He stood near the treeline, further away from the camp. He wasn't alone. Priest Beslen was with him. As soon as he saw her, he turned and walked into the woods, Priest Beslen gestured for her to follow before stepping into the woods as well.

Ember swallowed down her trepidation and stepped into the forest. The two men led her deeper into the woods but not too far. It was just enough to give them some privacy.

"You're a Seedling," Knight Vantosia stated, his eyes glowing slightly.

Ember said nothing. She would be a fool to do so.

Knight Vantosia frowned. "You killed Welks."

Again, she said nothing.

The knight rubbed his forehead.

"You can keep your secrets, Maiden Ember. It's clear you have many but I need to know if you killed Welks otherwise I'll march us right back to Goros."

Ember bit her lip, struggling to decide what to say. She couldn't afford for her mother and brother to return back there.

"Yes, I killed him," she tilted her head up. "He attacked me. I think he was planning to kidnap and torture me."

Knight Vantosia frowned. "How did you kill him?"

She glanced at Priest Beslen. The man shrugged, looking way too calm despite the conversation.

"I used my soul weapon."

"Is that it?"

Ember remained quiet.

The knight sighed and rubbed his forehead. "Until we reach Hekral, you are to remain within sight of Knight Garrick or myself. Do you understand?"

"Include me as well," Priest Beslen pipped in.

Knight Vantosia frowned but nodded. "Or Priest Beslen."

Ember nodded. "I understand."

"Good." He abruptly turned and began heading back to the camp.

"Knight Vantosia, we'll be right behind you. Just give us a moment."

The knight didn't pause and only kept walking.

Ember frowned and looked at the priest. "Did you tell him about me?"

The priest folded his arms. "I didn't need to when you left clues everywhere. You really need to hide better if you want to keep everything secret."

Ember flushed but nodded, relieved that the priest hadn't betrayed her. "I don't want to keep it a secret anymore."

"Oh?" The priest asked, curious.

Ember nodded. "I want to register once we get to Hekral. Can you help me?"

Priest Beslen looked thoughtful. "I might be able to pull some strings."

"Thank you," Ember said.

"Don't thank me yet. You'll have to do me a favor."

Ember sighed. "Another one?"

The priest grinned. "This one should be easy. While Oracle Patricia is in Hekral I want you to accompany her."

"If you're asking me to be her personal acolyte then I'm going to have to say no. I have other plans."

"While that would be interesting that isn't my goal," the priest said. "Just accompany her in your free time. At the least a few hours a week."

Ember frowned. "Why?"

"Because it would make her happy," Priest Beslen said.

Ember couldn't help feeling suspicious but she nodded. "Fine." She was planning to spend time with Patricia anyway so if her agreement would help her register without any problems it was an easy yes.

The priest smiled widely and then he turned and began leading them out of the woods. "So it looks like you picked up company during your adventure."

Ember nodded. "She saved me when I was injured."

"And can she be trusted."

Ember turned over the question before nodding. "Yes."

"Good." They stepped out of the forest and as they did, Priest Beslen turned to face her, gripping her shoulders. "Now, don't run off again like that. There were a lot of people worried about you."

Ember was about to say something flippant when she noticed the man's face. Despite his nonchalant appearance there was genuine concern underneath.

"I won't."

He nodded and stood beside her.

"Aren't you going to go back to camp?"

"After you," the priest said and waved his hand.

Ember realized the priest hadn't been bluffing when he said he would watch her. She sighed. it was going to be a long journey to Hekral.

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