Don’t Mess with Shennong

Chapter 15 - Trust between people

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Shennong do not make trouble!

Wang Ping’an tried his best to ask the reason why she was crying. She finally quarreled with her grandmother. Her mother went back to her mother’s house with her anger, and the grandparents even locked the door directly and went to the farm.

The specific details are not clear. It is estimated that the mother is going to take her with her, and the grandparents are not allowed. They are not full at noon, and they ca n’t go home, and they do n’t know where the grandparents are, so they can only cry at the door.

Wang Ping’an had convinced the family, especially the old black couple and even the only biological granddaughter. If the child fell into the ditch naughtily and drowned, it would be too late to regret it.

Even if there is not a lot of bachelors in the village, but the patriarchal mindset is still serious. Sweet hasn’t been treated by their old couple since they were born.

However, the confused old couple didn’t even think about it. The son was missing and the granddaughter was the only one who inherited their blood. The widowed daughter-in-law was filial and loyal.

Wang Pingan gave the pig’s head meat and fatty intestines to him for sweetness. He was obviously hungry, but he chose to choose from four. He said that the pig’s head meat was too salty and that the fatty intestines were too stinky. He would rather follow him to the backyard to pick cucumbers and tomatoes for eating instead of halogen. Meat and fat intestines.

“Uh? Doesn’t suit her taste?” Wang Ping’s confusion, just took a bite, in addition to being a bit salty, it’s actually pretty good.

Wang Wang Wang, Wang Wang Wang.

The big yellow dog sparrow came back, smelled the smell of Wang Ping, rushed directly into the backyard vegetable garden, and shook his head.

Wang Pingping was shocked to see the miserable appearance of the big yellow dog. There were several wounds on his body, and he was still bleeding.

But looking at it with a high-spirited look, it must have won, so it was displayed in front of Wang Ping’an.

“What are you doing? Doing a fight with a wild boar, or doing a gun against a rival? It’s a pity to have a good fur and leave scars.”

Wang Wang, Wang Wang!

The yellow dog unwillingly barked a few times, thinking that Wang Ping’an was too incapable of talking, paying attention to what the dog’s fur was doing, and wanted to make a dog fur coat?

Wang Ping’an didn’t deal with the wound. When he saw it pitiful, he took some leftovers from the kitchen and added a few pieces of pig’s head meat. The yellow dog immediately ate it happily.

“The sparrow is so pitiful. It must be so painful to have so much blood on her body.” Tiantian squats aside holding a big tomato, with great compassion, watching the big yellow dog eat.

“What should I do?” Wang Ping’an asked.

“If it doesn’t bite me, I’ll blow it up, my mother said it won’t hurt.” Tian Tian said solemnly.

“This is a stupid dog and likes to bite. You should stop blowing.”

“Sparrows are not stupid, are you stupid … oops, you gave me something to eat, I won’t say you are stupid today.”

“…” Wang Ping’an was despised by Little Loli again.

At this time, Wang Degui came back on his bicycle and saw that Wang Ping’an was already at home, and the watermelon on the motorcycle’s three wheels was gone, and he was suddenly happy.

“Erbao, actually came back so early? The watermelon is sold out? No surprises?” Wang Degui put his bicycle away and carried a red convenience bag out of the basket with something in it, exuding the smell of barbecue.

“It’s sold out, everything is going well.” Wang Pingping replied.

“No, I heard people say that this year’s harvest of melons and fruits is low, and the price is low. It is difficult to sell the goods. It is impossible for you to go into the city to sell watermelons for the first time. Isn’t it smooth?” Wang Degui obviously didn’t believe it.

“Do you believe it, go to the city with me tomorrow morning to see, don’t you know?” Wang Ping felt that his father didn’t believe in himself. If he was a mother, not only did he believe, a bunch of words of praise flew out long ago.

“What about the money? Show me the money for watermelon, and I believe it.” It’s not that Wang Degui doesn’t believe in his son, but that this silly son doesn’t provoke trouble, and he burns a high fragrance. How can he really count on him to help Sell ​​watermelon at home?

A large stack of banknotes sold is still in Wang Ping’s purse. Almost all of them are brand new hundred-dollar bills. There are very few loose changes. Untied the purse strap and thrown it to Wang Degui.

Wang Degui opened it and immediately froze. There was a neat stack of pink banknotes and a very small number of small green banknotes. They were also neatly arranged as if they had just been taken out of the bank.

“Erbao, don’t bully your dad who hasn’t sold watermelon. Where are you from this stack of big bills? Did you go to rob the bank?” Wang Degui’s hand trembles, and he feels he has guessed the truth.

“Oh, more than six thousand dollars, just robbed the bank? Which bank is so poor?” Wang Ping thought that this father was too unreliable, so why would he think? Can’t you think about your own son?

“Then you robbed the aunt who just took money? Dad told you, if the situation is serious, your mental illness can’t save you …”

“…” Is there any way to communicate? What about basic trust between people? What about harmonious and healthy socialist values?

Just when things went a bit out of control, his mother Su Wenting finally came back and felt the atmosphere in the courtyard was wrong.

Wang Degui held his son ’s purse for selling watermelon, some trembling slightly, the cooked food bag had fallen to the ground, and his son Wang Pingping was in a daze, wondering what to think, sweetly crouching beside the big yellow dog who was eating leftovers, secretly facing it Blow …

“What’s the matter? How do you come back so early today? The son’s money for selling watermelon is wrong? Stolen? Deceived? Robbed?” Su Wenting let his voice be as gentle as possible, fearing that it might touch an unpredictable outbreak point.

“Wife, you finally came back. Come and see! There are at least five or six thousand dollars in this wallet. The son said, this is his money for selling watermelon today? Are you stupid of me, or is he stupid? Who are you? ? Am I such a cheat? “

Wang Degui was overly worried and was already a little irritable and annoyed. He finally found a smart person who could talk, and he had to give up the right to judge.

“Ah? Five or six thousand dollars? So much? Don’t worry, let me ask my son.” Su Wenting took the money, but also stunned, but she is a person who has seen the big waves and is not panicking.

So she patiently asked softly: “Erbao, you pull that cart of watermelon, at most five or six hundred pounds, how many pounds of your watermelon are you selling?”

“There are more than six hundred catties, ten yuan a catty sold, there should be more than six thousand yuan in the wallet, is there anything wrong?”

“Sold for ten yuan a catty? According to the arithmetic problem, this is correct. But watermelon is not lychee, mango, how can sell ten yuan a catty?”

“I don’t know too! Anyway, it’s sold. If you don’t believe it, let my dad sell watermelon tomorrow?” Wang Pingping couldn’t help but find someone to sell watermelon for himself.

“Wait, I’ll call Laiwang.” Su Wenting said, dialed Laiwang’s phone, asked a few words carefully, and then hung up the phone blankly.

“What’s the matter? Lai Wangzao said?” Wang Degui was uneasy. He always felt that something was wrong, and he seemed to be unlucky again.

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