Don’t Mess with Shennong

Chapter 56 - Building plan

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Wang Ping chose a large reddish peach and picked it. It was still slightly hard, but because of its natural maturity and strong fragrance, he ran to the edge of the pond, washed it, and put it in his mouth to bite.

Thick peach fragrance, with a slight acidity in the sweet, and a lot of juice, you need to take a bite to take a bite to ensure that the juice does not overflow.

“It’s weird that such delicious peaches can’t be sold at a good price every year. Even without spraying Shennong mineral water, I think these peaches are of first-class quality, and you can enter the boutique fruit supermarket and sell for a good price.”

Wang Ping’an took another two bites, and the more satisfied he was, the more he could wait for another two or three days before he could pick the earliest batch of Huaxi Peach.

The big yellow dog squatted boringly beside him, whining, and seemed to be questioning, what about rabbits, what about good rabbits?

Wang Ping’an seems to have forgotten the rabbit’s affairs and entered Taoyuan and saw a lot of weeds on the ground.

Today, my father Wang Degui has come to clean up, but after careful inspection, Wang Ping found that only a small piece of weed, most of the weeds, are still growing wildly, higher than the knee.

I heard that there are people in the orchard outside who are raising native chickens, also known as orchard chickens. They can eat grass and insects, save feeding costs, and promote the healthy growth of peach orchards.

The orchard chickens are raised, because the feed is pure natural wild herbs and insects, plus the free-range method, the activity is large, the chicken is compact, the taste is excellent, and it can be sold at a high price.

No one in Wangjing Village ’s orchard has done this yet. They may not be used to this method, or they may be mostly subtropical fruits, which are not suitable for raising chickens.

The small-scale Taoyuan has not yet attracted the attention of the growers, of course, it may be afraid of trouble.

Wang Degui sent his daughter to take a car, and when he came back, he ran to Taoyuan to take a look, and wanted to pull some weeds by the way.

Just after stopping the motorcycle tricycle, the big yellow dog ran out of the depths of Taoyuan and shook his head.

“Huh? Why is the sparrow here? Is it possible that Erbao is also inside?” Wang Degui thought about it and looked inside, and found that Wang Ping was pulling grass inside.

“Dad, there are so many grasses in Taoyuan, why don’t you take care of yourself? Is it too lazy?” As a tender salted fish, Wang Ping’an is now a little bit scornful of his father’s laziness.

“Haha, usually too busy to work, there is no time to pull the grass. Besides, the price of peaches is not high, you can sell them every year, you can earn a little money, how can you be careful?” Wang Degui explained.

“Last year, the fruit merchant came to the village to collect peaches. How much was a catty?” Wang Ping’an asked again.

“At the beginning, I received one and a half pounds, but then two and two, and when I was about to leave the garden, I only gave one dollar and a pound. The retail price at that time was about three yuan. I sold it directly to the fruit seller to save trouble.”

“The purchase price is too low.” Wang Ping frowned.

“Then what is the solution? Like this year’s watermelon, there is no fruit merchant to buy it even if it is cheap. If it is not sold, it will only rot in the ground. We have good luck, the watermelon has mutated, and the taste is very good. Only then people buy at a high price. Otherwise, You sell a watermelon every day, and you ca n’t sell it. ”Wang Degui said truthfully.

All the truth is said, but Wang Ping’an listens to his heart, but it is uncomfortable. How can he achieve his small goal of one million?

If the peach on these six acres of land is harvested by a fruit merchant, let alone one million, fifty thousand will not be sold.

Now, we can only hope that the Shennong auxiliary system will show its spirit and send a few more bottles of Shennong mineral water.

Seeing Wang Ping’s silence, Wang Degui didn’t know what his son was thinking, so he pointed to a piece of Taoyuan next to him and said, “This is the Taoyuan your grandma wants to exchange with us. There are more than three acres of land. The peach variety we planted is Huaxi. Peach. It ’s just that the land of your uncle ’s house is not connected to this piece of peach garden. It is a little further north, and it has developed a lot further east, plus a part of contracting others, the scale is not small. “

“If she is really busy in the town, we can only receive this piece of Taoyuan, connected together, there are ten acres of land. You want to build a house wherever you want, the roadside location is good, close to the water, you can take a little farming by the way. . If you go inside, you can lean on the hill, the scenery and the air are better. “

Wang Degui knew his mother Mi Guizhi’s temper, did not achieve her purpose, and never gave up. She really went to town for a few days, and the change of land almost became a foregone conclusion.

Therefore, he is ready for land conversion.

Wang Ping looked around for a while, and he already had a plan in his mind: “Covering on the side of the road, at least dozens of peach trees have to be cut off, which is not cost-effective. It is still built in the Taoyuan, leaning on the hill to build a small building, I see I ’ve been through other mountain village buildings on TV, so it ’s very beautiful. “

“Uh … OK, although digging the foot of the mountain will cost more money, but it is really pretty and shady to cover like that.” The father and son happily reached a basic agreement.

Of course, if grandmother Mi Guizhi did not take away the watermelon field in the north, the Taoyuan in Wang Ping’s family had enough room to build a house. Just apply to the village committee.

It was getting dark and the father and son brought the yellow dog home. Su Wenting had already prepared dinner and was preparing to call them.

“Erbao, how come back so late? Are you having a good time with your friends in the city?” Su Wenting’s expression is a little weird, and she deliberately asked Wang Ping’an.

“Those people in the city who walked into the mountains should be very happy to see what they look like. I will be back at more than four o’clock in the afternoon and go to the Southland Taoyuan to pull the grass.” Wang Pingping answered.

“I heard that there is a beautiful woman in there? It is the female secretary of Huaguoshan Chain Company. She has come to the village to pick watermelon twice? What is Xu called?”

“Her name is Xu Qing, a very nice person with a good personality and a beautiful person. She also taught me how to use a mobile phone to surf the Internet. What happened, Mom asked what to do with this?” Wang Ping asked, puzzled.

“Nothing, nothing, you think she’s fine. By the way, what is her family doing? Listen to the villagers saying that the car she drives is expensive? Bentley?”

“How do I know … We are just ordinary friends, and ask her what she is doing at home?” Wang Ping’an washed his hands and sat down at the table to eat. He was too full at noon and is now hungry.

“Ordinary friends should treat others well, did you know? Next time she has time, please ask her to sit at home?” Su Wenting said very enthusiastically.

“Well, if everyone has time,” Wang Ping’an said, he had already started to concentrate on eating and stopped talking.

Su Wenting and Wang Degui whispered what they were talking about, and seemed to be very concerned about the first girl who appeared beside Wang Ping’an.

At night, Wang Tiantian didn’t come to rub rice, which made Wang Ping’an not used to it. After asking, she learned that her uncle’s grandma and grandpa’s family had come at noon and wanted to take Wang Tiantian back to live for a few days.

In the end, things didn’t go through and the quarrel was fierce. The little girl was kept at home by her grandparents, she didn’t let it go, and she didn’t have a chance to rub her rice.

Wang Ping sighed and said nothing. After he was full, he took tools and a big yellow dog and went to the north to see the watermelon.

This night was all right. Wang Ping’an remembered the ten catties of good wine from Jiuye and went home to clean it up. He ran into the village before breakfast.

Entering the small road where Jiu Ye ’s house is located, you can smell the rich aroma of lees. There are various lees drying on the side of the road. It can be seen that his winery is made of real grain, unlike some unscrupulous small wineries. , See the lees once a year.

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