Don’t Mess with Shennong

Chapter 735 - Murder in dream

The people in the interrogation room were a little surprised to see Wang Ping An’s sleep so quickly, because his performance was not as good as ordinary people.

Hypnotist Lu Daochang, not only was born good at mental spells, he also ate a mutant fruit, which also increased mental power. This makes him invincible in the field of hypnosis.

Today’s Daoist Chief Lu is already the sweet potato of the inspectorate. Whenever he encounters difficult bones, he will be asked to come forward and use hypnotism to obtain a confession.

He crossed the interrogation room for dozens…for dozens of days. He had seen all kinds of difficult characters. The longest time, it took him three hours to hypnotize the opponent successfully.

But it was the first time I saw someone like Wang Ping An who snore at the beginning of hypnosis.

“Wang Pingan, you slept very soundly and peacefully. You came to the safest place you like best. I am your good friend Daochang Lu. Let’s drink and chat. Let’s talk about Wang Jiayu first, you After wounding him, why kill him?”


“Don’t be nervous and relax. We are just friends chatting privately. No one will overhear. I’m just curious, why did you act on Wang Jiayu who has lost resistance? I heard that you like his wife? Kill him, you are Isn’t he able to possess his wife?”


“Everyone is a man, don’t be embarrassed to admit it, you all understand, Wang Jiayu’s wife is really pretty…Huh? Why don’t you talk? Wang Ping An, Wang Ping An? Don’t just sleep, let’s talk…?”


Lu Daochang was stunned, what was his reaction? This is not a successful hypnosis, this is Wang Ping An really asleep?

The entire interrogation room was embarrassing.

“Then what, Mr. Lu, should we wake him up and hypnotize him again?” someone suggested.

“No need!” Lu Daochang’s face was gloomy, with a kind of anger after being humiliated, he said irritably, “Since he dares to fall asleep, then I dare to enter his dream and guide him to tell the truth. The effect is the same. You can Record video throughout.”

“Lu Daochang has supernatural powers, and he can actually enter the dream state. Why haven’t he used it before?”

“No one of those people dared to really fall asleep before.”


The video equipment is in place, the recording equipment is in place, and Mr. Lu is in place.

Cross-legged, cast spells, pinched the seal technique, Lu Daochang’s eyes flashed a strange light, and with a swish, it rushed into Wang Ping’an’s eyebrows.

Tang Buqi was slightly surprised. He didn’t think that Daochang Lu had already touched the edge of his soul out of his body, and he was only one step away from entering the concentration period.

This method of entering other people’s dreams is very similar to the method of leaving the body of the soul, and has the same effect.

Wang Pingan was sleeping soundly, suddenly trance, saw a vague figure, it was Wang Jiayu, with disheveled hair, bloodstained face, feet not touching the ground, floating, flying towards him.

“My death is so miserable, I’m so miserable, I can’t die in the underworld, I want revenge, Wang Ping’an, you pay my life…”

This sound, like a ghost film special effect, is intermittent, high and low, and miserable. It really makes people cry when they hear it and sad when they see it.

“You’re endless, you deserve it, killing your own wife makes sense? Go ahead and bother me, I will beat you to death…Huh?” At this point, Wang Ping’an suddenly became sober.

I used to dream about only one content, that is, the various things in the fairy world, and the thing that was bombarded by countless celestial weapons at the time of reincarnation, and finally the soul was scattered.

Since Master loaded himself with a Shennong system, his cultivation has gradually improved, and he hardly dreams.

Today, he had a terrifying dream, which was the content of Wang Jiayu’s life, which made him feel that something was wrong.

Thinking of the hypnotist before going to bed, I thought that this might be caused by the other party.

Can a ghost see himself?

When Wang Jiayu was alive, he was not afraid of him, let alone died?

At this time, Wang Jiayu’s “ghost” was still chattering and guiding something, wanting to let Wang Ping’an tell the details of the murder himself.

“…If you didn’t try to occupy my wife and cause rumors in the village, how could I kill her? After all, you killed her, and you killed my wife. You pay my life and pay my wife’s life. Come……”

“Noisy, death.” Wang Ping’an had no patience. Even in his dream, he was disgusted by the other party’s comments. He reached out his hand, and a black whirlpool shot from his fingertips and went straight to Wang Jiayu’s ghost.

Daochang Lu turned into Wang Jiayu’s ghost, speaking happily, and suddenly felt a panic. The black whirlpool, like the substance, with an indescribable great terror, instantly swallowed his soul.

He felt that it was not in a dream, it was like a real black vortex, and the soul trembled with fear when he saw this black vortex.

A terrible pain shattered his soul, and his consciousness disappeared.

Nothing exists anymore, and the dream naturally disappears.

Wang Ping’an continued to sleep because he was indeed sleepy.

In the interrogation room, Daochang Lu was still sitting in front of Wang Ping An, his posture was more upright, his expression still serious, but his body temperature seemed to be getting lower and lower, and even became a little stiff.

The entire interrogation team was staring at Wang Ping’an and Lu Daochang intently, with all equipment facing them.

Three minutes passed.

Five minutes passed.

Ten minutes passed.

There was no change in the postures of Wang Pingan and Lu Daochang, except that Wang Pingan’s grunt changed a little, from a long “huhuhu” to a soft “huhuhu” sound.

This means he sleeps deeper and sweeter.

Tang Buqi stood sore in his legs, his eyes hurt, and he still didn’t see a trace of change. The evidence he wanted from Wang Ping’s confession did not appear.

“Xiao Lu, this won’t work. You can withdraw quickly and try another method. Time is tight, I’m afraid I won’t be able to withstand the pressure above.” Tang Buqi said, gently pushing Lu Daochang’s shoulder.

Then, the panic happened to everyone.

Lu Daochang’s body slowly fell down, still maintaining a sitting posture, but after falling down, it was not quite standard.

Tang Buqi was shocked, and when he touched, he found that Daochang Lu was cold.

It stands to reason that for more than ten minutes, even if a person dies, the body will not be stiff, nor will it become cold.

However, things in the spiritual world are never reasonable. Wang Ping’an’s finger in the dream, who knows what has been wiped out, directly killed Lu Daochang.

“Dead? Who did it?” Tang Buqi said such a frightened consciously, and then everyone’s eyes moved to Wang Ping An.

Although they knew that Wang Ping’an had been sleeping, everyone believed that the death of Daochang Lu might be related to him.

Killing in a dream?

This is too scary, right?

Daochang Lu can only manipulate dreams and can hypnotize them. This one is good, and kills people in his dreams.

How to try this kind of person?

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