Don't Destroy the World

36 - Disagreements

As soon as the three of them left the temple, Ember looked around before moving them towards an alley.

"Ember, what are you doing? It's dangerous," her mother said her gaze skittering around as if she expected some burly thug to immediately assault them.

"I'm giving us a layer of protecting," Ember said and she wrapped an illusion around them. Now they looked like three ordinary male commoners. Slightly muscular men who took on odd jobs or hauled deliveries. She figured that look would work best as a deterrent while letting them move through the city freely.

Her mother stared at her with wide eyes. "You have another ability?"

"She has three of them," Justine said and there was a smugness in her voice.

Her mother glared at the other woman before turning her attention to Ember. "What is the third one?"

Again, Justine spoke up. "Fire."

Her mother ignored Justine though her face twitched. "And why does she know about your abilities."

"She found out," Ember said quickly before Justine could agitate her mother further. "After Justine saved me, I tried to sneak away by using my abilities. Justine has a very good stealth ability and followed me."

"Hey, you're just going to tell her that?" Justine said, crossing her arms.

"What's wrong? I thought we were speaking for each other," Ember said, her tone laced with irritation.

Justine grunted but didn't say anything more.

Her mother smirked.

Ember had to stop herself from rolling her eyes. She had never seen her mother act like this. Justine really knew how to get under her skin.

Dismissing such thoughts, Ember called up her map. Once again, she had Finder look for the girl. The dot appeared, showing up in the same place. good, she hadn't been moved yet. It was likely she wouldn't be until the evening if they did plan to move her. At least she hoped so. She glanced at the sky. It was early afternoon.

She put Finder away. "It's this way."

"Wait," Justine said. "Are you going to need to keep checking that map of yours?"

Ember thought about it and nodded. "It's the only way for me to make sure we're in the right area."

"Can you tone it down a bit? It's a bit flashy."

Ember frowned and shook her head. "I can't."

Justine frowned and her mother looked worry.

"We'll be spotted if we use it. It stands out too much."

Ember thought about it. "We'll have to find a location near the area as a base where I can check in with the map. Maybe there'll will be an inn room we can rent."

Her mother frowned and touched her hip. Ember noticed there was a slight bulge there and she realized it was probably the money she had Priest Octorin give her mother.

"Don't worry about it. I received a little money from Priest Octorin."

Her mother's expression grew relieved and then confused.

"We should go. We don't want to be out after dark."

Then they started moving together with Ember taking the lead. As they moved, a part of Ember itched to take out her map. She wasn't exactly sure how far away the dot was, only its general direction and that it was within the city grounds.

As they moved deeper, Ember realized that it might be better for them to call a carriage. Unfortunately, a hackney service hadn't been invited yet which meant they had to move on foot. The good thing was that it helped her fill out her map better. A carriage ride would just fill up the surface level while wandering on foot gave the details.

Ember glanced at her mother to see how she was holding up. Her mother looked around her with a shrew eye. She mouther to herself as if she was trying to remember something. Ember frowned, not sure what was going on.


Her mother blinked and looked at her. "Is something wrong?"

"No..." Ember tilted her head. "What are you doing?"

"Oh!" Her mother said and there was a faint blush on her cheek. "I was looking at the area. We'll need to find a place to live soon so I was taking in where we should look. This area is nice but a bit higher than we could probably afford."

"You're house shopping in this situation?" Justine asked in disbelief.

"I can multitask," her mother said with a huff.

Ember didn't say anything to either of them before spotting another alley and having them duck inside it so she could check her map. The dot still hadn't moved. In the end they went like that for a while until Ember noticed the neighborhood growing worse. Eventually, ducking into alleys were too dangerous and the group searched for an inn. They found one right on the edge of the poorer area. It was rundown and rowdy and seemed to be the only one in this particular area.

Inside, they found themselves surrounded by a throng of people drinking and eating, while loudly singing. There were even a group of people playing a game of sticks and pebbles while making bets.

Her mother seemed to shrink in on herself, trying to avoid the men as much as she could. Justine, on the other hand, was staring with interest at the game of stick and pebbles like she was debating whether to join in.

Ember sighed and went to the bar counter. "One beer and a room," she said, her voice come out as deep and scratchy.

Her mother seemed startled by the voice but completely recovered and hissed. "What are you doing?"

"Getting us a room," she nodded at the crowd.

Her mother looked both confused and like she was planning to scold Ember.

"That'll be 4 flats," the bartender said.

Ember froze. She had the money but it was in the box in Keeper's Hold. She couldn't just pull it out in the middle of the inn.

When she hesitated, the bartender narrowed his eyes but then a hand slammed on the counter. "I got you this time, my friend."

Justine grinned at her. She had lowered her voice though it was exactly at the registered it should be, it wasn't too bad.

"Thanks," Ember said.

The bartender nodded and then turned, pulling a beer and putting it on the bar and shoving forward a key.

Justine grabbed the beer and chugged it down in one long gulp. Ember took the keep and then made her way to the stairs. They slid into the room the rented and as soon as the door was closed her mother was turning to her.

"Why were you ordering a beer?"

"I was trying to fit in," Ember said and she couldn't help her exasperation in her voice.

"Don't take that tone with me."

Ember frowned. "Then you need to trust me, instead of questioning what I'm doing."

"You're twelve! You shouldn't even be here. I should have never let you do this. It's dangerous," her mother's voice grew higher and higher as she spoke.

"Quiet down, you two!" Justine cut in. "You two can hash it out when a girl's life is hanging in the balance. Now, why don't you look at that map of yours."

Ember looked at her Mom but her mother didn't say anything. She called up Finder and brought up the map. The dot was still in the same place. It hadn't moved which she was starting to feel was strange. Was the girl drugged? The dot should have moved even a little but then again she might have and Ember hadn't noticed because she was too far away.

In any case, they were closer but Ember still didn't feel it was enough. Unless she got the full area then the kidnapper could take the girl and move her into the areas, she didn't have mapped. But that could happen anyway if she wasn't there to help.

"We need to get closer."

"No," her mother said firmly. "This is close enough. Let the guards handle it from here."

Ember gritted her teeth. This was so frustrating. She knew her mother was trying to protect her but even if she looked like she was a 12-year-old she was much older than that.

"It is getting late. If we move now, we'll get caught out there in the dark."

Ember looked at Justine in disbelief. "Are you saying to give up when we're so close?"

"I'm just pointing out the current situation," Justine said with a shrug.

"We're not wandering out there in the dark," her mother said, crossing her arms.

Ember bit the inside of her cheek to hold herself back from snapping. She tried to consider the situation calmly. They were in a poorer and probably more dangerous part of town. Her mother was defenseless, but she and Justine could probably handle themselves. If they left now, it would be far into the night before they made contact with the guard. By then the girl could be moved to a place not on her map, at worse she could be killed.

It would have been better if the guards had been with them but she had been set on keeping her identity private. Things would be so much easier if cell phones existed. They did have birds to carry messages but Ember hadn't thought to get one. She rubbed the bridge of her nose. She had to make a decision.

"Justine, what do you think about getting her?"

"Absolutely not!"

Justine's looked thoughtful. "Not sure. Maybe if it was night."

Ember nodded. "We could go there and see if there is anyone around. I could provide backup if needed."

Justine grinned. "Never considered myself a hero but I don't mind giving it a try."

Her mother grabbed her. "No! This isn't what we agreed on."

"And what if we leave and she's moved? Worse, what if she dies?" Ember asked, meeting her mother's eyes. "We're here. We can save her."

"It's too dangerous."

"I'm a Seedling and Justine is strong." Ember squeezed her mother's hand. "Please. I don't plan on going in. I'll leave that to Justine and if it gets too dangerous, we'll leave and send the guards. I-I just don't want to abandon her."

Her mother's expression wavered.

"What if it was me, Mom?'

Her mother's face crumpled at those words. She looked down. "I hate this. Why does it have to be you?"

"Because I'm the one who can help." Ember reached over and hugged her mother. "Please, let me help."

Her mother stiffened and then broke away. She balled up her face as if she was struggling to answer. Ember wasn't sure what she would do if her mother still said no. Would she ignore her and do it anyway or would she give in and return back to the temple?

No, she needed to be the one to save that girl. It was the only way she could make sure the guards took her seriously when Lady Allyana was kidnapped. Getting Count Uniar's favor was vital. Her mother would understand in the long run.

Ember took a deep breath. There was one way to resolve this. it would only take one touch to have her mother fall into slumber.

"Okay," her mother said, turning to her. "We'll do it but you have to promise to go back if it gets too dangerous."

Ember tucked her hand behind her back, guilt sliding through her. "I promise," she said quickly.

Her mother still looked worried but Justine looked excited.

"Glad that's decided," Justine said. "Now, I've got a plan on how this should go down."

Ember glanced at her mother. Worry still covered her face. They're eyes met but her mother quickly looked away, her shoulders tensed. Ember's stomach twisted with unease but she ignored and turned her full attention to Justine. This had to work. Her family's future depended on it.

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