Don’t Mess with Shennong

Chapter 42 - Want to grab my bed

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Shennong do not make trouble!

Wang Ping’an saved his money and hurried out. He didn’t even hear the request from the bank accountant’s sister to add WeChat. The younger sister stomped her feet.

The middle-aged aunt inside the counter couldn’t help laughing, and the molars were all exposed after the laugh.

The girl who took the selfie stick and concentrated on the live broadcast, Wang Ping remembered it. It was the first time he went to the city to sell watermelons. The people who helped him, spread the very popular “Small Price Watermelon Video” in the group, which she shot. .

Wang Fengxi and the girls of the same age had a very happy chat, chattering, laughing from time to time, seeing Wang Ping coming over, and busy introducing to both parties.

“Brother, this is my classmate Lu Xueqi, and also a roommate who lives in a dormitory. The relationship is usually good. The beauty who is broadcasting is her cousin Ouyang Keke, the net name Cokeer, a food anchor, and there are many fans. Ten thousand. “

Wang Ping’an smiled and said hello to his sister and classmates. Seeing that the live broadcast over there was just over, he took the initiative and said: “Hello, last time you helped me promote my watermelon, I have not formally thanked you yet.”

“Oh, you are the king of watermelons. Your watermelons are so delicious. I have fans who bought your watermelons. But in the past two days, why did n’t you go to the farmers’ market? Nowhere. “

Ouyang Keke was more enthusiastic and excited than Wang Ping’an. He rushed over and grabbed his hand. He continued: “Leave me a contact. Some children in the family of fans have anorexia. Other things can’t be stuffed into their mouths. , Just love your watermelon. “

“In the past two days, I was urged by countless fans, forced, and begged me to go to Huaxi Town to find delicious melons and fruits. It is best to find you. I ca n’t think of you until the end of today ’s live broadcast. If the fans Knowing that I found you, the gift of brushing will definitely drive me crazy. “

“Also, I want to buy a few watermelons and go back to the city. This is my most important task. By the way, where is your home? Take me quickly.”

“This … what … uh …” Wang Ping had no chance to intervene.

On the other side, Wang Fengxi and classmate Lu Xueqi whispered.

“Why is your cousin seeing my brother so excited? Will you fall in love with my brother?”

“Although your brother is very handsome, there are many handsome guys who pursue my cousin, shouldn’t they?”

“But your cousin took my brother’s hand and never let go.”

“…” Lu Xueqi couldn’t refute. She felt that her cousin was too unpretentious. How could she chase it down?

Wang Ping’an finally explained what happened in the last two days, and today’s watermelon has just been picked, and the field has not matured.

Ouyang Keke was extremely disappointed, but when he got to Wang Ping’s mobile phone number, he knew that the Huanuoshan fruit chain store had Shennong watermelon for sale, and the goal was basically completed.

After calming down, I realized that I had been holding Wang Ping’s hand, a little embarrassed, and my cheeks were red.

“After two days, I will come to Huaxi Town again to do a live broadcast. When the time comes, I will call you, but you have to answer it.”

“Relax, as long as you can hear it, you won’t miss it. It is best to come at noon, I invite you to dinner.” Wang Ping’an promised.

“What if I come at night?” Ouyang Keke asked playfully.

“…” Wang Ping’s face was dumbfounded. How come I know what will happen when you come tonight. It’s impossible. You and the young lady of the bank want to grab my bed?

Oh, women, always dream about the impossible.

I’m just a bed. If I were robbed of you, where would I sleep?

Seeing that it was getting dark, Wang Ping’an and Wang Fengxi took them to the station and waited for them to leave by car before returning to the motorcycle’s three wheels to buy roasted rabbits.

The big yellow dog has been in a hurry, whining, venting his dissatisfaction.

Had it not been possible to smell the familiar taste of rabbit meat, it had already been rebelled.

I bought a spicy roast rabbit and was about to go home. Wang Ping’s cell phone rang, which was called by his father Wang Degui.

“Erbao, the village party secretary and the village director are going to drink at home tonight. If you are on the street, buy some braised vegetables and drink wine, and then drink five pounds of good wine. The leading wine shop opened by our villagers is at the north end of the street. You want Do n’t know, ask Feng Xi, she knows the place. “

“I have an impression of that place, and I will do it. I will go back immediately. Don’t worry.” Wang Ping’an is not the former two silly. Many things can be understood at first thought.

The village party secretary Wang Deli and the village director Wang Jingyi came to the house to drink. They must have been invited by his father. He wanted to keep the watermelon field in the north of the village.

Of course, it is also possible that Wang Deli and Wang Jingyi deliberately rubbed wine. When something went wrong in the village and the village committee needed to adjust it, they rubbed wine, which had become the norm.

In fact, how to change the two plots, Wang Ping’an feels indifferent. No matter how he does it, he will not suffer a loss, but his parents may not think so, and will consider the problems of face and subsequent impact.

“Brother, what did our dad say on the phone?” Wang Fengxi asked.

“If you want to buy vegetables and wine, ask the village branch secretary and village director to eat and drink.” Wang Ping said, ran to the place where he sold braised vegetables, and bought a bunch of braised vegetables and cold vegetables.

Longtou Wine Shop is a famous wine shop in Huaxi Town. The master brewer is the old wine head of Wangjing Village. The house happens to be the ninth. Some people call his nine brothers, some call his nine uncles, and Wang Ping’an calls his nine lords.

When I ran to see the doctor while holding my grandmother this afternoon, I met the ninth man who had met the puller jar and talked.

Now the owner of the shop is Jiuye ’s son. Wang Ping’an recognizes that he should call his uncle about his seniority.

“Uncle, hit five pounds of good wine, please use it tonight.” Wang Ping entered the wine shop and shouted to the boss who was calculating the bill.

“Yo, it’s a dumb, long-suffering, long time no see, you will drink alcohol?” The boss grinned, his front teeth cracked, laughing, and running.

Wang Ping’an was called accustomed to the second fool, and it didn’t matter, but Wang Fengxi, who followed, didn’t like it and felt harsh.

“Uncle Huozi is really rich, how many years do not go home, I don’t even know that my brother will drink alcohol? My Jiuye is also true, find someone who can drink alcohol to see the store, not afraid of good wine leaking . “

Wang Fengxi’s master-level mocking skills were all on, and he heard the shopkeeper’s face change at the time. He wanted to scold back a few words, but remembered that Wang Ping’an had also hit Ma Baotian who sold fish this morning.

“Cough, what nonsense are you, no big or small, uncle and two silly make a joke, you are a girl’s family, what is it?”

“My brother is not stupid, you should pay attention to it. Don’t call it silly or silly all day, who do you call?”

“…” The shopkeeper was attentive.

Wang Fengxi is simply a rebirth of Emperor Douhou, so horrible, as long as there is no psychological burden, he is not afraid of fighting with anyone, and he is afraid of Grandma.

“Hehe.” Wang Ping’an stared at the store owner, smiled innocently, and inadvertently picked up a 500-jin wine jar, loosened, caught, loosened, and caught again.

The owner of the shop who had already confessed his eyes was almost staring. No wonder he said in the morning that Wang Pingping had beaten Ma Baotian. Who can dare to provoke him with this strength?

“Haha, all from my family. If the joke can’t be opened, the uncle will accompany you to play a game. Guess which wine is the best and the most expensive in this room. I guess I will give you five pounds for free. Guess not There is no dime discount when paying at the central price. “

The owner smiled awkwardly and his face was stiff, but under the bizarre eyes of the two siblings, he had to hold his face and said a game rule.

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