Don’t panic when the apocalypse comes, stock up on food first and then guns

Chapter 13 Countdown to the Doomsday

The second day of heavy rain.

The water level in the city has reached a depth of about [-] meters.

The water level in the community rose to the fourth floor, and many people realized that this was not an ordinary heavy rain.

At the same time, power outages began in many places across the city.

Some elevator rooms are completely unusable, not to mention the subway. The double-decker bus parked on the street that was still visible yesterday has long since disappeared.

In the flood, various packaging bags floated on the water, some containing food and drinks, as well as medicines and other daily necessities.

Some people who are aware of the danger have begun to think of ways to salvage supplies.

Although the news has been calming the people, people's hearts have begun to become restless.

And since this morning, many people have fainted for no reason and then developed fever. All major hospitals were overcrowded overnight, and even the corridors were full of people sleeping.

The first aid sound of ambulance boats shuttled through the water in the streets and alleys, constantly pulling people to the hospital.

Yesterday, there were some people taking advantage of the chaos to rob gold and silver jewelry stores and even banks. But today, unless you go diving, you can't find the specific locations of these stores.

The third day of heavy rain.

The water was [-] meters deep, and many places in the city were submerged below the sixth or seventh floor.

Hospitals can no longer accommodate people, and many hospitals have even been flooded and forced to relocate.

The whole city was in chaos. Not only were rescue boats running around, but there were also people using their own motorboats or small boats to take advantage of the chaos.

The authorities can't control it at all.

Helicopters flew over the sky from time to time. The rich and powerful people evacuated the city before ordinary people and went to higher ground.

The government urges everyone to take medicine if they have it at home, and to get medical treatment first if there is no medicine, and stay at home to wait for rescue.

There were only rescue teams on the water outside, and many people were running out of food at home.

The neighborhood committee began to organize the distribution of relief supplies. Now that the zombies have not appeared, most people think this is just a natural disaster.

But natural disasters will always pass, and order will be restored after the heavy rain.

Therefore, although it is chaotic, there is also order within the chaos.

The community group has turned on the mute mode to prohibit the spread of all kinds of rumors that disturb people's hearts.

As the water level rises, everyone below the seventh floor has moved up.

If you are looking for friends, look for friends, if you are looking for relatives, look for relatives, and if you don’t have any relatives in this building, just use money.

Many people temporarily stayed in other people's homes in high-rise buildings.

But some people refuse to allow outsiders to live there.

No one came to Jiang You's floor. After all, there is no elevator now. Who would climb more than [-] floors leisurely.

There were originally some empty houses in Jiang You's building, but the owners were not at home or had not rented them out.

But now, almost all of these empty houses have had their doors opened and locked.

On the fourth day, the rain stopped.

As the first ray of sunshine appeared on the earth in the morning, the heavy rain stopped completely.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. If the heavy rain continued, no one knew what situation they would face.

But there was no time to breathe a sigh of relief.

The next second, all parts of the city fell into greater panic.

Wang Lier on the [-]th floor looked dissatisfied at her little nephew who was eating her potato chips on the sofa in the living room. This little guy broke her collection of figurines.

She also broke all her lipstick off, which the naughty kid hated!

And it was just a little snack, but before she even ate it, her parents gave it to her little nephew.

She also said that he had a fever and was not feeling well, but she saw that he had a good appetite and showed no signs of illness at all.

But at this moment, her little nephew who was eating potato chips suddenly stopped moving, and a few seconds later his whole back was twitching.

Wang Li'er thought he had his throat stuck. Thinking of Heim's immediate first aid method that she had seen, she rushed over and picked up her little nephew and started first aid.

Although the little nephew is naughty, it is impossible to watch him choke to death.

Wang Lier shouted while giving first aid.

"Mom, Dad, uncle, come here quickly, Bingbing's throat is stuck!"

"I ahhhh!"

Wang Lier, who was rescuing, felt her wrist being bitten hard before she finished speaking, and the cry for help in her throat instantly turned into a scream.

"Quickly open your mouth! Why are you biting!"

She thought it was her nephew playing a prank.

He threw him on the sofa and glanced at his bleeding wrist. He felt angry and painful, and his whole body was shaking with anger.

"What are you doing?! Pranks must have limits..."

She turned her head as she spoke, and the remaining words in her throat couldn't help but get stuck in her throat, unable to be spoken.

Bingbing's face on the sofa turned blue-black, his skin rotted rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and an unspeakable stench overflowed from his body.

The originally round eyes lost their luster, and the eyeballs turned gray and severely protruded.

The cleanly trimmed fingernails also turned blue-black and were as sharp as animal claws.

That way, it looks like a biochemical zombie in an American TV series!

"ho ho"

Bingbing opened his mouth and roared at Wang Lier.

His arms and legs were bent, his back was arched, showing an attack posture, and then he couldn't wait to rush towards her with his mouth wide open.

"Ahhhhhhh zombies!!!!!"

"Dad!!! Mommy, save me!!!"

"Monster!!! Help!!!"

Similar scenes occur in every corner of the city.

Screams could be heard throughout the building.

At this time, Jiang You was doing weight training. She has been training every day since the end of stocking up.

Five hundred push-ups, five hundred sit-ups, a thousand frog jumps...

Her daily diet is also dedicated to nutritious foods. While ensuring her body's nutrition, she trains to the limit of her body.

The living room was quiet except for heavy breathing.

Although many public facilities are out of power, there is no full-scale power outage. At least in their community, except for the elevator being unusable, household electricity is still normal.

The TV was playing chaotic scenes at this time.

The picture showed a trembling male news anchor. Different from his previous meticulousness, his hair and clothes were obviously a little messy.

He was sitting in a helicopter. The picture below the helicopter was a hospital. Half of the floors of the entire hospital were submerged in water. There were so many people sick these days, and the hospital was already overcrowded.

After the zombie outbreak, it became the center of the first fall.

Screams were heard endlessly, and patients in hospital gowns were crowded everywhere chasing people to eat.

Helicopters continued to land on the top floor of the hospital, and those who came out were armed troops armed with firearms who came to the rescue.

Screams, cries for help, and the sound of gunfire and bullets mixed together to make people feel numb.

The drone filmed left the hospital and exposed various parts of the city to the camera. The host constantly reminded everyone on TV to help themselves.

The doomsday broke out suddenly, and a large number of zombies broke out even among the troops.

Soldiers have been training for a long time, and their physical fitness is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

But once such a person turns into a zombie, it is not something that ordinary people can deal with.

At this time, there was a total collapse, and everyone could no longer care about it.

There is no way to launch a large-scale rescue, we can only let everyone actively save themselves.

Under more video footage, Jiang You saw people jumping into the water from high places in panic.

Swim hard in the water.

There were also more people shouting for help and screaming.

In the water, there were not only people escaping, but also zombies chasing people to eat.

These zombies became more sluggish after falling into the water. They had no reason, only instinctive appetite.

Therefore, most of them can only float in the water and drift with the current.

But if a living person passes by and disturbs them, they will instinctively struggle to open their mouths to bite or catch.

But when there are no living people, they float on the water like dummies, or sink in the water.

As for the question of whether zombies will drown.

Of course not, because they are already dead, how could they still be dead?

Zombies that sink deep into the water will only fall into dormancy.

Zombies don't need to breathe.

Now, the water in this city is probably filled with densely packed sleeping zombies.

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