Don't Destroy the World

42 - Safe

Ember had to stop herself from laughing. What was going on today? First Knight Vantosia and now Lady Allyana though both situations were different and so were the offers. Knight Vantosia was aware that she already had abilities while clearly Lady Allyana wasn't. On top of that, Knight Van offered her a full sponsorship while Lady Allyana was only offering her a Blessing. It was possible she was offering a sponsorship along with the Blessing but Ember doubted it.

"If you do decide to accept the Blessing, you would be tied to the Order," Lady Allyana continued. "But don't worry. As long as you don't get the Blessing ability, you can choose to leave the temple and only have to check in yearly."

That confirmed it. She wasn't disappointed. Lady Allyana only had so much authority and at her age, she looked around 17 or 18, and probably didn't have the pull to give out a sponsorship. She was giving the best she could in the given circumstances and honestly, it was very generous. Generous enough that an idea began to form in her mind. Wouldn't this be a great opportunity to give the Blessing to someone else? Rowan still had work to do before he would be ready for a Blessing but there was her mother. It was tempting but she had other plans and this could be a stepping stone.

"Thank you so much, Lady Allyana, for the generous offer," Ember said and smiled softly. "But I have to decline."

Lady Allyana blinked in surprise. "Why ever for? It is a great opportunity."

"I have been offered a sponsorship," Ember said, giving her a shy smile.

Lady Allyana let Ember's hand go as her shoulders drooped. "Oh, well that's a much better offer than mine."

Ember watched the noblewoman to see if she was angry at the refusal or suspicious, but the woman was honestly disappointed. Ember relaxed a little at that. It looked so far like Lady Allyana was a sweet and honest young woman and perhaps a bit naive.

Ember didn't say anything and simply waited. Her patience was soon rewarded when Lady Allyana looked up at her with determination.

"There must be something I can do for you."

Ember's brow furrowed like she was deep in thought and her voice came out hesitant. "Lady Allyana, I don't think you need to give me anything."

"Nonsense. It is the least I can do. You helped find Meri in just half a day when the guard made no progress. I have been assured that your contribution played a big part in that."

Ember frowned a little. Did that mean that Count Uniar knew about her mapping ability? If so, he hadn't informed his daughter it was an ability otherwise she would've never offered a Blessing. Still, it could complicate the situation if he did know about her ability since she didn't have a sponsor. It looked like she might have to solve the sponsorship issue much sooner than anticipated.

"I don't mean to push," Lady Allyana said hurriedly, misunderstanding her frown.

Ember smiled and shook her head. "I appreciate it, my Lady. I was having a hard time coming up with something but I didn't want to waste your time."

"You're not wasting my time," Lady Allyana said quickly, giving her a sweet smile. "How about this, you can just tell me when you are ready."

Ember's eyes brightened. "Really? That would be alright?"

"Of course." Lady Allyana reached for her purse and then pulled out a carved wooden coin and handed it to Ember. When you are ready you can give this to any of the Uniar guards or any priest in the Hekral temple and they will notify me of your request."

Ember had to stop herself from grinning and instead nodded her head gratefully. "Thank you." She carefully took the coin. It was a statement that Lady Allyana owed her a favor which was exactly what she had been after. Still, it wasn't enough for her main goal but it would work as a stepping stone.

After that, the discussion switched to a lively conversation about the city. Allyana seemed excited to share all the popular locations. Ember expected her to talk about things that would be out of the budget of a commoner but she was self-aware enough to provide affordable options and even offered to show them around.

Not long after that, there was a knock on the door and an acolyte came in to notify them an acolyte was there to take Allyana to see Meri. Immediately, Allyana stood up to leave and then stopped. "Why don't you come with us, Ember? I'm sure Meri would want to talk to you. You too, Patricia. She'll be excited to meet the Oracle."

Ember and Patricia shared a look before shrugging and deciding to go along with the energetic noble. Outside, waiting by the warrior-priests, was an acolyte leaning against the wall looking bored. He had messy brown hair and bright blue eyes. As soon as he saw Allyana, a wide grin spread across his face that immediately widened even further when he caught sight of Ember and Patricia.

"Oracle Patricia!" he said and immediately bowed.

Red seeped into Patricia's cheek. "You don't need to do that."

"Come on, Allen. You're embarrassing the poor girl," Lady Allyana said.

"I'm just showing respect. Something you could learn a bit more about," Allen said, giving Allyana a playful glare before straightening up. "I'm Acolyte Allen."

Ember was surprised at the casual tone between Allen and Lady Allyana, since he was an acolyte and hadn't introduced himself with a title that meant he was a commoner. Ember wondered if Lady Allyana was this casual with all the acolytes in the temple.

"Oracle Patricia," Patricia said, stepping closer to Ember. "But you can just call me Patricia."

"I wouldn't dare. The priest would have my head if I did anything of the sort." He gave a wary look at the warrior-priests though the way his eyes sparkled showed he wasn't actually that intimidated. One of the priests rolled his eyes but didn't say anything.

Allen then turned to Ember with curiosity. "And you are?"

"Maiden Ember. Oracle Patricia and I grew up in the same town."

Allen nodded his head in understanding before his attention returned to Allyana. "Meri is waiting for us. She's going to be excited to see you brought Oracle Patricia with you."

Patricia shifted nervously. Ember caught her eye and gave her a reassuring smile and then the group headed to the temple infirmary while two warrior-priests followed behind them. It was clear the priests were for Patricia but it made Ember wonder about Allyana's protection. So far, she hadn't noticed any guards. The noble couldn't be wandering around without protection, could she?

Once they reached the infirmary, they were approached by a tall blonde acolyte who immediately moved to Allyana's side. "I wish you wouldn't leave me behind, Lady Allyana."

Lady Allyana smiled gently at the acolyte. "Nonsense. I had the warrior-priests with me."

The acolyte gave her a reproachful look and Allyana sighed. "Fine, fine. It won't happen again." She then turned to Ember. "This is Maiden Ember and you already met Oracle Patricia. This is my personal guard, Acolyte Richard."

He nodded at Ember and Ember couldn't help being surprised at the information. Why would an acolyte be Allyana's guard instead of a warrior-priest? On top of that, he was young, no older than Allyana from what she could tell.

Allyana must have caught on to what Ember was thinking because she gave her an amused smile before her expression grew serious as she turned back to Richard. "How is she doing?"

Richard's expression was solemn. "Better but she's still wary."

Allyana nodded and then turned to Patricia. "Can you have your guards wait at the entrance?"

Patricia nodded and meekly ordered the warrior-priests to wait close by. Richard, for his part, joined Allen who was joking around with a group of acolytes. Even so, Richard positioned himself in a way that he would be able to keep a clear view of Allyana.

"This way," Allyana said and led the girls through the infirmary to where Meri lay in bed. She gave Patricia an apologetic look. "I'm sorry for asking your guards to stay behind. Meri gets nervous around men after the kidnapping."

Allyana looked sober at her words but the expression vanished when they reached Meri.

Meri was propped up by pillows as she talked with a girl beside her. Ember couldn't say she looked any better than before. She was pale and her cornflower blond hair was stringy. There was a smile on her face but it looked tired and her brown eyes were dulled. Every once in a while, a tremor would go through her body. Still, she listened intently to her friend.

The girl beside her looked up at them with excited blue eyes. Her chin-length auburn hair bounced as she moved. "Allyana!" She then looked at Ember and Patricia curiously before turning back to the noble. "Where's Allen and Richard?"

"They're talking with some friends at the door."

The girl frowned. "You should have brought them with you."

"Bridget," Allyana said admonishingly, glancing at Meri and then back at the girl.

Bridget looked annoyed. "They're our friends. Of course, Meri wants to see them. Isn't that right Meri?"

Meri scrunched down in her blankets and looked away. "Maybe later."

Bridget huffed and seemed on the verge of saying more when Allyana quickly cut in.

"Oracle Patricia, these are Acolytes Bridget and Meri."

Both girls turned to stare at Patricia who gave them a small wave.

"You're the Oracle? You're so young," Bridget exclaimed.

Patricia looked embarrassed.

"What age were you expecting her to be?" Ember cut in and her voice came out sharper than she had planned.

Ember thought Bridget's exclamation was over-exaggerated. Patricia was 14 and Bridget and her friends were only 17 and 18 at most. The gap wasn't that big, unlike with herself.

Bridget looked shocked and then flushed. "I didn't mean anything by that. I just expected her to be an adult." She looked curious at Ember. "And if you don't mind, who are you?"

"Maiden Ember," she said. "Oracle Patricia and I grew up in the same town."

Bridget frowned and then looked away, her attention returning to Patricia. It was an obvious dismissal. Meri, on the other hand, stared at her in wonder.

"You're the one who helped save me," Meri said. Immediately, everyone's attention returned to Ember.

Ember shifted, uncomfortably. Her actions while saving Meri were supposed to be secret but not only Allyana but Meri knew. She thought about ignoring Meri's statement but the girl looked at her desperately. Finally, Ember nodded.

"You have to be kidding me. She has to be no older than ten or eleven," Bridget said.

"Twelve," Ember corrected.

Meri ignored Bridget and gestured for Ember to step closer. Ember reluctantly did. As soon as she was beside her bed, Meri grabbed her hands in a desperate, almost painful grip.

"Thank you," Meri said. Her voice shook as tears ran down her cheeks. "Thank you."

Meri's body trembled as she began to let out harsh gasping sobs and clutched onto Ember as if she would disappear if she didn't. Over and over again she kept saying thank you. Ember's heart tightened in her chest and she reached out and hugged the girl tightly. Meri was shaking so hard, it felt like her bones were rattling.

Bridget and Allyana stared, both their faces twisted in distress while Patricia watched with a knowing sadness in her eyes. Ember stroked the girl's back, unsure what else to do. So, she held her and began to whisper in her ear.

"You're safe. It's okay. You're safe."

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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